Almost all of his limbs were paralyzed, and violent cramps were surging in his body. If he was replaced by an ordinary person, I might have rolled over with pain, but King Camos still stood.

He tried his best to control his body and stood up, even though his forehead was swollen with green muscles, there was no expression of pain on his sturdy face.

He stood, his body was tall, and he stood tall, like the high mountains that rise above the earth, like the brown pines pointing to the sky,

Even if his face was pale, the blood oozing from the corners of his mouth was still flowing slowly, but no one could deny that as long as he was still standing there, people would feel terrified from the bottom of his heart.

The seriously injured lion is still the king of all beasts.

No one can erase his majesty.

No one dared to fear his existence.

"I trust you, Yunas."

A pair of tiger eyes stared deeply at Yunas, and the shock and burst of anger in Camos' eyes were all gone.

He looked at Yunus's eyes calmly terrified at this moment.

"I trust the warrior who once fought side by side with me. I trust the hero who spared his life in order to protect Aaron Landis..."

At this point, King Camos's voice paused for a moment.

His tone was indifferent, but from the moment he lost his voice, he could feel the indescribable pain deep in his heart at the moment.

"But, Yunas, what you did made my trust a joke."

King Camos continued.

Up to now, his eyes are no longer angry in Yunus' eyes, just like looking at a stranger, looking at a mean enemy.

Apart from indifference, there is nothing else.

"You betrayed me, betrayed your king, and even betrayed Aaron Landis."

In Camos's low voice, Yunas, who had been kneeling on the ground, slowly stood up and looked up at Camos. The bright light fell on the white hair on his cheeks.

"I betrayed you, but I didn't betray Aaron Landis."

He looked at Camos, his eyes burning.

"I have no choice."

Yunas said.

The old man's face looked calm, and he did not feel the uneasiness and embarrassment that he should show as a betrayal.

Because in his own opinion, he is not a traitor.

He firmly believed in his loyalty and justice.

"All these instincts can be avoided, we could not have gone to this step."

"As long as you promised me just now, to abolish the current crown prince and to rebuild Prince Heimus with noble blood, I will give you the antidote before you poison."

The old man's hoarse voice was like a low sigh.

"In this way, nothing will happen... My sire, I am still your most loyal subordinate, and we will still be the same as before, and nothing will change."

King Camos said nothing.

He squeezed his thick lips and the moonlight shone through the skylight, beating in his brown hair.

He lowered his eyes, the shadow over his eye sockets, and frowned tightly as if thinking about something.

Yunas stepped forward and reached for the half-cup of tea that was still steaming.

Then he raised his hand and slowly poured the remaining half a cup of tea on the ground.

In the silent room, the thin running water fell from the sky, and then was absorbed completely by the brown carpet.

"My lord, you were a great king. You once saved Aaron Landis. You deserve the blood of the gods flowing on you."

The old man said, "I was proud of you."

"For so many years, I never regret the sword that I blocked for you, even if I lost my left hand forever."

"However, the long time has changed you."

"You have forgotten your identity, forgotten the blood flowing in your body, forgotten the glory of Aaron Landis inherited since ancient times."

"By now, you have even begun to forget the will of the gods."

The old man said that his tone of voice was like a trial.

From the beginning, the emotions and sighs became a little bit hard and extremely severe.

He seemed to be judging the rebellious king instead of the gods.

"Noble blood must be above everyone. This is the will of the gods, and it has been true for thousands of years, and you, how dare you dare to challenge God's will?"

King Camos listened with a blank expression, and suddenly he guessed something, his face plummeted.

His eyes gleamed brightly and shot straight at Yunus.

"It's you?"

He opened his mouth suddenly, staring at Yunus with bright eyes.

"The crown prince was assassinated again and again in the royal city, you, Yunus."

He said that the tone was firm.

"It's me, but it's not just me."

Yunas answered.

"That's all who really want to protect Aaron Landis and execute the will of the gods."

"King Camos, it is you who pushes us to this point-you have raised the white blood of the lower bloodline again and again, and compared it with me, and in the end, you have even intensified and let a white prince press Above the truly noble blood, the cornerstone of Aaron Landis is shaken-it is you who forced us here!"

The old man said aloud, and the words were full of anger.

His face was tough and his outline was clear. At the moment, he was even more determined, which made his words and deeds more and more give people a sense of righteousness.

"You have turned a blind eye to everyone's loyalty. We tried every means to exhort you, but you did not want to ignore it. We can only watch you step by step leading Aaron Landis to the wrong path..."

"As a member of the royal family, I can't just watch you continue to do whatever you want, leading Aaron Landis to the path of destruction."

Yunas said that the tone was determined and decisive.

"Even if it is because of this the sin of killing the king-"

At this moment, he was like an awe-inspiring man who had the courage to face the faint monarch.

At this moment, the old man is like a hero who bears everything and dedicates everything for Aaron Landis.

In a word, there is no turning back.

He can even be touched by himself—

But the partiality, at the moment when the loud sound of the old town of Yunas fell off, an untimely laugh sounded in the room.

The haha ​​laughter shattered the heated atmosphere in the room instantly.

"It's really hard for you, Yunas, to explain things in a few words. You have to chatter and talk for a long time to find a lot of sounding reasons."

King Camos, who had been holding his body for a long time and stood expressionlessly, chuckled.

"Not tired?"

He raised his hand and wiped the blood stains from the corners of his mouth that had dried up.

"I said for you, "I want to usurp the bit.""

King Camos sneered.

"A few simple words, it's hard to say?"

As soon as King Camos said this, the old man's face was stiff.

The next second, he was furious.

Can't tell whether the selfless heart was misunderstood, or because he was poked in the most secret thought in his heart, he no longer has the appearance of the generosity of the previous moment, but was angry at Camos, All posts are required.

"No! Everything I do is for Aaron Landis."

He growled.

"You will destroy Aaron Landis, so someone must replace your fallen king and rebuild the order of Aaron Landis!"

And that person is himself.

He is for Aaron Landis!

His eyes were fierce, and the face that had been wearing the awe-inspiring mask finally shattered at this moment, revealing a terrible color, and Yunas no longer wasted time, pulling out the waist sword.

He hacked King Camos away with a sword.

King Camos drew his sword hard.

Even though he was poisonous, with cramps in his body, and paralysis of his limbs, he still forced his arms to move, almost resisting the attack of Yunus with pure will.

However, Huluo Pingyang was bullied by dogs.

The body corroded by the poison|drug was hardly able to use even one-tenth of the usual power, and Camos was forced to step back step by step.

Finally, a sonorous sound was heard, and the dagger in his hand was knocked away by Yunus.

The pain that almost felt that all the internal organs were burned made King Camos spit out a black blood again. After all, he was exhausted and hit the wall heavily.

He leaned against the wall, standing with his last effort, and fixed his eyes on the traitor who was pushing him.

The lion that fell into the trap, even in the face of death, will stick to his majesty as the king of beasts.

"You are useless, Camos."

"I also have the blood of the royal family. People like you can be kings. Why should I not?" The old man kept saying that the brown eyes similar to King Camos were full of excitement at the moment.

Probably because he was about to succeed, he was so excited that he kept talking.

"I have already said that to that person... the assassin sent by the Gasdad killed you... I will replace you and lead Aaronlan after the death of the Gasdad attacking Des defeated them and became the new king..."

The crisis in the North and the East has been lifted, leaving only the West.

What he paid was nothing more than the desolate land on the western border. The man made an appointment with him. As long as those deserts were given to Gasdard, they would pretend to be defeated by him and return to Canal.

And he, Yunas, will once again save Aaron Landis.

He will become the new king and rebuild the real order destroyed by Camos!

Watching Yunus raise his sword and approach him.

Camos, who had been unable to move against the wall, gasped violently, and blood continued to flow from the corner of his mouth. He looked at Yunas' eyes with a trace of pain.

Yunas was right in saying that a long time is enough to make a person look beyond recognition.

The saddest thing in this world is nothing but red hair and white hair, and the hero is late.


This hero who used to share the same hardships with him in the most difficult years and spared all his life for Aaron Landis...

...Comrades who had fought side by side with themselves...

After all, I'm still old...

... Corroded by the long years, the old hero did not fall on the tragic battlefield, but fell under his own greed...

The once hero is dead.

Uncle Yunas in his memory is dead.

Now he wants to take his life away in front of him, just an abominable betrayal to seize the throne and even collaborate with foreigners.

He Camos spent half his life in battle, actually died in the hands of such people-

A pair of brown eyes is full of unwillingness, King Camos' teeth gritted, but the body eroded by the poison | medicine even tried to stand up.

His eyes widened and his forehead twitched up, but he could only watch the high sword slashing against him.

At the last moment, what flashed through his mind was the child's bright smile with a crescent crescent.

Garland, my younger brother.

Forgive me, I failed to fulfill my promise.

I failed to give you a peaceful Aaron Landis.

The moonlight is like water, reflecting the cold light of the blade that came straight to Camos.

And at this moment, a figure in the window in the midair of the castle leaned over.

The incoming man rushed forward.

The cloaked hood slipped backwards, and the black hair tied into a bundle rose high in the moonlight.

While rushing forward, the hand of the coming person touching the waist has pulled out the dagger he carried.

A flash of silver passed by.

There was a crunch of metal impact.

The short sword that was violently swung up held the long sword that was slashing towards King Camos.

Yunus's pupils shrank violently.

Through the crossed blades, he saw a pair of bright golden eyes in the sparks that were splashed on the impact.

The purest golden eye is like the light of the sun in the sky.

It was so bright that it seemed to burn the eyes of the person looking at it.

[That is the blood of the gods, the descendants of gold. 】

[Aaron Landis, the supreme king, he has a golden pupil like the sun, illuminating this land. 】


At this moment when Yunas was in a trance, the teenager who held his long sword suddenly slammed hard and slammed Yunas back.

As the dagger pressed hard, the fighting blade rubbed heavily.

The sound of friction between the blades was extremely harsh in the silent room.

Mars splashed out during the friction and exploded in the sky.

Gallan, who took Younas away, did not chase after the victory, but took a step back.

His hand holding the dagger lifted slightly, and the tip of the sword pointed to the ground.

He stood in front of King Camos and confronted Yunas.

The black hair **** behind the neck slipped over his left shoulder and slipped from his chest.

The figure of the teenager is not tall, and can only be described as slender compared to the two in the room.

But at this moment, he used this slender body to secure King Camos behind him.


Yunas, who stood opposite, spit out these words slowly.

He stared at Gallan, his eyes full of gloom.

Garland and Yunas looked at each other, but did not say anything.

He stood there, breathing quickly.

Just now I saw that Brother Wang was in a critical situation. He flipped the window, rushed over, raised his sword, and knocked it away. It was almost an instinctive reaction of his body, and he had no time to think about it.

I've been to God now, but I'm afraid of it later.

He felt his heart beating almost out of his throat.

If it wasn't because he saw Brother Wang and Yunus leaving halfway back to the banquet, and secretly caught up on a whim...

Seeing Brother Wang and Yunas enter the room together, he felt bored. When he was about to leave first, he suddenly saw an amazing scene.

Dozens of guards who stayed outside with the king were unprepared and all were shot dead by a sudden burst of arrows.

Immediately afterwards, Yunas' guards carried the bodies away calmly.

With a chuckle in his heart, Garland reacted immediately, and the guy in Yunas was probably not kind to Brother Wang.

Now that he wanted to run to make people sure that it was too late, he was worried about the safety of Brother Wang, so he decided to act first.

But Yunas's guard was at the door, he couldn't get in, so after checking the terrain, he quickly came to the room below and secretly climbed through the outer wall to the window of this room...

As soon as he took a breath out of the window, he saw the scene where Yunas raised his sword and cut people.

So he had no time to think about it and rushed in immediately, blocking the sword.


Fortunately, his anticipation of bad things is always very accurate.

Gallan thought with a lingering fear.

He stared cautiously at Yunas on the opposite side, while drawing a small white cloth bag from his arms and throwing it to King Camos behind him.

"Tapti prepared a lot of detoxification pills for me | In short, Brother Wang, you eat them all first."

There are not many types of poisons and medicines in this world. There are just a few things that come and go. Tapti prepares medicines for him.

Eat it all, there is always one that can hit.

Hearing Garland's words, Yunas' eyes were stern, and he hurried forward, spurting with a sword.

Garland waved the short sword in his hand, and Keng waved away the stabbed long sword.

Immediately rushed up, you come and go, fighting with Yunus.


The anxious cry of King Camos came from behind.

After all, Yunas is a veteran who has been playing in the battlefield for many years, and Gallan may not be his opponent.

In the shouting of King Camos, the teenager raised his hand and once again struck the long sword that had been cut diagonally.

"Brother Wang, from childhood to age, you have been protecting me."

Garland gritted his teeth and tried his best to hold the blade that was pressed against him.

"Now, I have grown up."

He said here, a meal, and then violently slammed the other side away.

Once again rushed to entangle with Yunas and fight together.

He flexibly evaded the opponent's attack with agile movements, seized the opportunity and rushed up with ferocity.

Finally, he seized an opportunity to use his weakness in his left arm to make a long **** opening on Yunus' left shoulder.

Once again Yunas repelled.

Garran, gasping for breath, stood there, still standing firmly in front of King Camos.

The dagger in his hand was held in front of him, and the young man's eyes reflected the falling moonlight, bright as a golden flame in the night.

His voice thundered.

He said, "Brother Wang, this time, I will protect you."

The author has something to say:   The little lion has grown up.

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