The bright sunlight fell through the skylight into the administrative room and landed on the face of the young man with his eyes closed sitting in a chair by the window.

He propped his cheeks in one hand and leaned his body slightly, making a steady breathing sound, looking like he was taking a nap.

The shadow of the slender eyelashes was reflected on the beautiful and sharp face, and the thin lips were tightly tightened, which gave people a more powerful feeling.

Suddenly, he suddenly opened his eyes.

The golden red hue revealed through the gaps in the dark hair.

At that moment, it seemed that the sunlight falling on his face was absorbed into these deep and dark pupils.

In the blink of an eye, his original smooth breath seemed to be slightly disturbed.


Dark endless night...

It seems that we will never stop the weird wind with the crying and howling of countless people...

The land of Aaron Landis was shrouded in darkness.

The heroic king fell into a small room, under the poison he had handed to him by someone he trusted.

The blood from his mouth stained the soft veil by the window.

He fell in front of the betrayer in pain and frustration.

The young crown prince died in a chaotic army.

The sharp arrow shot from behind him penetrated the teenager's chest.

He fell from the horse.

The long blond hair scattered pale and feeble on the ground, scattered in mud and blood.

Then, the spreading flame swallowed the slender body relentlessly.

In a huge roar, the white snowstorm came from the west like a torrent, completely burying the land of Aaron Landis...


Huimus raised his hand and pressed it against his chest.

Even if he knew clearly that it was just a dream, but as soon as he recalled the scene in the dream where the teenager fell to the ground swallowed by flames, the thing beating deep in his chest twitched fiercely.

He pressed his chest, and there was a hint of anger in the golden red eyes.

The gloom quickly spread over his eyes, and his dark pupil seemed to devour all the light, and his eyes would fall into the deepest darkness.

Suddenly, a little green light refracted a little light, passing across the corner of his eyes.

Huimus lowered his head and his eyes fell on his own.

On the brown finger, the bright green drop of malachite ring reflected the bright sunlight, refracting a little light into his eyes.

In an instant, the anger that was surging like black mist under his eyes seemed to be dispelled as if dispelled.

He looked at the ring, raised his hand, and stroked the cool emerald malachite with his fingertips.

"His Royal Highness."

A voice came from the side, evoking the attention of Huimus.

Heimus looked up and saw the tall figure of Sharma's priest Xie Muer in his sight.

Turning his head slightly again, he looked through the window on his side and saw the sun rising to the center in the sky.

"I'm asleep?"

While he had memories, the sun was still slanting in the air.


"You should wake me up."

Heimus glanced at Xermor sharply, his voice cold.

At this critical moment, no minute or second can be wasted.

"You have been very tired from the work that has been sleepless all day. I think that if you continue this way, fatigue will affect your thinking, which will make you unable to make a correct judgment."

Xie Muer was expressionless, and he answered in a tough voice.

Heimus narrowed his eyes and looked at Xie Muer, without saying anything.

Against this stone, it is a waste of time to continue talking.

He touched the ring of his finger again, the ring transformed from the malachite earrings damaged by Gallan.

He asked: "Is the relocation of all villages and towns outside the Wangcheng completed?"

The priest of Samash took a deep look at Heimus, his eyes somewhat complicated, but he still answered Heymos' questions calmly and meticulously.

"According to your order, all villages and towns near the Wangcheng have been cleaned up."

Xie Muer said,

"Wangcheng has invaded tens of thousands of people in the past few days, and the defenders of all cities and towns have also been summoned to Wangcheng, and people have been arranged to integrate them into the army."

After returning to the royal city a few days ago, Huimus took the command of the entire royal city in the name of a prince.

His name of "Black Knight" and his distinguished merits in the Northland made everyone in the King's City dare not dispute this.

After all, even Sharma the priest Xie Muer, who is a strong supporter of the crown prince, and Sage, the head of the royal knighthood, have defaulted on this matter, expressing that he will obey the order of Prince Heimus, and others will not Talking in such a critical time.

The first order given by Huimos after taking over the command was to move all the residents of the villages and towns along the road near the king city, especially in the direction of the Gasdad march.

It does not matter whether you move into a large city or relocate to the Wangcheng. Anyway, everyone must move.

At the same time, all the food and materials in the villages and towns must be taken away, and those that cannot be taken away are burned on the spot, leaving only an empty village and town with neither people nor any materials.

Firm walls and clear fields.

This is a tactic that no one has ever used before.

Heimus ordered that this strategy immediately caused great controversy and dissent in the royal city.

Many people have accused Heimus of being harsh on the people.

Others questioned whether this unused strategy had any effect.

Moreover, this order did arouse strong dissatisfaction among many people around the Wangcheng. They did not want to leave their homes, let alone burn their houses.

However, Huimos ignored the dissatisfaction of those people. He heard that the people did not want to relocate, so he directly sent troops to force them to relocate.

Those who refused to leave, let the soldiers force them out, and then set fire to the whole village directly, forcing them to move.

For a time, there was a burst of smoke on the ground, and small villages were burned down on the ground.

Although the people whose homes were burnt were furious, they had no choice but to flee their families to the nearest large city or the royal city.

After this incident, the "black knight" who had the name of terror among the people was even worse.

The reckless behavior, and the ruthless means, made everyone afraid of it.

Regarding this, Huimos didn't care.

At this moment, he randomly read the report submitted by the subordinates who were responsible for cleaning up and driving the people, and continued to ask Xie Muer.

"How long will the Gasdars arrive in the royal city?"

"One day and night, it is estimated to arrive in the evening of tomorrow. Because of the harassment of the cavalry you sent, their marching speed was two to three days later than expected."

The priest, who was already familiar with the army, answered.

After Heimos issued the order to let all the people around the king's city and the enemy's army move, the second thing was to dispatch more than 2,000 elite cavalry, divided into dozens of small cavalry squads, and continued to fight against Gas The Dade army harassed.

They also do not face the enemy head-on, and often run when they are not ready to make a sneak attack, or throw arrows far away at night.

Even if he was driven away by the army, he went back in a circle and continued to harass, making Gasdard annoying.

To them, these cavalry squads that harassed the army from time to time were like mosquitoes that buzzed around them but could not reach them.

As a result, although these cavalry squads could not cause substantial damage to the Gasdad, they greatly delayed their march.

Otherwise, according to the original marching speed, the Gastads were already under the royal city now.

Heimus yelled and stood up.

He is now located above the tall tower in the royal palace. Through the window, he can look far from the gate closest to the royal palace.

The gate was overcrowded at the moment.

Countless people who were forcibly evicted from his home still entered the Wangcheng in endlessly, dragging his family to take his mouth, and all looked ugly and complained.

With his gaze, Xie Muer also saw the situation at the gate.

These days, the gates of the royal city are like this.

The priest of Samash frowned.

To be honest, he initially did not agree with the practice of Heimus-the enemy did not attack before he lost himself-this tactic is unheard of.

He looked at Huimus' face.

The prince's face was extremely beautiful, but the eyes of those people with golden red eyes looked down at the city gate without any emotion. He looked at those people's eyes as if he were purely looking at the chess pieces on the chessboard.

Xie Muer remembered that day.

That day, when Huimus proposed this strategy, it was the same look now.

At that time he hadn't spoken yet, and Sage, the head of the royal knighthood, had already got up and opposed it.

"I disagree!"

The burly man with short dark brown hair frowned and said unpleasantly.

"We have to let ourselves suffer losses before the Gastards come over. What a ridiculous strategy?"

Facing the questioning eyes of Sage, Huimus still sat steadily, his expression calm and calm.

He said, "There will always be losses in war, no matter the victory or defeat, it is just the difference between more and less."

"Then there is no reason to lose yourself before the war! I disagree! The priests of Xiemuer will not agree!"

Heimus glanced at the two lightly.

"Don't forget, the command given to you in Garland's secret letter is to obey my command completely."


Sage could not deny it.

The crown prince ordered in a secret letter—ordered as a crown prince.

They must unconditionally obey all the orders of Huimus.

He frowned tightly and said, "Don't you think of a better strategy?"

"The best strategy? Yes."

Heimus raised his eyes and looked at the two indifferent eyes of inorganic matter like golden-red glazed beads.

"In my opinion, the best strategy is to give up Wangcheng."


Ignoring the anger in Sage's eyes, Huimus placed his hands on his knees and continued to speak.

"Abandon the royal city, abandon the north line, abandon the east line, gather all the remaining legions of troops to retreat to the northwest, and completely abandon the eastern area of ​​Aaron Landis. In this way, we can use the natural danger of the Eya River As a line of defense, at the same time backing against your friend Tasda, you can attack and retreat and defend."

"And once we evacuate the eastern region, the Geshu people go south, and the Iss go west, they will not let go of the fat meat of the king city. The Gasdard want to keep the king city that has just been beaten. Two countries are fighting."

"When those three countries battled each other, we stayed in the northwest and slowly accumulated strength and rebuilt the corps. After a year and a half, and after the consumption of these countries was almost the same, the initiative was in our hands, whether we wanted to cut off It's up to us to decide whether to retreat from the Gasdards or to resolve the Gazes in the North.

Heimos said this quietly, his voice calm to the point of cruelty.

Sage, who was angry at first, opened his mouth and was speechless for a while.

He couldn't agree with Huimos' abandonment of the royal city, but he couldn't refute this strategy.

This is indeed the most effective strategy at present, and it can also retain the strength of Aaron Landis's army.

Yes, it can retain the strength of the army.

But what about the people of Aaron Landis?

The army retreats to the northwest, abandons the eastern region, and allows those three countries to wreak havoc on the land of Aaron Landis, then during that time, the people of Aaron Landes in the east will be endless. What cruel treatment has been suffered in the endless war?

Xie Muer, who was thinking this way, opened his mouth, but he still didn't ask this sentence.

He knew that it didn't make sense to ask.

Because His Highness never thought about things he didn't care about.


Waking up from the memories and returning to the present, Xiemuer looked at Huimus.

He has a feeling.

If there is no Prince Garland, or if the prince died in the city of Judas and no secret messages have been sent, Heimus will really implement that cruel strategy.

Without going to see Xie Muer looking at his complicated look, Huimus's eyes had moved away from the noisy gate.

"Tomorrow at noon, close all city gates."

On that beautiful face, a pair of swords and brows were as sharp as blades.

He turned away and the teal cloak flew up behind him.

Huimus said: "Since then, without my order, anyone who wants to enter or leave the royal city will be killed on the spot."

The sun sets.

After one night, it rose again.

When the sky rose, the gates of the three sides of Aaron Landis slowly fell, completely closing the passageway.

Then, at the moment when the sun was about to set on the ground.

On the distant horizon, the white army appeared in the afterglow of the setting sun.

Accompanied by the sound of horseshoes shaking the earth, they were like snow and ice falling in the snowy mountains.

The soldiers of Gasdard came under Aaron Landis.

Above the high walls, Huimus stood there, looking down on the ground and the army of Gasdade in the distance.

A black armor draped in the sunset light.

The violent wind blew his dark forehead, and the golden-red pupil seemed to be burning with the burning clouds in the sky.

He lowered his head, raised his hand, and gently kissed the green malachite ring on his right hand.


I will guard the king city.

As long as it is what you want and your wishes, I will fulfill them for you.



The wind roared past, skimmed the sky, and blew across the distant earth.

After a night, the sun rose to the city thousands of miles away.

The gentle wind in the early morning swept the cheeks of the young boy riding on the ground, and lifted the long golden hair on the cheeks, letting them gently rub the white earlobes.

The soft touch of the hair as it passed through the earlobe seemed to be the gentleness of someone kissing.

Unexpectedly, Garlan raised her hand unconsciously and touched the empty earlobe.

Then he turned his head and looked at the east.

The direction in which the sun rises.

The direction of Aaron Landis.

Presumably...Hyimos has received the message he sent back.

Gallan gazed quietly in that direction.

The reason why he chose to stay here to counterattack instead of rushing back to the Wangcheng was because he knew that even if he returned to the Wangcheng, he would not be able to defend the Wangcheng under such sinister circumstances.

However, Huimus is different.

He believed.

As long as Huimus is still in the royal city, no one can let it fall.

He believed.

Under such a sinister situation today, it is still possible to guard the royal city, and there is only Heimus in this world.


After the Judas City counterattack that ended overnight before the world responded, the Alenlandis King City Guarding War, which was under the spotlight, followed, and was about to start.



According to historical records.

The Battle of the Guardian of Aaron Landis is the earliest battle in the world that uses the strategy of "Clearing the Wall".

It is recorded in history as a classic battle.

The ancient history books also record that the military strategist Heimus of Ancient Aaron Landis created this strategy.

In later generations, this strategy he created was used by countless outstanding military strategists and continues to this day.

The author has something to say:   ...... Only to find that there are two hundred chapters......

Ask for a handful of white liquid.


ps: Well, in the past few generations, there was no ‘hard wall and clear field’. Heymos used the method he said to abandon the king city and abandon the people...

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