The sun is about to set off from the distant horizon, the light disappears little by little from the earth, and the sky will dim in sight.

A heavy horn sounded and spread far away on the earth.

The soldiers who ate like ants around the king's city and ate the walls receded in the horn.

Like the ebb and flow of the tide, it evacuated cleanly in an instant, leaving only the corpses and blood stains everywhere under the tall city walls.

The moat surrounding the king city flows slowly, as always.

It's just that its original clear water surface has already become turbid, and the part of the city gate has almost been cut off, and most of it has been filled by sand bags.

Numerous corpses and sandstone sacks piled up in the middle of the moat and cut off the river. The countless broken limbs and arms were mixed with sand and soil, like a chaotic graveyard, dyeing the water nearby into a strange sauce red .

The Gasdars spent three days and left countless dead bodies here before they could fill the moat at the gate.

This is also due to Tyr's prior order to cut off the upper stream of the moat, which belongs to the living water, so that the amount of water in the moat is reduced and the difficulty of filling the river is reduced.

However, the Gasdars are not distressed.

Anyway, it was the mixed army of soldiers from other countries who surrendered to carry the sand sacks to fill the river.

For them, these dropouts are pure cannon fodder, and they are useless except to spare their lives to help them clear the path of attack.

Mingjin withdrew his troops, and the army of Gasdard quickly returned to the camp.

The commander of the Gasdars, Prince Tier stands quietly on horseback in the sunset.

The fiery red sunset reflected his ice-like cheeks, and the gentle wind, which was so uncomfortable compared to the extreme north, gently brushed his cheeks, lifting his velvety silver-white forehead.

The pupils, like lilac gemstones, reflected the huge city in the distance standing on the earth.

The royal city of Aaron Landis.

Unlike Canal's exquisite and beautiful but fragile royal city, Aaron Landis's royal city gives a majestic feeling.

The royal city of Aaron Landis with a long history of civilization.

It has come from ancient history, and it has precipitated a vicissitudes and a simple and simple atmosphere in the long time, but the passage of time makes it more and more magnificent.

It is a giant.

It is a towering mountain high above the earth.

No matter how time goes by, no matter how many years of wind and rain, it is still so majestic and magnificent.

Even if you look so far away, you can still feel the invisible coercion coming from that city.

It stands under the sunset, like a cluster of black-red flames burning fiercely.

Searing, violent, huge, as if it would never go out.

Looking at the magnificent city, Tyr's slender eyebrows frowned slightly.

The attack on Aaron Landis was not as smooth as he expected.

Today, the northern and eastern legions of Aaron Landis are pinned down on the border because they have to resist the two countries of Gaithu and Ise.

The Legion of the West has been destroyed by him, and King Camos, known as the undefeated Lion King, was also killed by him.

Although there are scattered troops in the cities of Aaron Landis, there is no unified commander, and it is impossible to organize a confrontation with the Gasdard.

He has also led the army to Aaron Landis's royal city.

His army of hundreds of thousands of troops is like a behemoth, but the defenders in the Wangcheng are no more than 10,000.

It is said that a part of them is the city guards in the nearby towns who are not very effective.

From the perspective of others, the Gasdard's offense went smoothly like a help.

With such a comparison of forces and the absence of foreign troops, the fall of Aaron Landis was sooner or later.

And the destruction of the royal city means the fall of Aaron Landis.

Now, almost the entire continent is paying attention to this place.

Many people sighed, Aaron Landis would follow Canal's footsteps, and soon he would die, falling into the hands of the fierce Gasdard.

However, the so-called smoothness in the eyes of others was unexpected in Tyr's eyes.

At this moment, he stared blankly at the distant Wangcheng.

If it really goes well, according to his plan, he should have entered the city now, sitting on the throne of Aaron Landis.

His indifferent pupil reflected the golden palace in the city exposing the top of the wall.


Prince Aaron Landis should be among them at this moment.

It is said that he was seriously injured in the recent assassination and is still ill in bed.

Therefore, it was another prince, the black knight, Huimos, who commanded the war.

According to the information collected by Tyre over the years, this even under-aged crown prince has a beautiful appearance and is a beautiful young man with the appearance praised by the world.

This crown prince is completely different from the brave and powerful King Camos. He is a prince with a very weak military value and even the knights under his command.

In general, Tyre has never been interested in weak people.

The weak are not qualified to enter his eyes.

However, Tyr was somewhat interested in the prince who was not strong in the rumors.

Because the crown prince has broken him a lot in recent years.

This is why he attacked Aaron Landis not smoothly.

Not to mention the other trivial matters, at least three important deployments were disrupted by the crown prince.

If it wasn’t for the Crown Prince’s involvement in the mission of Tasda, at this moment, the Tasda Kingdom would not only be in a state of chaos, but it should have changed the ruler.

And the new ruler was supposed to be with him at this time, and the soldiers divided into two ways and marched together to Aaron Landis.

Then there is the city of Tozes in the south, where his people have been lurking for years, corroding local power officials, and secretly forming alliances with pirates.

After he decided to attack Aaron Landis this winter, he directly ordered the people lurking in Tozes to summon the pirates. If Tozes, an important maritime trading city, is occupied by pirates, Aaron Landis not only suffers economic damage, but also restrains Aaron Landis, including some of the navy.

Even when he was attacking at this moment, he was able to allow those pirates to attack Tozes City again, and also set fire in the south, making Aaron Landis more and more inexperienced.

Unfortunately, this important piece was also discarded by the crown prince.

And the most important pieces are those he sent to lurking in the royal city.

It took him more than seven years to open a large net secretly in the Wangcheng, just to let those people riot in the city when attacking the Wangcheng, and help him open the city gate from the inside, thus easily breaking the city.

Unexpectedly, even if the crown prince was stabbed and wounded, he could fight back with his hand, set a trap, follow the vines, and wiped out all of them.

Without the people in the city who could cooperate with each other outside, they could not break through from within, and Tyer could only force the city to attack.

All of the above are done by the crown prince.

As a result, Tyr's attack on Aaron Landis could not proceed as smoothly as he expected.

Moreover, there is another point that makes Tier quite puzzled.

He clearly should have succeeded in provoking the relationship between the two princes and splitting them, so he drove the prince Huimus, who was outstanding, to the north.

Who knows, Huimos rushed back to the king city at a critical moment, not to mention helping the injured Prince Garland to defend the city.

This kind of behavior is completely disregarded... It is not like this person's character at all.

Or, what key thing did he fail to notice?

As Tyre watched the distant King City sinking into contemplation, a sudden rush of horseshoes came from behind.

A general looked anxiously, and the horse hurried towards him.

Waiting for Tyre's side, the general gathered anxiously and whispered something in Tyre's ear.

Tyre's gaze paused.

He seemed a little lost at this moment.

"Your Highness?"

After seeing the shocking news, Tyre kept silent, and the general shouted nervously.

"His Highness?"

The continuous shouting of his subordinates made Tyre recover.

He looked up at the royal city standing in the sunset, and turned his head to look west.

His lilac eyes seemed to have a strange light at this moment.


He suddenly laughed.

In the stunned eyes of the general, the Prince of Gasdard, who had always been indifferent, laughed loudly.


Tyr's eyes shone, and his eyes were shining and radiant.

He seemed to have discovered an extremely interesting thing, looking at the West with great interest.

That was the direction he came from, and it was also the direction of the crown prince he was most interested in now.

He thought that the man in the king's city actually led the soldiers to retake the city of Judas on the night that he had just arrived in the king's city three days ago.


He said the name carefully and carefully.

Then, repeating this name again and again to keep things out of his control.


Somehow, when he said the name, something destined to pour into his body, making his cold chest become extremely hot at this moment.

That was the first time he had felt all the way, the fierce fighting in his body.

Fine silver hair was scattered in the sharp corners of Tyre's eyes, and he looked into the distance, with a cold smile on his lips.


Crown Prince of Aaron Landis.

My enemy.

There is a battle between you and me.

I look forward to the day of meeting with you.



It was night, and Judas, who had rejoiced all day, returned to silence.

The people who exhausted all the negative emotions on this day were tired, but they fell into their dreams with great peace of mind.

Their eyebrows were finally able to stretch out, even when they were asleep, there was a shallow smile on the corner of their mouths.

The castle in the city was still brightly lit, and the light shone warmly in the dark.

There was a clatter, it was the sound of a chain impact.

Located deep underground in the castle, the black iron gate was opened.

The old man in the prison knelt under the only skylight in the dungeon. The starlight came in and fell on his white hair.

He knelt there, his hands clenched against his forehead.

That is a gesture of prayer.

The old man kneeling and praying seemed like a stone sculpture, motionless under the stars, and no one knew how long he had maintained such a posture.

"Sir Yunas."

The incoming voice came from behind.

The old man who had been praying to the gods raised his head and opened his eyes.

The faint starlight fell into his eyes, as if there were many things entangled in it, converging into an extremely complex look.

He got up slowly, pressed the ground with one hand, and raised his legs because he had been kneeling for too long and had not listened, and stood up hard.

He turned his head, and the familiar face of the one-eyed knight fell into his eyes.

His slightly turbid eyes looked fixedly at that face, a white complexion different from hiss.

Knight of the scorching sun.

A powerful knight known to the mainland.

One of the four remaining riders of Aaron Landis.

In one battle, the Lion King died, and the seven riders who symbolized Aaron Landis's most powerful force were almost half dead.

The six major legions have gone to the third, especially the annihilation of the first legion, so that the military power of Aaron Landis is almost lost for more than half.

The army of Gasdard has approached the royal city. Seeing the peril of the country is at hand, Aaron Landis is stormy, and all people are sad.

And the culprit leading to all this...

Yunus closed his eyes, covering the painfulness of his eyes.

He said nothing, followed Kehos out of the dark dungeon.

He walked slowly up the stone steps, step by step, hobbled.

Walking through the familiar hall, through a long spiral staircase, Kehos took him to a room above the castle.

As soon as he entered, Yunas saw a familiar face.

He once subordinate Juta.

At that moment, the arm of the general, who was standing outside the jail, and was full of eloquent words, was bound by a rope to his back, knelt on the ground, and bowed his head, the whole person exuded a decadent atmosphere, and looked embarrassed.

As soon as he saw this traitorous traitor, Yunus' heart suddenly rose with hatred.

He stared at Utta in a flash, and he wished he would rush over and devour his flesh and bones.

But as soon as he took a step, Kehos raised his hand and stopped him.

It seemed like Suddenly being beaten by a stick, Yunas stayed in place.

Yes, he hated the traitor Utta.

But what is his qualification to hate?

As the culprit of the death of King Camos, what is the difference between him and Juta?

Yunas stood staring in the room staring blankly.

After a few minutes, footsteps sounded from outside, the door was pushed open, and Garland came in.

Twa, who was behind him as a bodyguard, glanced at Kehos in the room. Instead of following him, he closed the door outside and stayed outside.

As soon as the boy entered the door, Yunas, who stood there stupidly, looked up subconsciously and looked at the boy.

Prince Garland, the favorite brother of King Camos.

A month ago, the prince rescued Camos from him.

He was determined to betray Camos because King Camos sealed the prince as the crown prince.

And he does not allow whites without noble blood to inherit the throne.

But it was this prince who believed that his bloodline was not pure and noble, and saved the city of Judas.

Yunas' gaze fell on Gallan's head.

His pupils shrank violently.

The familiar lapis lazuli gold crown was worn on top of the young prince's head, and the blood red on the azure gemstone tingled his eyes.

Yunas stared at the crown, his eyes blank.

"I always thought... what I did was correct..."

He said, "King Camos deviated from the will of the gods, and I want to pull it back to the right path."

He closed his eyes, his face haggard, and his voice hoarse.

"I don’t have a son, and the only daughter swears not to marry for life because of serving the gods. I don’t have any descendants who can inherit the throne... so I think that I am not on the throne for myself, not because I want to be a king... I want to , When I become a king, and according to the will of the gods, redirect Aaron Landis to the right path... After I die, I will hand over the throne to Prince Huimus."

"That is the proof that I did not betray King Camos for the throne..."

Gallan looked at him quietly, and Kehos was silent, and Kuta, who was kneeling, tightened his body.

No one else in the room spoke, only Yunas's voice echoed.

"I told myself that I betrayed King Camos, not because of my own lust, but just to disturb the chaos anyway..."

"My daughter encouraged me to say that this is what God has given me, and it is what I should do."

"That convinced me that all I did was for Aaron Landis, to establish the correct order, and to reproduce the glory of the royal blood."

"I always told myself that..."

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door outside, interrupting Yunas's words.

Twa's voice came in from the outside.

"His Royal Highness, the daughter of Lord Yunas is here. She wants to see her father."

Garland pondered for a few seconds, then looked at Yunus, who suddenly turned to look at the door.

He said, "Let her come in."

The door opened, and a woman in her twenties appeared and the door closed behind her.

Fluffy brown-black long hair was scattered behind her slender shoulders, and her hands were placed in front of her, and the big goose-yellow skirt swayed gently.

Her face was delicate, her slender eyelashes fell a rose shade on her cheeks, her lips were slightly pursed, her eyelashes flickered a little, and they looked as soft as feathers.

Three slender maids of the same slenderness followed her, and hung their heads quietly, silently.

The soft-looking and beautiful woman glanced at her father Yunas, revealing a heartache.

Then she went straight two steps forward, leaned over and spread her skirt on the ground.

She knelt down before Garland.

"His Royal Highness, please, Highness."

She hurriedly pleaded with a choked voice.

"Please forgive my father. He is old and suffering. Please, my lord, I can accept all the punishments on his behalf and ask you to forgive him..."

Kehos, who stood aside, frowned, and he took a step forward, just opening what he wanted to say.

But suddenly, a sudden change occurred.

The maid, who was originally standing quietly and humblely aside, suddenly rushed at Kehuos. The two left and right, entangled Kehuos.

The remaining maid took a dagger from her chest and rushed towards Gallan.

Kay Hoss raised his hand to get rid of the two maids, but to his surprise, the seemingly weak maid was so powerful that he could hold him in place.

There was a sharp flash in the bottom of his eyes, and the cavalier took a hard shot.

As he raised his hand, his elbow shattered the ribs of the chest of one of the maids holding his arm.

However, something amazing happened.

The maid, whose ribs were crushed by Kehuos, still dragged Kehuos to death, even without a wailing. She stared at Kehuos, and her eyes filled most of her eyes. And that look was even stranger to the extreme.

When the maid rushed over, Gallan, who was extremely responsive, had pulled out the sword from her waist, struck the dagger in the maid's hand, and then a sword pierced her chest.

If it is an ordinary person, it has already fallen to the ground.

But at this moment, the maid who had penetrated his heart actually stretched out his hands and grabbed his hands holding the sword hilt.

Her strength was so amazing that, like iron tongs, Gallan couldn't break free.

The maid stared at Gallan with a pair of red eyes, and blood flowed down from her pierced chest, but she seemed to feel no pain at all, but she grinned and showed strangeness to Gallan. Horrible smile.

"My great god, Tim Yat, the goddess of creation."

The daughter of Yunas, who had been kneeling on the ground and weeping for a long time, didn't know when she had stood up.

The faint look disappeared without a trace, and her face was so full of excitement at this moment, with a frenzy, watching Gallan's eyes brightening terribly.

"Your loyal believers will offer you the most precious sacrifice! The blood of the gods!"

She screamed like a chant, holding the short sword and stabbing Galland stiffly at the moment, which was clamped by the maid and unable to move--


In Kehuos's loud and furious cry.

Jian Feng struck a cold light in the air and stabbed heavily.

In an instant, blood splattered.

The blonde knight showed a look of consternation.

Garland's eyes widened suddenly.

Yunas, who suddenly rushed in a chaos, stopped Garland before spitting heavily.

The short sword in his daughter's hands, the blade of the sword has been completely in his chest.

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