"Is His Royal Highness here?"

"Are you inside?"

"Prince Wang! I'll wait to see!"

Before the huge camp, several generals shouted loudly.

All three of them were generals who came to the crown prince in response to the call of the crown prince. Today, they came over early in the morning and wanted to see Gallan.

However, dozens of guards were firmly around the camp, forbidding them to approach, and refused to enter the camp to inform them. They just stubbornly repeated the words "Prince Wang is resting and no one is seen" again and again.

The more these guards are, the more these generals have no bottom.

Thinking of the scene in the camp at this moment, there was a terrible possibility. They became more anxious in their hearts and simply shouted at the camp account.

"His Royal Highness Prince! Please also--"

"How dare you guys, noisy before Prince Wang!"

A dark-skinned general came over and glared at the men.

Seth happened to report to Kehos, who was near the camp, and heard the noise here before he arrived.

Turning around, these people turned out to be noisy before Gallan's camp. He was loyal to Gallan and immediately came to anger the rude people.

The generals looked at each other, exchanged a look, and the leader answered.

"I also know that I was quite rude to wait for this kind of behavior, but I waited eagerly to see Prince Wang, but the bodyguard did not want to give me a report."

"They haven't already said that Prince Wang is resting. What urgent things do you have to do to disturb your Highness?"

Seth's eyes sternly passed these people.

"But we have been asking to see Prince Wang since noon yesterday."

The answering man's eyes kept looking at the camp door, as if he wanted to see the camp through the thick curtain.

"In this situation, I'm very flustered."

He said in prayer, "We only want to see Prince Wang's side, as long as one side, only Prince Wang's majesty can make me wait for peace of mind."

He said, "It would be nice to let me wait and sue your Highness for my rudeness."

The man's tone was soft, or pleading, and Seth, who was originally angry, had nothing to say.

"If you want to ask for sin, just ask for sin here."

Suddenly a voice came from behind, and everyone subconsciously looked at it, and they saw the one-eyed knight coming from the side.

Kehuos had armor, and the golden lion badge on his chest, which was dedicated to riding handsome, shone in the sun.

As one of the few remaining riders of Aaron Landis, he was the commander of the First Legion, the King's Guards, and was the highest-ranking general here.

As soon as he appeared, everyone looked awkward and bowed their heads to salute.

"Disturbing His Highness' rest will only increase sin."

Kehuos looked at the generals with a blank expression and said, "Please finish your sins, and a few of you will withdraw immediately."


The leading general seemed unwilling.

"It's nothing. Your Highness is very busy. I have no time to appease you. So, hurry back!"

Kehos' voice became severe.

Knowing that he had caused this rider to be unhappy, the generals hurriedly retreated.

Just before leaving, they looked at the tent of the imperial prince surrounded by the guards with suspicious eyes, as if doubting something.

Kehuos stared at the generals who had left, not knowing what to think, and frowned slightly.

Then he turned his head and set his sights on the camp gate.

There was a heavy look on his face, like worry and other things. The look flashed over, and Seth didn't notice, but the general who had been looking back frequently saw it.

Suddenly, the general gave a chuckle in his heart.

Sure enough, Crown Prince...

It is said that Prince Wang only saw a woman who had been infected that night...

He did not leave at this point, but waited nearby.

Not long after he waited, he saw Seth coming out.

He immediately greeted him.

"Your Excellency Seth, have you seen the crown prince?"

He knew that this Seth from Tozes was quite favored by the crown prince, so he tried to elicit information from this population.

Seth, who was stopped just after leaving Kehos, was startled. He looked at the unfamiliar general with doubt and shook his head.

"Everyone said that Your Highness is resting, how can I bother."

"Your Excellency Seth, the crown prince did not seem to have left the camp for the past two days." The general lowered his voice, approaching Seth, and whispered like a tentative question: "Could it be... The crown prince is in good health and accidentally infected... …"


Seth was furious.

With the sound of Keng, his long sword was sheathed around his neck.

"How dare you say such a thing?"

How dare this guy use such words to curse His Royal Highness Prince!

Still wanton dissemination of such remarks to shake the military mind?

"No, no, I don't mean that."

Unexpectedly, Seth was suddenly bursting out his sword, and the general, who was held by the sword around his neck, was a little dazed, and quickly waved his hand to explain.

"I'm really just worried about Your Highness... after all, in the camp now, er, I haven't seen His Highness for a few days, I am very worried... nothing else, really!"

"Dare to say such arrogance next time, even if I will be executed by military law, I must first cut off your head!"

Under the desperate defense of this general, Seth barely withdrew his sword.

He angered the man and put down a ruthless word to the man. He no longer ignored the man and turned away.

Seth didn't notice that when he left angrily, the general looked at his back and his face looked uncertain.

Another day passed, and people went to see Garland one after another, but they all got the answer "Prince Wang is resting, no one is seen."

And this matter was also probed by some interested people.

The atmosphere in the camp became more tense.

The vigil soldiers changed from the rotation of each army to the vigil of all the guards.

All soldiers were strictly ordered to stay in their own area and not to move around at will.

Few military doctors constantly check the physical condition of the soldiers in different areas every day.

The campfire was burning day and night, constantly boiling water, making the camp full of a strange smell.

Although the superior commander wanted to keep the matter secret, it could only conceal ordinary soldiers, and the generals with a little status were aware of it.

The Tasdae and Elson female fighters are said to have accepted the secret order, so they left the Aaron Landis army.

However, it is hard to say whether the soldiers of these two countries left the army because of secret orders, or because of... other things have to avoid the camp.

Crown Prince Wang did not appear in front of the crowd for two consecutive days.

The anxiety began to spread among the generals.

The first generals, who could not resist it, finally made up their minds after unsuccessfully seeking the crown prince several times.

Late that night, they went together to meet the commander of the army, Karenni.

"You are leaving?"

The veteran with increasing sideburns and white hair was sitting on the wooden chair with his back straight and more burly.

A square face has a clear outline and firm lines.

He was not angry at the requests of these people.

He sat there, and the whole person looked irritated.

"Excuse me for being rude, Your Excellency Karenni, but you and I know what is happening in the camp now."

Being watched by the eyes of a pair of tiger-like eyes, everyone felt a little nervous.

But when I think of my purpose, there is that terrible...

The leading general, the general who was reprimanded by Seth that day, said at the moment that he forced Karenni's eyes like a snowstorm.

"Lorgana has already arrived here, and even if I continue to stay here, there will be no change in the results."

He said, "Why don't you let me wait and let Aaron Landis save a little strength, isn't it better?"


This is a deity that changes the smell of all Aaron Landis.

God of decay and plague.

Wherever he went, the plague and death went with him.

Therefore, when a certain place is plagued, everyone will say, [Lorgana has come to this place].

"If you have to keep me in Lelgana, then we have a responsibility to tell our people the truth."

The general said in a low voice.

He was threatening Karenni. If they were not let go, they would spread the plague to the entire army.


"Even including... Prince Wang has also been approached by Leer Ghana... this matter."

He saw Kareny's face change suddenly, his heart was more determined, the more determined he was to leave this dangerous place.

He was ready to thunder the veteran veteran who had always been tough, and to swear them hard, but to his surprise, Carrie's face was tense, but not as they expected. Thunderous.

After thinking about it, he understood again.

It was because he was worried that they would disclose their secrets, so he insisted on not venting his anger.

Thinking this way, he suddenly became more proud of his determination.

"I know, since you have made up your mind, leave quickly."

The old general was expressionless, and a pair of tiger eyes scanned the crowd.

The look was inexplicably frightening.

"Go away, the sooner the better."

He looked down at these people with contempt and disdain.

"Prince Wang does not need you guys who have no loyalty."

Although Karenni's eyes were irritated, the general said nothing. After bowing in a perfunctory manner, he immediately left with the others.

There is nothing to do with an old man who is about to die.

As he walked away quickly, he thought so coldly.

Even after being scolded by the world for escape, after all, life is more important than fame.

Anyway, at the beginning, these people were not very willing to respond to the convening order, but they were forced into the city of Judas when everyone came.

You know, where Lergana came, the bones were everywhere, and there were no living people.

If he continued to stay here, his life would be gone, and the name of loyalty would be a fart!

The general who was sullen in his heart did not know that when they all left, a man came out from the depths of the camp.

It was a veteran younger than Karenni. Although he was short in height, his body was very thick. With a messy brown hair like a bird's nest, he glanced contemptuously at the direction of the camp gate.

"The puppies finally got out?"

If Karenni is just a strong-tempered but calm person, then the veteran is a fierce man.

He used his crude words above to express his contempt for those people just now.


Kareny was still expressionless.

"Why, did you come to resign like them?"

The old guy who was in a bad mood because of those few guys would explode at this moment.

"Karenny, what an old man you are talking about! Lao Tzu will run? Everyone is dead. Lao Tzu will be here too!"

He scolded violently.

"How dare you **** compare the group of eggs with Lao Tzu! That group of greedy, life-threatening cubs lick me | I feel dirty with toes!"

He scolded for a long time, and lost his temper, looking at the cold face of the old rival Carini from young to now, and the veteran sat down on the chair.

"Karenie, I know you are dissatisfied with me because I didn't respond to Prince Wang's call from the beginning."

"But you should know that what we are most afraid of is meeting a guy who doesn't understand war but prefers to blindly command." He sighed, "You knew how much I lost because of this thing, you know ... Alas, I was really worried that the crown prince was young and vigorous, and he would pay all our troops in. Then, Aaron Landis was really saved."

He shook his head.

"So, you don't have to test me with words anymore, you know, I'm never a person afraid of death."

"I don't believe the rumors, only my eyes, and I have seen that Prince Wang is a good one, and that's enough."

The old man's voice was very low, but there was a loud sound.

"For Aaron Landis, even if my old bone died here, I would not take a step back!"

Callini didn't speak, he stared sideways at the night sky outside.

The fire was reflected in his white hair, and a shadow was cast on his cheeks.

After a long while, he said: "Tonight is destined to not be calm... After this night, how many people will come to me tomorrow and say the same thing as those people?"

Carrie's low voice seemed to reach the endless darkness outside the window.

As if in doubt, as if sighing.

The veteran standing in front of him was also silent at this moment, turning his eyes to the night.

Everybody knows.

If this army was defeated by the Gasdard, Aaron Landis would no longer be able to resist foreign enemies.

Soon after, they will be extinct by the Gstaad.

But what if you know?

Human nature is always selfish.

How many people will stay here after tonight?

In this final moment, the fate of Aaron Landis was decided.


That night, after getting permission from Karenni, the generals could not wait to lead their army away from the army, and it looked like they were running away.

The movement of these troops leaving naturally alarmed the others.

After a short period of consternation, the public will be thoughtful.

Sleepless all night.

The next day, three more troops left one after another.

Everyone knew it, and everyone was silent.

Everyone thinks that soon a fourth and fifth army will leave.

However, something stunned happened.


No one left again.

Everyone sighed for their stupidity and thought that someone would leave.

But until night came, no one left.

For a time, the generals-whether familiar or unfamiliar-looked at each other.

They looked at each other's eyes in addition to being stunned, but also a little more as if melting together.

Near the evening, one of the troops who left in the morning went back.

The general who led the army back came to Karenni, said nothing, but bowed silently to salute, then turned away.

Looking at the back of the general who had gone back and forth, Karenni fell into a long silence.

Human nature is selfish.

he thinks.

However, as Prince Wang said.

In this world, there may always be something that can exist beyond human nature.


The shadow of Lorgana shrouded the earth.

Someone chose to escape.

However, more people chose to stick to it.

No matter what purpose they came with, at the moment, they made the same choice.

All open fights and secret fights ended at this moment.

Aaron Landis.

Other than that, there is nothing else.


Aaron Landis

My country

I was born on your land

Your river like milk feeds me and grows up.

Aaron Landis

My country

I saw that the night had come to the earth.

However, don't be afraid.

I will protect you

As if you were blessing me.

I will protect you

From night to day.

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