At the beginning, there were a total of five troops, all of whose backgrounds were family-inherited cities, that is, cities where the city owner controlled the power and the king's court could only collect taxes but had no management power.

After Gallan had declared to the world that the five city owners were all rebels, these city owners wanted to resist the city and could not stand still, but even the people in their cities were unwilling to support their city owners.

The Aaron Landis were not cowardly, if they were allowed to fight the invaders, they would surely follow their own city master to the end. However, if the target of the battle is replaced by a king sent to conquer their army...

The people in the city were terrified.

The king of Aaron Landis, that has the blood of the gods.

It was the son of the gods, and was protected by the gods from birth to death.

If they are hostile to the king who is the son of the gods, they will be rejected by the gods. After death, the soul is bound to fall into hell, endure the pain of being burned by fire all day long, and never be born.

Especially in the world, the current young king has been very favored by the sun **** Shamash since he was a child, and even sent his own mount lion to the world to protect him.

Wherever the young king went, the brilliance of Samash followed.

If the people's hearts are scattered and the people's hearts are turned away, even if it wasn't for Huymos, these rebels who want to defend the city will not last long.

Now when Huimos went out, he was naturally taken down one by one and escorted to the king city, and their city was naturally put under the direct jurisdiction of the king's court.

Garlan's manner shocked many people at once.

When the new king takes the throne, there will always be someone who will secretly test the new king's temperament.

If Wang is weaker, they will increase the temptation to overwhelm each other.

If Wang is tough enough, they will be more honest.

For this young king who was praised as a gentle and kind person when he was a prince, many people thought about his good temperament, so he tentatively extended his paws and wanted to secretly engage in something for himself Benefits of fishing.

The reason why those city lords refused to accept Wang Ling's visit to Wang Cheng was also a fluke of holding a group to make Galland take a step back, ignoring their behavior of escaping.

Even in the royal city, some high-ranking ministers either accepted their benefits, or proceeded from the consideration of maintaining national stability, and persuaded Gallan to appease them and to forgive them.

However, the young king proclaimed his majesty to the people of the world with extremely strong action.

The army rushed out.

King Gallan directly thundered and mercilessly knocked down a few of the formerly high city lords to the ground, and became prisoners of the ranks, causing their family to die and never turn over again.

This is the end of the rebels.

This is the end of the violation of the king's order.

The Young King declared this to everyone with practical actions.

This young king with a beautiful face to which the goddess Aphrodite will fall is not easy to mess with, and his tough posture is not inferior to the lion king.

Everyone immediately realized this deeply.

Those who prodded their paws in secret were also scared to shrink their hands and shrank honestly.


"You hit three, Kehos hit one, and there is one left."

Gallan, sitting cross-legged on the stone platform, thought about it,

"The rest is up to you."

"it is good."

Heimos agreed at random while continuing to eat.

That understatement, followed the mouth and promised to do a little favor for others.

And the fact is the same. The wasteful city lords who are afraid of life and death don't even compare with the Gastads, even the narrators. For him, it is very easy to solve the battle of those guys.

Especially after using Galland's method, breaking the city is easier.

He swallowed a bite of milk and said, "The slaves he brought back this time were about 20,000."

When he went to collect, Gallan told him directly that he wanted to minimize the casualties of the people and give him a will.

The purpose stated that as long as the slaves in the city assisted the king's army to break the city, they would forgive their slaves according to the examples of many cities such as Tozes and Judas.

This is one of the reasons why Huimos can easily capture the city within a few days each time, but the consequence is that every time he returns from the battle, he will bring tens of thousands of released slaves.

Although some of the dignitaries have little talk about the purpose of the young king, according to the law, all the property of the rebels will be confiscated by the king, and the slaves are naturally included in it-Gallan releases his own belongings, and the lost It is his own interest that no one else can control.

If Gallan is still a prince, these dissatisfied people will probably go to the king to complain. But now Gallan is the king, and they can't sue the king for the king's appearance, they can only default.

Heimus continued: "Including the last time Kehos brought it back, there are almost five or sixty thousand slaves you have forgiven."

Swallowing the last bite of bread, he stopped eating and looked up at Galland.

He asked, "What are you going to do?"

Five or sixty thousand slaves... No, it should be a civilian now.

This number is not small.

Although some of these people joined the army, they were very few physically strong men, and there were only a few thousand in total.

The vast majority of the remaining people are accustomed to living only to obey their master's orders because they have been slaves since childhood, and have little ability to think for themselves.

Their identity has become civilians, but their minds as slaves still stubbornly occupy their brains, so that they only know how to live with others.

Such people have no ability to make a living on their own.

Now, these people are barely living by the property that Gallan rewarded when he was forgiven. But Huimos knew in his heart that it would be impossible for them to just sit down and eat in the air.

These people have no way to feed themselves and their families. When the meager rewards are exhausted, in order not to starve themselves to death, and under the encouragement or persecution of interested people, they are likely to find a master to sell themselves in desperation. Become a slave.

If that is the case, Gallan's actions of releasing his slaves will become the laughing stock of everyone.

Gallan yelled.

"Don't worry." He said, "I have considered it."

He thought it was almost time to start implementing his plan.

"This meal is a reward."

Sitting cross-legged, Garland held his chin in one hand and glanced at Huimus with a squint.

"Tomorrow in the court, with a fierce look, help me scare those who oppose it."

The black knight who eats people with short mouths naturally has no objection and nods obediently.



In the morning, the bright sun shines on the ground as always.

The rainy days of Aaron Landis entering summer are extremely rare, and most days are sunny.

In the small half-open chamber, at this moment, all of them are decisive figures in Aaron Landis.

Above the platform, the throne carved in green malachite reflects the sun, and the green is dripping.

The blond young king sat on the throne, and the azure cloak spread out on the emerald throne.

The high-ranking ministers who took part in the proceedings sat on the seats carved from white jade on both sides of the court after bowing to Galland above.

High Priest Xie Muer stood on the left below the throne.

Huimos and Kehos stood in order to the right below the throne.

Old Maid's right secretary sits on the right side of the white stone chair, still the old and decayed look, with his eyes hanging down, it seems that he is not interested in anything.

Everything is not in the beginning, this is the life rule of You Sixiang.

Seeing him like this, Zuo Sixiang, who was sitting opposite him, stood up.

The original Zuo Sixiang has passed away. The newly appointed Zuo Sixiang, who was newly appointed by Gallan, is in his prime. He is strong, strong, and clear-sighted. He is an upright person.

The reason why he was appointed by Garland as the head of the civil service was because he had performed very well in the battle of defending the city. During the period of his stay in the city, not only was he not afraid of danger, but he also handled all the things in his hands in an orderly manner, thus attracting the attention of Xie Muer and Huimus, and entrusting him with a heavy responsibility.

And he did not live up to the heavy trust placed on him, so he was commended after the war and was appointed as the chief secretary.

A few months ago, after the death of the former Zuo Sixiang, he succeeded Zuo Sixiang.

"Your Majesty, is there anything important in bringing me up?"

As the head of the civil service, Zuo Sixiang will naturally stand up and ask on behalf of everyone.

Garland nodded, then turned to look at Tal who was standing below.

Taal knew what he wanted, and with a click, he unfolded a large map.

Everyone looked closely and saw that it was a map of Aaron Landis.

But unlike an ordinary map, on this map, the lines representing roads are painted in different colors.

Each line is composed of several lines of different colors.

Just when everyone looked at the colorful map route doubtfully, and did not know what it meant for Garland to let them see the picture, Garland spoke.

"All the main roads of Aaron Landis are drawn on the map, and different colors represent the damage of these roads."

He said, "Red is the most serious, almost utterly damaged, followed by orange. Although it is still usable, the condition is worrying, and then it goes down."

As you can see from the map, Aaron Landis’s roads are not in good condition. There are a lot of orange areas and many red areas. Although there are black lines that symbolize good maintenance, they are rare in a colorful area. Pitiful.

This was the task Galan had assigned to the minstrel Shulos a year ago.

Those bards and part-time rangers traveled south and north all year round, walking around and were most familiar with the road conditions.

Garland asked Shulos to entrust the group of rangers to go around the country, check the local road conditions, and then summarize the situation. It took a whole year to make this map.

There are three ways of Aaron Landis.

Dirt roads, gravel roads, and then flagstone roads.

The gravel road with gravel and gravel is pretty good.

Most of the roads of Aaron Landis are earth dirt roads, that is, the soil is compacted and used as roads. This kind of road has accumulated over many years, and it is naturally bumpy, making it difficult to walk.

The slate standard road is a spacious road built with rectangular stones strictly in accordance with the road standard. It only exists around the Wangcheng and around some extremely wealthy large cities.

The ownership of Aaron Landis’s roads now belongs to the city under its jurisdiction, and it is the city’s responsibility to build and maintain the roads.

However, the maintenance of roads requires a considerable fee.

The cities directly under the jurisdiction of Wang Ting are okay. The city’s governor will follow Wang Ting’s order to withdraw a sum of money from the tax to maintain the roads, so the roads around these cities are still passable—just barely maintained.

And the roads in those areas under the jurisdiction of the city masters are not so good. After all, if it were not forbidden by the law that each city must maintain the traffic routes within its jurisdiction, those city owners who believed that the roads outside the city had nothing to do with them were reluctant to spend the money. Even if it is necessary to maintain in accordance with the law, it is just coping.

After listening to Gallan's words, the people looked at each other, and they all vaguely guessed something.

Someone asked tentatively.

"Your Majesty, do you mean..."

"I want to build a road."

Garland answered decisively.

He stood up from the malachite throne, walked down the steps, and pointed at the map.

"With Wangcheng as the center and the old road as the basis, I plan to build roads connecting major cities. Based on the road outside Wangcheng, paved the road to the whole country."

He said, "All the roads that are built will be used and maintained by Wang Ting in future, and will no longer be under the jurisdiction of various cities."

Everyone was stunned.

Historically, the new kings who have just taken the throne have tried their best to strengthen their military and political influence, and they thought that Galan did the same.

But they never imagined that the first decree proposed by Gallan was actually building roads.

And everyone can see that this is not a decree proposed by King Garland on the rise-just look at the map made up of colorful lines, you can know that the young king had already done it before he raised this matter. Planned for a long time.

When everyone looked at each other, someone immediately came forward to object.

"Your Majesty, you may not yet know, not to mention road construction. The maintenance cost of roads across the country is a huge amount, and it is difficult for Wang Ting to bear this cost."

Maintaining roads is always a thankless task. If cities know this, they will be happy to get rid of the burden, but they are also reluctant to take back this hot potato.

"Yeah, our manpower is simply not enough to maintain such a large road."

"Your Majesty, you better think about it before deciding."

The crowd objected one by one.

"It's better to continue to let the city be responsible for the roads within its jurisdiction. If you are worried about road damage, you can directly order them to ask them to increase the maintenance of the road."

Even Zuo Sixiang, who was pulled out by Gallan, frowned and objected.

"Your Majesty, building a national standard slate road is an extremely huge project. It takes a lot of financial and human resources. We have just ended the war, and many places are still being rebuilt. It may be difficult for both financial and human resources. Support this project."

Zuo Sixiang is not unaware of the benefits of building roads, but in his view, the young Wang's approach is undeniably too natural. It is so high that he does not consider the actual situation at all.

Even if King Jalan was unhappy, he had a responsibility to oppose this impossible project.

"This is not something that can be done overnight, and it takes a long time to distribute a lot of labor to achieve it, and not to mention that the war is shortly ended, it is the time for labor shortage. Such long-term labor recruitment may cause people's dissatisfaction..."

"Who said I would levy labor to build the road?"

Gallan interrupted him altogether.

Zuo Sixiang was startled.

Since the past, roads have been forcibly recruited directly from the local area. Otherwise, who will voluntarily come to build roads?

"You're right, road construction is a long-term project that takes a long time, so I plan to hire people to repair the road by employment."


"Yes, and there is no need for Wang Ting to bear the property. I will bear it."

The huge wealth accumulated by the royal family from generation to generation was used by Garland like a prodigal son.

"But, as a result, the ownership of the roads I spent on building the property belonged to the royal family."

He continued.

"As for labor, you don't need to worry, I have already arranged for Huymos and Kehos."

In the early days of road construction, those fifty or sixty thousand people who had just been pardoned as slaves and did not know how to make a living were completely sufficient.

He hired them to build roads and gave them the opportunity to work. Although it will be harder, they will have enough time to adapt to the status of civilians and live a good life.

Looking at the crowd, he asked: "Okay, what are your questions?"

Garland said this, the people who opposed the opinions were beaten back one by one immediately, silently silent.

However, even so, some people still think that the grand plan is a fantasy, and it is impossible to succeed. In the end, it is likely to be a waste of manpower and resources.

Therefore, some people continued to persuade Garland to abandon this plan.

"King Gallan, I think this project is still too risky. Do you think about it again..."

"This project is time-consuming and labor-intensive. I am afraid it will bring you and Aaron Landis a very heavy burden..."

"You still..."

Garland stood before the crowd, his golden eyes swept across the crowd.

At that glance, everyone closed their mouths.

"This is my decision."

Gallan said.

His tone of speech was calm and his expression was indifferent.

But when the young king's eyes slowly swept through his courtiers, there was an invisible sense of oppression that made everyone's heart suddenly stunned.

He is the king of Aaron Landis.

The king of Aaron Landis has made a decision.

At this moment, the entire court was silent.

After a moment of silence, everyone bowed and bowed their heads to the young king in front.

"Observe your will."

They said respectfully.

The first decree of King Garland was decided accordingly.

At this moment, the people in the Chamber still do not know how much of what they discuss today will leave behind in the history.


Aaron Landis Avenue.

This is the general term for all the roads that were densely distributed throughout the Aaron Landis continent in that ancient era.

Centering on the Arunlandis city, it expands outward in a radial manner, connecting all the cities of Arunlandis.

The existence of these roads made Aaron Landis extend in all directions, and for a thousand years later, Aaron Landis benefited greatly.

It has played an extremely important role in many matters such as military affairs, commercial and trade transactions, promotion of population circulation, and strengthening the central government's rule over localities.

The road construction project started from the rule of King Xianming, and King Garland advocated the construction.

The project was originally planned to be completed within fifty years, during which it continued to extend with the expansion of Aaron Landis's territory. It took a total of more than 100 years to complete the construction.

After its completion, the road has a total length of over 300,000 kilometers, spreads across the entire continent, and connects all cities.

This vast road project amazed future generations.

It became one of the symbols of the most prosperous and glorious period of the Aaron Landis Empire.

It is also one of the greatest achievements of the wise king Gallan.

The author has something to say:   hhhh all guessed wrong.

Later generations said that the capital construction demon king Gallan.

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