The fierce sun exposed the ground, and above this wilderness where almost no people were seen, there was a messy and rapid horseshoe sound.

The running horseshoe raised dust, and a chase battle was being staged in the wilderness.

There were only three people running in front of them, all in a dusty appearance, and there were blood stains on their bodies. Obviously, they had experienced a war not long ago, and now some wounds are slowly seeping blood, dyeing the clothes in that place. color.

But the men who galloped on the horse seemed to be unaware of the scars on their bodies, but just clenched their teeth, speeding up the horse's speed again and again, trying to throw away the chasing soldiers behind them.

But the horses were tired because they ran for a long time. Not only did they not throw away the soldiers, but they saw the distance between the two sides getting closer.

The bandage around the shoulder and neck of the man who ran the horse in the end had been soaked in blood, and it looked shocking.

The long run away made his unhealed wound open again, and there was no time to deal with it, only to let it flow. His face was extremely pale due to excessive blood loss, and his breathing was extremely heavy.

Not to mention that it is about to be caught up, even if it is not caught up, it will not last long.

The knight thought so, looked back at the dozens of chasing soldiers that were getting closer, and made up his mind.

He glanced at the two companions who galloped in front of him, and suddenly slammed the reins.

The horse beneath him screamed loudly, raised his front hooves high, and was forced to stay in place by his master.

Sensing the movement behind him, a knight in front looked back and suddenly showed a look of surprise and anger.

"Nah! What are you doing? Keep up!"

"You go--"

Turning the horse's head behind his companion, facing the upcoming chaser, the wounded knight's look was determined.

With the sound of Keng, the long sword came out of the sheath.

He shouted, "Go away! Don't stop!"

He took a deep breath, closed his eyes, clenched his long sword, and silently prayed for the last time in his life.

Gods of heaven, please give me the power to guard my companions.

Please bless them to complete our mission.

Suddenly opened his eyes, the knight roared, single-handedly charged towards his enemies more than ten times.


The young knight shouted, pulled the reins, and wanted Lema to turn around and fight with his companions.

He could not just abandon his comrades who died with him.

But at this moment, a hoarse voice came from the front.


"Master Moya, that he--"

"Go, don't waste the time that Nahe used to fight for us."

The middle-aged knight in front had a calm voice, which seemed to be calm, but he clenched the back of his hand with a swollen rein and revealed his mood at the moment.

"We must live, even if there is only one person left to go to King Aaron Landis."

He said that word by word was extremely calm, yet it was as heavy as a mountain.

"in order to……"

The elder knight said that few words, but he was very heavy.

The young knight's breathing stagnate, his eyes showing a sad look.

On the way to escape, he watched his companions who had fought side by side die one by one.

Up to now, there are only three people, including himself.

At this moment, Nahe will also...

He gritted his teeth and forced back the hot tears that he was about to see through the corners of his eyes.

The longitudinal horse was desperately running forward, and the wind roared in his ears.

To live.

Stay alive and go to Aaron Landis.

in order to--



A violent blade crashed at the entrance of the empty valley.

Heimus struck the long sword he had slashed with him.

The next moment, he slammed it away.

On the backhand side, Heimus kicked back the force from the side, and Kehos stabs him with another sword.

A sonorous sound was heard.

The long sword stood on Huimos' chest, and the blade was exactly the same as the sharp blade that pierced his chest.

The tip of the sword cut a splash of Mars on the blade, making a piercing friction.

It's hard to imagine how strong the forces of confrontation with each other-anyway, the knights and generals beside them looked at this scene and instantly changed their faces.

The exploded Mars caught Remus's eyes.

There was a sharp glance in the golden red eyes, and he seemed to be agitated in an instant, exposing his fangs.

After a few rounds with Kehuos.

Once again avoiding a sword, he swiftly moved forward, defensively as an attack, while the sword that Kehos had just slashed had not yet had time to recover.

He lowered his hand.

The long sword, which dropped suddenly, showed off the blonde knight's open side chest.

Kehuos leapt backwards.

A flip, avoiding a sword cut across.

Then, land quickly.

It was only when the dark cloak that flew behind him fell that he clearly broke a hole.

But he didn't realize it, just stared at Heimus sharply.

Heimus also looked at him coldly.

The two's eyes seemed to substantially collide in the air, exploding like electro-optics.

The earth was extremely silent at this instant.

The force of force that erupted during the powerful collision swept in all directions, like an invisible wall, so that no one on the side could step into the field of their duel.

The moment when the breath falls.

Kehuos stood up sharply, leaning forward, like a tiger.

Heimus' eyes were as fierce as a wolf, he did not evade, he hedged up.

Seeing that these two unstoppable tough knights will once again collide fiercely together-

A silver-white long sword shot suddenly and inserted diagonally into the grass.

The hilt shook slightly.

The position where it is inserted is exactly in the middle of the two knights about to collide.

At the same moment, the two stopped their footsteps stiffly, but their eyes were still striking fiercely, just like two ferocious beasts, staring at each other fiercely.

The voice of the young king who threw the sword between them came from the side.

"Have you played enough?"

Garland asked with a frown.

For this sudden battle, he felt baffled.

Although the relationship between Kehos and Huimus is not always good, it doesn't mean that you will die if you meet?

Retracting his sharp gaze from Huimus, the blonde knight stood upright, clicked, and closed his sword.

Kehuos walked forward a few steps and pulled out the long sword inserted in the grass.

While pulling the sword, his lips moved, and he said something in a low voice.

But his voice was so low that only Heimus, who was only a few steps away from him, could hear it.

Holding the drawn sword, Kehos turned around and walked back to Gallan.

In the face of Gallan, he smiled as usual. The dangerous breath oozing from the eyes of Heimus just now was deeply buried, and he could never see any more.

He smiled at Garland, as he always wanted, with an unruly look.

Carrying the sword in both hands, Kehos sent it to Gallan.

He said: "I'm sorry, Your Majesty, it's just a moment of upswing, Yuqian is out of luck."


Taking the sword back into the scabbard on the waist, Gallan asked suspiciously.


Kehuos shrugged indifferently.

"These days just happened to focus on training martial arts. Every day I watched others play in the arena, and I also got interested."

He smiled at Garland again.

"However, Your Majesty, you know, no one here is my opponent, so I can only watch and can't move."

With a smile on the corner of his lips, he seemed lazy and casual, and glanced at Heimus from the corner of his eye.

"No, when I saw His Excellency Heimos coming, I finally got a fight with me. I couldn't help itching for a while, and I started."

Garland: "........."

You flicker.

Continue to flicker.

I'm watching here to see what else you can flicker.

Gallan said in his heart that Kehos didn't believe a word.

However, after all, Kehuosi is his guardian knight, and in his eyes is his confidant. He can't refute Kehuos' face in front of everyone.

Therefore, he can only pretend to be a letter.


Garland looked at his guardian knight with a smirk and said, "Don't pick it at this time if you don't want to do it. If you haven't played enough, you can find a place to continue."

With that said, Gallan led his white horse, turned and walked straight forward.

Kehuos followed behind him. Just before he left, he looked back, and glanced at Heimus coldly, with a hint of warning.

Heimos stood there as if he didn't see the warning look of the blonde knight at all.

He just looked at Garland.

He watched the teenager leave in the crowd, and never looked back at him.

He slowly put the long sword into his sheath, his face expressionless.

The fine black hair scattered, and the shadow covered most of his eye sockets, his fingers clenched tightly against the hilt of his waist.


‘Tonight, continue. ’

That was what Kehos whispered to him just as he drew his sword.



In a blink of an eye, night has come.

Under the persuasion of Kehos, Garland, who felt that the special training camp in the mountain forest was much cooler than the palace, temporarily decided to rest here tonight.

After sending someone back to the palace to inform Xiemuer and Tapti that they would rest outside tonight, Garland chatted with Kehos for a few days, and then he entered Kehuos and arranged for him. room.

The whole person squinted comfortably on the bed for a while, and Garlan remembered suddenly.

He didn't seem to have spoken to Heimus all day today.

Heimos was also silent, but just followed him without saying a word.

Thinking of what Heymus looked like, Gallan was a little unbearable.

However, when he remembered the extremely shameful words that Heimus pressed him against the mirror in the morning, Garran was very anxious.

……ignore him.

Leaving the guy behind, Gallan buried half of his face in a soft pillow.

With the low hum of insects at night and the rustling of the thick canopy of the jungle in the wind, he quickly fell asleep.

Of course, it was impossible for Galland to know that after he went to sleep, two people took advantage of the night to ride horses and quickly left the valley of the special training camp.

After two horsemen galloping along the forest path for some time, they waited far away before stopping in a clearing.

Still silent, they turned over and dismounted, and walked straight into the open space.

Kehuosi did not talk nonsense, directly drew his sword and pointed at the other party.

"Your Excellency Huimos, you did something unforgivable to Your Majesty..."

There was a wave of anger in my eyes.

He said in a deep voice: "Aren't you going to give me an explanation?"

Heimos stood opposite him, staring blankly at him.

Hearing this sentence, suddenly pulled the corner of his lower lip mockingly.

"Explain? Unforgivable?"

With the sound of Keng, the long sword on the side of Huimus has also been unsheathed.

He stood there, holding the hilt tightly, the tip of the sword pointed diagonally to the ground.


The corner of his lips lifted sarcastically.

"You have done so many "unforgivable" things in your mouth so far, have you explained to anyone?"

His gaze turned to Kehuos full of sneer.


"Shouldn't you be the clearest person in this kind of thing?"

Heimus looked at Kehos expressionlessly and said,

"Craving for the person he loves, eager to touch him, possess him, what is unforgivable ** that everyone will have?"

When he thought that he said those words because he was irritated by Gallan, Gallan looked at his eyes in disbelief and resisted, and then pushed his hand away vigorously...Hyimus felt uncomfortable Terrible.

A breath of depression pressed against his chest, almost breathless.

Is his desire for him so repellent and unacceptable?

Garland feels his desire | is his desire dirty?

For a whole day, he refused to even look at him again.

His exposed desire | Does Galan disgust?

...After him... will he be alienated by Gallan?

Brown fingers clenched the hilt hard.

Obviously the strong enemy was on the opposite side, but Huimos closed his eyes violently, as if he was holding on to something, and his breath was quick.

Kehuos was startled.

He felt that the current situation of Huimus seems to be a bit wrong.

"Your Excellency Huimos, you..."

Before he finished speaking, his ears suddenly moved.

Kehuos suddenly turned his head to look east.

Almost at the same moment, Huimus also looked up, looking at the east with a stern look.

They all keenly heard the sound of fighting from the direction.



The young knight gasped violently, and hot blood ran down his forehead, staining his half cheeks.

He gritted his teeth and clenched the long sword in his hands with both hands.

In front of him, four strong men in strong suits approached him with sharp blades.

"...I won't die...I won't die here."

The young knight gasped, his clenched teeth rattled.

He stared violently at the enemies surrounding him, his blood-stained forehead almost exploding.

He shouted: "I will never die in your hands!"

Lord Moya did not hesitate to lead the chase, just to let him escape and complete their mission.

Have already arrived here!

The royal city of Aaron Landis was right in front of him, and he could be seen immediately--

They have sacrificed the lives of countless companions to get to the point where they are today. He must not end here!

"Everything will die."

The man approaching him answered in a low voice.

"Only under the blessing of my God can we live forever..."

When he said this, the man's eyes were full of fanaticism.

"Wait for the ants who disobeyed my God, give your humble life for the coming of my God--"

During the talk, the four men had raised their swords and rushed towards the young knight.

The knight who had been injured so badly that he hadn't listened to him had to look at the sword from different directions straight towards him in despair.

Seeing that he will be killed under the sword-

Suddenly, a sword light came from the oblique ground, passing by in front of him.

Where the sword light passed, blood spattered out.

In a blink of an eye, the young knight hadn't even recovered, and saw the four men already fallen to the ground.

The three of them were killed and only one was left. They were stepped on the ground by a tall man standing in front of him, and seemed to be in a coma.

"Huh, it's the guys who taught everything...the courage to dare to sneak into the vicinity of Wangcheng."

Pulling a long sword from the back of a dead body, Kehuos said.

At the same time, Huimos stepped out of the shadow of the jungle, and threw a man with blood on his chest, who was dead and alive, at the foot of Kehos.

He said, "This guy is secretly watching in the forest."

The young knight who had escaped from death at the very moment seemed to be stupid, staring blankly at the man standing in front of him.


Also, in the rumors, almost iconic black goggles and one-eyed.

"The sun...knight..."

Like a dream, he muttered to himself.


Seeing the young man rescued from the animist fanatics calling his title, Kehos turned his head and looked at him.

He glanced at him, and he saw the young man's sleepwalking change of face, and knelt down to him.

"My Excellency Kehuos! Please, please save Lord Moya-he led the soldiers for me-please save him -"

Following the incoherent words of the young man, Kehos frowned.

"What the **** are you talking about? Also, since you know me, report your identity immediately."

"Hug, sorry... I was rude, because Lord Moya is very dangerous now, I..."

Taking a deep breath, the young knight who suddenly saw the dawn of hope at the moment of despair tried to calm himself down.

"Sir Kehos, Lord Moya and I are the royal knights of Canal."

With one hand across his chest, he paid a standard knightly salute to Kehos.

"I wait to see King Galland."

He said anxiously,

"So, please be sure to save Lord Moya."

Kehos was taken aback.

Heimus frowned aside.

"Canal's royal knight?"

The author has something to say:    friends should guess who their subordinates are~~

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