
A familiar voice suddenly sounded in the ear, and the teenager who was kneeling and sitting by the wall suddenly raised his head and looked in a certain direction.

To his right is a long corridor, empty, with nothing but the bodies of the two cultists who had just been killed by him.

Strangely, I heard someone calling his name.

That sound is very much like Huimus.

He thought that Heymus had found it, but when he looked up, he realized that it was his illusion...

Feeling a little lost in his heart, Gallan lowered his head again, adjusting his messy breathing to put the body in the best rest state in order to restore physical strength as soon as possible.

He held the sword in one hand, and the tip of the sword was stuck in the gap of the stone slab. The blood slowly slid from the silver-white sword blade and penetrated into the gap of the stone slab.

His appearance was a bit more dirty than it was not long ago. It was originally black and gray with dust, and later when he beheaded the cultists, blood inevitably splashed on his face.

The blood stained the dust on his face, which could not be wiped clean. Instead, the dirt became more and more dirty, and finally dried up, forming a black and red blood stain on his face.

Garland sat on the ground with his sword in this way, breathing quickly and heavily.

Because his physical exertion is too great.

During this time, he has been taking Novi to find the way out. At first, it was okay, perhaps because of the Alenlandis cavalry on the ground, so many cultists were sent to the interior of the stone temple. Empty, there are few people.

But it didn't take long for the cultists to appear one after another, from one or two at the beginning, to the group at the back, as if to encircle him fiercely.

Garland wondered if it was because his identity was exposed that these cultists would chase and block him recklessly. Looking at the posture, it was obvious that he would not stop without catching him.

The constant battle with the believers of all things made Galan's physical energy exhausted.

Especially in the next few times, one or two devotees swallowed the medicine and turned into that kind of monster with no pain.

Fortunately, the action of this drug man was relatively slow, so that he could cut off their heads at his own speed.

The throat is very thirsty, the breathing is still short, and the hands and feet are sore.

Garland didn't know how long he could last.

He just adjusted his breath as much as possible, allowing himself to recover more energy in a short time.

The boy, holding his short sword in his arms, sat silently, his dark blue eyes staring at Gallan, who was panting violently. There seemed to be something flashing under his eyes.

Although he didn't know who Garland was, he knew very well that those cultists came to himself.

In order to get what he has in his hands, all things will surely capture himself at all costs.

The reason why they walk so hard is because of his existence.

Of course, he would never say this, otherwise, the person next to him would definitely get rid of his trouble.


It's just that now it seems that this person has almost reached the limit.

Novi lowered his eyes, concealing the cloudy look under his eyes.

I don't know how long this person can persist.

He thought darkly.

If this person can't wait, he will take the opportunity to sneak away while fighting this cultist and use this person as a bait...

After such a decision in his heart, Novi felt that the people around him stood up.

As soon as he looked up, he saw the teenager looking down at him, and the hand reaching out to him.


The man smiled at him, still these two words, understatement.

But Novi knew very well how much danger and trouble these two words brought to this person.

Because with him, their actions became so difficult.

It was obviously a messy face covered with blood and dust, but when he smiled at him, it was inexplicably brighter than his clean face.

...To make him darker...

Novi bit his lower lip, he lowered his eyes, avoiding the person's eye contact.

Grabbing this man's warm hand, he felt the coldness of his fingers more and more.


Holding the child's hand, Garland continued to walk along the corridor of his choice.

So thirsty.

He thought, licking his cracked lips.

This stone temple was bigger than he thought. After walking for so long, I didn't reach the end. I didn't even find a little water.

So thirsty.

The face is also sticky, and there is still the smell of the blood of those guys, which is really uncomfortable.

I want to find a place with water, drink a bite, and wash my face.


I don't know where Huimus is now.

He should be very anxious now, looking for himself desperately.

Normally it's just a trivial matter, he overprotects himself, not to mention this situation, I don't know if he is...

Do not.

Can't be cranky.

He is unscathed, and Huimos is so much stronger than himself, and it must be good.

Garland looked up and looked around this huge stone temple.

He thought that Huimos should also be somewhere in the stone temple at the moment, just like himself, so worried about each other...

The child's hand he gripped suddenly tightened him hard, followed by the child's low voice.


As soon as Garran looked up, he saw three cultists wearing black and blue robes approaching them.

His heart tightened.

The three people were approaching them, neither running nor rushing.

Obviously, all three of them were devotees who had swallowed that medicine and had terrible fighting power.

Garland's eyes flickered.

If there is another way, he will choose to take advantage of the shortcomings of the other party's unhappy movement.

But there is only one way to avoid it.

It is also impossible to look back. The believer who was dumped by them not long ago is in the back, and turning back means being attacked on both sides.

This kind of believer who swallows medicine, he can barely cope with two, three are really dangerous, if four...

Garland leaned over slightly and whispered in a voice that only the children around him could hear: "Listen, when I stepped forward to fight them, you seized the opportunity to rush over."

He paused and continued.

"Run forward, just run away, don't look back."

Novi froze for a moment, he didn't expect Garland to say such a thing.


He stared blankly at Garland, thinking he had heard it wrong.

What does this person mean...Let yourself leave him and escape?

Although he did have such a plan, he said it out of the other party's mouth, which made him feel uncomfortable.

"I said, seize the opportunity to rush past, desperately run forward, don't look back."

After he finished speaking, Gallan straightened up and looked at the cultist ahead, his eyes suddenly sharpened.

"Remember, run forward!"

He said, then squeezed the sword in his hand and greeted him.

Novi watched Gallan rushing up, fighting with the three cultists, and he had a full flavor in his heart for a time.

After gritting his teeth, he glanced at a gap and rushed past the few people fighting together.

After rushing, he didn't look back, didn't look behind him, and ran forward with all his strength.

He knew that the man's physical strength could not support it.

This time, that person will lose and die here.

He had to escape quickly, taking advantage of the man as a bait while the man was entangled with the cultist, so he could escape further.

He must do it, he should do it.

Anyway, he didn't believe that person from the beginning.

Anyway, the man just said, let him escape.

He didn't need to control him.

and so……

and so----

The boy stopped suddenly.

This should not be the case.

He thought, clenching his teeth.

However, he shouldn't understand what it was like.

He just stopped subconsciously, then turned around and ran in the direction just now.

You still have time.

He gritted his teeth and thought.

It must be too late-he can use that thing to threaten those people to stop and save that person's life.

With a bang, the boy running forward with his head slammed hit someone.

As soon as he looked up, he was dumbfounded.

It was the teenager who thought he should be in danger at this moment.

He looked up at the teenager with his eyes wide open, and the teenager looked down at him in surprise.


"How do you run back? Didn't you tell you not to look back?"

Knowing that it was difficult for him to contend with the three cultists, Gallan only entangled with them for a while. Seeing that the little boy ran away, he made a move and jumped agilely, leaving the battle circle.

Then, run away decisively.

Knowing that he is not strong enough, how can he continue to fight stupidly with these powerful cultists?

Since the other party is slower, throw them away and run away.

Grabbing the child to run forward quickly, Gallan said while running.

"Novi, listen, I know you are worried about me."

He says,

"But you won't be able to help me even if you come back. It's useless to come back, so..."

"I am useful."

Novi said suddenly.


After hesitating for a long time, Novi finally answered.

"...I have something important to them, and they want it very much."

Only if this person is alive can he be protected and taken away from here.

He told himself so.

He did not believe in this person, nor did he want to rely on this person.

He was only for himself, and for someone to protect himself, he could not easily let this person die.

He said: "So, when there is danger, I can threaten them with this thing."

The two of them fell silent, and stopped talking.

They ran for a while and found that the person behind them didn't catch up, so they ran away to save energy.

Garland glanced behind him.

Looking back, his eyes fell on Novi, his look thoughtful.

"That is to say, it is you who these cultists want to catch?"

Not because of your identity.

The reason why these cultists chase them down is to catch Novi?

All things can't be so important to an ordinary sacrifice.

What is hiding in this child?

Garland's words tightened Novi's chest.

In fact, he regretted it immediately after finishing the two sentences.

The question of Garland made him regret it even more.

Was guessed.

These cultists were all directed at him, and this person guessed it.

In this way, this person may be-

While annoyed, Novi suddenly heard Galland scream.


He awakened suddenly and turned his head to see that the cult behind him had already caught up. And not just three, but a group of people.

There was no more time for confusion, he followed Gallan desperately forward.

In front is the end of this corridor, where the branch is.

They had just ran to the branch, and before breathing, they saw another group of chasing soldiers rushing towards them from one of the passages of the branch.

There is no choice but to make a last resort. They can only run into the dim passage on the right.

It was an arched passage, there were no lights on the curved walls, and the light was extremely dim.

After they rushed out of the tunnel, their eyes suddenly opened up.

Through the narrow passage, a huge and empty underground garden appeared in front of them.

This is obviously the courtyard of the underground palace, and the ordinary courtyard does not move. This underground garden is three-dimensional and is divided into several levels.

In a huge semi-circular underground space, stone steps crisscross, some leading to the upper level, and some to the lower level.

In the middle there are staggered earth roads or suspended stone bridges connected to the isolated sky gardens.

Below, you can hear the sound of running water.

It's a pity that this suspended attic garden in the ground floor is obviously worn out, and it is no longer beautiful.

However, even if it is run down, this underground garden is still extremely spectacular.

However, Galland had no time to appreciate its magnificence.

There is no way ahead.

The road that was supposed to lead to a hanging garden in front was broken halfway.

At this moment, Garland and the two stood on the edge of the broken road. In front is a crack like a cliff, which is more than ten meters high.

The footsteps of the chasing soldiers have been heard from afar.

Soon, those cultists will chase here.

Subconsciously, Novi turned his gaze to the teenagers around him.

Even if he doesn't even know the name, at this moment, he can only rely on this person.

I don't know when, when he was held by this person, he believed this person a little bit.

He saw the young man frown and looked down for a while, then suddenly turned his head to look at him, said nothing, and stretched out his hand to take the dagger in his hand.

Novi opened his eyes wide and watched in amazement as the teenager suddenly jumped forward—

Looking at the earth wall of more than ten meters in front of him, Gallan jumped forward.

He jumped and fell from the sky.

The wind roared in his ears.

He gritted his teeth, held his breath, and opened his eyes.

Just as it fell halfway, he thrust the dagger in his hand fiercely into the earth in front of him.

The sharp dagger stabs in, and cuts a long mouth from top to bottom on the wall of the earth. The blade is constantly striking the gravel in the wall of the earth, wiping away a spark of sparks and making a harsh impact.

The short sword pierced into the earth's wall effectively weakened Gallan's falling speed.

Finally, after just a few seconds, the short sword stopped underlining.

Garland, holding the dagger in both hands, was suspended in midair, at this time, his feet were no more than half a meter from the ground.

He let go of his hands, jumped gently, and fell to the ground.


Novi sat on the edge of the fracture, staring fiercely at the teenager who had successfully fallen to the ground.

He stared at the short sword stabbed in the earth's wall, and there seemed to be dark mist in his eyes.



He shouldn't believe anyone!

He thought this person would be different.

But this guy also dropped him, snatched his short sword, just fled himself, and abandoned him!

The boy clenched his hands and his nails penetrated deeply into his palm.

He gazed at the young man below with a dark eye, and the gloomy breath was sullen under his eyes and churned.


he thinks.

He was already struggling hard.

But his life was like a toy in the hands of God. Every time he was just hoped, he was robbed away.

He experienced this despair again and again.

The child's lower lip was bleeding from his bite.

Gods... is it really worth to believe?

Neither he nor his loved ones have always worshipped the gods religiously.

But in the end it ended so miserably.


Why do the gods fool him like this, torture him, take everything away from him?

The bottomless abyss slowly emerged from the bottom of the child's eyes, engulfing the last faint luster in the deep blue under the eyes.


Enough is enough.

If God is not worthy of faith and cannot help him, then he will simply rely on the power of the evil god!

Whether it is an evil spirit or a demon, as long as he is given awe-inspiring power, let him avenge—


A voice came up from under the earth cliff to wake the child up.

He was shocked to see that he thought that the teenager who had left him and fled was still standing at the bottom of the cliff.

"Jump down, Novi!"

The teenager looked up at him, his eyes bright even in the dark, and stretched out his hands to him.

"I will catch you."

The voice that shouted his name seemed to contain an unspeakable tough and powerful force.

"Trust me, jump down!"

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