The front hall was brightly lit.

A huge idol stood on the ground, and the only pupil was crossed by light and shadow.

The black robe priest stood on the high stone steps and looked down at the people below at the feet of the giant idol, as if to replace the idol behind him and look down on sentient beings.

The unpleasantly sweet fragrance filled the bright front hall, as if it could penetrate deep into the body.

Under the stone steps, everyone had fallen to the ground and fell asleep.

Every face showed a very painful look.

They seem to be having an endless nightmare, but they can't wake up from the nightmare and can only struggle in vain in the dream.

The black robe priest looked down at the people indifferently, and the corner of his mouth raised under the shadow, a smile appeared.

From the beginning, he stood quietly here.

He calmly and condescendingly watched everyone fall into the illusion-that is the illusion that can evoke the most heavy memory in everyone's heart, and excavate the illusion of the most fearful and longing things in everyone's heart.

The tiny human being is so vulnerable to the pain in his heart.

No one can defeat himself, even the most courageous strongman in the world will fall in front of himself.

They will just sleep forever in pain and never wake up again.

Stupid and humble mortal.

Being so swayed by the so-called feelings, therefore suffering and struggling.

Out of stupidity.

And he can easily make everyone into pain and manipulate their joys and sorrows.

He is like a **** above him, looking down on sentient beings.

Looking away from those stupid mortals, the black robe priest turned and looked up at the tall idol with a fanatical look.

Tim Yat, the great **** of all things-

Please give your devout believers immortal eternal life——

A giant statue with a strange shape but wonderfully giving a soft feeling stands on a huge platform.

The tail of the idol extends from above, coils along its own foot, and then the tip of the tail is embedded in the six-diamond altar in the middle of the bluestone platform.

Thick pillars with thick arms surround the altar, and the lines carved on the blue stone plate spread out, depicting complex patterns.

The lines are like clouds and waves, forming a whirlpool-like trace, bringing all the ends of the runes to the center.

In the center of the pattern vortex, the tail end of the idol rises slightly there.

The tail end carved out of black stone rolled up, leaving a gap in the middle of the hole, as if waiting for something to be inserted into it.

The black robe priest raised the scepter that had been in his hand.

The scepter is as tall as a person. The body of the scepter is carved out of obsidian. A snake-like non-snake creature is wrapped around the body from bottom to top.

At the top of the scepter, the object opened its mouth and lifted a round sphere.

The sphere seemed to be bluestone, but it exuded a metallic texture and luster under the fire.

Slender lines are carved on the bluestone ball, coated with a layer of fluorescence, reflecting the fire, so that the mysterious runes emit a shallow luster due to the light refraction of the concave shallow groove.

The black robe priest cautiously raised the scepter and gently inserted the scepter into the hole curled out from the end of the god's tail.

When the scepter was inserted, the end of the tail seemed to move slightly.

With a click, the scepter blended perfectly with the curled end opening, as if the scepter should have stood there.

Ordinary people can't see it, but the black robe priest can see it faintly, a trace of gray and black gas comes out of the ground, and then gathers around the scepter as if attracted.

The plumes of gray and black breath spread quickly along the lines on the ground of the altar.

Gradually, an invisible vortex was formed, spreading around with wind pressure.

The invisible air flow flew away, shaving the priest's black robe hem.

The wide hood slipped from the head, and an old face was exposed to the lights.

The snow-white hair was flying wildly in the invisible airflow, and two black and blue runes were on his cheeks, making his face more strange.

On the wrinkled face, only a pair of eyes were terribly bright.

He opened his hands, his eyes full of fanaticism.

"Ah... I feel your breath... your response..."

The old priest stood beside the invisible vortex, his hands raised high, his face blazing hot, his eyes full of madness.

His grotesque weird emphasis echoed in the stone temple.

"Tim Yat, the great **** of all things."

"Everything will eventually disappear. When that day comes, it is the moment when you wake up from a deep sleep."

The gray-black vortex is spinning endlessly, getting bigger and deeper, and a ray of invisible gray breath escapes from the vortex.

They are moving away in all directions, they will be scattered around the earth, falling into the bottom of everyone's heart, inducing the deepest ** in everyone's heart, let everyone be lured a little bit into a greedy slave.

Then, there is nothing more to do, human beings eroded by greed will destroy themselves, together with this continent--

The old priest stood in front of the altar. The invisible airflow caused by the vortex formed in the altar lifted his robe and set off his pale hair.

He stood there, like a messenger of God, standing calmly, looking down from the shadow on one side, bowing his head deeply to the believers who were kneeling at his feet.

Almost all believers have sacrificed flesh and blood for the gods. Only these three, he deliberately left it to the end.

"This is just the beginning."

The old priest said,

"We want to spread the breath of the great God of All Things across the earth."

The bright lights came from both sides, and a huge statue stood behind him, casting a dark shadow.

He stood at the intersection of light and shadow, as if wrapped in a mysterious breath.

His hoarse voice surrounded the stone temple, echoed, enduring.

"When the humble human self is destroyed, it is the moment when God wakes up from a deep sleep."

"The great God will come to the world, bring an end to all things, and bring true eternal life to me."

The black robe priest raised his hand and pointed under the steps.

"Go, after many years, the sacrifice chosen by God has returned to Yuqian again under the guidance of God."

He says,

"Go send this offering to the altar."

The three believers got up and quickly came to the comatose crowd and brought Huimus to the altar.

The moment when Huimos was sent to the altar, a thick gray-black breath separated from the vortex and slowly spread to Huimos.

It surrounded Huimos little by little, pervading him, breathing into his body, almost blending into it.

The black robe priest nodded gently, and then looked back at the crowd still unconscious.

"The king of Aaron Landis..."

Staring at Gallan, the black robe priest muttered to himself.

"...The bright soul that has never been seen must be dedicated to my god."

A believer was randomly ordered, and the black robe priest pointed down.

"Go, servant of God, for the great God will present the head of the young king."

Believers leaned over to salute extremely piously.

Then he stood up and walked down the stone steps to the teenager.

The teenager lay quietly on the ground, sideways, long blond hair spread out on the stone ground.

The bright lights reflected on his side face, letting his slender lashes reflect a rosy shadow on his cheeks.

He closed his eyes, his eyebrows safe.

Amidst the slightly swaying lights, the beautiful young man lying asleep on the ground of the stone temple is like a picture, quiet and beautiful.

The man standing in front of him raised his broad sword expressionlessly.

Cut off with a sword.

The sharp sword edged straight toward Gallan's neck, where he was sleeping--



A whimper, the whistle of a car passing by outside the window, and waking up the teenager who was struggling.

He turned his head and looked out the window. The clear night sky didn't know when it was dark, and the drizzling rain hit the window sill.

The cool night wind blew the drizzle into the house.

The teenager quickly got up and walked over to close the window.

Through the window, he looked at the night sky outside.

The whole sky was enveloped by thick black clouds, dark, and there was no moonlight or starlight.

He looked out of the window, inexplicably a little lost.

Do not know if it is an illusion, he always feels that he seems to have seen the endless night sky with stars everywhere.

The night sky, the starry sky, is so enchantingly beautiful.

When he looked up at the starry sky, someone was beside him, more than one person, accompanied him to watch the starry sky, listening to the sound of the waves pounding under the night sky.

【……do not forget……】

Suddenly, the rain suddenly rose, and the raindrop hit the glass window with a loud sound, waking the teenager out of the trance.

He shook his head.


He has never been to the beach, how could he have seen the starry sky at the beach.

It's very late, and staying up all night like this will make your mind even less awake and he should sleep.

Thinking about this, the teenager raised his hand and yawned, and turned to plan to pack up and go to bed.

Suddenly, when he raised his hand, his wrist lightened.

Something worn on his wrist broke and fell under his feet.

He subconsciously leaned over and picked up the things under his feet.

Picked up by him was a bracelet he had never seen. Although it was a strand of pure gold, it was too smooth and bright because it was too long. The silk thread is very rough, and it has faded and become gray.

The gray-gold twisted wire wears a lapis lazuli amulet. The polished stone runes are not smooth because they have been worn and rubbed for years, but the guardian runes carved on the stone runes are crooked. It looks crude.

A moment of silence.

Time is still at this moment.

Even the rain outside the window froze in the air.


Under the bright light, a drop of water dropped on the smooth lapis lazuli rune.

The teenager's eye socket was hidden under the shadow of his forehead.

The bright light shone on his face, reflecting the shallow water mark on his cheek.



The man chopped off with a sword, and the cold blade saw him cut off the neck of the teenager lying on the ground—

Suddenly, the boy's eyes closed tightly.

As soon as he opened his eyes, the sharp gold burst out of the shadow of his forehead.

Garland raised his hand violently.

Keng's crunch sounded, and the armored bracers on his wrist blocked the sword that had hacked him.

The blade wiped a fierce spark from the wrist and slid to the side.

The gray-gold twisted wire worn on the wrist broke, and the lapis lazuli stone charms connected in series fell to the ground.

Garland stood up sharply, reaching for the cultist's hand holding the sword handle and twisting hard.

When the opponent subconsciously let go of his hand because of pain, he grabbed the opponent's broad sword.

Then, clenching the hilt with both hands, one sword stabbed forward.

Kuanjian penetrated the man's chest fiercely. The man's eyes widened and his eyes were unbelievable. He stretched out his hand and seemed to want to grab Gallan, but his body fell backwards unconsciously.

With a bang.

He lay on the ground with his face up, his pupils dilated, and his broad sword stuck in his chest.

Garland stood in front of the dead cultist and gasped softly.

While calming his breathing and violent heartbeat, he looked up and looked up.

The movement just now disturbed the black robe priest who was standing at the altar. He turned around and stood on the high platform looking down at him. There was a trace of surprise in his eyes. It seemed to be wondering why he could wake up.

Garlan's gaze glanced over the black robe priest and the two kneeling cultists, and then fell onto the altar. The scepter of black bluestone stands quietly in the middle of the altar, as if there is an invisible vortex of air flowing around it.

He leaned over to pick up the broken protective hand, and took a deep look.

[Garland, don’t forget at all times, you are the crown prince of Aaron Landis and the future king of Aaron Landis. 】

That day, under the bright sunlight.

The voice of King Camos wearing the crown of the crown prince on his head seemed to sound in his ear again.

This was the first time he carved a rough amulet for Brother Wang when he was very young.

It was always worn by his prince, and never left.

Until that day...

Since then, this old talisman was worn on his hand.

Putting the broken talisman into his belt, Garran reached out and picked up the long sword in front of Kehos.

"do not worry."

He whispered to his unconscious knight, "I will end everything and make you wake up."

Holding the long sword tightly, Gallan stood up and clasped the hilt firmly with his fingers.

The wet blond hair scattered from his cheeks, revealing his golden pupils.

He stood there, looking up at the black robe priest above the altar, pointing the sword in his hand to the earth.

The young king's eyes are bright and sharp.

That look made the heart of the black robe priest violently beat.

He has seen such eyes.

Many years ago.

That terrible...invincible man...

King Camos.

The king who is as young as the sun is accompanied by the scorching sun, and all shadows are in front of him.

All kinds of evil magic, ghost and charm tricks, can not be contaminated by anything.

The king of the lion that makes all things hate and fear.

In the place where the eyes are looking, the believers of all things shudder.

And now, he even saw the same trembling eyes in the eyes of this young king.

The pupils shrank violently, and the black robe priest's indifferent face changed suddenly, sinking suddenly, and became cold.

Can't let him live.

Never let this young king live!

The black robe priest's face was ruthless, and he spoke coldly.

"Take the magic medicine, kill him, and give his flesh and blood to God."

With his order, the two cultists who were kneeling at his feet swallowed the ‘magic medicine’ they carried without hesitation.

The cultist who took the pill first had a frantic look in his eyes, ran down the stone steps, and rushed to the boy who had just walked up the stone steps.

Gallan, who had stepped on the stone steps, stepped up.

He didn't go fast, but step by step, it was exceptionally smooth.

He always tilted his head slightly and looked sharply forward.

The black robe priest stood on a high platform, condescending, and looked down at Gallan who was approaching him.

"What are you still holding on to?"

He said in a low voice.

The rich aroma rushed across the face and filled the stone temple.

The voice of the black robe priest seemed to be able to penetrate into the hearts of the people with the fragrance and shake the hearts.

"Fate is already doomed and cannot be changed. No matter what you do, it will follow the established trajectory."

In the low priest's words, the devourers who had swallowed the drugs had rushed at Galland fiercely from above.

Garland's body side, avoiding to the side.

The survivor threw himself in a hurry. Seeing Gallan avoiding it, he couldn't stop trying to stop. He brushed past Gallan's side and stumbled down a few steps before barely stopping.

He turned to try again.

But just when he turned halfway, a sword light flew by, his head flew aloft, and he made an arc in the air, falling under the stone steps.

His body crashed down, and the blood from his neck stained the boy's boots.

"Perhaps as you said, there is an established destiny..."

Garlan looked up, his golden pupil and black robe priest stared at each other for a moment.

The look on his face was calm, except for those golden eyes, which were amazingly bright.

"But, you can't do nothing because of this."

He continued to walk upward, with a firm and strong pace.

Blood-stained boots leave a clear blood-red footprint every time they walk up a stone step.

The amazingly bright golden eyes made the black robe priest inexplicably disturbed for a moment, and then immediately forced him down.

He looked at the teenager who had reached the middle of the stone steps, his eyes cold.

The priest standing in front of him made a beast-like roar, his eyes were flushed, and he looked like a madman.

Garland leaped aside swiftly.

The fierce sword of the cultists who had become infinitely powerful split the stone steps that Galran had just stood.

The broad sword was embedded in the stone steps, and just when the believer wanted to pull it out, Gallan had rushed straight in front of him. Head.

The green muscles of the black robe priest's forehead jumped abruptly, and there was a trace of confusion in his eyes.

He forcibly suppressed the feeling of panic, still calmly standing next to the altar, looking down at Garlan coming to him in a predominant manner.

"Young king."

He said that a low voice was like a sigh.

"The pawns used by the gods, the puppets of fate, what a sad existence."

He says,

"Are you going to continue your sad fate?"

Withdrawing the long sword, he reached out and pushed the corpse of the cultist who was standing in front of him to the side.

Garran looked up, he looked at the black robe priest, and suddenly smiled.

He smiled and said, "It doesn't matter."

The black robe priest's expression stiffened, and he watched Gallan stepping towards him again, and he was about to walk in front of him. For a time, he could no longer maintain that high posture.

His face was angry, and his hoarse voice suddenly increased.

"Your life is only at the mercy of the gods! Don't you care even if you are like this?"

"Yes, even if it doesn't matter."

The boy replied, determinedly and calmly.

His eyes were as sharp as swords and as bright as the morning stars.

He didn't stay in his footsteps and continued to walk up step by step.

That look...

The same eyes as the terrible man...

[Where the sun goes, all the shadows have no place to escape. 】

A trace of confusion appeared on the black robe priest's face. Unconsciously, he took a step back and seemed to be a teenager walking towards him in fear.

When he realized this, it seemed that he wanted to suppress the sudden fear in his heart, he said sharply: "O King of Aaron Landis, all you do is futile! You cannot change the established 'S fate! Can't save anyone!"

Garland shook his head.

"No, I saved Aaron Landis and saved countless people."

He answered quietly and continued to walk toward the priest calmly.

"Whether this is the arrangement of your destiny or not, I have saved countless lives, and that is the fact, no one can deny it."

No longer could he conceal his inner panic, the black robe priest's face was long gone with the arrogance and indifference of the gods not long ago.

He looked at Garran in horror, unable to understand why the aroma and the power God had given him had no effect, and he could only take a step back.

While retreating, he continued sternly, unwillingly, wanting to shake Galland.

"You will be abandoned, abandoned by the gods-chess pieces like you, when you are completely useless, you will be abandoned by the gods and fate!"

"Chess pieces or puppets, no matter what the truth is, it has nothing to do with me."

Gallan said he had reached the priest.

His sharp eyes stared at the old and gray face of the priest, and he slowly raised his sword.

"I'm just doing what I want to do with my own will."

Guard Aaron Landis.

Guard the people around me.

Protect this land.

It has nothing to do with the gods, it has nothing to do with fate, this is my own will.

The black robe priest panicked and staggered back.

" shouldn't shouldn't be..."

He spoke incoherently, his voice hoarse.

"You should not disobey destiny... God told me... destiny is already doomed, the demise of Aaron Landis, the end of all things... this is destiny, destiny..."

"You shouldn't...can't go against your destiny...yes, you can't do this..."

He whispered, "Fate is so, you can't..."

A silver-white sword light flew across the sky.

Jianguang split the chest of the black robe priest.

The old man's pupils suddenly dilated, reflecting the blood splattered from his split chest.

He had seen countless times from the sacrifice, but it was the first time he spattered from him.

He opened his eyes and opened his mouth but couldn't say a word.

He fell down, faced up to the sky, and fell into the altar.

The blood flowing from his chest stained a pattern on the blue stone plate.

He was not dead yet, breathing hurriedly with his mouth open, eyes open, and stared at Garran unwillingly and resentfully.

Garland glanced lightly at the old priest who fell at his feet.

His eyes passed by.

Then he turned around, grasped the sword in his hand, and walked to the other side.

As he moved forward, blood dripped on the ground he walked along with the sword in his hand.

Looking at Gallan's direction, the priest's face was suddenly twisted.

His eyes were filled with panic, struggling on the ground, struggling hard, reaching forward desperately, trying to stop the terrible scene.

"No! You can't do this! No... no--"

In the roar of the old priest's best efforts, the fire was shaking and the light and shadow were interlaced in the stone temple.

A huge idol stood in the shadow.

The gray-black vortex that gathered around the scepter and was invisible to ordinary people seemed to shrink together in fear, shaking violently, as if it would collapse anytime, anywhere.

It seemed to be furiously resisting, and in an instant, an invisible airflow rushed toward the stone hall in all directions with the altar as the center.

Garland stood above the altar, in front of the black blue stone scepter.

The invisible air flow rushed past him violently, surrounding his body, raging fiercely, causing his long golden hair to fly like clouds and fog behind him.

"I am the king of Aaron Landis."

"Son of the gods."

He said that under the flying forehead, Samash's rune was like a burning flame.

"If there is such a destiny in this world..."

A white sword light flew across the sky.


The black blue stone scepter in the center of the altar was severed by the young king.

There seemed to be a huge and invisible airflow exploding in this moment.

"I am destiny!"

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