The air solidified for a while.

Garland's breath paused for a moment.

The needle was audible throughout the room, and no one spoke.

Moya lowered his head, clenched his fingers, and gritted his teeth in pain.

He was the only one who knew about it and kept secrets for the prince, but he never thought that the prince had said it himself.

At first, he thought that the prince just wanted to give the treasure to King Galland in exchange for the help of Aaron Landis, but he never thought that the prince was...

It stands to reason that as a knight loyal to Canal, he should have stopped the prince.

But now, he can vaguely understand the prince's behavior.

Moya's side, the young knight who wanted to get up but was held up by him a moment ago, stayed on the spot. He stared blankly at the prince in front of him, his face lost his soul.

Xie Muer and Kehuo Si looked at each other, both saw the surprise in each other's eyes, and the pity hidden in the eyes.

However, for more than a year, the country broke its family and was captured by the Gasdard on the way to escape. Later, it was imprisoned underground for more than a year, and now it even has a body...

The experience of this little prince who suffered as a child is really sighing.

Although he felt sympathy for the Prince of West Asia, the next moment, Xie Muer's brain quickly turned up.

If it is really as the prince of West Asia said, then it is not impossible for the prince of West Asia to hand over the throne of Canal to King Gallan on the premise that there is nowhere to go but it is impossible to return to the country.

After all, although the Prince of West Asia is the last person in the Kanal royal family, he has completely lost the kingdom, and he is not much different from the exiled nobles who have lost their territory.

He has nothing but the treasure in his hands.

And this continent can only contend with the Gastads, only Aaron Landis's iron ride.

It can be said that as long as Aaron Landis refused him, then in this life, the prince of West Asia could not return to the country with his own power.

The prince of West Asia suffered such humiliation in the hands of the Gastads, and with the hatred of the ruined country, he must have hated the Gastads.

He will do whatever he can to avenge the Gastians.

Therefore, on the premise of knowing that he had no hope of returning to the country, he would rather give the name of justice to King Gallan in exchange for revenge against the Gasdard.

Even if there is no power around Prince West Asia, he is still the last descendant of the Kanal royal family and has the name of justice.

He is willing to give Kanal's throne to King Gallan, then, from then on, Kanal's name of justice will fall on Gallan.

King Garland will become the orthodox of Kanal.

In other words, the army of Aaron Landis's journey to Canal will be justified in the future, and no country can dispute.

When the Aaron Landis army drove away the Gastards who occupied Canal, Canal would then become part of Aaron Landis.

The land of Aaron Landis will be double that of the past, with the vastest territory of the dynasties of all dynasties, and it will become the largest kingdom on the mainland.

In addition, Kanalben is a wealthy place, with many minerals, especially gold mines, fertile soil and water, suitable climate, and a large population. Even if there is a war, it will be restored as soon as you rest for a while...

Thinking of this, Xie Muer couldn't help but feel moved.

Not only the high priest, Kehos also stared at Gallan with glaring eyes.

Expand the territory and fight the Quartet.

These words are almost the dream of all soldiers.

No one can resist.

Even the scorching sun knight, who had always been calm, thought of that scene, his chest could not help but became faintly hot.

Under the staring eyes of the two subordinates behind him, the young king sitting on the golden chair lowered his eyes, as if pondering something.

The light reflected on his cheeks, and his long blond hair flowed down his shoulder like flowing gold.

His lips were pursed slightly, that was his habit of thinking seriously.

After a while, Gallan raised his eyes and looked at West Asia kneeling in front of him.

"Have you thought about it?"

He said that his eyes met West Asia.

"Although you are young, as the last person in the Kanal royal family, you must bear its responsibilities."

"So, I will not treat you as a child, but treat you as the royal family of Canal who can talk to me."

"Every sentence and every decision of you determines the future of you and Kanal."

"Once a decision is made, you can never look back."

Gallan looked at West Asia deeply, his expression very serious at the moment.

"Now, answer me."

He asked again.

"Have you thought about it?"

Canal land.

Throne of Canal.

Canal's glory for thousands of years

Everything that is difficult to give up... If it is handed over to Garland, then from then on, he will even lose the prince of Canal, so that even if he is suffering, he can grind his teeth and stick to his current identity.

West Asia, who was still kneeling, looked up and stared into the eyes of the young king.

The golden pupils shone brightly in the room lights, as bright as the sunlight he hadn't seen in a long time.

Like the golden eyes of the statue of Samash in the hall he had seen.

The young king of Aaron Landis.

He guarded Aaron Landis.

Guarding his people.

He put the soldier's life above wealth.

He allowed the people he ruled – even civilians and slaves in slums, to live with hope and vitality.


Thinking of his first meeting with King Garland and the bits and pieces that he experienced, as well as everything he saw in the inside and outside of the king's city for more than a week, West Asia closed his eyes and showed a decisive look.

He said, "Yes, I..."


The young knight behind him interrupted West Asia in a panic.

" don't have to do this!"

He was anxious to persuade West Asia to give up that terrible thought.

"As long as you become King Kanal, when you grow up, you can choose a bloodline next to the royal family to pass under you, and the Royal Kanal can still be passed on, right?"

"Yes, Prince West Asia, as your subordinates said, you can do that and continue the Kanal royal family."

Xie Muer said.

At this time he had calmed down and looked at West Asia without blinking, paying attention to any slight changes in West Asia's face.

"Presumably, you also know that King Camos of our country did not leave any descendants. King Garland was born in the sidelines, and was selected by King Camos as his younger brother before he inherited the throne."

The high priest said, not shyly.

If you change to another king, you will definitely feel uncomfortable that he is so straightforward to say that he is not a direct royal bloodline.

But Xie Muer knew that Gallan didn't care about it, so he said it directly.

"Yes, prince, that's it, you can also..."

The young knight continued to say anxiously.

West Asia was silent for a moment, then suddenly smiled.

The laughter was weird.

"Choose a sideline?"

The young child's eyes narrowed, but there was a mocking look on his face that was completely incompatible with his age.

The gloomy colors were surging under his eyes, and the bright lights could not illuminate his pupils shrouded in darkness.

"Do you think that what I have suffered is really caused by the Gstaad?"

At first, he was betrayed by the city owner, who could be said to be his distant relative with the blood of the royal family, and fell into the hands of the Gasdard.

At that time, he thought about running away.

At that time, he also hoped for the nobles of Canal and the city owners.

He wrote several letters of help, and asked his knight to flee to the noble Canal or the city lord for help.

But a letter of help was a dead sea.

The Gstaad took him through the cities, and no one came to save him.

The Gadsad cavalry troops took him so carelessly to live in the passing city. At first, he tried to secretly reveal the identity of the city owners for help, but watched the city owners bowed down in front of the Gasdad one by one He was completely cold-hearted when he was flattering.

Later, the Gasdard intercepted one of his letters of help, and he was furious and beat him hard.

He was faintly awake, and he vaguely heard Gasdar's generals discuss how to treat him.

Although the Gastads broke through the Kanal's royal city and conquered the Kanal, many of the Canal's nobles have surrendered, and those few stubborns will soon be resolved. Almost all are under its control.

However, in Canal’s folks, countless martial arts warriors rose up, gathered together to form a rebel army, and desperately resisted the Gastads.

Therefore, the Gastads cannot kill West Asia, who is the Kanal royal family, but also let him succeed to the throne, sit on the throne as a puppet, and appease the rebellious Kanal people.

However, the Gasdard feared that someone would really come to rescue him, in case the descendant of the Kanal royal family was rescued, freed from their control, and fled to other countries.

No matter how long in the past, as long as the blood of the Kanal orthodox royal family still exists, it will cause a lot of trouble to the Gasdard.

At this moment, the distant relative who had betrayed him had an idea in order to please Gasdard's general.

-Let him never lose the idea.


"So it turns out."

After hearing West Asia's words, Xie Muer nodded slightly.

It seems that the Canal City Lord with the sideline bloodline wanted to kill with a knife, and cut off the direct lineage of the Kanal royal family through the hands of the Gasdard.

And the purpose of the Canal City Lord...

I am afraid that everyone present knew it.

When the direct bloodline is cut off, the sideline royal bloodline has the hope to sit on the throne.

Xie Muer's eyes revealed a bit of sarcasm.

Even if it’s just a puppet throne, those guys might be rushing.

West Asia slowly stood up, and he turned around, looking down at the two Canal knights kneeling in front of him.

His gaze is extremely dark.

"The nobles of Canal, the collaterals of the royal family... I will never forgive everything that those guys do."

He said that his voice seemed to quench the venom.

"When the Gasdad invaded, they surrendered without resistance and opened the gate to allow them to break in..."

"Take the initiative to lead the Gasdad... actively become a stud of the Gasdad and slaughter the same race..."

"They helped the Gadsad to encircle my father's army and kill him."

"They broke through the king city under the command of the Gasdard, let the brothers die, and forced the sister... Finally, I was subjected to such insults... They shamelessly succumbed to the Gasdard, Like a mad dog biting and persecuting the Kanal who want to resist the Gasdard."

"these people……"

The child smiled vainly with a look that did not match his age.

He turned his head and looked at Xie Muer.

"His High Priest, I know what you are worried about."

He said, "You're worried that I just used the throne of Canal as a bait and cheated King Gallan to help me return to the country, and then set up another bloodline as a successor."

He looked at Xie Muer expressionlessly.

"You don't need to worry. Now, I don't care about the royal responsibility at all."

...He thought he would die at that time...

If you die, you don’t have to face your broken body anymore, and the sad future without hope...

But he survived after all.

Because he is not reconciled.

It was not the responsibility of the royal family but the hatred that made him climb back from hell.


Revenge against the Gasdars.

Revenge against those Canal nobles who betrayed him and abandoned him. This is his only purpose in life.

"I will never let the guy who hurt me and my loved ones get the throne."

West Asia's eyes were calm, so calm that only a hole remained.

It was so calm that it made people feel chilly.

"I'd rather let the Kanal royal family completely sever it than let them... no."

He paused and said,

"It should be said that even if I destroy the entire kingdom of Kanal, I will never give it to any of them."

With a cold tone of speech, he was still the expressionless face, reaching out to Xie Muer.

"His High Priest, please lend me a dagger."

West Asia and his knight came to see Gallan, and naturally they could not wear any sharp objects.

Therefore, he can only ask Xie Muer.

Xie Muer glanced at West Asia and felt that he could not hurt Gallan in the face of himself and Kehos, so he pulled out his short sword and handed it to him.

West Asia took the short sword and thrust it directly into his thigh in Xermuer's amazing eyes.

In an instant, blood spattered.

The sharp pain twitched the corners of his eyes. He almost crushed his teeth, but he didn't hum. He slashed away the scar on the inner side of his thigh.

He used the tip of his sword to dig out a platinum badge of the size of his fingertips from his flesh.

Platinum is an extremely rare and precious thing that only Kanal can refine and make on the entire continent.

The heraldic ring of the Kanal royal family is made of white gold.

In order to protect the badge from being walked away, West Asia smashed it from the royal ring with stones.

No one had ever thought that West Asia had hidden it in his thigh meat, and even his guardian knight Moya was stunned at the moment.

Throwing the dagger on the ground, Lia limped to Gallan, and handed the **** platinum badge to Gallan.

The key to unlock the treasures of the Kanal royal family.

Symbol of the royal family of Canal.

Also, proof of King Canal.

"King Galland."

The child's dark blue pupil looked at Galland in a fixed manner,

"Canal will then fall under your throne."

He says,

"Please treat Canal's people fairly, just like Aaron Landis's people."

This is the last thing he can do for the people of Kanal as a prince of Kanal.

Garland didn't look at the platinum badge that had stretched out before him to symbolize the throne of Kanal, but looked at the eyes of West Asia.

The dark blue eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes, gloomy, and no glimmer of light.

But West Asia's gaze was firm when he saw him, and he didn't waver.

Then, his gaze shifted down slightly, and fell on the hand that stretched out in front of him. Perhaps even West Asia did not realize that the fingertip of the hand holding the badge was shaking slightly.

Garland held out his hand.

In the eyes of everyone, he picked up the **** platinum badge in the palm of West Asia.

The young king sitting on the golden throne said, "I will treat the people of Canal, like the people of Aaron Landis."

West Asia leaned over and once again knelt in front of Gallan on one knee.

He exhaled gently.

It was like spitting out the extremely heavy everything that I had undertaken in this breath.

He lowered his head, no one saw it, and the light under his eyes disappeared little by little.

Ashes that are about to go out.



The platinum badge was carefully taken by Xie Muer, and after washing away the blood on it, it was embedded in a gold ring.

Then, this coat of arms ring, like the lapis lazuli seal ring of Aaron Landis, was worn on Gallan's left hand.

The pattern printed on the Kanal platinum badge has many small lines, and after zooming in, I found that it was a map.

Obviously, it is a map of the Kanal royal treasure.

Garland has no plans to move this treasure for the time being, because it is in the territory of Kanal, and he still has no shortage of property.

He continued to deal with the government documents accumulated during the time he left, and took care of the affairs of Aaron Landis.

As for matters related to Kanal, High Priest Xie Muer will carefully discuss with the military responsible Heimus and Kehuos, after considering the various aspects of the situation, then report the proposal to him.

But within two days, he received bad news.

"Prince West Asia is seriously ill?"

Garland frowned at Xiemuer.

"He looked fine two days ago."

"Yes, I suddenly fell ill that night, because it was just a little bit cold, so I didn't inform you. I have sent the best court physician to treat Prince West Asia, but I didn't expect..."

The doctor said that it was just a little wind chill, not serious, and it would get better in two days.

Unexpectedly, the prince of West Asia fell into a lethargy the next day, and the high fever persisted.

Xie Muer shook his head.

"Your Majesty, I am afraid the cause of his illness is not his physical illness, but his heart disease. The prince may have completely collapsed."

He said, "The doctor told me that the patient himself has no survival**, and he is really helpless."

Knowing Garland's character, Xiemuer did not say that if Prince Westia died of illness after entrusting Canal to King Garland, this is the best for Aaron Landis result.

Mindful for a moment, he put down the quill with ink in his hand and Gallan got up.

He turned and left, and the light-colored cloak flew gently across the table at the moment he turned.

"Go and call Kehuos."

He says.


When Garlan came to West Asia's room, the doctors and maids surrounding West Asia's bed knelt down to salute him.

The two Kanal knights who were staying in front of their beds day and night during these two days also leaned down and knelt. They were all black and blue, bearded and scumbed, and only a gloomy face remained on their faces.

"I'm sorry, Your Majesty, if I didn't survive, we can only pray for Sorga's mercy."

The kneeling physician said to Garland this way.

Solga, the **** of wisdom, is also a legendary **** who teaches human medicine and guards herbs.

[Pray for Sorga’s mercy. 】

This is the words that the doctors, after having no help with the patient's condition, euphemistically inform the patient's loved ones that they are unable to return to heaven.

"...You all step back."

At Garlan's order, everyone retreated.

The only room in the room was West Asia, and Garland and the cavalier Kehos behind him.

West Asia was sober at the moment. He was lying in bed, and his pale skin was almost translucent for a long time without sunlight.

An abnormal bright red appeared on his cheeks, like the last moment of a flame that was about to burn out of vitality.

He leaned against the head of the bed. Although he looked at Galland, his eyes were empty, like the rootless duckweed, without any slighting.

At the moment, West Asia is like a puppet without a soul.

It is hatred to let West Asia crawl back from the dying hell, which supports him to live to the present.

Hard hatred.

When Kanal was given to Garran, Westia knew that he had completed his revenge.

Soon, the Gasdard will be driven away from Canal.

The Canal nobles who delivered the treason will never end well.

For him, everything is over.

He was the pride of the Kanal royal family... He was not allowed to survive in this world with this crippled body.

Just as West Asia was lying on the bed in amusement, he stood by the bed and watched Garlan suddenly speak.

"Kejos, take him off the bed."

For the blonde knight who is absolutely obedient to his majesty, he does not care that his behavior is bullying. He walked forward and picked up the thin child from the bed and threw it to the ground.

The pain on the ground woke the stunned West Asia.

He lifted his head in pain, and looked at Garlan in confusion.

"From now on, Kehuos will teach you martial arts and tactics for platoon formation."


"In your opinion, the expulsion of the Gasdard from Canal is all over? No, that's just the beginning."

Gallan looked down at his feet, staring at his West Asia.

"I will not forgive what the Gasdards did to Aaron Landis, and that they cost me the most important person."

He said his eyes were sharp.

With an unstoppable momentum.

"I will let them pay a heavy price for their actions."

"Pay... the price?"

"Yes, Canal is just the beginning. I want to drive Gasdard out of all the countries they occupy, let them come from, and give me where they go back-in the end, I also have their kingdom. Don't plan to let it go."

West Asia's eyes widened suddenly, and a glimmer of light flashed through his gray eyes.

"It will take a long time to get the Gastads back and break their kingdom. This time is enough for you to grow up and become stronger."

The child stared at Garland straight, he seemed to have thought of something.

His breath became rapid at this moment.

Garland leaned over and squatted in front of West Asia, his golden pupil calmly stared at him.

"West Asia, did you choose to die here as Prince Canal, or a few years later, as the general of Aaron Landis, personally break through the border of the Gasdard?"

A second of silence.

The child's hand stretched out and tightened Gallan's clothes.

His fingertips were almost white due to excessive force.

"Please make me stronger and teach me how to be strong enough!"

West Asia looked at Gallan, the dark blue eyes flashing sharply.

It was like the young wolf who was dying opened his eyes again, revealing a palpable gaze and fangs.

"In return, I swear to the gods that one day, I will offer you... the King City of Gasdade!"


Kehuos, who stood with his arms folded and looked aside, pulled a trace of his mouth without a trace.

It seems that he must spare time to teach his disciples hard.

He thought helplessly.

But the knight complaining in his stomach looked at his majesty's eyes still as soft as usual, with a little indulgence.

That all-things religion, and the so-called **** of all things, may never understand.

The most powerful force in this world is not destruction and destruction.

Really unparalleled power...

Is salvation.

The author has something to say:   Thank you for the little angel who voted for me or the irrigation nutrient solution~

Thank you for the little angel who dropped [grenade]: 1 Xiaoxiaoyi;

Thank you for the little angels who cast [land mine]: Manju Sahua, Xiaoxiaoyi, c, stealing tea;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

159 bottles of mist and fog; 70 bottles of Sansheng; 50 bottles of sauce; 30 bottles of Daqin’s people; 20 bottles of Mo Yunxiu, eggle, Xiong Hug; 11 bottles of your home white; Xuan Xuan, Feng Jingda, Jia Jia, rose girl, inverted glaze, 10 bottles of Qing Dynasty; 8 bottles of friendship for you 21g; 7 bottles of Xi Ji, Tu Tu Guo; 3 bottles of diligent researcher; 2 bottles of aibabing, Shi Zhuo; Liu pp, Dan Zhu No horses, +61 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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