The setting sun is shining and the sunset is like fire.

Xiaguang enveloped the earth and covered the whole palace with fire.

Especially in this delicate wooden palace where Gallan is located at the moment, because the whole is carved from dark reddish brown ebony wood, it is more and more lined with the fire of the sunset.

In fact, Galland had been here once as a child.

At that time, the arrogant king searched the world for rare treasures, summoned skilled craftsmen, and spent countless possessions to create such a skillful palace just for himself and his concubines.

Although the future generations were dissatisfied with the king, they regarded this wooden palace as an extremely precious architectural art treasure, which has been carefully maintained.

So even if more than a hundred years have passed, this palace is still intact and beautiful.

It's just that, no matter how good it is, for Galland, this place really makes him feel awkward.

King Camos liked it very much and often brought him to play.

For a long time, Gallan, who was depressed, said to King Camos that the wooden palace is not as strong and durable as the stone palace, and it is easy to be destroyed.

It is a pity that such a skillful palace is damaged. The number of uses should be reduced as much as possible and kept as a treasure.

King Camos spoiled Galland, feeling that his prince must have liked the palace very much, afraid that it would be damaged, so he sent someone to protect it carefully, and rarely brought Galland past.

Garland, who could not avoid this place, was relieved.

At that time, Huimos went to the Northland Army, not knowing this.

Now, it took him two days, without any traces, to want to find out from Galland’s servants and servants what Galland liked most in the palace, and finally learned that “Your Majesty has loved it since childhood The wooden palace was dragging King Camos to prevent him from going there because of fear that it would be worn out.

So, Huimos decisively chose this place for this decisive battle.

-Such misunderstandings have led to the tragic situation today.

At this point, Gallan had no way of knowing.

At this moment, he stood in the courtyard, staring blankly at the wooden palace bathed in the fiery red sunset.

He wondered.

Why does Huimos have to choose the location where he hates the most every time he courts him?

Is this a special talent?

Must it be so accurate?

If it were not known that Huimus did not have the memories of previous generations, Garland would definitely doubt that the guy did it on purpose.

The teenager who had been courted three times sighed.

Facing the forthcoming fourth time, he said that there was no wave in his heart, and he just felt tired.

Yes, I'm so tired.

Although there was an urge to make a U-turn, he thought about it and felt that it was impossible for Huimos to let himself go, so he could only walk past helplessly.

Stepped on the ebony staircase in black and red, two huge carved wooden doors were in front of him.

The whole door is carved with a hollowing out pattern of the gods holding a banquet, and some parts are covered with gold foil.


Near the evening, the fiery red sunset reflected the earth.

Xia Guangguang shone on the teenager who stumbled forward, shining half of his blood-stained clothes on the red.

The messy blond short hair was scattered on his light brown cheeks, and the blood stains that had leaked from his forehead slipped into the corners of his eyes.

He gasped violently, reluctantly walking forward, and pressed tightly on his right arm with one hand.

His right arm hung down on his side, and his entire sleeve was soaked with blood. Even if he pressed **** the wound with his left hand, the blood from the wound still leaked from his fingertips, flowing down his arm. Come down, then, drip from your fingertips.

He walked up the wooden ladder with difficulty. The grass and the ladder he walked all the way left blood drops.

The exquisite wood carving door is in front of you, and the images of the gods come to life.

The injured teenager had no time to see.

Suddenly dizzy, he nearly grasped the carving of the wooden carved door with one hand, and took a few breaths before he eased over.

Then he pushed open the door and stumbled into it.

Subsequently, the gate was closed from the inside, blocking the sunset fire from outside.

Above the wood carving gate, where the young man had just grabbed, the goddess of winter is also the goddess of hunting, and his gilded long hair has been stained with blood.


Standing in front of this memorable wood-carved door, Garlan's gaze involuntarily fell on the long gold-plated hair scattered by the female hunter to bare feet.

He seemed vaguely able to see traces of bleeding on it.

He paused before pushing the door open and went in.

A red color came over the sky.

Looking around, my eyes were fiery red, like a blazing flame burning through the whole hall.

The tongue of fire spitting out from all directions was accompanied by the memory that suddenly came out of my mind, and it was surging at this moment-



The teenager was sitting on the wooden floor leaning on the carved column, he was sleeping.

A deep sword wound penetrated his right arm, and the blood could not stop flowing down, soaking the floor where he sat into blood.

A lot of blood loss blurred his consciousness, and his body gradually lost control.

Even if he knew his current situation was dangerous, he could not move.

Even if he can move, where can he escape?

The entire palace has fallen under that person's control.

He fled here with serious injuries, but nothing more than a lingering pant.

……it hurts……

So sad……

The teenager leaned on the column, his face pale and terrible.

Opening his eyes slightly, he stared blankly at the front.

... this is going to die?

It's been less than half a year since he came to this world, will he die here?

The young man's tight lips were not **** at the moment.

...Want to go back...back to his home...the place where he really grew up.........

There, maybe the teacher is very strict, the classmates will bully people, the exam is very annoying...maybe there are many, many bad things...

However, he would not be alone as he is now.

...Want to go back...

He hates here and that person.

Why must he come here?

Why does he have to experience such painful things?

Why, he had to do something he didn't want... to be killed by that person?

The teenager curled up under the cylinder, buried his face in his knees, and whispered softly.

Cold, fear, unwillingness, and resentment all rose to the head.

The loneliness of being alone in this strange world enveloped him.

In the hall, the afterglow of the setting sun shone on the young boy curled up under the column and sobbing.

I don't know how long it has passed, the sunset glows like fire, and it shines through the wooden fence window, reflecting the whole hall as if it is on fire.

Do not……

Not like.

I don't know when the thick smoke that enveloped the hall spread and choked into the nose and throat, causing the teenager to cough painfully.

He raised his head, his golden eyes that shrank violently, reflecting the full red.

Countless fire snakes wrapped around the black and red cylinders, rushed up the wooden beams, and made a hissing noise.

The wind blowing in the evening was roaring, and the fire waves spread quickly.

In the evening glow, the entire wooden palace was swallowed by crimson flames.

The wood made a crackling sound as it burned, and the velvet tassels that had fallen from the eaves had been burned to ashes, and they were flying in the sky.

The smoke in the sea of ​​fire is getting stronger.

The teenager coughed violently.

Even if you cover your mouth and nose, you won't be able to stop the tiny dust that can't penetrate.

Countless dust as the air penetrated into his mouth and nose, making his breathing gradually difficult.

The survival instinct made him want to help the column to stand up and escape from the sea of ​​fire, but the body that lost too much blood was no longer obedient.

There are flames in all directions and there is nowhere to escape.

Heat waves rushed in, almost toasting the blood in his body.

The scorching breath burned his skin to the point where it had almost melted.

He opened his eyes, his eyes full of fire.

More and more difficult breathing blurred his consciousness a little.

Bloody tears oozed from the corners of his eyes.

Looking blankly at the flames surrounding him, the teenager's face was filled with helplessness.

With a bang, the wood-carved door burning in the flames collapsed.

At the moment when the gate collapsed, he saw the figure standing outside the fire through the gap formed in an instant.

The young man's pupil reflected the sky's blaze, and the rich crimson seemed to have swallowed the extremely shallow golden trace completely.

The man looked at him.

The turbulent waves from the sea of ​​fire made the man's dark hair fly wildly. The original beautiful face was gloomy even under the light of extreme fire, exuding deep anger.

The man has been watching him.

Straight, his eyes were motionless.

The dark mist surging at the bottom of the eyes, blocking all light from the outside.

At this moment of staring, the sea of ​​fire seemed to be still for a moment.

In the last second of losing consciousness in the smoke, he saw the corner of the man's lips rising suddenly.



The wind blew, blowing the fiery red roses scattered in the hall.

The rich floral fragrance awakened Gallan, who was caught in memory.

When he saw that the fiery red covered the whole hall, a familiar scene made his memory before a death surging.

The memory was so strong that it almost swallowed his consciousness.

Because it was a death he was deeply buried in his memory, the most profound and the most reluctant to recall.

He came to Aaron Landis for the first time.

For the first time in an unfamiliar world, he was unfamiliar with his life, he was uneasy and overwhelmed.

Not knowing what to do, not knowing what to do, he is out of place with this world and everyone here.

No matter how many people surround him, he also feels that he is alone.

Because he does not belong to this world.

Then, in less than half a year, everything was over.

He died alone in the flames.

Even now, he still clearly remembers the helplessness and pain when he was surrounded by flames.

Also, at that time Huimus finally gave him a cruel smile.

Looking back now, the rejection and fear of Heimus may have made an indelible mark on his heart at that moment.


Awake, Garland could see clearly. The huge red was not flame, but the red rose that covered the whole hall.

The scent of roses permeated the air.

Suddenly, a strong wind blew in from the open window, flying the fiery petals across the side of Young Galan, and then fell softly.

At first glance, it was like a rain of rose petals falling in the hall.

In the hall, there were suddenly footsteps coming from behind.

The voice was very soft, but it was particularly noticeable in the quiet hall.

Garland turned his head and he saw the person coming

Heimos stepped on him with red petals.

Watching the other person approach him step by step, Gallan blinked.

Then, suddenly, he smiled at Huimus.

The smile was very gentle, but the look in the eyes was meaningful.

The beautiful teenager turned sideways and looked back at him, standing among countless delicate red roses.

Like a white deer stepping lightly into the blooming flames.

A few petals fell lightly from his side, and a few strands of blonde hair blown by the wind flew in the air, passing the slightly raised pink lips.

A flame-like petal passed softly across the white forehead, reflecting the pattern of red cinnabar under the golden forehead.

That smile made Hyimus' heart skip a beat in a flash.

After a short pause, it jumped wildly again.

It's like the heart of a young boy who loves to open.

It was so nervous and uneasy, but it was permeated with a special kind of sweetness.

-People almost drown like this.

His beloved teenager is ahead.

Garland was smiling at him, the smile was unprecedentedly gentle.

He had never seen Gallan look at him with such gentle eyes.

Heimus suddenly realized.

He thought, it must be that Gallan had already guessed what he wanted to say to him, so he encouraged him with such gentle eyes that he had never seen before.

Because Gallan actually has been waiting for himself to say that sentence and waited a long time.


It must be right.

The black knight who had done his best on the battlefield reached such a firm conclusion in his heart.

For a time, Ben had some anxiety and his confidence suddenly increased greatly.

Speeding up, Heimus walked a few steps to Gallan.

Garland looked up at him.

He saw the red pattern between the eyebrows under the teenager's broken hair, just like the Garlan he grew up with, which made people unstoppable.

Heimos leaned over, his lips falling softly on the red streak of the opponent's forehead.

He held Gallan's shoulders very lightly, as if holding a fragile treasure.

Garlan said nothing, didn't move, and stood so quietly, just looking at him with bright golden eyes.

Just because of this, Huimus felt that his heart was already so soft.

Suddenly, another gust of wind blew up, lifting up crimson petals and passing by the two people in the sea of ​​flowers.

It's now--

This is the best moment

This is the moment of the final victory-

Taking advantage of this icing on the cake, Huimos cut off.

He says:"----"

However, he said nothing.

He didn't have time to say anything.

"I reject."

The teenager who smiled softly, brightly and sunnyly for him first stepped in for a second.

Simply neat.

In a word, the confident black knight will be killed in one blow.

Huimus: "..."

and many more.

This situation.

This result.

It's a bit wrong with what he imagined...............No... it's very wrong!

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