The black and red torrent slowly receded, stopping the destruction of the weak walls of King Kanal.

Gasdar's commander watched Aaron Landis retreat with a sneer on his face.

Originally, he was extremely afraid of this black knight who could kill Prince Tyre.

It is precisely because of being a Gstaad that he understands the prince's mighty power more than anyone else.

And such a powerful prince actually died in the hands of the black knight. It is conceivable that this black knight must be no worse than Prince Tyre.

But now, he feels he has caught the weakness of the Black Knight.

Gasdar de Jong cannot accommodate kind people, because all kind people are dead.

Only the ruthless strong can stand above everyone.

Therefore, although he recognizes the strength of Huimos, but for Huimos to choose to retreat because of the hostages, Gasdard's commander is extremely despised.

Mercy does not lead soldiers.

In order to save the lives of thousands of slaves, the great opportunity of ruining the city has been spared.

The commander thought.

It is said that the black knights are brave and friendly, and they are rare battles for thousands of years.

Although he thought so, he was slightly relieved that the Aaron Landis chose to retreat.

In this way, through these hostages, they can support the arrival of reinforcements.

At that time, inside and outside should be closed.

He must have caused these Aaron Landis to suffer heavy casualties and return to defeat!


The setting sun slowly fell to the horizon, and the fiery clouds were tumbling in the sky, giving the large barracks the glow of the evening glow.

The cooking smoke rose slowly, and the soldiers had started to ignite a bonfire, cooking food and boiling water.

Unless in an emergency war, the drinking water in the army must be boiled water, and it is not allowed to drink raw water without authorization. At the same time, the medical doctors are sprinkling lime powder deep in the military camp to prevent the plague.

Both of these are military regulations written into the military order after the reform.

In the middle of the barracks, next to the largest black camp, a fiery lion flag fluttered in the air.

Here is the camp of Heimus, the coach of the army.

At the moment, the camp was quiet, except for Huymos himself, Kehos, Tewa, and several other important generals were here.

All of them frowned.

None of the people here is a warrior, but they have never experienced such a thing in the war they have experienced.

This continent advocates heroes.

It is extremely shameful for the Gasdad to threaten the other party with the prisoners of war as hostages on the battlefield.

It can be described as the most despicable behavior.

On this continent, any general in any country will not do this kind of behavior. Whoever dares to do it will be scolded by thousands of people.

But obviously, the Gasdard did not care about it.

"After all, it is a barbaric race from the barren land."

A young general could not help but scold loudly.

"A group of despicable beasts!"

Looking at his fellow robe tied to the city wall, he was really uncomfortable, but he was helpless, only to feel a suffocation on his chest, not to go up and down.

"Your Excellency Huimos, although you have temporarily retired today, you must make a decision early."

Although a slightly older middle-aged general also had a frost on his face, his tone of voice was still calm.

"We don't have much time. According to the information we heard, the Gasstad reinforcements are coming day and night. If they delay the arrival of their reinforcements, we will be in trouble, so..."

"You mean kill them?"

The young and cheerful general shouted loudly, interrupting the middle-aged general's words with anger.

"I didn't say that."

"Isn't that what you meant? They are all our robes, do you have the heart to kill them with your own hands-"

Faced with the accusations of colleagues, the middle-aged general looked calm and answered unhurriedly.

"So according to what you said, we will stay where we are, waiting for the arrival of the aid of the Gstaad, will we resolve it inside and out?"


"If it is you who are them, because of your own cause, the Aaron Landis army is defeated, and so many robes die because of their own battles, and they continue to live for it-it is you, you are willing to watch By this result, would you rather be killed by your compatriots?"


The young general was speechless.

He lowered his head dimly and stopped talking.

He knew in his heart that the middle-aged general was right, but he couldn't make it through the threshold.

The middle-aged general turned to the main seat again.

"Your Excellency Huimos, I know this decision is difficult to make, but the matter is here, you still make a decision as soon as possible."

Sitting on the main seat of the camp, a long man with a black body was sitting quietly, his expression indifferent.

The fine black hair was scattered in the narrow corners of the eyes, and there was no emotion in the handsome face.

Heimus looked down, and didn't seem to hear the quarrel between the subordinates in the camp, making people wonder what he was thinking at the moment.

The blonde knight glanced at Huimus and looked back.

"Killing the robe by hand will greatly weaken the morale of the soldiers, so it is a last resort, and I do not recommend it."

Kehuos thought for a moment and said.

"Well, two days, I suggest two days to think of a way. Two days later, if it is really impossible to rescue them, they can only sacrifice them for the sake of the overall situation."

The generals present nodded in silence.

Only Himos, who was seated, still lowered his eyes and said nothing.


Two days and one night have passed.

The Aaron Landis racked their brains trying to rescue the robe, but to no avail.

Want to attack at night, but those Gasdards even put the hostages against the city walls at night.

Provoking provocatively, trying to provoke the Gasstads to get them out of the city to attack, has no effect.

Waiting for the evening to come the next day, shouting and scolding outside the city wall to provoke a day, the exhausted general can only return.

‘Start siege tomorrow. ’

Soon, the command of Huimus spread throughout the barracks.

The Gasdard soldiers on the city wall suddenly discovered that beside the siege equipment that had been idle for more than two days outside the city, many Aaron Landis were busy around that place.

Countless boulders were carried next to the trebuchet.

Giant crossbows|Arrows are also piled up next to giant crossbows. Many people are polishing the arrows and wiping the parts of the instruments with oil.

The atmosphere in Aaron Landis Barracks has changed.

Receiving a report from his subordinates, Gasdard's commander nodded.

It seems that the Aaron Landis were determined to give up the lives of those compatriots and plan to attack again.

Not to mention.

He did not expect to be able to use the hostages until the reinforcements arrived.

The black knight was soft-hearted, but not stupid.

It was beyond his expectation to be delayed for two days and two nights.

He was thinking about the chassis.

It should be okay to try your best to stay on for another three or four days, and their reinforcements arrived almost three or four days later.

Thinking so, he ordered that the generals and soldiers rest well tonight and prepare for tomorrow's war.

It is conceivable that the Aaron Landis who had to kill the robes with their own hands must attack insanely, and the battle situation must be very fierce, so the soldiers must have enough energy to deal with it.



Soon, late at night, the barracks were completely quiet.

The night watchmen stood outside the camp, and the campfire was burning, illuminating the dark night sky.

The fire that appeared particularly bright in the dark night was reflected in the eyes of the Aaron Landis on the city wall, and the dim red light spread in their pupils.

In the past two days, they have been forcibly held against the city wall, exposed to the sun, and become weaker and weaker.

Considering the physiological problems, the Gasdards still have to guard the city walls themselves. Of course, they do not want the walls to be stained. It is troublesome to tie and untie the ropes again and again, so the Gasdards have tied them up for a while. After that, it was released and replaced with a row of fences temporarily built on the city wall to close them.

Every once in a while, they will be driven down the city wall in turn to solve physiological problems.

In order to prevent them from running away and committing suicide, they still don't give them food, but they can't let people die. So, every once in a while, they are given a little rice soup to make them barely survive.

The night sky is boundless and the stars are brilliant.

Sid sitting on the ground of the city wall, looking far away from the camp outside the city. Even in the dark night, you can still see the flying flag.

He also saw the changes in the Aaron Landis army in the evening, and knew in his heart that tomorrow was the time for the Aaron Landis army to attack.

After all, the longer the time delays, the more dangerous the situation will be.

It was long enough to save them for more than two days.

"They have tried their best."

The middle-aged man sitting beside him also looked at the fire in the distant camp, with a smile of relief on his face.

The companions who were also sitting nearby nodded slightly when they heard this sentence.

Even if they were to die in the hands of the same robe tomorrow, they would not have any resentment.

Yes, just regret.

They raised their heads and watched the fire in the camp far away, and the lion flag flying in the night sky.

They looked very attentive, as if they wanted the flag to be imprinted deep in their eyes.

Because they knew it was probably the last night they could see the banner.

The gods of Aaron Landis.

Please guide our souls back to the land of Aaron Landis.


Flap pop.

The quiet night suddenly heard loud and heavy footsteps.

Stead subconsciously followed the prestige.

He saw a team of Gasdard soldiers walking up the steps to the city wall and hurried towards them.

The fence holding them was evacuated, and the Garstad soldiers surrounded them.

The torches hung on the walls and burned, and the faint light was reflected on the blood-stained white armor of the Gastards, and also on the long and bright gun held in their hands.

Sid saw the look of the captain headed by them.

That is the indifferent look towards the dying person.

"Just them."

The leading captain looked at the thin and weak slaves and said lightly.

"There are almost a hundred people here."

He made a gesture.

"Slay, and then hang the dead capital outside the city walls."

Ordered above, let them come to kill a hundred Aaron Landis slaves, hang their bodies outside the city walls, and stain the red walls with their blood.

Use this to warn and deter Aaron Landis.

If you don't move, the Aaron Landis will hesitate again, and then delay the day again.

He glanced at random just now, and saw that there were more slaves in the fence, and there could be more than a hundred people.

The task can be completed by killing all the slaves in this place.

Stuart gritted his teeth.

He stared violently at the Gasstad in front of him with hatred, his eyes almost squirting with fire, and his clenched fingers clucked.

It was not just him. None of the Aaron Landis people in this place showed a look of terror and fear after hearing that they were about to be killed, and no one begged for mercy.

Everyone was silent, silent, and stared at the Gastards around them with hatred.

Their eyes hate to drink their blood and swallow their bones.

The gaze hated by these slaves was extremely unpleasant, and a Gasdard soldier grinned a little.

He shot at the slave in front of him fiercely.

Obviously his body was already weak, but at this moment, Sid didn't know where the strength came from.

Perhaps that was his instinct as a warrior.

He rushed over and grabbed the long gun that pierced his companion.

Even if he understood that everything he was doing was futile, he still clenched his teeth and clenched the long|gun sharply, and refused to let go.

The stupefied Gasdar soldiers slammed hard a few times, but he failed to shake off the seemingly skinny man. His face showed an angry look, and he lifted his feet to kick the man's head and kicked hard. Go on.

The hard-hit Sid only felt his brain buzz, and his eyes were blank for a moment.

The strength of the whole body disappeared without a trace, and he was kicked to the ground, and everything in front of him became a ghost in his sight, shaking constantly.

In the blurred vision, he watched as the sharp spear pointed far and near in his eyes.

Seeing the tip of the gun running through his eyebrows-

Under the night sky, the torch on the stone wall suddenly shook.

A silver light leaped across the night.

It was like a flash of lightning.

A buzz.

The arrow pierced fiercely into the raised gun|Stinged into the chest of the soldier.

The huge force even made the arrow point out of the chest, and the arrow penetrated the soldier's chest.

He showed an unbelievable look, and then fell forward to the ground.

The captain standing on one side was frightened and angry, subconsciously looking at the direction of the arrow.

I saw a dark figure standing at the tower of the city wall and jumped down.

At the next moment of agile landing, rushed.

The figure's movements were so violent that it even left a residual image on the spot.

The captain almost instinctively pulled out his broad sword.

It's just that when he just pulled out his blade a few centimeters—

A cold light passed by.

His pupils suddenly dilated, and blood spewed from his torn throat.

He fell to the ground heavily on his back, his eyes wide open staring at the night sky.

At the same moment when the captain of Gasdard fell, countless arrows shot from the night.

Gasdar soldiers fell to the ground one after another in screams.

After a wave of arrow rain, many people suddenly appeared on the wall and killed here, killing all the remaining Gstaad soldiers.

Everything happened so suddenly that it caught people off guard, and even those Aaron Landis who had walked through life and death did not react.

They looked up and stared blankly at the man who suddenly appeared in front of them.

A cold man in black armor stood in the night.

His dark hair seemed to have melted into the night.

The fire on the stone wall flashed, reflecting the dark blue rune of the God of War under his forehead blown away by the wind.

Each wave of the long sword in his hand easily split the body of an enemy.

The blood from the enemy's body stained his black armor.

That scene, like the legendary God of War waving the sword in his hand-


Huimus... Your Excellency?

Stead's mind was blank.

He felt that he was dreaming now.

How could Lord Huimos appear in such a place? !

Suddenly, there was a loud noise that awakened the sluggish man. As soon as he turned his head, he saw that a large number of Gasdard soldiers had rushed over here.


The chain in Sid's hand broke.

After severing the chain of the German hand, Heimus kicked the wide sword of the Gasstad under his foot.

He said, "Get up without dying, ready to fight."

Heimus said coldly that he couldn't seem to see the opponent's slender and difficult-to-fight appearance, but gave him a command to fight in a natural tone.

Then he turned and greeted the rushing Gasdard soldiers.

Stuart's shoulder shook violently.


He said, grabbed the sword and stood up.

On the face that was so thin that there were almost only bones, only a pair of eyes were strikingly bright and energetic.

He got the order.

Yes, he is also a warrior of Aaron Landis.

He can continue to fight--

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