King Gallan's words were fixed, and no one in the world could violate his will.

Everyone bowed their heads deeply in front of the young king, and then retreated silently.

Including looking at the high priest with a stinky face, and the one-eyed knight who took a deep glance at Huimus.

Soon, there were only four people left in the room.

Garland above the throne.

Huimus standing beside Garland.

Some of them were at a loss under the platform, wondering whether they should go or stay as the young knights.

And, Emma, ​​the youngest daughter of Elson.

The shocking thing happened just now, the little king girl saw it from beginning to end.

However, the brave and tenacious girl who inherited the Elson female warrior was very calm. Apart from the startled expression, she did not speak when Gallan and the subordinates talked. Interrupt, just watching the developments silently.

She waited until all the dust had settled.

"King Gallan, can I speak to you alone?"

She said that she looked calm and looked at Gallan's eyes without revealing any special meaning, and even less anger to be deceived.

She just made such a request to Gallan calmly.

Gallan and Emma looked at each other slightly, then he nodded.

Garland looked up and looked at Huimus standing beside him.

Heimus nodded slightly, didn't say much, walked down the steps, then hurried across the room, and left.

From beginning to end, he never looked at the little king girl.

Even when he left, he almost passed by the little king girl.

Similarly, Emma did not glance at Huimus passing by her side.

There are always some people in this world who are probably born to resist each other.

From the first meeting, until the end.

Seeing that Huimos had also gone, Novi became more and more at a loss. He thought about it, remembering that the Queen Girl just said that she wanted to speak alone, then he should not stay here.

Thinking so, the teenager quickly walked towards the door.

However, Emma doesn't seem to care whether he is present or not. The purpose of her remarks is obviously just to let Huimos leave.

So, after Huimos left, and Novi hadn’t walked to the door, the little maiden spoke.

"You said like it, and you like it..."

She looked up and looked straight at Gallan.

Her words are just like her eyes.

"Is that your Excellency?"

Looking at the little girl's gaze, Gallan nodded.


He says.

Frank, unabashed.

Get the answer, Xiao Wang Nu sighed for a long time.

She raised her hand and touched the back of her ear, her face showing a helpless look.

"Then there's no way."

she says,

"Now I can't beat that guy... uh, the lord."

She apparently reacted at the last second, and quickly changed the disrespectful title to honorary title.

She said depressedly, "I still have this point of self-knowledge."

Not only now, but also in the future.

That guy is so powerful that it is like an inhuman monster.

King Garland was firmly guarded by such a monster. It seemed that she really had no hope.

… Having said that, with the Elson female warrior's consistent request to choose a strong father, that guy is actually the best choice.

However, she just didn't like him.

I don't like it.

Now, it is even more disliked or even disgusted.

"no way."

Spitting out the sadness in her heart, the little queen girl raised her head and smiled straightly at Gallan.

"In this case, it seems that I can only choose another target."

she says,

"Ah, by the way, I have to apologize to you. It seems that it was because I wanted your child that it caused you such trouble."

Garland shook his head and he smiled.

"No, it's not so much that you caused me trouble, it's better to say that because of you, I didn't continue to hesitate to wake up and make the right choice."

He smiled at the little girl.

"Emma, ​​thank you."

Looking at Garlan who smiled at herself, the little girl hummed softly.

She lowered her head, bowed to Garland, and turned away.

She walked fast, with a steady pace, long brown wavy hair flying behind her, her fluffy forehead shaking, covering her eyes.

Novi, who watched Emma walk by, couldn't see the look in her eyes at the moment.


Because there are only a dozen or so people in the administrative room, the things of Garland and Huimus are temporarily unknown to anyone except the people in the room.

The people present seemed to have no intention to pass the news out.

After all, they may still hold a glimpse of the possibility that King Garland could dispel the shocking announcement in these days.

But Novi knew that those people's expectations would eventually fail.

King Garland has always been a man of words, and he will certainly do it.

This has always been the case.

To be honest, although it was very shocking at first, after the matter ended, Novi felt nothing.

For him, anyway, he had no love in his life and was not interested in it.

Moreover, whoever likes it is King Garland's own business, and no one can care.

As King Galland said just now, he is the king of Aaron Landis, and all people are his people. So, as a people, as long as you obey your majesty loyally, how can you qualify your majesty? ?

Novi felt.

It was because His Majesty treated them so often that he let those guys put their noses on their faces.

Novi originally planned to continue to follow Garland this afternoon, but because Garland temporarily had secret military affairs in the afternoon to discuss with Kehos and Huimus, Garland said that he would be free to move temporarily. Hours.

He was not interested in the time-wasting of visiting the royal palace, so after leaving Galan's palace, he went straight to the training ground of the royal palace and planned to use these hours to practice martial arts.

However, Novi did not expect that after coming to the training ground, he met a person who was unexpected.

Tall posture, a cool back.

The wavy brown hair was **** high behind the head and jumped with the movement.

The girl stood in the training ground with a straight posture, and the strong muscles in her arms bulged vigorously.

Qiang Gong tensed to the limit in her hands.

With a hum, the arrow flew out like lightning, in the middle of the heart of a distant human-shaped wooden pile.

The arrow shot.

One by one, like a storm, without stopping.

The arrow is in the center of the red heart, and the arrow has no false hair.

Even if it was not a good impression of the little king girl, Novi looked at it and couldn't help but feel admired.

Everyone says Elson female warriors are unparalleled in archery skills.

He now saw it with his own eyes, only to know that the rumor was true.

Although the eldest daughter of Elson is just as good as him, I am afraid that the master of archery skills has not lost to his master, His Excellency Kehos.

A round of sharp arrows was shot.

Emma put down the strong bow in her hand.

Her breathing is messy, and her body is soaked with sweat a lot, obviously she has been practicing alone for a long time here.

Under the bright blazing sun, the girl stood on the training ground, raised her head, gasped violently with her mouth open, and her chest also fluctuated sharply.

She closed her eyes.

Sweat ran down her forehead, sticking her strands of hair to her cheeks with a mess.

The sweat slipped into the corners of her eyes, and then slipped down from the corners of her eyes.

She closed her eyes quietly.

At this moment, she is like a stone statue, standing on the training platform for a long time.

Keep this posture for a long, long time.

The clear posture and the vigorous silhouette, but giving birth to people give an indescribable feeling of loneliness.

Novi looked away, turned around, and left quietly.

He thought that although the eldest daughter of Elson initially said the words "Elson female soldiers will not like men", in fact, she actually did to King Galland...


The fiery sunlight shone on the martial arts stadium, and the girl stood quietly on the bright and extreme training platform.

With the hot wind passing by, shaking her long hair.

She clenched the fingers of her arch arm and wore a rough sea-blue ring, a hand-made gift she had never been able to send out.

Five years ago, a little girl first opened her heart.

Something took root in her heart and could never be pulled out again.

[Emma, ​​you can hate those who hurt you, but not everyone. 】

[Because those despicable people are not qualified to represent all. 】

[You can not believe me. 】

[When you grow up and become stronger, look for the truth and answers yourself. 】

She has always remembered the warm smile of the teenager she brought back, touching her head and almost falling into the darkness from her body to heart, and remembering the bright blond hair that lit her eyes like the sun.

She remembered it for five years.

Never forgot.



Days passed by, and I saw the eleventh year of the gods' festival.

The whole palace is busy because of this.

Someone noticed that during these few days, the high priest of Samaksh seemed to be in a bad mood, his face flat from morning till night...Although he was almost always flat face before...but now he was all over The breath was a bit colder than in the past, and when people get a little closer, they can't help but tense their hands and feet.

More importantly, the high priests became more and more severe in their actions. In the preparation of the rituals of the gods, they would be reprimanded severely for any omissions, so that everyone had to raise 120 thousand points of attention to do things. Everyone was trembling during this time.

The benefit from this is that the efficiency of operations during this period is much higher than before.

Moreover, not only the high priest, but also the important ministers like Zuo Si seemed to be worried, and they sighed day after day, and they could not see the joy of the coming of the festival at all.

Everyone felt a little puzzled, but because he was too busy, he quickly put this doubt behind his head.

The busy and worrying day passed by in a hurry.

In a flash, it was late at night.

Gallan, who was too busy to rest for a whole day, stretched out, and then the whole person slouched lazily on the seat cushion.

Because tomorrow is the festival, in order to ensure that the major festival is not accidental, he toured almost the entire king city today.

After a day, I only felt sore legs and feet.

"The leg hurts."

Garland leaned lazily and complained to Heimus in a low voice.

Obviously they all acted together, and they were tired all day. Even during the time when they were eating dinner and taking a bath, Huimus also took the time to do another devil-type exercise for two hours.

However, this person still seemed to be indifferent, and Garland could not help but envy jealousy.

This guy's physical strength is really not ordinary non-human.

He was eyebrowed when Garland stared at him with dissatisfied eyes.

He leaned over and stroked Garlan's cheek with his hand. His fingertips pushed a strand of long hair behind his ear.

His golden-red eyes were full of spoils.

Then, Huimos picked up Gallan who complained about his leg pain and didn't want to move, so he walked to the inner room and put it on the bed.

He leaned over and kissed Gallan's lips.

"Satisfied with my service? My majesty?"

The black-haired knight asked with a smile.

Gallan, who was sitting on the bed, looked up at Heimus without looking back, and his golden eyes blinked lightly.

He beckoned to Huimus.

Heimus raised his lips, and he leaned in with Gallan's movements, landed on one knee, and squatted in front of the bed.

"Tomorrow is the festival of the gods."

Gallan said.

"After the festival is over, the next day, I will announce to everyone."

Speaking of which, he paused abruptly, seeming hesitant.

But soon he coughed again and calmed down.

"So, on that day..."

Garlan opened his mouth, speaking a very difficult sentence.

His lips opened several times, and finally, a sigh of relief and a heart.

Suddenly, he reached out his hand suddenly and raised his chin with one finger.

He just lifted the chin of Heimus, forcibly put on the look of an overbearing king.

"That night, you, come over and serve me!"

He said fiercely.

A look of ‘I am super fierce and super domineering’.

It was just that the ears that had been thoroughly reddish from his thick blond hair completely exposed his mood at the moment.

Then, the overbearing king drove out someone who had not yet recovered.


The resulting consequence is that a black knight who is seriously thinking about how to do the important work of dormitories, after going back, in his own mind, tried very hard to repeat from all aspects, angles and methods Thinking about the content of his work in two days.

Thinking for a whole night.

Sleepless all night.

...Fire burned.


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