Somehow the wind came from howling and swept across the ruins of the ruins.

Collapsed altars, broken stone tablets, broken pillars of a place.

The huge male lion closed his eyes, bowed his head, and bowed his head.

The golden mane's mane was undulating in the wind, as if he could hear the rustling sound of the mane as it flew endlessly.

Garlan was stunned, and an incredible look appeared in his eyes.


In shock, he shouted the name again.

"It's me, prince."

The golden male lion raised his head and stared at Gallan with huge eyes.


Garland was at a loss, and at a loss.

He reached out and stroked the mane of the lion standing in front of him.

The finger has a true touch of the thick mane, and the fingertips can feel the warm flesh under the mane.

What stood before him was not an illusion, but a real existence.

The familiar touch came from his hand. When he was young, and Nega was still young, he always rode this male lion named Chamir under the momentum of Brother Camos.

Samir is different from the lively Nega, his temperament is quiet and calm, and he is always lazy on weekdays.

Although it seems that he was impatiently carrying him under the orders of King Camos, he walked slowly and steadily every time he carried him, and never let him fall.

When he and Nega played in the lion garden, although they didn't react, they always looked at them quietly, as if they were guarding them.

It can be said that Chamir is more like a majestic father than King Camos.

The life span of a lion has always been only twenty years, and the life span of a lion that fights frequently is shorter.

Later, when he grew up, Nega also grew up, and Samir was old, and he could no longer walk around with him slowly.

Then later, suddenly one day, Shamir disappeared, and he could not find it at all.

Brother Camos said that Samir did not want people to see his old death, so he left quietly before dying and found a place no one knew as his graveyard.

At that time, he was sad for a long time, and Niega also languished for a long time.

He still remembered the stale appearance of Chamir at that time.

Time is cruel, and even the mighty king of beasts is no match for the erosion of time.

But now, Samir standing in front of him is as strong and majestic as he first saw him.

He saw his shadow in Chamir's eyes, what he looked like in his youth.

If the surrounding scenery is not the same, Gallan has the illusion of going back to the past again.

"You are here...and this place..."

Garland's mind was so chaotic that he stuttered a little.

"I'm back here... does it mean, me, I'm dead again?"

too suddenly.

Garland was flustered.

He hadn't had time to say anything, and there were still many things that he hadn't had time to explain to them.

Obviously he had already thought about what to do next, at least to give him time to leave a testament before his death.

and also……

And...Hyimos...When he died, what would he do?

"No, prince, you are still alive."

"Ah? But, every time I used to come here after I died..."

"There is no time, this place will disappear immediately, so, I introduced your soul here."

"Soul? This...I don't understand..."

Garland shook his head, only to feel a mess of his brain, but in the chaos, he suddenly remembered something, and his pupils shrank violently.

"Shammir! If this is where the soul of the dead person is, you are here, what about Brother Wang?"

He opened his eyes nervously and looked forward to the golden lion, his voice trembling.

"You should be by Brother Wang, you are here, Brother Wang should be here, is he here now?"

The majestic lion's eyes looked like charcoal, and he looked at the excited young man in front of him.

Its large head rocked slightly, and the thick mane rocked gently.

"My king is not here, prince."

Its thick and heavy voice rang in this dead place.

"So, you can be here now."

"What do you mean?"

Garland trances.

Immediately afterwards, as if he realized something, the hand holding the lion's mane suddenly clenched.

"Bring me here from my original world and make me reborn again and again..."

Like being afraid of getting an answer, his voice paused for a moment, but he insisted on asking.

"...Is it you, Chamil?"

"No, it's my king."


Garland did not speak.

Chamil had already made him understand a lot.

He squeezed his mane's hand vigorously and let go of his pale lips. He seemed to want to say something, but after all he couldn't say anything.

The teenager closed his eyes and the shadow of his eyelashes fell on his cheek.

[My king is not here. 】

[So, you can be here now. 】

In this world, no matter what you do, you have to pay the same price.

And the price of his rebirth...

"No need to be sad, prince, you have completed my king's trust."

The lion said,

"You have recast your destiny."

"History and destiny have returned to the right path."

"The gods will also recover."

Garland opened his eyes, and he sharply caught one of the words.


Staring at Gallan, the male lion did not immediately answer this question, but first solved another doubt in his mind.

"After the death of my king, he was believed by many people because of his merits in the world, and because the predecessor Assyria fell just a short time ago, the constellation has been vacant for 100 years."

"So, the sun **** Samash sent his mount from the kingdom of heaven, took my king to the kingdom of heaven, and gave him the **** of war."

"I accompanied my king to ascend to heaven, and I was given a trace of divinity by Samash."

The lion's majestic eyes stared at the prince in front of him, with a hint of gentleness hidden in his eyes.

"So, prince, I can talk to you like this."

It looked up and looked around the ruined land, with a humanized sigh on his face.

"Everything begins... from the age of the gods long ago..."



In this world, there is a trajectory of fate.

That is the supreme power in the world.

Even the gods cannot control fate and can only follow the line of fate.

A long time ago, the world was chaotic.

In chaos, there is only one god.

God of all things.

The power of the **** of all things is the power of chaos. Later, she fell into a deep sleep, and when she was asleep, the sun **** Shamash was born from her source.

Subsequently, the gods were born.

The birth of each deity will cause a part of the divine power of all gods to disappear, or it is her divine power that differentiates into those deities.

The power of the goddess of all things derives from heaven and earth, from the gods, from all things in the world.

She will eventually disappear and become everything.

This is her destiny.

However, this powerful deity was not willing to sacrifice his own destiny, to metabolize the fate of all things, let alone to die.

She wanted to wake up from a deep sleep.

If the **** of all things recovers, all things in heaven and earth will return to chaos, and the gods will become part of the goddess of all things again.

Thus, the war inevitably broke out.

In that battle, the world shook and the sky was dim and dark.

In the end, after paying an extremely heavy price, the gods knocked down the goddess of all things and let them sleep again.

However, before being forced to sleep, the God of All Things finally cut off the corner of fate with a hateful blow.

The line of fate broke at one place.

If it cannot be continued, fate will collapse.

Thus, the Son of Destiny came into being.

Make up the missing part of the line of fate, continue the trajectory of fate, and protect the cause and effect of heaven and earth.

That is the mission of the Son of Destiny.

"The son of destiny born at the historic moment, the prince, is you."

"Under the watch of the gods, you were born in the world."

"When you were born, the whole kingdom of heaven was shaken, and the gods were calling your name."

"Then, according to the trajectory of destiny, you become the prince of my king, the prince of Aaron Landis."

"The corner of the cut off fate is the period after my king."

"After my king, you will inherit my crown, ascend to the throne, and become the king of Aaron Landis until you are connected to the other end of the broken fate line."

It sounds simple, but that's where even the gods dare not set foot easily.

The lack of the line of destiny, because of the lack of an established path, the rules of the world cannot control this period of time.

The power of chaos is great, the black and white are unknown, the group of demons dances wildly, upside down day and night.

It is like a sea that is thundering and thundering under the thunderstorm. The sea is extremely dangerous and a little careless, it will fall into the abyss.

Only the Son of Destiny, which came into being, can suppress the power of chaos and all chaos.

"Prince, that's your past life."

Chamil's thick voice echoed in the ruins.

However, the gods did not find that the goddess of all things planted a small seed in the world before sleeping again.

Grasping the greed and the heart of mankind, she lent that little remaining power to mankind and ruined her own destiny by her own hands.

The power of the gods cannot intervene in the world. Even if the force is forcibly lowered, it will be swallowed up by the rules of the world.

However, all things in this world are formed by the power of the goddess of everything, and the origin is the same. Therefore, the weak force left by the goddess of everything has escaped the monitoring of the rules of the world.

"In your real past life, that night in Judas City..."

As Chamir said, the surrounding scenery suddenly changed, and the surroundings became dark.

Garland floated in the dark night sky. He looked down and looked at the flame-lit city below.

He remembered that this was the night of war.

Sleepless night in Judas City.

The night he remembered.

He floated in the night sky, watching the scene reappear before his eyes again.

However, it is different from what he experienced.

What he saw was that King Camos died under the poison of the traitor.

What he saw was that ‘he’ was fighting among the enemy forces under the guard of the Guards, trying to rush out of the city of Judas.

At the moment ‘he’ is about to rush out of the city gate—

A sharp arrow came from the darkness.

He runs through his heart from behind him.

‘He’ fell from his horse, fell to the ground, and stopped breathing.

Believers of all things lurking in the dark killed ‘him’.

"Those stupid humans have ruined their own only hope."

Standing like him in the dark night sky, Chamir looked down at the scene below with cold eyes.

The night wind roared, blowing its thick mane rustling.

"That is to say, my true past life, died in the city of Judas like the brother?"

The lion nodded, and it continued.

"You and my king died, then, the king city fell, Aaron Landis died, Prince Huimus abandoned most of the land of Aaron Landis, and let it fall into the hands of many countries..."

Even if Chamir did not say it, Gallan could guess.

The follow-up development is probably the same as what he has seen in his dreams.

Since then, the war has never disappeared from the earth.

War after war is endless and endless.

Countless people were killed in the war, the earth was barren, and white bones were everywhere.

People on the earth are struggling in battle...

The surrounding scenery changed again, and Gallan found himself back in the ruins.

"With the demise of Aaron Landis, in the endless war, people on the earth gradually despair and no longer believe in the gods."

"With the loss of the people's beliefs, the gods gradually weakened. With the passage of time, the situation became more and more serious. They finally couldn't sustain the seat of the God. The seat of the God began to shatter and their power was also disappearing."

"The weak gods began to fall one after another, and the powerful gods had to fall asleep in order to avoid the fall of the fate. In the end, even the most powerful sun **** Shamash fell into a permanent sleep, and my king was in this way."

"After the gods slept, Aaron Landis sank to the bottom of the sea forever in an earthquake and was completely destroyed."

"After that, after more than two thousand years, my king awoke from a deep sleep..."

The continent of Aaron Landis was destroyed, the power of faith was completely lost, and the gods could no longer wake up.

However, only Camos is different.

Among the sleeping gods, only Camos was given the seat of God as a new deity by Samash as a human being.

In addition to the beliefs of the people, the power that supports him is also the merits of his life and his powerful soul.

In the time of two thousand years, the names of the gods have disappeared in the passage of time.

Only Camos, as the lion king of the legendary lost earth Aaron Landis, left an immortal name in history and was remembered by many future generations.

That is also a kind of faith.

With the weak faith of future generations, Camos woke up from a deep sleep.

After he awoke, in order to save the ruined Aaron Landis, in order to save the curse of the gods who were carrying the fallen gods, the younger brother who was reincarnated in his life---

Camos returned Galan's soul to the previous life at the expense of abandoning his eternal throne.

"My king said, only the prince you can recast the destiny."

However, history is not so easily changed.

The historical inertia that has been formed has extremely powerful forces.

Like a small butterfly instigating its wings, it can trigger a huge storm on the beach.

The souls of later generations broke into the river of time in the past, and the inertia of history subsequently triggered the butterfly effect at some key points to prevent the change of history.

Coupled with the power of the God of All Things, he counterattacked madly...

As a result, Hyimos had an accident when he was young. Although he could not survive, he survived, but his temperament became cruel and violent. He killed Galland again and again and took the throne.

Aaron Landis is still going to the end of destruction time and time again.

It wasn't until the last time that the strongest force erupted after the crushing of the constellation contained the power that guarded history, sending Galeran's soul back to a young age to stop the accident.

This time, I finally successfully amended the trajectory of fate.


The ruins are very quiet, Garland leaned over and knelt on the ground.

His hand pressed lightly on the cracked altar stone on the ground.

"This is Brother Wang's seat?...Is it?"

The golden lion did not answer.

But silence is the answer.

Garland closed his eyes, long blond hair scattered from his shoulders, and fell on the gravel at his feet.

Silent for a while.

After a long time, he finally spoke again.

"[No time left]...?"

Garland repeated this sentence softly.

"Shammir, you can tell me now, who is Huimus?"

he asks.

The lion's shadow was clearly reflected in the clear golden pupil.

This time, the Lion finally answered after a long silence.


it says,

"He follows you, King of Aaron Landis."

............The original fate trajectory............

King Camos was poisoned and killed in Judas City.

Prince Gallan rushed out of the city of Judas and then joined Prince Heimus who led the army.

The two worked together to repulse the Gasdard and save Aaron Landis.

Subsequently, Gallan succeeded the throne.

Because of its just and savvy governance, it is called the wise king by future generations.

Under the rule of the wise king, Arunlandis, who was originally in the storm, returned to stability.

King Galland’s policy was to recuperate and recuperate, so during his reign, Aaron Landis’s economy gradually prospered and his national strength gradually became stronger.

King Garland was in power for five years.

Five years later, he died of illness.

After the death of the wise king, Huimus succeeded to the throne and began to vigorously develop the military.

The second year after he succeeded to the throne, he led the army to completely defeat the Western Gasdards, and included Canard, which was occupied by the Gasstads, in the territory of Aaron Landis.

Subsequently, he began to expand outward on a large scale.

In the next ten years or so, he defeated and annexed Geshu, Yisi and many other countries in turn, and led Aaron Landis's army to travel across this continent and conquer all the countries on the continent.

At this point, Aaron Landis unified the continent.

The Aaron Landis Empire was born.

It is the largest empire in ancient history.

Huimus, the 37th king of Aaron Landis.

It is the successor of the wise king Gallan.

He led the army to the south and went to the north. Without losing his life, he expanded Aaron Landis' territory to the entire Aaron Landis continent and built a huge empire.

Later generations called it, Emperor Huimus.

The author has something to say:    Aaron Landis will unify the entire Aaron Landis continent and expand from kingdom to empire.

Little friends know this.


However, I don't know if my friends have thought about it.

Historically, Galland has always been called, [Xian Ming Wang].

 ̄o ̄ノ

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