When sleeping, I always dream.

Dream about the past scenes.

From a very young age, when he first met Huimus after rebirth, when he was held in arms by his prince, Xie Muer scolded him with a straight face.

He has many dreams.

He seemed to be in a dream, re-experiencing all his life again.

When he woke up, Garland opened his eyes.

The sunlight came in from the skylight and fell on the blonde hair of the knight kneeling in front of his bed, reflecting a shimmering luster.

Gallan narrowed his eyes and lifted his body, trying to sit up.

As soon as he moved, the knight kneeling below stood up immediately, as if to help him.

But Gallan raised his hand to block the hand that Kehos reached, and supported it with the other hand, sitting up on his own.

Kay Hors was startled, and he looked at Galland, his lips rising slightly.

The smile was very shallow and passed by.

His eyes fell on Gallan's pale face and the thin figure, and his pupils shuddered.

However, when Gallan looked up at him, the pain in his fundus was hidden deeply, but the corners of his eyes bent, and he looked at Gallan with a smile.

The blonde knight's face, which became more handsome and rhythmic with the precipitation of the years, stretched out, and gave a gentle smile to Gallan.

He took Garland's hand, lowered his head, and glanced at the pale hand.

He closed his eyes and kissed the hand.

"I'm back, prince."

The knight said, just like it has been said countless times before.

That was a word he would say every time he returned to his prince after going out.

No matter where he went, no matter where he fought, he would never forget the place where he had to go back, beside his prince.

The frost falling on the battlefield can only be dissipated by the warmth from the hand held in the fingers.

Only when he saw the pair of golden pupils looking at him with a smile, he could feel the real feeling of the foot.

That is his eternal harbor.

"Kahoes, I had a dream just now."

"Is it a good dream?"

Kehuos asked with a smile.

Galland glanced at Kehuos, his golden eyes curved like a crescent of a crescent moon.


He smiled in the corner of his eyes.

"I dreamed that when I was very young, at that time, I said I wouldn't want you to follow me, but you just fooled the land and just did my guardian knight."

"What you say is a lie, your majesty, you are too much, it hurts."

Kehuos was dissatisfied.

"Are you dissatisfied with my guardian knight?"

He said that I was hurt.

The kiss suddenly made Gallan laugh.

After laughing, Garland looked up and raised his hand to touch the dark goggles on Kehos's face.

The golden eyes that looked at him were bright, so bright that Kehos shook his eyes for a moment.

Time seemed to go back a long time ago. On that dark night, the young child stood in front of him covered with blood, and his little hand touched his face, asking him if it hurt.

In the dark night, only the child's eyes are brighter than anything else.

Just like now.

Time never seems to change anything.

But time has been changing.

Everything seemed to be just yesterday, but never returned to the original moment.

"Kejos, you have worked hard."

Pressing his fingertips against the dark goggles, Gallan said, his eyes looked deeply at his knight.

"I'm very happy. It's you, Kehos, who has been protecting me until now."

He raised his head and kissed his guardian knight's forehead.

He said, "My knight."

My guardian knight.

thank you

Guard me so far.

Kehuos didn't answer, he lowered his eyes, his long golden forehead slanted diagonally on his dark goggles

The shadow of his forehead enveloped his eye socket, and the light in his eyes seemed to go out for a moment. Only when he looked at Gallan again, the light that had been extinguished for a moment reappeared.

"...I will protect you until the end."

He answered softly.

"My prince."

The knight answered with a smile.

He was laughing, as usual, as if nothing had changed.


The moment Kaewos lifted the screen and walked out of the inner room, the smile on his face had disappeared completely.

He stood in the empty hall and pressed one hand against the white stone pillar.

He closed his eyes tightly, the fingers of his left hand clasped on the stone pillar, and pressed hard to the extreme, the white knuckles thumped.

His chest undulates violently, like a person who is about to drown, sinking endlessly in the water, and can no longer breathe.

[Kahoes, the next thing you will continue to protect is Aaron Landis. 】

This sentence seemed to be still echoing in his ear, pressing against his chest.

After a few breaths, Kehuos finally felt the gaze staring at him.

He turned his head and saw Tapti standing not far away.

It's just not seen in just a month, the female officer Chang Rongguang is no longer, her eyes are bleak, and she can hardly see much glory.

The eyes of the two met in the air for a moment.

Just a short moment.

Kehos looked away.

Tapti lowered his eyes.

Kehuos hurried forward, passing the female chief who was still standing.

They seemed unwilling to infect the pain in each other's eyes, avoiding each other's eyes.


The sun was about to set on the horizon. Emma gasped violently in the fiery sunset, and sweat continued to flow down her cheeks into her eyes, obscuring her vision.

She couldn't remember how long she had stayed here at the martial arts stadium, or how many arrows she had shot.

Her arm was so sore that she could no longer lift it up, and she could only hang down softly.

Elson’s mission has left, and others have failed her, and can only return with the letter she wrote to the queen, leaving her alone here.

What she heard in the palace was always the worst news.

She still went to see Garland from time to time, smiling as much as possible in front of Garland, without showing a worried expression. But her mood was so heavy that she could only run to the training ground every day to vent all her anxieties here.

After panting for a while, Emma finally calmed down and left the archery field.

However, before leaving the martial arts field, she suddenly heard another noise from another place.

She looked around and saw the young knight in the training ground.

That guy called Novi.

After just glancing at it, she took a few steps and rushed forward. When Novi slashed heavily towards the training pile in front of her, she raised her bow and arm to hold the opponent's sword.

Immediately after that, she snatched Novi's sword and kicked it to the ground.

"Enough, idiot!" she said angrily. "If you continue, your hand will be useless! Can a general who has lost his hand be called a general?"

I don’t know how long I’ve been training here. The teenager’s hands are bloody, and I don’t know how much skin has been worn.

His consciousness fell to the ground by Emma, ​​who seemed to be awake. He just looked up at her with his head upturned.

"King Galland absolutely doesn't want an abandoned general!"

The little girl yelled at him.

Novi seemed awake when he heard the name. He looked at the little girl and slowly lowered her head.

"I said……"

He said, seeming to mumble.

He buried his head in his arms on his knees.

"I told him that when I grow up, I will dedicate the King of the Gasdard to him."

"But there is no time."

He said, "I can't do it anymore..."

The little girl said nothing.

She stood in front of the young knight who buried her head in her knees and raised her head.

The summer was almost over, and the hot wind blew over, lifting her long, wavy brown hair, and a few strands of messy hair passed her eyes.

She looked silently at the setting sun on the distant horizon.

At sunset, her face turned red.

The sun is about to sink into the earth, taking away all the light.


Going to sleep again, Gallan didn't know how long he had slept, only that he had arrived late at night when he woke up.

The starry sky fell from the dark night to the earth.

He looked with his eyes open, and the starlight seemed to fall into his pupils, staining his eyes with bright starlight.

auzw.com "The starlight is very bright."

The man holding him whispered in his ear.

Garland's mouth twitched.

He didn't answer, but turned his eyes looking at the starry sky and fell to the face of the man holding him.

In the warm yellow light, the dark hair fell a fine shadow on the beautiful face.

Among the intertwined light and shadow, his golden-red eyes flickered and flickered, and his brown cheeks seemed to sway in the light and shadow.

Only the eyes that fell on him were always soft.


Garland leaned in Huimus's arms, held out his hand, and shouted softly with a smile.

Heimus stared at him, bowing his hands down his face and approaching him.

Garland closed his eyes and kissed the person in front of him.

This person's lips are always flexible, with a little coolness, the edges and corners of the lips always give a sharp feeling.

He kissed him, opened his eyes, and touched his cheek again.

He said, "Hyimos, I have something to tell you."

The face of the person before him faintly overlapped with the face full of violent breath the previous few times.

"There are many things, I have to tell you."

He said with a smile.

"Don't you ask me before, why did I hate you so much as a kid? Actually, I..."

Halfway through the words, Huimos, who was watching him quietly, suddenly looked down.

Lips were kissed.

The next words were all plugged back into the throat.

Huimus hugged Garland and kissed him with a light gesture.

Extremely gentle, extremely lingering.

The lips of the two were intertwined for a long time, and Huimos rubbed and licked every inch of Gallan's lips in attachment, almost re-dying the bloodless pale lips back to the crimson hue.

He didn't let go until Garran's breath was quick.

The golden-red eyes seemed to see no trace of waves, quiet and quiet, reflecting Gallan's shadow.

He said, "I know."

Garland was still panting hurriedly, and when he heard this, he suddenly looked up and looked at Huimus in amazement.

Heimus raised his hand, and moved gently the strands of long hair scattered on Garlan's cheeks.

"In the royal city of Canal, that time, when I was dying, I dreamed a lot of things in a trance."

He whispered,

"When I was young, you didn't have time to find me, I was burnt down half of my body."

"Also, the thing that I personally killed you... several times..."

Therefore, when Gallan came to King Canal, he did not go to see him immediately.

Those fragmented but extremely real memories overlapped in his mind, making him a headache and painful.

He has experienced everything that ‘him’ has experienced, and feels the madness and despair of ‘him’ with empathy.

At that time, he was both painful and hesitant.

He felt like he was split into several people, chaotic memories mixed together, unwillingness, hatred, anger, ‘he’ seemed to have a deep hatred for Galland as if it existed in his body.

At the same time, the feeling that ‘Hi’s hands were stained with the blood on Gallan’s body was so real that it appeared in his memory, making it difficult for him to face.

That feeling almost made him collapse, so, at that time, he did not go to Gallan.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

Garland asked.

Heimus stared at the person in his arms and raised his lips.

He lowered his head, his forehead resting on his arms.

Scattered black hair and golden forehead are intertwined.

Heimus closed his eyes and felt the warmth on his forehead.

He smiled and said, "Because that doesn't matter."

At the moment when I saw Gallan fall from the sky and almost died, all the struggle and confusion disappeared.


At that time, I understood.

Nothing matters except you.

only you.

only you.


The night wind blew out of the window, the lights shook, and the shadow of the night shook Galgar's eyes.

His gaze flickered for a moment, but only for a moment, and immediately turned back to clear again.

Suddenly the shaking disappeared, and his eyes were firm.

"No, you still have a lot of things you don't know."

He shook his head and said,

"About my past, about why that happened, about the things you killed me."

Without waiting for Huimus to answer, Garland continued.

From the beginning of Shamir's bringing himself to the site of the ruins, he has come back again and again, until the last time, everything he has experienced.

For his purpose of coming back again and again, the recovery of the gods, Camos did everything for him and Aaron Landis.

He said everything, piece by piece, piece by piece.

At the beginning, Heimus only listened to him quietly, until Garlan talked about the meeting with Chamir, the truth behind him, and the destiny trajectory, his face suddenly tightened.

He stared closely at Gallan, who was talking about it, his eyes like a knife.

"Why tell me this."

What Huimus said was not a questioning tone.

As smart as he is, he actually wants to understand the purpose of Gallan telling him everything.

He just didn't want to admit it.

Garland smiled.

"It's revenge."

He says,

"I was killed four times by you, so this time it was my revenge on you."


"I do not want you."

Gallan said, his eyes bent.

Bent smile, like a child.

Even what he says now is like a child, capricious and cruel.

He said, "I don't want you anymore, Huimus."

The bedroom was quiet, and Huimus did not speak for a while.

He lowered his head and almost half of his face was buried in Gallan's neck.

The falling black hair blocked his cheeks, making him unclear at the moment, and only faintly seeing the traces of his lips close to white.

He hugged the person in his arms and held it tightly, as if the person in his arms would not leave him as long as he held it tightly as now.

I don't want you anymore.

So don't follow me.

The so-called heartache, but so.

Suddenly, Huimus opened his mouth and bit Galgar's neck fiercely.

The skin on the side of the neck he was bitten was extremely pale, and pale blue blood vessel traces could be seen under the almost transparent skin.

Heimos bite hard and hard.

The bright red traces oozed from the tip of his teeth and quickly stained his lips.

He seemed to infuse all his madness and despair into it.

His throat knot wriggled, swallowing a mouthful of blood into his throat and into his body.

"it is good."

After a long time, he finally spoke.

The short word seemed to exhaust all his strength.

The last bit of aftertones, faintly trembling.

He said, okay.


Gallan lowered his eyes, the starlight fell, and jumped in his slender eyelashes.

He could feel the side neck being bitten, he could feel the sharp teeth sticking into his body, he could feel the hot blood pouring out into his lips.

But he didn't feel pain.

Because his body can no longer feel pain now.

...Except the one deep in the chest.

He raised his hand and pressed it against his dark hair.


[Prince, this is the last chance. 】

If this time, still unable to direct fate to the correct trajectory, Aaron Landis will be completely destroyed.

In the wrong fate, the twisted fate line will lead everyone to a bleak ending.

Whether it is other people, or Heimus.

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