As the sun goes down to the west mountain, the sunlight between heaven and earth disappears little by little.

The afterglow of the setting sun shrouded the distant horizon, covering it with a red glow.

The white hall is still very quiet, with nothing but breathing sounds of different frequencies.

Heimos had stood beside the peacock sarcophagus for a whole day, motionless, as if completely still there.

He didn't raise his head until the last sunlight completely disappeared.

A little shimmer in the red eyes makes people shudder.

"You can all leave."

A voice suddenly sounded in the hall that had been silent for a long time.

Soga looked up at Huimus and frowned.

He understood what Heimos said. Heimos said, let them all go, meaning he would stay here.

"Master Huimos..."

Soga's words were interrupted before it was finished.


Heimus's voice was so cold that he never even looked back at the crowd.

Soga could only see his back and the unquestionable command sounds from above.

Before waiting for Soga to say anything, the high priest of Samash standing next to him turned sharply and left without a word.

Sorga sighed in his heart and followed Schermour to leave here.

At this time, Huimus' voice came from behind.

"Tell Shou Lingwei, close the door, no one can break in."

It is obviously the hottest end of summer, but his voice is only the cold of the winter in the north.

"Unauthorized intruders, no matter who they are, are killed in place."

Soga's footsteps.


He turned around and bowed to answer.

As soon as this order came out, no one could step into Wangling's tomb unless he killed all the guards in the tomb of Wangling.

Soga stood in the endless square of Wang Ling, and the gate of the White Palace slowly closed before his eyes.

The figure standing at the end of the hall disappeared into his sight with the closed stone door.

He turned his head and watched Xie Muer, who had gone away, more and more sighed in the dark night.

Suppressing the worry in the bottom of his heart, he turned and walked away heavily.

The sky above him is full of stars.


The huge stone gate of the White Palace closed slowly, isolating everything from the main hall.

Along with the last clap, Huimus opened his eyes that had been closed.

He leaned over, stretched out his hand, and picked Gallan in the peacock sarcophagus.

The sound of heavy footsteps echoed in the silent hall, and Huimos took Gallan up the stone steps on the side of the hall.

On the main hall of the Wangling Palace is a relief stone statue of the goddess of the underworld guarding the soul.

On the left side of the main hall, there is a spacious stone steps, together with the main hall and the highest part of this palace.

It leads directly to the top of the palace.

Heimos stepped on the stone steps and stepped up.

On the walls on both sides of the stone steps, the city on earth was originally portrayed. With upwards, it turned into a pattern of wings, and then upwards, there were clouds and sun runes, and at the end of the last stone steps, it was an exhibition. The arm seems to be welcoming the pattern of the celestial lady.

This stone staircase and the patterns along the road mean that the soul of the owner of the King's Mausoleum Palace will follow the invisible avenue to enter the kingdom of heaven.

At the end of the high stone steps is a spacious shrine, located at the highest point of the entire palace.

The head is an arched sky roof, and the surrounding stone walls are the reliefs of the gods of Aaron Landis, symbolizing that this is the heaven where the gods are located.

Heimus walked into the temple holding Gallan, and he leaned over and placed Gallan on the ground. He landed on one knee and squatted on the ground, arms around Gallan's upper body in his arms.

He lowered his eyes and gently rubbed the soft but cold golden hair of the person in his arms.

Then, Huimos raised his head and looked around the relief stone statues of the gods on the temple wall.

The shrine was not lit, it was dark, and only the shattered starlight shone from the skylight, bringing a little shimmer here.

In the night, only the golden red eyes of Heimus were terrible.

His eyes clearly showed no light at all, and his partial birth exuded the cold light of the pupils of cold-blooded animals like lizards in the dark night.

At a glance, it was cold and heart-warming, and cold into the bone marrow.

"The it?"

He stared coldly at the reliefs of the gods in the dark, his eyes were like the bottom of the abyss, he could not see the slightest anger, only a silence remained.

He didn't speak very loudly, but it seemed exceptionally clear in the silent temple.

"I know, you can hear me."

Huimus's voice echoed in the empty temple, like traces of ice cracking.

"Gods of Aaron Landis, I want to make a deal with you."

"I can promise you to do what you ask, and let destiny go on what you call the "right track."

"But, as a price..."

The night was silent and there was only one voice in the temple of the gods.


Time passed by, and in the blink of an eye, two days and nights had passed.

Seeing that it was the evening of the third day, Soga, who had dark circles in both eyes, stood at the gate of Wangling's gate.

The bodyguard in the armor, armed with a silver gun, stood solemnly in front of the gate, loyal to his duties, and looked straight.

They were like a stone statue of lifeless, no matter how Soga swayed in front of them.

But Soga knew that as long as he dared to take a step inside, the spearpoint in the guard's hand would pierce him mercilessly.

This is the third day!

Soga thought anxiously, stretched his neck, and kept looking at the white palace in the tomb of the king. His eyes wished he could see through the thick stone wall.

However, no matter how he looked around, the stone gate of the White Palace was still tightly closed, motionless.

He frowned, thinking of his conversation with Heimus that day, and his heart became more disturbed.

Could it be that Master Huimus really planned to...

When Soga was already in a hurry, two people appeared at the entrance of Wangling.

Xie Muer still had an expressionless expression, glanced at him, and then looked at the closed white palace.

The blonde knight, who had not been seen in the past two days, had only indifference in his eyes at the moment, as if his little tenderness had already been taken away by the passing away, and there was no more left.

"He hasn't come out yet?"

Kehos asked.

Soga nodded.

"This is the third day, and I am worried--"

The latter half of the sentence was swallowed by Soga, but everyone present understood his unfinished words and his expression became serious.

Although the grief in their hearts has not been alleviated by half, they cannot allow the situation to progress like this.

After all, Huimos is the only heir to the throne of Aaron Landis, and he must not have an accident.

Otherwise, the kingdom resurrected by King Gallan will perish again.

The high priest was about to walk inside, but the guardian guarding the door stood in front of the door. The silver gun in his hand snapped at him.

Xie Muer raised his heavy golden scepter blankly.

"...It seems that I can only break through."

Kehuos said lightly.

He raised his hand, and a long sword fell out of his waist.

The prince said that his remaining task was to protect Aaron Landis.

He failed to fulfill his oath to protect the prince, at least the prince's final entrustment must be done.

The knight of the scorching sun and the high priest of Shamash must break through the tomb of the king, and the loyal guardian of the tomb will never retreat.

Just as the two sides touched, suddenly, a long and heavy friction sound came from Wang Ling.

The atmosphere of the original tension was stagnant. Soga's heart, which had been hanging high, was finally put down. He quickly looked up and looked inside.

This look, his breath is a meal.

He stared blankly at the familiar but strange figure.

In front of him, Kehuos and Xiemuer looked at the figure, and there was a complex color under their eyes.

In the blazing sunset like a fire, Huimos appeared from the tomb and walked towards them.

The crimson evening glow shone on him, reflected in his hair.

Heimus's expression was indifferent, and he could not see the slightest emotion, but among his dark hair, the strands scattered on his cheeks with his forehead had become snow-white.


Aaron Landis

During the reign of King Gallan, the later generations are called the age of the wise king.

Five years later, King Garland died.

The rule of the wise king is over.

Since then, the former military commander, Heymus, assumed the throne and was initially called King Heymus.

During his reign, the afterlife was called the age of Heymus.

After King Heimos succeeded to the throne, he continued to appoint ministers and generals in the period of King Garland, continue to use the code of the period of King Garland, and continue to implement the government policy of the period of King Garland.

And he himself is devoted to the development of the military.

[I hope that my people of Aaron Landis will never abandon their fellow citizens easily. 】

That was what the wise king once said.

It has long spread in the army and in Aaron Landis, and since then, the recovery of captured soldiers has gradually become the tradition of the Aaron Landis.

When King Huimos led the army in battle, he also fulfilled this promise.

This is the beginning of the unity of Aaron Landis's centripetal force, not afraid of life and death, and its combat effectiveness gradually becoming more powerful than any country.

In the third year of Heimus’s year, Aaron Landis unilaterally cut off the acquisition of livestock products such as beef, mutton and wool in the country, which caused a huge blow to the economy of the country that has used it as a pillar industry. .

Islam suddenly sent troops to attack Aaron Landis.

King Huimos led the army to the east to fight back, defeated the army, and then directly marched east to take the king's city.

In the fourth year, the city of Is was defeated and the country was destroyed.

In the first battle of Is, the veteran Karenyi, who was over 70 years old but insisted on participating in this expedition, made great contributions in the war, but after the death of Is, he returned to the royal city and died with a smile.

In the fifth year of Heimus's age, Gaishu and Gasdard joined forces to attack Aaron Landis.

With the assistance of Tasdaq, the two countries' offensives were defeated one after another by King Huimus.

In this battle, the name of the younger brother of the first king Gallan, Cynthia Wuyong, spread throughout the world.

In the seventh year, Aaron Landis and Tusda teamed up to attack Geshu.

After struggling for two years, Gaishu's royal city was defeated by King Heimus.

In this war, the disciples of the scorching knight Kehos, the generals known as one of the pillars of Aaron Landis, later generations began to shine.

In the ninth year of Heimus's year, he covered the country.

Seeing that Aaron Landis is unstoppable, part of the small country that has been surviving in the gap between the three countries of Gaithu, Is and Aaron Landis, actively took part in Aaron Landis and recognized it as the sovereign state.

Alain Landis, who successively annexed Is, covered two large countries, and many small countries, temporarily stopped the aggressive expansion of the surrounding areas and began to recuperate.

While resting on the continent, the huge navy that Aaron Landis built over the past ten years began to sweep into the southern waters.

In the thirteenth year, Aaron Landis had unified the entire southern waters except Elson Island.

Born in Tozes City, he became a naval commander in the naval battle and became a naval general. Seth retired because of his old age. He settled in Tozes City with his family and died eight years later.

In the 14th year of Heimus's year, King Heimus led an army to the west.

He broke through many small countries such as the Hida country occupied by the Gasdards, forcing the Gasdards to escape northwest to the Gasdard snowfield.

At the time of the expedition to the Gasdard snowfield, Twa, a sixty-year-old ‘slave general’, fell ill due to soil and water and died on the battlefield.

In the fifteenth year, Aaron Landis vanguard general Novi broke through the king city of Gasdard.

Gasdard died. At this point, Aaron Landis unified the entire continent.

Since then, this continent has been called Aaron Landis.

Only Tasda in the Northland Plateau and Alson in the southern marine island nation have been allowed to continue to become their own country because they have led their troops to follow Aaron Landis in the southern war.

Aaron Landis entered the imperial period ever since.

Therefore, the year of Huimos is called the age of the empire by future generations.

The minstrel Shulos retired after unifying the continent of Aaron Landis, and he was never seen again.

In the twenty-eighth year of the Empire, Kehos, known as the knight of the scorching sun, passed away at the age of sixty-six.

This knight, known for his romance, has been dissociated among many noble girls, and he has never been married and has no children for life.

He fought in the battlefield all his life, starting at the age of eighteen, and fought for Aaron Landis for more than fifty years.

After his death, because he was the guardian knight of King Galland, he was asked by the Emperor Heimos to be buried in the side hall of the palace of King Galland's tomb.

In the thirtieth year of the empire's year, the high priest Sharma of Shahmar died, seventy years old.

Although there is no record in the history book, in the same year, the chief woman who served the Emperor Heimus, Tapti, died, also seventy years old.

In the thirty-second year of the empire, Emperor Heimos passed away at the age of fifty-nine.

He did not leave any descendants, but just selected a person from the side blood of the royal family of Aaron Landis and became the heir to the throne.

According to history, after the succession of Emperor Huimos, his appearance has hardly changed for decades.

At the time of his death, he looked almost sixty years old and he was the same as the 27-year-old when he succeeded to the throne. Everyone thought it was a refuge for the gods.

Later generations regarded this record in wild history as a myth and legend made by the Aaron Landis for the ancients, and smiled.


At the end of summer, the sun was hot and the earth was exposed to fire like a fire.

Nana's high priest stood in front of the snow-white king's tomb, looking at the two palaces standing side by side.

Because he was older, his eyes lost a lot, he had to squint to see carefully.

The fiery wind blew over, lifting his gray hair with temples.

He thought, in a blink of an eye, more than thirty years had passed.

"His High Priest."

A voice came from behind, and Soga looked back and saw someone approaching him.

It was a round figure.

Soga squinted at the coming person.

The little fat man who was wagging his tail like a puppy and wandering around the king of Garland was now no less powerful than his superior.

Today, Tal stands above the king's court and controls the empire's financial power, which makes people dare not look at it.

The chubby face was still a grinning look, but the smile never reached the bottom of my eyes.

Thar said: "General Fataya has been waiting for you outside for a long time."

Although Fataya married Soga, he did not settle down in his home.

Over the past few decades, she has been following the battle of Heimus to the south, and is the only general in Aaron Landis who became a general as a woman.

Although he is old now, he is no longer on the battlefield, but he still leads the commander of the city guards of Wangcheng.

Soga nodded and turned around to walk quickly.

Just after a few steps, he heard Tar's low murmur coming from behind.


Soga's footsteps paused, he turned around and saw Tal standing there, looking at the white palace in the tomb of the king, with a trance on his cheek.

He saw Tall's corners of his eyes, and there were already deep traces of wrinkles.

For some reason, he felt a little sad in his heart.

After stepping out of Wang Ling, Sorga saw the female general whose hair was mostly gray but still standing in a leather armor.

The woman he loved most in his life.

His eyes softened.

"Fataya, are you here to send your majesty?"

Fataya yelled.

She looked at Wang Ling in the distance and sighed: "It's okay, for your majesty, it's also relief... finally I can follow King Galland..."


Soga was startled, and Fataya surprised him with a clear tone.

Although King Gallan publicly announced the matter between him and Huimus in front of several of them, but he was too late to announce to the outside world, just...

At that time, everyone who knew the matter was tight-lipped about the matter, and he did not tell Fataya.

"How do you know..."

Fataya smiled at her lover.

There was emotion in the smile and a deep sigh.

She remembered that a long time ago, in the bright sunlight that day, Huimos, on horseback, showed a gentler look to Gallan, who was held in front of him, than anything else.

He looked at Gallan, his eyes bright as if glowing.

She just looked at the side, all inexplicably heartbeat.

"Soka, didn't you find out?"

The knight sighed.

"Since King Garland passed away, he has never laughed again."

From that day on, there was only a bottomless abyss under his eyes, and no light was ever left.

Perhaps from that day, ‘Hyimus’ no longer exists.

It is only the king of Aaron Landis in this world.


Soga did not answer.

After a long silence, he raised his hand and gently lifted the white hair that was scattered in front of Fataya's eyes.

How fortunate he is that he can grow old with his beloved.



The death of Emperor Huimos announced the end of the golden age of famous generals since the time of King Xianming.

Many stars will fall or grow old one after another.

In addition, this period coincided with the worst of the slave liberation movement and the turmoil of the Aaron Landis Empire.

Under the guard of the two generals, Novi and Cynthia, known as the "pillars of the Aaron Landis Empire", plus the sitting of old and heavy ministers such as Tal and Soga in the royal court, the turbulent empire finally stabilized.

The Aaron Landis Empire continued.

According to historical records.

During this turbulent time, when King Aaron Landis led the army out, a rebel army dominated by slaves and civilians took advantage of the emptiness of the city's strength and actually attacked the city.

The rebel army even invaded the tomb of the king who was only a river away from the palace. They dug up the tomb palaces of the kings in the tombs and robbed them of gold and jewelry.

However, when this large army came to the palace of King Garland's tomb, it was Qiu's innocence, and took the initiative to retreat in front of the tomb.

The palace of the tomb of Heimus the Emperor after King Garland was thus preserved.


Since then, thousands of years have passed.

In this long time, the Aaron Landis Empire had its ups and downs.

There are times of unity and times of division.

There are times when it is at its peak, and there are times when it faces life and death.

Sometimes it is invaded by powerful foreign enemies when it is declining, and when it is destroyed for several times, it is even more divided by many countries, and it is slaughtered by aliens.

However, no matter what happened, no matter what happened, thousands of years have passed, Aaron Landis is always there.

[Aaron Landis will never give up his countrymen. 】

They always remember this sentence.

A sentence handed down from the age of the ancient King Xianming made them stand up again from decay and destruction.

That has become the belief of all Aaron Landis people in their blood.

It is the existence of this faith that allows Aaron Landis to stand on the ground of Aaron Landis no matter what kind of suffering and hardship it has experienced.



In the afterlife, in the thousands of years of ups and downs in the history of Aaron Landis, the history of the three dynasties of the Lion King, the King of Virtue, and the Great Emperor Huimos made the future generations most talked about.

That was the most magnificent era in the history of Aaron Landis.

Among them, the most researched by historians is not the heroic era of the lion king who is in constant war, nor the empire year when the great emperor Huimos conquered the Quartet and finally unified Aaron Landis.

What historians are most curious about is the shortest era of the wise king of the two dynasties.

King Garland, known to future generations as King of Sage, only had five years in office, but made Aaron Landis change dramatically.

In the age of King Yin, it may not be as exciting as the time of the hero of the Lion King.

However, it is a special era that shaped the faith and civilization of the Aaron Landis.

The wise king Galland is the only king in history who, after decades of dying, still let the Arunlandis who became rebels take the initiative to retreat from their tombs.

His love among the Aaron Landis is evident.

At the same time, countless ‘firsts’ in the history of the world all appeared in the era of the wise king of Aaron Landis.

The first kingdom in history to establish centralization.

The first kingdom in history to begin mass liberation of slaves.

The first kingdom in history to establish a plague prevention mechanism.

The first kingdom in history to establish a commercial tax mechanism.

The first kingdom in history to build roads in all directions on a large scale.

The first kingdom in history to implement the'three powers separation system'.

...Such as all of the above, were born in the rule of the wise king.

Among them, the most important and the most influential is the iconic existence of Aaron Landis, a code created by the wise king.

The Aaron Landis Code is also known as the ‘Code of the King of Virtue’.

It contains many laws and regulations such as the national law, civil law, criminal law and military law of the ancient kingdom of Aaron Landis. The original text is engraved on dozens of obsidian steles in the temple of Shamash in the city of Aaron Landis.

It is the first normative and systematic written code in the world, the foundation of all laws in later generations, and has a pivotal position in the legal history of the entire world.

The code of the wise king is also a proof and symbol of Aaron Landis as an ancient civilization with a long history.


King Garland.

Aaron Landis the thirty-sixth king.

Five years in office.

Because of his fair and wise governance, he has compassion and love for his people and is loved by the people.

It is respected as the king of virtue by posterity.

In just five years, he has created many origins in Aaron Landis, like a miracle, leaving a strong stroke in world civilization.

Therefore, the historians of later generations called this era, [The Miracle Age of King Xianming].

The author has something to say:   ……


The strong desire to survive is the end of history, not the end of the full text.


And, with regard to some small partners, it is said that Huimus took away Galland's merits.

I want to say that merit cannot be taken away.

As a great emperor, Huimos was remembered by history for his unified merits. He is not unique, and there will certainly be emperors with similar achievements in the future generations of Aaron Landis.

But what Galland left to later generations was civilization and spirit.

He has been remembered as a faith by the Aaron Landis, and as a symbol of Aaron Landis civilization by history. analogy.

Great Wall and Emperor Qin Shihuang, who do you think can become a symbol of civilization and spirit?

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