Galland thought that two thousand years had passed, the battle was changing, the times were changing, and ancient ruins might be left on the earth, but the entire Aaron Landis should have no similarity to his memory. Office.

However, when looking down at the huge city with no end in sight, he was surprised to find that the city's architectural style and the clothes of the people in the city were similar to those of his time. The only difference is that the buildings are more magnificent, beautiful and detailed, and the clothes are more varied.

Of course, this royal city is dozens of times larger than when he ruled.

Viewed from the high altitude, the city presents a circle-shaped architectural form, surrounded by layers, from low to high, spreading out from the center.

The spacious roads, along with all the ring zones, tall bridges span the surging Enki River.

There is a giant arched stone gate at the intersection of the ring-shaped urban area and the spacious road at each level. The pillars of the stone gate carved many reliefs of gods.

The ancient royal city familiar to Galland is the central part of this behemoth city and the highest point in the whole city.

A wide circular canal separates the two-thousand-year-old royal city from other circular urban areas that gradually developed in the later period.

The magnificent and gorgeous golden royal palace still stands at the highest point of the ancient royal city. Behind it is the endless blue ocean. In front of it is a ring-shaped urban area spreading out layer by layer without seeing the end.

The whole city is like the pinnacle of art.


That's all, what surprised Galland most is the transportation he is taking.

Because the information seen in the world history book is that Aaron Landis is isolated from the world for hundreds of years, and still maintains an ancient system and civilization, so Galland has always thought that compared with the outside world, Aaron Landis Sri Lanka's technological standards are much worse.

But he is now standing on top of a spaceship, hovering high above the entire city, slowly flying towards the palace.

It is not the kind of spaceship in science fiction, it is the shape of a pure sea vessel, made of pure gold, flying in the air and shining in the golden light of the sun, it is extremely gorgeous.

Huge wings are carved on the ship, and green peridot gemstones are embedded in it.

Standing on the golden spaceship, bathed in the warm sunlight, Gallan actually feels like being in a myth.

He stood on the golden bow and looked down for a while with his eyes wide open before finally recovering and turning to look at the people around him.

Camos was always there, looking at the young boy in a good mood. When Gallan finally recovered and looked at him, he didn’t wait for Gallan to open his mouth. He directly held Gallan’s hand and placed a The golden bracelet was put on Gallan's wrist.

"This spaceship will return to you later."

He said with a smile.

"Ah? Wait, why can this ship..."

"Shamash Stone."

Camos raised his hand, and he had a gold bracelet on his wrist, much like Gallan's, but it was bigger.

The bracelet is embedded with a dove egg-sized hexahedral cylinder-shaped crystal stone. Under the sunlight, the halo inside the crystal stone flows. At first glance, it seems to have absorbed the sunlight.

Gallan raised his hand and had the same crystal stone on his gold bracelet.

"Eight hundred years ago, after that huge earthquake and tsunami, this stone appeared on the continent of Aaron Landis."

Camos said with a smile,

"It has a very special power that can absorb sunlight and turn it into energy, so it is called the stone of Shamash."

Over the centuries, Aaron Landis gradually researched the various capabilities of this particular stone. With the power of the Shamash Stone, he embarked on a completely different path of civilization from the outside world.

Gallan's floating spaceship is one of the ways it is used.

But this kind of stone is only useful on the continent of Aaron Landis, and when taken out, it will immediately become an ordinary crystal stone.

Because of this, the Aaron Landis people have always been quietly on their continent and have no interest in the outside world.

Of course, this does not mean that the civilization of Aaron Landis must be higher than that of the outside world. It can only be said that the direction of their civilization development is different.

Just as Gallan listened to these things as Brother Camos told him, as if listening to the heavenly book, the golden winged spacecraft carried them across the bright sky and slowly drove towards the golden palace.

All Aaron Landis knew that this golden spaceship was His Majesty's royal spaceship, and everyone who saw it naturally knew that their emperor had returned.

When crossing the Enki River, Gallan's gaze involuntarily fell into the huge valley across the river from the King City.

Numerous pure white palaces stand in it.

That is the tomb of the dead.

The teenager looked at it for a while and was a little fascinated.

Two thousand years of times have changed, and land and sea have changed.

It is said that in the earthquake, this land split, and the ancient tombs of the past have sunk deep underground, and no traces can be seen.

Only the new white tomb covered it.


At the middle level of the palace, a platform of white jade extends outward and hangs high in the air.

The golden spaceship landed slowly on this platform. Dozens of people were waiting here at the stone gate of the platform to welcome the arrival of the spaceship.

When Gallan followed Camos down from the spaceship, the dozens of maids immediately greeted him. Ten people embraced Camos, and the remaining six surrounded him.

After entering the platform gate, Gallan was directly led by the maids into the side room on one side.

The room was lightly scented, and there were more than a dozen maids waiting in the room, some holding warm water, some holding costumes, and some holding white towels, and as soon as the teenager entered the door, they swarmed.

Garland just froze at the beginning, and then stood generously, allowing them to surround themselves and take off their clothes.

There is a small bath when walking in from the room. Soon, he was lying comfortably beside the bath. Most of his body was immersed in water. The temperature of the water was suitable, which made him feel very comfortable.

He was soaking here, and the maids waiting outside the room were whispering in a whisper.

"I heard that the prince grew up outside."

"Well, it is said to be an orphan."

"It sounds pitiful."

"Yeah yeah, obviously a noble prince, but don't say that no one has served him since childhood. I heard that he has to work and earn money to serve others for his livelihood."

"Ah, it's so pitiful, if you grow up here in Aaron Landis, you will definitely be spoiled by thousands of petites."

Just as the maids whispered, the eyes of a maid flickered secretly.

She suddenly interjected and said, "Isn't this just growing up as a civilian? Having lived as a civilian for so long, can he really be a prince?"

"Hey? Why do you say that?"

"It's just a matter of manners that makes people worry, not to mention other aspects."

"It's kind of like you say..."

"Ah, I don't mean anything else." The maid looked down weakly, a look of'I'm not deliberate', and said cautiously, "I just think that the prince has not received royal education since childhood, sure I don’t understand many things. I’m just worried about him. If something is wrong at the banquet or somewhere, wouldn’t it be a big ugly one?”

"Uh, you are actually right."

"Yeah, even if your Highness has a distinguished status, but after all, the growth environment is really impossible, I am afraid also the temperament..."

The sharp-eyed maid noticed that the door was moving and seemed to open, and quickly gave her companions a wink and shut them up.

So the maids stood up quickly and looked up at the open room.

The door opened, and the boy came out from inside.

The tip of the hair, which was melted gold, was a little wet, and fell on the cheek. There is still a little water vapor on the milky white and tender skin, and a slight heat is emitted in the air. The moist lips are like cherry blossoms that just bloomed in early spring.

The gorgeous ornaments of pure gold wrapped around his neck, but they were overshadowed by his bright golden eyes.

Although the royal costume of Aaron Landis was worn on his body for the first time, it did not give people any awkward feeling, but it was extremely suitable, as if a teenager should be born like this.

He walked forward, his white cloak fluttering behind him at his pace.

The sunlight shining from the skylight fell on him and embraced him gently.

The maids who had just talked about it looked at the young prince who seemed to come out of the light and walked away under the light, for a long while silently.


Because it was too late to return to the palace, Camos, who was distressed by his prince, did not chat with Gallando, and sent him directly to the palace already prepared for him.

Anyway, Gallan had already returned, and he was not in a hurry at this time, but let him rest for a night before talking.

In the gorgeous palace, the stone sculpture fountain of the star goddess Isdar stood quietly in the courtyard, and the spring water was sprinkled in the basin.

The scenery that was so familiar to him made Garland couldn't help widening his eyes.

Although the position has not changed, but after two thousand years, Aaron Landis has risen and fallen several times. Even the palace has changed its owner several times, and even burned down.

The palace now is very different from the palace he remembers, but the palace in front of him is exactly the same as the palace he lived in before.

Camos, who sent Gallan, looked at Gallan's wide-eyed eyes and was in a great mood.

It was a waste of time for him to supervise the work in person, and it took him a year to demolish the previous building here and build the pavilion just to give Galland a big surprise.

"Okay, you rest early, everything will be said tomorrow,"

Camos touched his brother's head again, then left contentedly.


The night is quiet.

The king city on the ground, which is a behemoth, also fell into silence, only sporadic lights dotted the city.

The golden royal palace stood on the earth in the glory of stars, and around the royal palace, a dozen large hexahedral cylindrical crystal pillars stood up, emitting a soft light.

There is also one in Galan's palace. He stood by the window, looking curiously at the crystal pillar of the two-man tall and one-man wide stone of Shamash.

According to Brother Camos, this crystal pillar is the energy of Aaron Landis.

The time of more than two thousand years is really too long to change sea and land.

But now, he has returned to Aaron Landis. In this familiar and somewhat strange place, there are probably many places he needs to understand one by one.

However, he was not in a hurry.

After this, he still has a long time.

The night wind blew into the courtyard, skimming the clear water of the crescent pond, shaking the green lotus leaves in the water.

It blew into the room and set off a soft veil.

Withdrawing his gaze from the crystal pillar outside the window, Gallan turned his head.

The floor-to-ceiling windows were open, and the translucent tulle flicked gently in the night breeze. Through the tulle, you can vaguely see the lotus in the crescent pond outside.

In a trance, time seems to go back more than two thousand years ago.

Lifting the screen, Gallan walked to the spacious balcony outside, looked up, and saw the stars.

The bright moonlight fell on the white jade bar, jumping in the juvenile golden hair with his head up, and the night breeze brought the familiar sweetness of the lotus pond.

It wasn't until this moment that he finally had a sense of authenticity returning to Aaron Landis.

Only in Aaron Landis can we see such a starry sky with thousands of stars.

Gently exhaled, Garland lowered his head, his eyes falling on the crescent moon pool in front of the balcony.

It is still winter. Although the city of King Aaron Landis is still warm, it is not the time when the lotus blooms, and the lotus in the water shows a little green sharp angle.

Suddenly he remembered that night.

It is also such a night, such a starlight.

The water on the crescent moon pool shimmered.

He lies on the stone fence.

The man stood in the pool water below and lifted a half-open lotus to him.

The golden eyes stared at him like a burning flame.

The man's eyes were full of expectations.

At that time, he looked at him and said with a smile.

At the moment when he spoke well, he saw the golden eyes suddenly brighten.

Even the thousands of stars in the sky can't match that person's eyes shining at that moment.

Watched by those amazingly bright eyes, his chest felt inexplicably hot and became hot.

He reached out and wanted to catch the lotus that had not yet bloomed.

He looked at the man's eyes and wanted to see his shadow in the other person's eyes.

But he ultimately failed to do anything.

The black shadow suddenly enveloped him, and he could feel his hands falling down weakly, but he could no longer see the expression on Huimus' face at that moment.

...The expression on that man's face...

Suddenly, Gallan felt a dull pain in his chest.

Pressing the finger on the stone fence tightly for a few minutes, he closed his eyes.

The night was quiet, and no sound could be heard, as if there was only him alone under the stars.

The teenager tilted his head and allowed the cool night wind to brush his cheeks.

The wind twitched his slender eyelashes slightly.

After a long time, he opened his eyes again.

The wind grew louder, passing through this quiet courtyard, shaking the dense olive tree crown in the courtyard, making a rustling noise in the night.

At last glancing at the stars in the sky, Gallan turned around and wanted to go back to the room.

Just the moment he turned his eyes down--

Suddenly, a pair of arms stretched out from behind,

He crossed his shoulders and hugged him whole.

He was caught by surprise and fell into the arms of the man behind him.

Those arms held him tightly and hard.

The fingers clasping his shoulders, waist and abdomen were so hard that he felt pain.

The battle that has been cultivated over the years can make Gallan raise his hand reflectively almost at the moment of being hugged, and his fingers are caught in the fingers of the hand that tightens his waist.

The wind blew.

Violent, violent.

The dark hair flew forward in the wind, passing Gallan's eyes.

It was mixed with a strand of white hair like snow, and it was extremely dazzling.

Garland's gaze paused.

His fingertips had snapped into the fingers of the hand tightening his side.

He could feel the scarred skin in the fingers he touched.

So familiar.

The heart beat violently, almost bursting out of his chest—

Garland turned back suddenly.

The violent wind lifted his forehead high, passing the corners of his eyes.

The starry sky was shot from behind the tall figure behind him.

In the backlight, he could not see the face hidden behind the shadows behind him.

But he saw the eyes that were burning like flames.

His eyes reflected his reflection deeply, as it had never changed since a thousand years ago.

Tens of thousands of years passed by, and only the golden eyes stared at the immortal gaze of the young man in his arms.

Time seems to stand still for eternity at the moment when the two look at each other.


Suddenly, a flash of light flashed across the night, breaking this momentary stillness.

It's so fast that people can't catch it.

But a click.

That flash of light fell gently on the teenager's cheek.

Garlan's eyes widened suddenly.

The moonlight refracted a ray of water, and the water marks dripping on his face slipped slowly along his cheeks.

After a short while, Garland held out his hand.

He held his head in his hands and raised his face.

Putting his forehead gently against the other's forehead with a few strands of white hair, Gallan closed his eyes.

He closed his eyes, didn't read anything, said nothing.

But he could feel the drop of liquid falling on his cheek, hot and scorching, as if it could penetrate the deepest part of his body and eventually merge with him.

The night was silent.

The man who seemed as if the whole person had melted into the night, more powerful and terrible than anyone, opened his eyes.

He lowered his head and fixed his gaze on the boy in front of him, like a child who had been aggrieved.

He kept his eyes open, as if he didn't dare to blink.

The thin lips squeezed tightly like a knife edge, seeping pain marks.

Big tears rolled from his golden-red eyes.

That was... tears that finally fell after two thousand years of late...

The author has something to say:   Thank you for the little angel who voted for me or the irrigation nutrient solution~

Thank you for the little angel who cast [grenade]: Montenegro old demon six, startled wind, wooden name, Xiao Xiaoyi, 1 mosquito in the house of Daming Temple;

Thank you for the little angels who cast [land mine]: 4 in a store; 3 in Jiashu Meiyu; did you kiss me today, siri2; keys, Xiaoye, Xiangfeng, Luosheng, just favored lovers, Time and Space Yuan Story, shallow breeze, future in the future, Qingsong, frame chasyn, +6, Ye Ye Ye Yuanzhou 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

Six 144 bottles of Montenegro demon; 106 bottles of Bai Shaoan; 103 bottles of Ye Ye; 68 bottles of Wenren wanting to raise cats; 60 bottles of blue snow fruit and rice mud; 50 bottles of Tangbai’s big white eh and concubine; wind hunting, wind knife 40 Bottles; cc, Xiongda, I am cool, 30 bottles of buoyant dreams; 28 bottles of Jingtailou; 25 bottles of tea and wine; zero, 20 bottles of mosquitoes, underwear, and blame; Daming Temple Flower Love 17 bottles; Swordsman of Huiyu, 15 bottles of autumn and wild wilderness; 13 bottles of rabbits; 1111 bottles; Ajie, Jin Ruixi, Opal, Ling Miao, milk tea half sugar, tide, trance, shallow cloud, Muxi is Muxi 、月·影の舞·Hua, quail, good health, 10 bottles of Lori control and Qingluo in the late stage of hand cancer; the other party is importing...8 bottles; lotus7 bottles; Gu zero zero zero zero Zero zero, six bottles of Yiling; Hundred dynasty keke, frame mt, tasty☆_☆, dusk after rain, 1, gentleman like jade, instant blood, mountain wood, 5 bottles; 4 bottles in a store; 3 bottles of salted fish, sweetener, chasyn; have you kissed me today, black magic, helpless love ╮ 2 bottles; little dots, what's the name, trouble, silver ring, miraculous man, skyscraper The **** the wheel, classmates in the garden, drinking cold water, 1 bottle of Xu Jing;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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