Although His Majesty the Emperor tried to get back to his beloved collection, although Heimus tried to ask for the crystal bracelet that he didn’t understand but wanted, but both of the requests were categorized by the current owner of the bracelet. Dismissed.

Garland firmly took the crystal bracelet into his own hands.

joke! How can these black history be seen by others?

He saw it all, there were images of him secretly tearing away tears, walking wrestling accidentally, and jamming bread in a hurry in order to hurry.

The guy at Kahoes even recorded the first time he was wearing a student uniform in middle school and was too sleepy during class to doze off and doze off and then reprimanded by the teacher, and went to the restaurant to work and wear a uniform.

Wait for Kahos to settle the account!

His Highness wrote down this stroke so deeply in his heart.

At the moment, Kehuos, who was busy checking out the two guards, was unknown.

It has been delayed for an entire morning, and because the government still has to deal with it, His Majesty the Emperor, who has taken away his beloved things, can only leave with great grievance.

Of course, before leaving, he also verbosely told Tapti to take care of Gallan.

Looking at Camos's back, Tapputi's face slightly chilled.

She already knew what happened when His Majesty and the Prince returned to Aaron Landis yesterday. His Majesty's rough nerves might not feel anything, but she saw it.

Someone deliberately targeted His Royal Highness while she was away.

Originally in her arrangement, considering that the prince grew up among civilians, she was probably not used to being served, so she deliberately did not arrange too many people to greet her.

At the same time, I was told not to crowd too many people, just let two people step forward.

After all, the prince is still young and has little experience, and suddenly being surrounded by so many people will definitely feel nervous and uncomfortable.

But the actions of the maids yesterday... like someone deliberately leading them around, trying to make the prince feel embarrassed and even ugly in public by this unexpected behavior.

There was even a maid who deliberately raised the prince's civilian background before everyone was face-to-face. The good saying was that the prince could not get used to it. The subtext was to tell everyone that the prince could not get on the table.

All of this was clearly instructed by someone behind the scenes.

I want to take advantage of the prince's return when I'm not fit here, and secretly suppress and quietly force him into a chaotic position, so that others can form an impression that the prince is not good.

Be aware that once the initial impression is formed, it is not easy to change.

Tapti thought deeply, then turned his head to look at Galland.

But to her surprise, the prince did not fall into this trap.

Regardless of his manners or other manners, he didn't show half fright.

The prince behaved as if he had lived in this environment since he was a child, and his momentum was even inferior to that of His Majesty the Emperor.

Tapti frowned slightly, his heart full of confusion.

Obviously this prince grew up watching, but now, there are many mysteries in the prince.

For example, suddenly coma for more than half a month.

For example, the hair color becomes golden during coma.

For example, after waking up, compared with the childish teenagers before, there is a big change in both the appearance and the aura.

and also……

It is said that when the prince returned to Aaron Landis, the storm thundercloud over the sea of ​​guardian automatically opened a avenue, as if welcoming him like a miracle.


[Aaron Landis, the stars on the ground, the kingdom of the gods. 】

[After thousands of years, the sons of the gods will return to this immortal kingdom. 】

Unexpectedly, the chief priest suddenly remembered the prophecy recorded in the ancient divine book.

The oracle passed down for thousands of years.

Tapti turned his head to meet the golden pupils.

The boy looked at him, and his golden eyes were like the sun in the clear sky at the moment, so clean that she could not see a little shadow and dust.

He smiled at her, his smile as bright as his eyes.

The countless doubts in the heart gradually dissipated, and Tupiti watched the teenager's eyes soften.

Even if there are too many mysteries about this prince, but no matter what, he is indeed the child she looks at when she grows up.

Since ten years ago, she has been with her majesty, watching the child grow up and adult little by little, until he returns to Aaron Landis.

Happy for his growth, sad for his hardship, just like watching his own children.

"Prince, although His Majesty has done such a thing, please do not be angry with His Majesty."

Although he had unkindly scammed Camos when he first met Garland, but now looking back, she smiled and explained to Camos.

"Your Majesty was very happy when I first learned of your existence ten years ago."

"He wants to see you very much, but in order not to bring you danger, he can only be patient."

"He can't participate in your growth, so he can only look at the image sent by Kehuos like this, watching you grow up, he just wants to accompany you to grow up in this way."

The chief priest looked at Garland tenderly.

She said, "Prince, please believe that Your Majesty loves you more than anyone else."

Looking at Tapti, Gallan laughed.

"I know."

He says.

"However, Tapti..."


"Are you sure that Brother Wang has only one bracelet? Didn't steal the other?"

"……I confirm."

"Oh, all right."




Night came to the earth again.

Garland touched the little milk lion who was asleep in his arms, and placed it on the cushion in the corner of the room.

Since meeting again, Nega has been particularly attached to him, where to go and where to go.

As long as he was standing still, Negah stuck to his ankle.

At noon, some maid came over and wanted to take it back to the Lion Garden to eat, but it just refused to be taken away by someone else. With Garlan, it makes people feel soft.

So Garland let it stay in his room.

After a day of tossing, it is now asleep.

Today, the matter of Huimos was tossed all morning. In the afternoon, Tupiti, the chief priestess, stayed in the palace and gave him a general introduction to the current situation of Aaron Landis, and detailed Teach him all things that need attention.

When Tapti taught him, Heimus had been leaning his hands on the wall against the wall. Although his eyes were down, Gallan knew that he must have listened to everything Tapti said.

After all, the world after two thousand years is an extremely strange world for Heimus.

However, although Brother Camos temporarily let him go in the morning, it was not so easy to completely let him go after all.

Immediately after the dinner, Camos sent someone to call Huimos to the martial arts field, and said that if his body was rigid, he would be disqualified as a close guard.

Well, I don’t know who will win now when Brother Wang fights with Huimos.

When Brother Xiong was alive, Brother Huimus was the first to be Brother Xun.

But now Huimos is the evolved version of the Great Huimos. After more than thirty years of fighting in the South, the force value has reached its maximum value, and he may not necessarily lose to Brother Wang.

So, in the end...

Although extremely curious about the outcome of this battle, the chief priestess' urgent make-up lesson is not over. He can only continue to work in the room bitterly.

Kehuos returned during the trip and reported something to Tapti.

Garland suspected that he had been stabbed off Mawei when he came back, and then was spied on these things.

It seems that his arrival has damaged the interests of some people.

Garland thought to himself.

However, in these two minds now, they still ignorant the existence of ignorance, human beings and animals are harmless, such as white rabbits, which generally need to be carefully guarded.

Therefore, the dialogue between them is to avoid their own.


Two thousand years ago, he was hailed as a fair sage with Shamash and a wise king with Sorga said that this kind of treatment that he had not enjoyed for a long time made him feel very strange.

...But this feeling is not bad.

Anyway, now there is a prince before, and later a chief priest, etc., Aaron Landis is unprecedentedly peaceful, Gallan feels that he only needs to be a carefree prince who knows nothing.

After all, he doesn't even need to take the exam now~~~

Well, it’s not bad to be a silly Bai Tian protected by others.

Speaking of this, can his dream of traveling around Aaron Landis not realized two thousand years ago be realized this time?

Although it seems to bring one more person.

After thinking for a long time like this, the prince of "Sweet Silly White" looked at the time and felt a little depressed.

Heimos was called by Brother Camos for lessons... No, it was sparring, yes, sparring for an hour or two.

Seeing that the sky was dark now, after Tapti left, he soaked in the hot spring for a long time, and after playing with Nega for a while, they all began to feel sleepy, but Huimos had not been put back.

He kept yawning.

He hadn't got enough sleep last night. He sat on the bed for a while, and finally he didn't carry the sleepy attack. He fell to the bed and fell asleep.

Just a short time after Gallan slept, the door was pushed open, and a tall figure walked in under the night.

He was forced to ask Camos to "accompany him to exercise" for more than an hour, because he sweated a lot, so he returned after taking a bath. At this moment, there were drops of water on the dark hair. There are also shallow water marks on the cheeks that are slowly sliding down.

As soon as he entered the door, his gaze fell on Gallan lying on the bed.

The teenager was asleep, his eyes closed, and the room was very quiet, with almost no sound.

The soft light shone on the teenager's face, and the thin, thin eyelashes dropped light shadows on the white cheeks.


Heimus's heart suddenly beat violently, almost bursting out of his chest.

He instantly changed his face, striding over in three steps and two steps, grabbed the sleeping Gallan, and almost shook it hard with a panic.


He shouted.

The voice was so hoarse that it felt tingling like the gravel rubbing against his throat.

Galan, who was suddenly awakened by someone for a long time just after sleeping, opened his eyes, facing the pair of golden-red pupils, and Heimus stared at him deadly, his eyes crimson, the blood color soaked in his eyes It seemed to be able to bleed.

It makes people feel shocked at a glance.

The almost out-of-the-way look, maybe as long as Gallan opened his eyes a second later, it would collapse and shatter into pieces, which could no longer be put together.

Garlan met his eyes and froze.

After Gallan opened his eyes, his blood-stained eyes improved slightly, but he still stared at Gallan.

As if afraid of blinking, Gallan would close his eyes again, as if he had slept over two thousand years ago and would never wake up again.

Garland could feel that the hands that Huimus was holding on his shoulders were shaking.

The fingers squeezing his shoulders were trembling.

Heimus looked at Gallan for a while, exhaled, then leaned over and hugged Gallan tightly.

He closed his eyes and pressed his face against Gallan's cheek, feeling the warmth of his skin.

When he saw the boy with his eyes closed, his body almost frozen with blood eagerly drawing the temperature passed by the body in his arms.

Is warm.

he thinks.

The person in his arms is still warm.

He said this to himself repeatedly, but he still couldn't control the shaking of his fingers.

At that moment his heart seemed to stop beating again.

In front of this person, he was always vulnerable.

Held tightly by Heimus, Gallan tilted his head, his eyes blinked slightly, holding back a bit of sourness from the corners of his eyes.

He thought for a while, took a deep breath, and then patted Huimus's back, motioning him to release himself.

He got out of bed and took Huimus' hand.

"follow me."

Gallan said.

Heimus was a little dazed, but he followed the subconsciously following Galan who led him.

Garland jumped the window with Heimus, turned over the wall from behind, and sneaked out of the palace.

Escaping the night watchman all the way, with the memory of the day before yesterday, he took Huimus to the large platform that extended to the upper level of the palace.

The golden spaceship stopped on the platform, bathed in silver-like moonlight, refracting a fine shimmer.

It stayed quietly, as if waiting for the arrival of its owner.

Garland went up first.

He stood on the boat and held out his hand to Huimus.

"Come up."

Heimus, who was a little strange to see this pure gold jewel-embellished vessel actually stopped on a suspended platform, looked at Galland, took Galland's hand extended, and jumped slightly and jumped forward. The spaceship, standing beside Garland.

Garran touched the gold bracelet with the stone of Samash embedded in his hand.

The spaceship was shocked.

Heimus, who didn't know what happened, almost stretched out his hand and put Gallan in his arms, guarding it strictly.

Garland's eyes curled and he leaned against Huimus's arms and smiled.

Immediately afterwards, in the amazing eyes of Huimos, the golden spaceship slowly floated from the platform and flew towards the night sky.


The night was silent.

The night sky is vast.

Countless morning stars shone in the night, like a river formed by stars gathering across the sky, shining brightly.

The golden spaceship was slowly flying in the night sky, and below it was the endless earth.

The golden wings were bathed in starlight, shining with magnificent light, as if glowing.

Huge cities surrounded by several circles are spread out on the ground, and the flowing water of the Enji River flows through it, rushing to the end and falling into the sea.

Garland stood on the bow of the ship, looking down at the ground under his feet.

The night wind blew, and his golden hair flicked in the dark night.

After a while, he turned around and smiled at the man behind him.

"Does it look good?"

he asks.

Huimus gazed quietly at the teenager's smile in the night.

His eyes softened, and the blood on his eyes gradually faded, and his pupils might be stained with light gold by the starlight reflected by the spacecraft.

He nodded.

"good looking."

He said, mouth corners raised.

Then he stepped forward and stood in front of Garland.

The distance between the two is so close that as long as you look down, your hair will be intertwined.


Huimus shouted softly.

After waiting for more than two thousand years, I finally waited for my beloved one. But there was always a trace of uneasiness in his heart.

Looking at the teenager in front of him, he always has a sense of unreality.

He eagerly wants to confirm the truth in front of him, and wants to confirm that this person really belongs to himself.

Holding Gallan's shoulders, Heimus looked at Gallan deeply and eagerly, trying to speak.


At the beginning, Gallan suddenly raised his hand.

"you shut up!"

The teenager shouted flatly.

Huimus: "..............."

The romantic atmosphere that was still in the night sky a few seconds ago was shattered by Gallan's shut up and could no longer stick.

But the teenager who broke such a good atmosphere was unaware, and continued to speak for himself.

"I think there is probably a curse on you, a curse that will definitely fail if you only ask for love."

Garland stared at Huimus and said seriously,

"If you open your mouth now, maybe this spaceship will fail and fall, or suddenly the thunder and thunder will blow up the wind, and even a meteorite from the sky may hit us."

Huimus: "..."

"So, I think you still shut up, don't say anything."

Garland's words made Huimus squeeze his lips hard.

He didn't speak. He just looked at Garland in this way, and there was a point of accusation in his eyes, which seemed very wronged.

Obviously every time because you reject me, I will fail.

He spoke so dissatisfiedly.

Galan smiled as Heimus stared at him in accusation.

He smiled and stretched out his hands, holding Huimus's cheek.

He said: "In order not to fail, this time, change me."

Looking at the frosty look of Huimos, the talking boy's golden eyes curled up, and there was a smile inside.

It is so shining.

Even the brilliance of the thousands of stars around him cannot be brighter than it.


Garland whispered the name of the man in front of him who had been rejected by him countless times but still stubbornly caught up.

A man who is so persistent that he can never give up anymore.

"follow me."

"accompany me."

"You will be the most important being in my life."

"From now on, share with me everything in the rest of the future."

Heimus's pupil twitched a little at this instant, something violently surged under his eyes.

Garland stared at the golden-red eyes that seemed to surge the hottest red lava in the world.

He spoke, his low words like oaths.


"I will love you until..."

The teenager stood on tiptoe, raised his head, and imprinted his kiss on his lips.

He said, "...until the moment you and my soul dissipate in this world."


The night was silent and the golden spaceship was still flying slowly in the night sky.

Only the starry sky falling on the golden spaceship, and the two of them embracing each other deeply and kissing each other as if they were one, and covered them with a light shimmer.


【I swear. 】

[As long as you and my soul still exist in this world, I will always love you. 】

The author has something to say:   Try to sprinkle sugar, do you love me~~~

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