Aaron Landis is the kingdom of the gods, here is the land where the gods gave their people.

The Aaron Landis people who lived on this land have been hardworking, brave and full of wisdom from ancient times to the present day. They used their own hands to build their own kingdom.

They are loyal and dare to resist.

They were loyal to the gods who gave them everything, but they also dared to rebel against the nobles who oppressed them and even the priests in the name of God.

However, for the Aaron Landis, there is only one person who is absolutely not offended.

King Aaron Landis.

It is a descendant of the gods, who inherited the blood of the gods and replaced the king who ruled the land of Aaron Landis.

King Aaron Landis is the incarnation of the gods.

He is the supreme being.

He is the existence of the whole-hearted faith for which all the people of Aaron Landis are willing to dedicate their lives and soul—

Especially the current King Aaron Landis, Camos, is regarded as a living god, and has a very high reputation in the hearts of all people.

"Who gave you the courage to point the arrow to the prince of Aaron Landis?!"

There was also a childish but unusually clear voice that sounded in the silent night.

The phrase "Prince of Aaron Landis" was clearly heard by everyone present.

Everything between heaven and earth seemed to pause for a second at this moment, and everyone looked at Gallan in amazement, with an incredible look on his face.

And after a pause of one second, with a buzz, the place where the horrible silence was suddenly blasted.



"How could the prince come to such a place—"

"It must be deceiving!"

"But the kid didn't seem to be lying..."

"Are we attacking the prince?"

"Then we are treasonous?"

"Do not……"


"be quiet!"

The panicked voice was suppressed by a sudden loud shout, and it was the leading middle-aged man who screamed.

Compared with other panicked refugees, he was much calmer. At this moment, he looked at the blond kid standing in front of him. The child stretched out his hand and pointed his finger at the arrow in his hand.

Obviously, under the direction of his arrow, he could not see a little fear on the small face.

With a wounded little body, he was brave to stand in front of thousands of rioting refugees, under countless bows and arrows.

And the gaze that calmly looked at him made the blond kid look nothing like an ordinary kid.

The child has bright golden eyes.

What surprised the middle-aged man most was that when he was staring at the golden eyes, his brain, which had been harassed by hatred since yesterday, was suddenly cold, and there was the restlessness inside his body. It felt like it was going to explode, the kind of pain that can be alleviated only by revenge. At this moment, when looked at the child's golden eyes, he seemed to be poured into the cold water, and he was awake from the fire of hatred. .

The man didn't know that when he looked at Gallan's eyes, the dark, hazy mist that was almost invisible to the ordinary people around his pupils seemed to be suppressed by something, and dissipated a little.

All he knew was that, suddenly, he was a little more calm and a little more sober.

So, he used this extra calm to start thinking.

He is facing the arrow now... is Aaron Landis' prince?


The man asked loudly, he still did not put down his bow and arrow.

"How could the prince come to such a place? Do you think you can save your life by cheating us this way?" He said, "Do you have evidence to prove that you are a prince? If not, why should we believe you!"

A series of questions from the man suddenly awakened the people who subconsciously believed and panicked when he heard Gallan's words. Many people even put their bows in front of Gallan in panic.

However, when the men said so, they also reacted, looking at their unshakable leader, they followed the leader subconsciously, and raised their bows and arrows to point forward again.

Gallan lowered his hand and smiled at the countless arrows that flickered in the cold light.

He seemed very calm, as if not worried that these people would really hurt him.

"Do you think that on the land of Aaron Landis, in this land where the gods are watching all the time, will anyone dare to impersonate the descendants of the gods?"


Looking at the silent man who didn't speak, Garran continued.

"If you don't believe it, go ahead."

He said, "But are you, and the people behind you, ready to bear the consequences of letting the blood inherited from the gods flow on this land?"

Many people's hands suddenly shook.

They are not afraid of death, nor of the powers and armies that oppressed them. But the people of Aaron Landis's piety for the gods is a belief that goes deep into the bones.

They are not afraid of death, but they are afraid that after their death, their guilty souls will be driven into hell, tortured, and never eternal. Also, it is not only them who bear the anger of the gods, but also their descendants.

Everyone was silent at this moment, and even the leading man was silent, without the aggressiveness of the initial questioning.

Seeing the hesitant look on those people's faces, Garland was relieved. It seems that it is still very useful to deter these civilians under the banner of the gods, and to deter these civilians.

In my heart, I thanked the so-called gods who had always had opinions, and then threw them into the brain. Gallan's brain was running at this moment.

Now, these refugees who are in passion for rioting seem to have calmed down. For this kind of rioting, they are afraid of blood punches. Now, this leader seems to have recovered a little reason.

It is good to have reason, he thought, as long as there is reason, negotiations can be conducted.

"I know, you are all people who have been miserable by the nobles, so don't believe them..."

Garland pointed to Xie Muer and others behind him and continued, "It's understandable."

He said, "Then answer me, Arenlandis's people, do you believe your king, my brother Camos?"

When the name Camos was spoken, the refugee crowd suddenly caused a commotion.

Almost the majority of refugees had a look of awe on their faces, and even some old men and women had already held their hands in front of their eyes, and began to whisper the hymns praising King Camos throughout the kingdom with their eyes down .

This king who guarded all the people with his own strength when Aaron Landis was about to die, had the supreme authority in the heart of Aaron Landes' people.

Everyone believed that King Camos was the incarnation of God.

They believed in King Camos, just as they believed in the gods.

They believed that with this hymn, King Camos could protect them.

Even the leading middle-aged man showed an awesome expression on his face. He said, "King Kamos, is unquestionable."

Garland nodded.

"As the priest said, Brother Camos already knew about the corruption of relief supplies and the persecution of civilians by the officials of the city of Venal, so he sent me here to investigate the matter."

He looked directly at each other, looking straight.

"That's why I came here as a prince."

He said here, suddenly someone shouted in the crowd.

"No! King Xian has only one child. King Camos has no brother at all. You are lying to us!"

With such a shout, many refugees who had been given to the town by the gods and King Camos's banner also reacted, and suddenly countless suspicions were cast.

Yes, the first king had only a descendant of Camos. They had never heard of King Camos and a younger brother, and they never knew that there was a younger brother in this country.

The refugees who watched as they finally quieted down again commotion again, and Xie Muer, who had been watching everything silently behind, shouted loudly.

"King Camos delivered the king's destiny to the whole country more than a month ago, telling all his people to choose an excellent descendant from his bloodline beside the royal family to become his younger brother! Didn't you win the city To this edict?"

"You bullshit."

"We haven't heard it."


"How could this matter..."

There was a mess of denials from the refugees, but it was quickly stopped.

"No, they are right."

The refugee leader raised his hand and stopped the riots behind him.

He looked complicated and said: "This is indeed the case. At that time, I saw this edict in other cities. It was only then that our city of Venal suffered a flood, so this edict did not happen to us. Spread here..."

He looked at Garland.

In his eyes, Galland is not like an ordinary child at all.

No... It should be said that this child is not like a child at all at this moment.


... Is this really His Royal Highness?


The man hesitated and said, "If you..."

After a pause, he changed his name.

"If you are really a prince, why do you want to take those children away?"

These people from the Wangcheng took a group of children with cavalry. This is something someone has seen.

"This question has already been answered by my priest."

Gallan said, "We did not capture the children, but rescued them from all things, and then escorted them back to the city of Vinar."

"As long as you go back to the city, you can see them."

"...But you have no evidence to prove that you are telling the truth."

After saying this, the man didn't speak anymore. He was hesitating, not knowing whether to believe the child who claimed to be a prince in front of him.

Even if the child has the momentum, but maybe it is only a child of the nobility, using this excuse to delay time, and then mobilize the army to suppress them.

He hesitated.

If he was the only one, he would be killed by himself. However, behind him are countless people who believe in him and follow him, and his judgment will determine the fate of these people.

Therefore, he still maintained the posture of raising the arrow and was unable to make a judgment.

While the man hesitated, other people naturally focused on him, waiting for his decision.

Just as everyone was in a stalemate, a loud child's voice sounded in the dark night, breaking the dull moment at the moment.

"I can prove it!"

A girl pulled away from the crowd, got out of it, and stood in front of everyone.

Her face and body were covered with dust, and the whole person looked embarrassed, presumably because she hurried over and stood still breathing violently.

After taking a few breaths, she glanced at Gallan with complex eyes, then turned to look at the middle-aged man.


The man was startled and then showed a happy look.

"Why are you here? I heard that you and your father are already—"

"Second Uncle."

The little girl with a linen ponytail called a man and said loudly in front of everyone.

"I can testify for him-he was the one who saved the children!"

She said cautiously, "Everything is in the valley. The thief caught a lot of children into the valley. He saved me, those children, and grandpa."

"Father also..."

The man was startled, and then saw an old man walk in from the crowd.

"Father!" the man shouted.

The old man ignored him and stood there, staring at Gallan deeply.

"Golden eyes..."

He seemed to mumble to himself.

"The proof of inheriting the blood of the gods... the characteristics of the royal family... I even forgot this."

He raised his hand and slapped his son hard.

"Drop the arrow!"

The old man snapped, his face slapped mercilessly, and his son's face was red and swollen all at once.

Then the old man stepped forward, stood in front of Garland, and bowed his head deeply.

"His Prince, please forgive my son's disrespect."

There was deep sorrow in the old man's voice.

"He lost his wife and children before he did such a terrible thing. Please forgive him."

Kelly stood beside her grandfather, still panting in a hurry.

That night, Gal led the group of people away. She and her grandfather did not dare to move. They hid in the forest for a whole day. After they determined that no one was looking for them, they walked out of the valley and returned to the town.

Two people, an old man and a child, were weak physically, and it was already late at night to walk to the town.

Unexpectedly, the town of Ayr was in a panic in the middle of the night. She heard the familiar townspeople say that her second uncle had attacked the town with refugees, and was now attacking the nobles from Wangcheng, so she came with her grandfather in a panic.

did not expect……

The little girl looked at the blond kid standing opposite with a mixed mood.

Unexpectedly, this same child who was treated as her brother was actually the prince of Aaron Landis.


...No, anyway, no matter who Gal is, he is still alive and not dead, so she is already very happy.

Garland was also very surprised. Unexpectedly, he saved the little girl and the old man who were actually relatives of the leader.

Is this good intentions and good rewards?

He didn't answer the old man's head down and guilt, but looked up at the leader.

The man was slapped by the old man, the bow and arrow in his hand had already been dropped, and the bows and arrows of the others behind him had also been dropped.

When the old man saw Gallan not answering, he saw that Gallan looked at his son, and he immediately understood.

He turned and shouted to his son: "Gia, don't take everyone back!"

The man called Gia was silent for a moment, then shook his head.

"No, I can't do this."


"No, father, if it is just my life, I will do what you say. But what I am leading now is thousands of people who trust me to entrust my life to me. If I just retire, wait Our fear is the siege and death of the army."

Gia Shen said, turning her gaze to Gallan.

"We must get a result! An account!"

He stepped forward.

"If you are really the prince of Aaron Landis, then, here, under the witness of the gods of Aaron Landis, listen to my voice--"

Garland looked at the man's eyes, and the man's eyes looked at him scorchingly, with a mortal determination.

He nodded.

"Okay." He said, "Under the witness of the gods, I am willing to listen to your request."

Having finished speaking, Gallan was about to move forward, but suddenly was caught by Xie Muer behind him.

"Don't mess up!"

Xie Muer whispered, "This is not what you should do, let me negotiate with them."

Garland looked at Xie Muer and tilted his head slightly.

He said, "You can't."

He looked at Xie Muer calmly and said, "Do you know why you failed to negotiate with them for the first time?"


"Xie Muer, you as a noble and think highly of you, don't know what these refugees really want."

Garland drew his hand from Xie Muer, and smiled lightly at Xie Muer.

"So I said, you can't."

He said, "You are up, the talk is down, we all have to die."


In the silence of the priest of Samash, Gallan turned and walked forward.



Well, he managed to reach Xiemuer successfully.

Well, it feels so good to have Xie Muer speechless.

At this moment, the little prince who appeared calmly and calmly to the mob in front of everyone was in a state of mind and body.

The author has something to say:   You can do it——

Well, Xiemuer can't do it, so only the little prince can get on.


There is a short called readers think you are short.

Watching silently the number of words in each chapter...

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