In the bright room, the skylight was opened, and the sunlight came in, illuminating this spacious room brightly and warmly.

Little girl sitting in the room.

Underneath is a large, soft white bed, down and soft, and it sinks in as soon as it sits, like a white cloud. She has not slept in such a comfortable bed for months, staying in such a bright place.

These months of experience seemed to her a nightmare, a nightmare that could not wake up. But to fall into this field can only blame herself. If she did not secretly go out to sea without everyone, she would not be caught by pirates and brought here.

Although she was still small, she was very clever. After seeing those who were desperately resisting being killed alive or directly thrown into the sea, she has always behaved very well and obediently.

No matter how disgusted she is, she can't show it.

She must live and someone will come to rescue her. She must live until everyone comes to rescue her.

Therefore, when being used as a gadget by those dirty and dirty men, kicking their feet at random, insulting, insulting, or unhappy, or even being pulled up as an object and exposed to countless disgusting eyes, she Also holding on to this belief.

In the days when there was no sun in the dark cellar, the desire for life and the desire to return to her homeland made her persevere.

She must live!

Survive, back to everyone, back to mother!

The little girl clenched her teeth so hard that she stayed until now.

She was sitting on the snow-white bed, with long, wavy brown hair scattered on her petite body, and a pair of large sapphire-like eyes embedded in her delicate small slap face.

Although it is young, it is also like a flower bud to be released, showing its attractive color.

She sat quietly in this beautifully decorated room, and now she seemed to be suffering more than the sins she suffered a few months ago.

However, the clever little girl is aware.

This is the real **** for her—

She looked around for a week.

Looking at the sunlight she hadn't seen in a long time, her blue eyes were full of reluctance.

The sunlight that I haven't seen in a long time will soon disappear again.

......If it is just skin pain, physical pain, she can be patient.

However, she must not accept the terrible things that will happen next.

Even if she was young, she was also a proud Elson female warrior.

Elson’s female warrior, even if she died, could not become the sex|slave of those dirty and ugly men.

However, in the same way, as an Alson female warrior, even if you die, you must bring the enemy to hell!

The little face was filled with determination, and the little girl jumped out of bed and walked to a mirror that she had just seen, and smashed it with a slap.

Picking up a small and large mirror fragment, she cut off two tablecloths, one wrapped around her hand and one wrapped around the end of a diamond-shaped mirror fragment, and then clasped the fragment tightly in her hand.

Then she clenched the fragment and stood at the closed door of the bedroom.

Her eyes were fixed on the door, her face somber, and her eyes were terribly bright at this moment.

It didn’t take long for footsteps to come from outside, and the little girl breathed tightly, her whole body tensed.

She bowed her head slightly, bowed, and slightly bent her knee.

The ready posture was like a little leopard preparing to attack people.

The look from the eyes staring at the door infiltrated extremely.

With a slight click, the door was pushed open and a long leg in dark boots stepped in.

The little girl's eyes glared, almost at the moment the foot stepped in, the little body rushed up.

Leaping forward, her innate jumping power and uninterrupted training from an early age made her jump high in the air at that moment.

At the moment when the man had just entered the door and was caught off guard, she thrust the mirror fragments in her hand into the man's throat.

If you are an ordinary person, you might really let the little girl succeed when you enter the door unguarded.

However, she is not facing ordinary people.

Almost at the same moment when the girl rushed over, the blonde knight who had stepped in the foot had not reacted immediately.

The little girl thought that the sudden movement was half a beat slow in his eyes. When the debris was not close to him, he reached out and grabbed the little girl's hand.

Then, twist your backhand.

There was a sharp pain in the wrist that was twisted behind him, and the mirror fragments fell on the ground with a crack.

The little girl's heart also fell into the abyss at this moment.

She closed her eyes desperately. Even if she was so strong, she was only a child in her early twenties.

At this moment, her tears fell uncontrollably.

She waited for the arrival of **** in despair.


A sound came suddenly.

It wasn't like the low, unpleasant voices of the men she often heard in these months, a little higher, with a bit of clarity, making people very comfortable to listen to.

Behind him, the hand that had twisted her wrist hurt.

Opening her eyes subconsciously, the first thing that caught her sight was the golden hair that hung in front of her eyes.

Bright blond hair glowing like the sun.

Reaching out with one hand, holding her wrist with pinched fingers, she rubbed it gently with her fingertips like she was afraid of pain.

Those fingers are white, just like the goat milk she likes to drink.

She looked up and saw the face that was smiling at her.

She lost her mind in an instant.

So lovely.

she thinks.

She saw the light red lips move and made a sound.


The good voice shouted at her name that had not been called in a long time.

"You are called Emma, ​​right?"

sounds so good.

She thought blankly.


Put a silver earring with a carved pattern in front of the little girl.

Worrying to scare the other party, Garland spoke as softly as possible.

"Emma, ​​don't be afraid, look at this."

He showed the little girl the earrings on his palm.

This is a token given to him by the female warrior Elson, in order to gain the little girl's trust.

"This is what your sister asked me to bring you, and she asked me to save you."

The little girl stared at him in a daze for a while, and her eyes fell on the earring.

Suddenly reaching out, she snatched the earring and grabbed her hands tightly, as if afraid of being snatched away.

While holding the silver earrings, she looked up again, staring at Gallan as she had in the beginning, neither moving nor speaking.

Gallan looked at the little girl standing still, just staring blankly at herself.

She looked so frightened that she was stupid, her eyes were red, and tears were hanging on her cheeks.

A small face is pale and pale, and looks very pitiful.

He looked up and glanced at his knight.

Kehuos raised his hand and compared it with a sorry gesture.

"This is an instinctive reaction and I can't control it myself."

He shrugged helplessly.

Even if he was stared at with subtle and weird eyes all afternoon, he suffocated his stomach, but he was not too stingy to vent this gas to a ten-year-old doll.

Just like that, it was purely because of the instinctive reaction of being physically attacked.

Looking at the little girl who was staring at her with wide eyes and tears, Garlan subconsciously rubbed her fingertips pinched out by Kehuosi on the wrist, and had a headache.

He also has no experience taking care of children.

He thought with a headache.

You can't call the maid to take care of her, because you can't let others know the existence of this little girl of Elson.

If the child burst into tears, he wouldn't coax him.

Just when Gallan hesitated and didn't know what to do, it kept watching the little girl finally responding.

She didn't cry, just looked at Gallan with her eyes wide.

She said, "Sister, you are so pretty."

Garland: "........."

Kehuos: "Poof."

Garland pulled a corner of his mouth.

He sighed as he glanced at the long blond hair scattered on his shoulders.

He bent down slightly and leaned over to the little girl and said, "Emma, ​​the name is wrong. I am not a sister, but a brother."


Emma said flatly without blinking.

"Sister, you cheat! You can't be a man!"


Garland was choked.

"...Why is it impossible?"

"My mom and my sisters have told me that men are the dirtiest and meanest in the world, only bad guys who lie! And, they are very ugly. The men I met during this time all told them It's exactly the same."

The little girl looked at Garlan seriously and said.

"Sister, how can you be a man so beautiful?"

Garland: "..."

Is this praising him or scolding him?

Kehuos: "..............."

I don't know why I can't laugh.

Emma Jr. said, while staring at Kehos with hatred.

Gallan looked at the little girl's abhorrent look that should not belong to the child, and he felt a little clear in his heart.

The child grew up in Elson. Under the influence of the purely female country's collective resistance to men's environment, she had no affection for the legendary men.

At this moment, after being forced to experience such a thing, the child must have been somewhat traumatized. Her attitude towards men is now almost aversion or even hatred.

Garland sighed.

He touched little Emma's head, and little Emma looked up at him.

The small face with a big slap, big eyes like sapphire, watery, staring at him with eyes, full of dependence.

Like a little milk cat that has been abused by others, it makes people feel soft.

"Emma, ​​I'm sorry, I am indeed brother."

It’s really like to apologize for your gender...

Gallan couldn't help but vomit in his heart.

He gazed softly at Emma Jr. and said, "But don't worry, even the elder brother will send you back safely."

Emma Jr. looked at him, her pink little mouth pursed her lips, she didn't say anything, she seemed a little wronged.

At this moment, Kehuos took a step towards this side.

He just wanted to walk over and talk to the prince. Unexpectedly, with this move, Emma Jr. jumped up like a frightened rabbit and shrunk behind Garland.

She hid behind Gallan, her small hands clenching Gallan's clothes tightly.

The little body was tight all over, like the hair on the whole body exploded.

It can be seen that she now excludes anyone, especially men, from coming close to Gallan.

The blonde knight, who had always felt unfavorable in front of women-except for a certain female ruler-felt the aversion and repulsion of women for the first time at this moment stopped crying.

This is quite a novel experience.

He thought about it in his heart, and then glanced at the little girl who was hiding behind Prince Garland.

The little girl shrank sternly behind Garland, and he couldn't see the look on her face.

He thought about it, then bowed slightly to salute.

He said, "So, I will step down first."


Feeling the little girl tightening her clothes, Garland nodded helplessly.


After Kehuos left, only Galland was left, and the little Emma, ​​who had been nervous, seemed to relax.

Only when Gallan told her that she would be sent to meet her sister tomorrow, she showed a little happy look.

Garland touched her head, and she froze for a moment before she smiled at Garland.

The fluffy wavy brown hair wrapped that small and lovely face, pink lips, big eyes, and it looked like a doll when it smiled, it was really cute.

No wonder they will be held up for auction.

When Gallan went out temporarily to get food, she stood in the room, staring at Gallan with a dim eye, like an abandoned kitten, her eyes full of dependence.

As soon as Gallan returned, she was sitting on the couch languidly, her eyes lit up, and she ran over, hopping off and laughing happily at Gallan.

When Kehos, who had waited for a trip, came in again, he saw Gallan sitting by the window reading a book in the sun while Emma Jr. sat obediently next to him and buried herself in a meal.


Garland put down the book bound in parchment and stood up to meet Kehos.

As soon as he moved, the little girl who was still eating showed a panicked look.

She immediately put down the plate, followed by jumping off the chair, her small hand tightly grasping Gallan's clothing corner, and stalked behind Gallan.

That small look made people feel very loving.

The one-eyed knight gave her a deep look and said nothing.

Then, he began to talk to Garran about the day after tomorrow to attend the inauguration ceremony of the Temple of Samash.

Because it is a very solemn occasion, it also involves the face of King Camos, so we must take every detail seriously.

They talked for a long time, and Emma couldn't help but yawn and showed a tired look. Although she was still standing, her little head was little by little, and she was about to stand and sleep.

Garlan realized this, and took the embarrassed little Emma into the bedroom just now and let her lie on the bed.

The little girl was lying on the bed, sleeping soundly, and the hand that was tightly holding his clothes was finally released.

Emma Jr. walked along with Gallan for a night, and finally got out, got up and returned to the living room, and closed the bedroom door.

At this time, Kehuosi took out the stack of documents he had just brought back from outside.

"His Royal Highness, this is what the Elson female warrior gave us."

He said, "Only one third, she said, the rest will be handed over to us when her sister is delivered to the ship tomorrow."

Gallan weighed the stack of data in his hand.

This is the message that the female Elson soldier followed in the past few months in search of her sister.

"You asked her to exchange these messages, do you doubt..."

The knight, who had read through the materials he had obtained in advance, tentatively asked.

Garland nodded.

His mood is a bit heavy.

In the daytime, he sent a guard of Kehuosi to secretly find the beaten slave woman he saw in the harbour last time, and also asked for something from her mouth.

The woman was also robbed by the pirates. According to her, there were not many people who came to Tozes in this way.


Women and children robbed by pirates...Why would appear in Tozes as a slave to be auctioned?

"All along, on the coastline near Tozes, pirates are rampant, and the number is not small, often invading coastal cities. However, these pirates have infringed the prosperous Tozes few times, even if there are, It was quickly repelled."

The boy said a little heavyly.

"In the beginning, I also thought that the Navy of Tozes was strong enough to deter pirates in this area and prevent them from attacking."

"But if, as Seth puts it, Tozes’ naval power is actually extremely empty, not much higher than other coastal cities, then why don’t pirates attack here, and why pirates are easily so weak by Toze The Sri Lankan Navy repelled?"

He stared at the void in front of his eyes and slowly spit out two words.


Speaking of which, Gallan pursed his lips and did not continue.

Kehos said nothing.

He knew what the prince wanted to say.

He could feel the heavyness of the prince's mood at the moment, and his anger at the ugly truth.

But now they can do nothing.

He had already negotiated with the prince, and he stayed temporarily in Tozes.

Most of the navy is in Taka's control, and it is hard to say whether the city guards under the ruling government are trustworthy.

And he can only be trusted by less than a hundred guards under his command. Therefore, even if he is a prince, he is likely to put himself in danger if he is in trouble in Tozes.

Therefore, the best way is to return to the king city and wait for King Camos to return from the battle, and then the king will arrange an army sufficient to suppress Tozes to solve Tozes.

Garland took a deep breath and suppressed the chaotic emotion in his heart.

He said: "After the ritual of the day after tomorrow, we will set off for the return to the royal city.


Kehuos said that he got up, but did not leave immediately, but looked at Gallan.

He said: "Prince, that little Elson girl, you better pay attention."


"Although she is young, she does not look so innocent."

The knight glanced at the closed bedroom door.

"In fact, she is very smart."

"She immediately judged that you have a higher status than me, and has the ability to protect her, so she immediately pretended to be attracted by you and trusted you to approach you, impressing you with the appearance of a child, seeking Your protection."

He says,

"I think that the dependence she showed on you in front of you and the fear of me were pretended to be intentional."

A child who can live well in a thief's den for several months cannot be a fuel-efficient lamp.

How can a child who can pierce debris into the other's throat without hesitation can easily believe and rely on a stranger who has just met.

Garland, who was looking through the material, looked up, his golden eyes gazing at his knight.

Then he smiled.

"Kejos, do you know what it means to see it or not?"

Kehos was startled.

"After going through this kind of thing, it is a matter of course to be careful."

The teenager shrugged.

"I know very well that I am not an Aaron gold coin. I can see everyone."

The knight was a little dumb.

"Kejos, I just think that during this time, the child has probably been frightened and afraid of not sleeping well. So, if the child can be convinced that her disguise is that she can sleep peacefully. A word."

The teenager nestled sideways on a soft recliner and continued to read the information in his hand. He slicked a strand of blond hair behind his ear, with a careless look on his face.

He spoke lightly.

"Then I pretend to be cheated by her, it's no big deal, is it?"

The blonde knight was fascinated for a moment.

Then he smiled dumbly and shook his head.

"Pretending to be cheated, it's really something that only you can do."

He couldn't help feeling.

"No matter how long, you are the same as when you were a kid."

"...Are you saying that I still grow up like a child?"

"Well, are you going to bring Taal to the ceremony tomorrow?"

"Don't change the subject for me."


"Cure your offense--"



The bedroom door was tightly closed, but the big bed in the bedroom was empty.

The little girl with brown hair stood quietly at the door, listening to the conversation in the hall from outside the door.

She lowered her head, her fluffy forehead scattered, blocking her eyes, making the little girl's look at the moment unclear.

I could only see the pink little mouth tightening tightly, revealing that she was not calm at the moment.

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