“You said this man had already been killed when you returned to the house, didn’t you?”

The one who opened his mouth to ask was the police officer of the third series of forcible criminal search in the search section of the criminal department of the Metropolitan Police Department, and Twilight Thirteen was also the policeman who appeared the most times, and most of the cases were handled by him.

“Yes… Yes. ”

Yoko Okino replied.

“And the detective who was with you then was…”

Officer Twilight looked at Kogoro’s eyes, full of various meanings.

“It’s under Maori Kogoro is also, Officer Twilight!” Kogoro seemed quite happy: “Oops! The days of working with police officers in the past are really nostalgic! ”

“yes… Back then, it was the blessing of your subordinates that the case became more and more difficult…”

Officer Twilight did not save face for Maori Kogoro in the slightest.

It’s just that Kogoro giggled a few times as if he couldn’t hear it.

“However, the house is really hot enough, do you always turn on the air conditioner so strongly?”

Officer Twilight asked Yoko Okino.

“No, it’s not so strong, and I clearly remember that when I went out, I cut off the power.”

Yoko Okino explained.

“Oh? It’s weird…”

“It’s not just that strange, Officer Twilight… Ouch…”

Everyone turned their heads and just saw Conan, who was talked about by Mu Yun, sitting on the ground with his forehead covered.

“Although it is not very obvious, there are indeed traces of water around the body…”

Mu Yun said directly, and pointed to the only chair in the room that was placed.

“And you look at this chair, in such a messy stain, why is only this chair standing.”

“Also, the heating turned on so strongly, maybe the murderer deliberately did it, or maybe he wanted to hide some key information.”

After speaking, He Yun glanced at Conan.

Conan also reacted, and he almost revealed his true identity.

“What Yunjun said makes sense, the observation is really careful.”

Kogoro smashed his right hand into a fist on the palm of his left hand, and began to praise with satisfaction.

“Is the cause of death clear?”

Officer Twilight nodded and turned to ask the person in charge of the autopsy.

“Yes, a knife wound in the back is a fatal cause of death, I’m afraid it was a death on the spot.”

“That kitchen knife, is it yours?” Officer Twilight turned to ask Yoko Okino.

“Yes… Yes. Yoko Okino replied.

“In other words, it has your fingerprints on it, which is also a matter of course.”


“Officer, do you suspect Yoko…,” Yamagishi said worriedly.

Officer Twilight did not answer his question, but continued to ask: “Have you seen the victim?” ”

Yamagishi Eiichi shook his head: “You may have to get closer to see clearly.” ”

So, Yoko Okino and Eiichi Yamagishi slowly walked towards the corpse, and at this moment, Eiichi Yamagishi suddenly slipped under his feet, fell on the corpse’s body, and took away a few hairs from the corpse’s hands.

Although he immediately left the body and was even scolded by the police officers, he did not find it.

But Conan’s eyes were sharp, and he immediately noticed that something was wrong.

He Yun naturally saw it, but did not debunk it.

Counting the time in his previous life and this life, although he has seen this plot, it has been thirty-six years, and he only remembers a general situation, that is, after seeing the scene, familiar memories in his mind began to appear.

However, in the case of “Detective Conan”, there is a very powerful filter, that is, Maori Kogoro, as long as he can identify a few more “murderers”, he can narrow the scope of suspects.

And this time the incident, He Yun naturally remembered, was a suicide, and even a domestic TV series copied the scene here, so it was quite impressive.

“The doors and windows are locked, and it is on the 25th floor, it is simply impossible to invade from the outside, the only entrance and exit is the door of the entrance, and the fingerprints on the murder weapon, except for Miss Yoko, there is no one else, think about it, it is the owner of the house you are the most suspicious…”

Sitting in his chair, Officer Twilight stared at the scene traces of the body and analyzed the available clues.

“Don’t talk nonsense, how can I kill!”

Yoko Okino said excitedly.

“Yes, officer, Miss Yoko also specially asked me to investigate…”

Kogoro also explained.

“Hmph, it is common for the client and the prisoner to be the same person!”


“Do you have a spare key for your room?”

At this moment, Conan did not recognize the interjection.

Xiaolan quickly covered Conan’s mouth.

Yoko Okino: “I have a share for the agent…”

Eiichi Yamagishi: “Yes, yes. ”

“What? Then I know, the murderer is the agent Eiichi Yamagishi, it’s you! ”

Kogoro pointed directly at Yamagishi Eiichi and drank angrily.

“You must have been dumped by Miss Yoko and held a grudge to design this murder…”

“Hey! On what basis do you prove Yoko’s innocence? Officer Twilight seemed calm.

“Miss Xiang is so cute and charming, how can she be a murderer?” Kogoro said with a narrowed face.


“Okay, stop making trouble, I know who the murderer is.”

Mu Yun felt that there was no need to continue to watch them argue.

As for waiting for Conan to find out… It is estimated that it will take a long time to toss, and it will not be over in an hour or two.

“Yunjun, you must have found evidence of Yamagishi Rongichi’s murder, right?”

Kogoro waited expectantly for He Yun to stand on the same side as him.

“The murderer is the deceased himself.”

Everyone: “Nani? ”

“What’s wrong? It’s suicide at first sight! ”

Mu Yun faced everyone’s gaze and just shrugged his hands.

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