The interrogation took a long time, after all, there were many people in the civic hall that night.

I knew that after five o’clock in the afternoon, Haibara loved them and woke up leisurely, yawning.

“Yunjun, doesn’t it matter if you haven’t slept for a while?”

After waking up, Haiyuan Ai’s first concern was He Yun’s body.

“Don’t worry, it’s just an all-nighter, just go to bed early tonight.”

He Yun directly handed over a bottle of water, so that Hui Yuan, who had just woken up, loved to drink some.

After getting up and moving, the five of them walked towards the village office of Moon Shadow Island.

Although they had just woken up, they were still sleepy, and by the time they arrived at the office, it was almost six o’clock.

“Ah! Dad, how’s it going? Did the murderer find out? ”

Xiao Ran saw Kogoro come out of the room and quickly asked.

“It’s difficult, there are only 38 villagers who came to participate in the ceremony, and it is tiring enough to confirm the name and address.”

Kogoro also looked tired.

He Yun also found that this island still basically relies on paper documents to record everything, the development is relatively backward, the entire office has a computer, and there are very few people who can use it.

Sure enough, it is more convenient in the era of big data, and you can know who went yesterday by checking it directly.

“So when will it be my turn?”

Asai asked as he pointed to himself, still yawning.

“Ah, you don’t look in good spirits, let’s go last.”

Kogoro was indeed a little embarrassed, saying that everyone would take turns to keep vigil, but he slept until noon.

“In that case, then I’ll go wash my face first.”

Asai left with a yawn.

He Yun, on the other hand, stared at his back for a few more seconds, and finally did not take action.

“Uncle, how many people haven’t been questioned yet?”

Conan also asked.

“Well, if even Miss Chengshi is included, there are still the village chief’s daughter Kuroiwa Reiko over there, and her fiancé Inch Ze Monday, the village chief candidate Masato Shimizu, and the village chief’s secretary Kazuaki Hirata… and Ken Nishimoto, who is now being interrogated.

That guy is also true, ask him without saying anything, I should be the murderer. ”

He Yun glanced at Xiao Goro, thank you, directly ruled out a person who was wrong in answering.

“If only we knew that Kawashima was hinting at us.”

Kogoro had the sheet music in his head.

However, Conan does not think so.

After all, it is basically impossible to write that kind of music score behind the murderer’s back before death, after all, you were drowned on the beach, and you can’t be carried in and then come back.

That sheet music was prepared by the murderer in advance to convey some kind of message to someone, and judging from Nishimoto’s panic and escape, it is likely that the next target is him, and he knows something.

“What a cursed piano!” Suddenly, Heiyan’s angry shout sounded: “It is the kind of thing that will make you believe those nonsense again and again!” ”

“That’s right, but…”

Kazuaki Hirata still wanted to theorize, but was interrupted by Tatsuji Kuroiwa.

“Okay, Hirata, just get rid of that piano this week!”

“Yes… The village chief…”

After that, Kuroiwa Tatsuji left.

6:29 p.m.

“Hey! Less slandering people, there is no motive to kill Mr. Kawashima at all! ”

Outside the interrogation room, He Yun and they were quite impressed.

“Wow, Miss Lingzi has been roaring for 10 minutes.”

Xiaolan’s face was full of adoration.

Conan, on the other hand, noticed that Kenaki Nishimoto had obviously been interrogated, but he had not left, which seemed very okay.

However, after looking at his watch, Nishimoto suddenly turned and entered the hallway.

“I’m going to the bathroom.”

As soon as Conan shouted this, he immediately chased after him.

However, as soon as I turned a corner, I couldn’t see the figure, and I only saw Cunze coming out of the bathroom on Monday.

Conan walked in and saw Masato Shimizu washing his hands, so he asked, “Did Mr. Nishimoto come in just now?” ”

Masato Shimizu subconsciously replied, “No.” ”

Oops, did it go upstairs?

Conan’s mobility was still amazing, and he rushed directly upstairs.

However, just halfway through, I heard music on the radio.

That’s the second movement of Moonlight.

“Broadcast studio!”

He Yun stood up directly and rushed to the broadcast studio with everyone.

As soon as he arrived there, he saw that at the door of the broadcast studio, Ken Nishimoto was sitting on the ground with a scared face, and Conan was standing next to him.

In the broadcast room, Kuroyan Tatsuji was lying on the broadcasting platform, with a knife inserted in his back, and he couldn’t live.

“The village… The village chief…”

“Dad… Father! ”

“No entry to the scene!”

Officer Twilight stopped Kuroiwa Lingzi, who was about to pounce.

“Go find the forensic team and the forensic team!”

“There are forensic personnel, but in order to dissect Mr. Kawashima’s body, the medical examiner has already returned to Tokyo in the evening.”

The accompanying officer said.

“Damn, it’s at this time…”

Officer Twilight was also embarrassed.

“This… If I can work…”

At this time, Asai Chengji stood up.

“Then after the identification team arrives, it will trouble you.”


Conan’s expression was very hard, completely filled with anger.

He Yun asked Xiaolan to protect Gray Yuan’s love, and followed in the room to investigate.

“From the current evidence, the deceased Mr. Kuroiwa was brutally killed minutes before the body was found.”

After the autopsy, Asai said so.

“How many minutes ago?”

“As Miss Chengshi said, the front of this tape is about five and a half minutes blank, and the murderer should have killed someone and then started playing the tape.”

Officer Twilight said, holding the tape.

“Hmm… It is exactly the same as the method used to kill Kawashima. ”

Kogoro also remembered the tape recorder after Kawashima’s death.

“The police have already controlled the entrance and exit here, so the murderer doesn’t want to run at all, it can be seen that the murderer must still be in the house, well, now only those few people in the house are suspected!”

Officer Twilight immediately made a judgment.

Especially for the identity of the murderer.

If there were three suspects before, there are only six left.

“Officer! Under the chair where the deceased sat, it was as if something had been written in blood. ”

At this moment, the people of the identification group also discovered something.

Several people also looked at the ground and were taken aback.

On the ground, written in blood, is a sheet music.

This time, the score is no longer a whole movement, only a short section remains on the ground.

“It’s here again…”

“It must be the deceased again who wants to tell us what to write!”

Kogoro judged so.

It’s just that He Yun really can’t help but hit him in the face.

“Uncle Maori, if this was written by the deceased, why did he draw music with so much blood, and not directly write the name of the murderer.”

“Ahahaha, that’s what I said!”

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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