“Have you heard?”

“What’s going on?”

“It’s the smartphone I sold before…”

“You won’t know about this, I bought all my phones, you see.”

“No, I heard that they are selling computers now, and they are different from the computers on the market.”

“What? Then go check it out! ”

Whether you buy it or not, it doesn’t hurt to look at this kind of thing.

In fact, after Ho Yun’s company was opened, their products began to appear in various department stores in Tokyo.

The neon situation is different from Hua Guo, they have a very clear business division here, department stores are places dedicated to buying things, will not be play, and eat, and Hua Guo’s commercial square is essentially different.

And it’s not easy to get products on the shelves in department stores.

But the salesman of He Yun Company talked about this matter.

In addition to the fact that their company’s goods are indeed relatively novel and advanced, the other is their company’s system.

As long as you can talk about a counter in the department store, every product sold here will be paid by the salesman.

In this motivating, not oppressive, business model, Ho Yun’s salesmen are eager to make the whole of Tokyo sell their company’s products.

Therefore, although the company was not established for a long time, it still let most people know about their company’s products.

Just like today, their mobile phone store only posted an announcement yesterday selling computers, and today there is a long queue outside the store.

Some of the people here are curious about computers because they bought mobile phones before, and most people are curious about computers because they bought other products from their company.

In this era, although even laptops have appeared, computers are a luxury more luxurious than mobile phones for many families.

At this time, the computer is not the culprit that affects children’s learning in the eyes of parents, but a tool for working to make money.

However, the computer in He Yun’s store seems to be a little different…

“Wow, this mouse, this keyboard, is much more comfortable to the touch than the company’s computer.”

“Not only that, you look at this monitor, it’s so delicate and thin!” And the colors are so bright! ”

“Why is the host so strange, there is no place to put DVDs, there is no mouth to insert floppy disks, only four small holes.”

“I’ve read the manual, this is called a USB flash drive, and the little thing over there is U, which says that the storage speed is fifty times that of floppy disks, and the storage space is more than a thousand times that of floppy disks.”

In an age where many software and programs are counted in KB and MB, 1GB U is simply beyond their imagination.

Everyone was amazed that such a small thing could store more data than a computer.

Not to mention these ordinary people, even Dr. Agasa was shocked by U and the computer.

He did not expect that the computer He Yun took not only had a high resolution, but even ran at several times the speed of his original computer.

Moreover, Dr. Agasa secretly asked in private, he is not the best now, He Yun simply built and assembled a barely usable computer.

What does it mean to barely work?

When Dr. Agasa heard this, the computer he used was thinking about whether to throw it into the warehouse or directly collect it.

You call this a computer?

Dr. Agasa directly chose to let his original computer rest in peace.

Even a doctor refuses no, and when it is placed in a store for people to watch the trial, many people wish they could pay for it.

Especially when they find this stuff really fun.

There is a platform called Lianyun, which can not only chat with friends online when you are online, but also download various software and games on it.

This makes the entertainment project still stop at singing, shopping, and beating the younger brother.

Therefore, even if the computer is a bit extravagant, there are still many people who buy it on the spot.

Ai Haihara, who was busy in the company, looked at the orders sent back to the company one by one, and a smile of anticipation appeared on her face.

She knew that He Yun added things to these computers, launched the original plan to the computers, and put them on the market a few months in advance.

If the black-clad organization also bought their computers and stored some important data on them, He Yun could detect them immediately.

Of course, the premise is that the other party is connected.

No matter how awesome a hacker is, he can’t hack into a single-machine computer.

The company’s business does not affect He Yun’s daily life at all.

In his words, he has no interest in money.

It’s just that when I change the world, I made a little money by the way.

Driving downstairs to the Maori Detective Office, He Yun took out a large box from the trunk and went upstairs.

Just at the door, I met a girl wearing a high school uniform.

Seeing that she wanted to ring the doorbell but did not dare to ring it, He Yun asked directly.

“Why don’t you go in? You must have something to do with the detective agency! ”

Saying that, He Yun put down the box and rang the doorbell.

“Huh? Cousin, why are you here? This is…”

Xiaolan had no club activities today, so she went home directly after school, but after opening the door, she saw He Yun and another girl.

“This is our company’s new computer, one for Uncle Māori, as well as a mobile phone, who seems to have come to do everything, and may have been standing at the door for a long time.”

He Yun made a gesture of invitation and let the girl walk in first, while he carried the box and came directly to Maori Kogoro’s desk.

“Uncle Maori, I’ll put the computer here for you.”

“Ah, He Jun, you are so polite, just install it here, hahahaha…”

Maori Kogoro had never been so active in cleaning his desk, causing Ran to give him a roll of his eyes, and the fist of his right hand was firmly clenched, forcibly trying not to punch him.

“This is a guest, please fill in the name, address, phone number and other information on this piece of paper.”

“Ah, okay…”

Kogoro still knows what he is going to do when he has guests.

“Akagi Quantum, Yoneka is a freshman in high school… Miss Akagi, what is the matter with you? ”

Kogoro asked looking at her basic information about the world, but did not hear a response.

“Miss Akagi?” “Miss Akagi Quantum?”

“Ah! It’s…”

“What’s going on with you?”

“I… I was looking for someone who suddenly disappeared and didn’t go to school, and I didn’t know what to do. ”

Xiaolan: “It won’t be running away from home.” ”

“Here’s his picture.”

Akagi Quantum took out a photo and handed it to Maori Kogoro, and Xiaoran also leaned over to take a look, and the two were directly frightened.

“This… This is…”


“Do you know him too?” Akagi Quantum asked excitedly, “Please tell me quickly, where is he now?” ”

“If something happens, instead of looking for that kid, it’s better to find me Maori Kogoro!”

“No, it’s nothing, I just want to meet him!”

Akagi Quantum replied.

“You’re so anxious to find him, are you his girlfriend?”

He Yun laughed while assembling the computer.

“He’s my boyfriend…”


Xiaolan’s face changed drastically. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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