“How embarrassing is that…”

“No, we just felt sorry to keep you waiting.”

“This is our special cake, please try it!”

“Really? Then thank you. ”

“Thank you for coming!”

When Xiaolan left the cake shop, it was more than 40 minutes after the agreed time, and although the cake shop gave another cake as reparation, Xiaolan felt that she only wanted to meet with Concubine Yingli.

However, when she returned to the door of the coffee shop, she found a large group of people gathered outside the door, and the police also surrounded the coffee shop to prevent people from entering or leaving.

“What’s wrong with this store?”

“A life case has occurred!”

When Xiaolan finished asking the news, she suddenly said something bad.

But then I thought that my cousin was still inside, and I was much relieved.

And Conan next to him also thought so, but what he wanted to know more was who the person who met Xiaolan was.

Inside the coffee shop.


Officer Twilight looked at the photo of the deceased and had a little headache.

The toilets here are not separated for men and women, but several bathrooms are separated inside.

The body of the deceased fell to the ground against the door, looking like he had been stabbed in the bathroom.

Yayoi Himeno, who was killed at the age of 24, worked as a freelancer, and the cause of death was a knife to the heart.

“How cruel…”

Officer Twilight couldn’t help but sigh.

“Officer, there is a fine strangled line on the neck of the deceased.” At this time, the autopsy examiner also found something strange: “Could it be that the knife was used after strangulation…”

“No, if you stab with a knife after your heart stops beating, the blood won’t splash that far.” Officer Twilight explained: “It seems reasonable that the murderer may have strangled the deceased first, then stabbed the deceased in the chest, and then withdrew the knife, causing her to lose too much blood and die.” ”

“How ruthless!”

One officer lamented.

“You probably don’t want to be seen! It should have been done by robbers who robbed money, the doors and windows of the toilet were open, the murderous knife and the deceased’s leather bag were scattered on the ground, the wallet was empty, and the body of the deceased blocked the door of the toilet…

All indications are that the murderer crawled in from the window, waiting for the opportunity to wait for the prey to come to the door, when Miss Himeno just came in, so the murderer sneaked up on her back, snatched the money and hurriedly escaped through the window, it should be like this! ”

Officer Twilight voiced his inference.

“He Jun, what do you think?”

After speaking, Officer Twilight turned his head to look at He Yun.

“No, officer.”

He Yun stood outside the compartment, hands in his pockets, and carefully watched the scene.

“Huh? Isn’t something wrong? ”

Officer Twilight was a little embarrassed.

“The method of killing should be fine, first strangling the deceased and then stabbing the knife into the heart, but strangely, the blood in the bathroom.”

He Yun pointed to the blood on the ground and said.

“What’s wrong with the blood?”

Officer Twilight didn’t feel anything strange.

“When you look at this blood, when it spews out from the chest of the deceased, it is actually not hindered by anything.”

After He Yun’s reminder, Officer Twilight took a closer look and it was true.

If the murderer stood in front of the deceased and pulled out the knife, the arm or leg would definitely block the spray of blood, and it is impossible to think that the area is completely covered as it is now.

“And the windows are also a little too clean, there is no trace of anyone climbing, if the murderer also cleaned the windowsill afterwards, how could he even forget to take the murder weapon.”

Officer Twilight nodded, making sense.

“So the reason why the murder weapon was left was because the murderer could not take the murder weapon away, so it can be inferred that the murderer should be a customer in the store, and it was Miss Himeno who entered the bathroom until one of the several gentlemen.”

After He Yun’s inference came out, the people waiting for the results outside were taken aback, and everyone turned away from the strangers around them.

After all, that’s a murderer.

“But He Jun, the toilet door is blocked by the corpse, and the body has no trace of being moved, and the toilet next door has no window, not from the window, how can the murderer leave the toilet?”

Officer Twilight questioned.

He Yun raised his head.


“Above? From that gap? ”

Officer Twilight looked at the gap that was less than thirty centimeters wide and pointed to it, a little unconvinced.

“Adults are unlikely to be afraid of the past.”

He Yun didn’t answer, just jumped lightly, grabbed the door frame above with both hands, and turned over lightly and flexibly.

“Someone of my size can turn over, and I also saw it when I went up just now, and there was indeed blood on it, indicating that someone had turned over from above.”

He Yun proved with his actions that it was possible.

“In other words, someone who can turn over from above may be a murderer.”

Officer Twilight instantly felt that he understood something, and immediately began to find the suspect.

The three people who entered the bathroom after Miss Himeno were the bearded male emperor Yuichi, who wrote the thesis, and the tall strong man Tenzan XIII, and the scumbag Wakako Shirou.

Concubine Yingli was directly excluded from the suspect by Officer Twilight.

“As soon as I look at you, I know you can’t turn over, you two try to see if you can climb over it.”

Officer Twilight glanced at Dianshan Thirteen and directly ruled out his suspicions.

“No need to climb, even if you climb the past, you are not necessarily a murderer.”

He Yun directly stopped their time-wasting move.

“Huh? But didn’t you just say…”

“Just now, now we can make another hypothesis.”

He Yun felt that Officer Twilight was a bit like a patient seeing a doctor, and he kept talking to the doctor, and he had to say something to a certain extent.

“What hypothesis?”

“What if it was not the murderer who turned over from above, but the corpse?”


Officer Twilight was taken aback by He Yun’s hypothesis.

“Yes, if the murderer stabs the victim after stunning, stabs the knife into his heart, puts the rope on the knife, throws the body into the toilet, blocks the door, and then just pulls the rope outside the toilet and pulls out the knife, so that blood will spurt out from the chest, looking as if he committed a murder in the toilet.”

“As for the evidence, look at this knife, even the handle of the knife is all bloodstained, but only near the hilt, but there is no blood.”

Officer Twilight saw He Yun pointing to a knife in a bag in a police officer’s hand and said.

“It’s really like this.”

After careful observation, Officer Twilight suddenly realized.

“So there is only one person who can do all this.”

He Yun directly raised his head and looked at the tall and powerful Dianshan Thirteen.

“Hey, wait a minute, did you see me killing?”

Dianshan Thirteen quickly shook his hand to deny it.

“I don’t see it.”

He Yun shook his head.

“That is…”

Dianshan XIII lowered his hand reassuringly.

But He Yun’s next words made him feel that his heart had been pricked.

“But I’ve never seen such a stupid murderer.”

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