“This… It was a coincidence, but I just happened to get the same color paint on my little finger, because I was still working in the studio in the morning. ”

Hanaoka quickly explained.

“Then I’ll take a look at your fingers.”

Officer Twilight still needs to be confirmed.

“I’ve washed it off.”

Hanaoka raised his left hand, and indeed there was no trace of nail polish.

“The studio you said?”

“Right over there, back of the office that prevented us from witnessing the tragedy.”

Hanaoka Kanto pointed to the opposite building and said.

He Yun glanced at Hua Oka and Renren, and left directly.

This time, he went to the kitchen, and if he wasn’t mistaken, there should be less to do.

After checking the bottles and cans, He Yun opened the refrigerator again, and sure enough, there was something missing.

Contact lenses are not enough to take them off and put them in the box, but you need to pour maintenance solution into the box, but now there is only cleaning solution in the refrigerator.

At this time, a police officer also brought a witness.

“What? Someone sees a suspicious man! ”

Officer Twilight heard the reason why the officer brought the witness.

“Yes, the man who lives next door saw a suspicious person enter and exit this room at 6:30.”

The police brought an aunt.

“Six and a half? Isn’t it the time she fell? ”

“That person’s appearance is…”

“Well, the eyes are hanging, the eyebrows are drooping…”

The aunt had just begun to recall, when she heard someone behind her talking.

“Excuse me…”

“Yes, like this guy.”


“That’s him! That’s right! ”

Auntie immediately pointed to a man standing at the door and said.


Officer Twilight’s expression immediately became serious, and he did not expect that the man would actually dare to run back to the scene by himself.

“You’re the murderer?”

Maori Kogoro rushed straight up and grabbed the man’s neckline.

“Murderer? I’m a courier. ”

The courier said inexplicably.


Kogoro half-squinted his eyes, and He Yun felt that he might not know what the job of a courier was.

“Yes, send things from the designated place to the designated place, when I came over just now, I forgot to leave the receipt of the original manuscript, so I came back.”

The courier explained that after all, he also saw the police and understood that something was wrong here.

“So you saw her?”

Officer Twilight asked.

“No, she gave it to me every time, but today the things were placed next to the door, and she asked me to pick them up myself at 6:30, so I didn’t see her, this is the receiving union.”

The courier took out a piece of paper.

“Huh? Hanaoka? The courier was called by Mr. Hanaoka? Odd? Why do you want to call a courier for him? ”

Kogoro discovers the blind spot.

“What’s going on? At the same time that she fell from the building, the express came? How do you explain this? ”

He Yun nodded, Xiao Goro was really very reliable, and actually directly grasped the key at the point of time.

“What do you mean by that? I just arranged for her to send it to the editorial office because she said on the phone that the manuscript was drawn, I just saw that she was tired and not in a good mood, so I just helped her think of a way to not have to deal with the courier anymore.

Moreover, at the time of the crime, I was in an office dozens of meters away from here, not to mention that I was still talking to her on the phone, and the phone call was from her, and it was Mr. Maori himself who could prove this.

Just like that, do you still want to say that I asked this person to push him downstairs? ”

Hanaoka immediately excused himself.

And the courier was confused.

Why do you say I’m a murderer?

“Was there anything strange about you when you came?”

He Yun ignored Hanaoka Kanren’s words, but instead asked the courier.

The murderer will not admit that he is the murderer unless there is absolutely irrefutable hard evidence.

“Strange place? By the way, the door suddenly opened quickly, pushed it slightly, and opened itself. ”

“Didn’t Miss Tsubsuno open the door for you?”

“I thought the same, but I didn’t see anyone, only a nail fell to the ground.”


“By the way, when I heard the sound of [Gong], I looked carefully, it turned out to be a nail, and then there was a sound of something breaking inside, I asked loudly, but no one answered.”

Due to professional ethics, the courier did not enter the room, and naturally did not know whether there was anyone in the room.

However, combined with the nails at the door, the fishing line on the balcony, the flower pot, the quilt and the disappearing maintenance fluid, He Yun probably thought of the murderer’s modus operandi.

And the ironclad evidence proving the identity of the murderer, if he is not mistaken, is still on the murderer.

“Officer Twilight, I know the murderer’s methods.”

He Yun said directly.

“Huh? So fast? ”

It’s not just Officer Twilight who thinks so, even Conan thinks so.

He obviously acted with He Yun, how did he come up with the murderer’s modus operandi.

“First of all, please help me prepare the fishing line, nails and soy sauce bottles, and the quilt tied up in the bed.”

Officer Twilight did not have any doubts, and immediately asked people to prepare.

“First, pull the fishing line out, pull out the length of the handrail that can go back and forth to the balcony to the gate, and then tie a strong knot and make a ring.”

He Yun hired a police officer to help pull the line and personally tied the fishing line.

“Use one end of the ring through the belt part of the quilt supposedly the victim, then pass the thread above the balcony handrail, pull it inward, then put the part of the ring line on the flower pot placed on the balcony, let the flower pot lean against the handrail, pull the thread in the opposite direction, and fix it…

Pull the thread to the gate, be careful not to let the flower pot fall, first temporarily put the ring at the other end of the line on the walkie-talkie, and then hang the victim along the fishing line and outside the balcony, as long as it is covered with a quilt, you can confuse the public and pretend to be drying a quilt…

To arrange all this, just tie the extra thread to the line between the victim and the flower pot, pass the bar line through the inside and outside iron cover of the balcony drain, then tie it to the soy sauce bottle, throw the soy sauce bottle into the drain, and cover the iron lid…

Then walk outside from the entrance, close the door, put the wire loop on the walkie-talkie, put it on the nail, loosen the wire, and let the wire be fixed outside the house with a nail, even if it is preliminarily completed. ”

The nail outside the door was carefully picked up by a police officer according to He Yun’s prompts.

“So if someone wants to open the door, the other end of the line supporting the victim will be loosened, and the victim will naturally fall.”

Officer Twilight suddenly realized.

“Then, now it’s time to open the door.”

When everything is ready, He Yun said.

Everyone retreated to a safe place, and Officer Twilight shouted directly inside to open the door, and the officer outside the door turned the doorknob.


As soon as the door handle turned, the door seemed to be directly opened by a distance, and it opened in an instant, and the nail was pulled by a strong pull, falling to the ground, making a “gong” sound.

The quilt on the balcony also began to slide, and then fell off with a brush on the floor.

The fishing line, on the other hand, slipped out of the part of the quilt that was loaded into the victim’s belt because of the flower pot.


The pot landed, and the fishing line was dragged into the sewer by a tied soy sauce bottle, bringing with it some residue of the pot.

“How does it feel to see it once on the spot? Mr. Hanaoka Kanato? ”

When all the fishing lines disappeared, He Yun looked at the somewhat sluggish Hanaoka Kanren and said. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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