Mahjong, also known as sparrow cards.

In every city, you can find people who play mahjong.

Even if you haven’t fought and can’t fight, you’ve heard of it.

And neon here, naturally there is also mahjong.

He Yun was pulled out by Kogoro to play mahjong in the evening.

The reason is that there is one of the three.


As soon as He Yun pushed the card, the other three had black faces, but He Yun didn’t feel anything good, mainly on Maori Kogoro’s legs, sitting the Shinigami elementary school student.

When he came, Kogoro didn’t say to bring Conan with him, otherwise he wouldn’t come.

“Maori ah, didn’t you say that your nephew didn’t learn?”

It was a fat man with a cigarette in his mouth who spoke.

“He did say he hadn’t played mahjong.”

Maori Kogoro scratched his scalp, even his hairstyle was messed up, and he couldn’t understand it at all.

After playing for almost an hour, it was He Yun who was winning, and he seemed to know what cards they had in their hands.

“It’s true that I just learned it today, and I just saw the rules of neon mahjong on the way here.”

He Yun said modestly, and shuffled the cards quickly.

Although this thing has an element of luck, sometimes it tests memory and analytical skills.

For example, what cards the other party played, what cards the other party does not want, and what cards the other party probably has in his hand.

These Conans will too, but Kogoro won’t let Conan point him and won’t let him secretly help play cards, so he keeps losing.

And Conan, who was sitting on Kogoro’s lap, was also speechless.

Of course.

When you know how to play, and your teammates keep going dead, you’ll go crazy.

“Okano, leaving?”

Just as He Yun shuffled the cards, the fat man with a cigarette got up and left.

“Well, luck is a bit back today.”

Of course he is leaving, he has not won in an hour, and if he fights for another two hours, the wine money for this month will be gone.

“But three are missing and one is missing.”

He Yun took out a mint-flavored lollipop, also a product of their company.

“Then let’s find Hita.”


Maori Kogoro didn’t know the man, and he was playing cards with his former card friend.

“It’s the president of Hida who is a loan shark and likes to play mahjong very much.”

The person who stayed behind was also a middle-aged man named Hasegawa, who had a beer belly, and pointed to the opposite [Hida Finance] and said.

He Yun and Maori Kogoro nodded, no matter what the other party did, as long as they could come and make a table, otherwise, He Yun would also have to leave, and there would be two people short.

“Hey, Hita, are you still in the company?”

“Hasegawa? Sorry, I’m busy, I’ll talk about it later…”

“Can you hear this?”

Hasegawa said, his hand touching the mahjong table and making a “click-click” sound.


A joyful voice came from Hita’s side.

“That’s right! We are three missing one, I don’t know about you…”

“Okay, I’ll calculate the rest of the money and come right away…”

Hida immediately agreed, but something else came out over there.

“Huh? What’s wrong? ”

“Anyway, I’ll be there in half an hour, and you guys will make up the numbers.”

Hida said this and hung up the phone, presumably there must be something.

“Looking for someone to make up the numbers?”

After Kogoro listened to the call, he muttered a sentence in his mouth.

“Then let me participate!”

Conan pointed to himself and said, he couldn’t wait.

“Really? Penis. ”


Before the words were finished, a stern female voice came.

“Really! I was wondering why Conan hadn’t come back yet, it turned out that you brought him here! Father! ”

“Little… Xiaolan! ”

“Conan is only in elementary school and can’t teach him to play mahjong! Cousin, you too, actually don’t care about dad. ”

Xiaolan complained.

“No, I brought him to know some numbers and Chinese characters.”

Kogoro quickly made an excuse.

“Go home, Conan!”


Xiao Lan said, and asked Conan to go home.

“That’s right! Does Xiaolan want to try it? Half an hour is fine. ”

Hasegawa suddenly said at this time.

“Don’t! I definitely don’t play this kind of adult game that is both depraved and dead! ”

Half an hour later…


Xiaolan dropped her cards.

Big three yuan, four dark barriers, one color, clear in front of the door… Grand slam!

Kogoro and Hasegawa are going crazy.

“I won again.”

Xiao Lan said proudly to Conan, who was standing on the side.

He Yun was also helpless.

No matter how awesome the Liver Emperor, the Great God, and the Krypton Gold Warrior are, they can’t play Ou Huang.

Starting with the operation of Tianhu, He Yun said that he probably did not have such good luck in his life.

“But Hida is really slow.”

“Call and ask.”

It was almost 8 o’clock, and Hasegawa made another call, but no one answered.

“Strange, no one answered, but the light is still on…”

“Could something be wrong?”

Maori Kogoro is still very sensitive to this kind of thing.

“By the way, when he called just now, he suddenly panicked.”

“Let’s go check it out.”

Kogoro said directly.

Several people immediately left the mahjong room and went to the opposite fat field finance.

This is a company on the second floor, and after several people came to the door of the company, Hasegawa knocked at the door, but no one responded.

“Huh? What’s wrong? What to do at our doorstep? ”

At this time, a square face wearing glasses came up.

“We didn’t come to your boss for a long time, so we ran to find him…”

“Oh? Our boss is still inside? Because the lights were on, I thought there should still be people. ”

The caller’s name was Nagasawa Shangzen, an employee of Hida Financial Company, and he said as he pulled out a key and opened the door.

“Strange, the time to calculate the total amount of cash should have passed.”

“Why are you here?”

Kogoro asked curiously.

“Because I forgot to take Big Brother back… Got it! ”

Nanze Shangshan said so, just entered the door and turned right, and found his big brother on the table at the front desk.

“What about your boss?”

Kogoro asked again.

“If it’s not done yet, it should be in the president’s office…”

Nanzawa Shangshan put the eldest brother in his pocket and led a group of people to the president’s room.

“President? President? ”

There was a knock on the door, but Mi Yuren responded, but the light inside was on.

“Is it really inside?”

“Well, when it’s still on, will you fall asleep inside with the light on?”

Nanzawa Shangshan tried to twist the doorknob, but he couldn’t open it.

“What about the spare key?”

“Our boss is very cautious, there is a vault in the president’s room, so there is no spare key.”

“Then I had to break down the door.”

Maori Kogoro and Hasegawa immediately acted, and the two rushed hard at the same time, directly knocking the door open.

Inside the room.

President Hida fell to the ground, covered in banknotes.

Kogoro ran to Hida to check it and judged that the person was dead. _

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