Lin Yang himself had a hard time imagining what the scene would be like after upgrading and transforming the aircraft carrier group.

At that time, we will dominate all aspects of land, water and air.

That picture is wonderful when you think about it.

"System, open the low-level civilization garbage classification mall. I need a super mobile phone and aircraft carrier upgrade technology."

Lin Yang spoke.

When he talked about opening the garbage classification mall, his face still looked a little weird.

Things that far exceed the current Blue Star technology level are classified as garbage that is not displayed by default in the system mall.

This gap is really big and a bit embarrassing.

"Okay, host, the garbage mall has been opened for you!"

The system's answer made Lin Yang's mouth twitch slightly.

Just turn it on, and he emphasized that it made him look like he was digging something out of a garbage dump.

"Made, give me the most expensive mobile phone!"

Lin Yang gritted his teeth and directly chose the most expensive smartphone in the mobile phone category list!

He now has a national treasure worth nearly 170,000 yuan. In the garbage mall, he is like a rich man!

"Okay, host, I have exchanged the relevant mobile phones and technologies for you, which cost a total of 3,600 national treasure points."

"Three thousand and six? Fortunately, it's not expensive."

Lin Yang looked at the actual phone and felt that the 3,600 points of national treasure were worth the money.

The body is as thin as an icicle, and it has a true full-screen display. Holding it in your hand is like holding a small piece of light, almost transparent glass.

And it can be projected directly onto the space in front of you.

Just like the super mobile phones that occasionally appear in science fiction blockbusters, when it comes to projection, you can directly display the projection content in front of your eyes.

It can even be encrypted through the biological characteristics of the human body and eye characteristics, and the projected content is only visible to you.

There will be no situation where everyone can see it directly in the air after projection.

Various functions are quite powerful.

If this thing is mass-produced, it can be said that any mobile phone currently on the market will be directly eliminated.

Even if they are not beautiful domestic fruit phones, there is no comparison.

Later, Lin Yang exchanged aircraft carrier-related technologies.

"Host, this system recommends that you exchange for another piece of space carrier-related technology!"

The system suddenly took the initiative and gave suggestions.


Lin Yang was startled.

"Yes, host, even if the aircraft carrier group is powerful, it is still limited by the influence of the sea. For places where there is no surrounding sea area and the aircraft carrier group cannot dock, the combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced. If you exchange it for an air and space carrier, the combat capability will be more comprehensive! "

"This system has calculated that currently no country on the entire Blue Star can withstand the combat power of the space carrier group!"

"And if you provide mobile phones, aircraft carriers, and space carrier technology at the same time this time, you will be able to maximize the effect of the fame value doubling card!"

Lin Yang's eyes flickered slightly and he looked at the space carrier technology in the national treasure mall.

One hundred and fifty thousand points!

Requires 150,000 points of national treasure value!

At this moment, he suddenly felt that the system was calculated and wanted to maximize the consumption of the national treasure value in his hand.

But then again, the national treasure value was originally used to exchange for technology, so he chose to exchange it without any hesitation.

If you want to fight the outside, you must first make peace with the inside.

The outside here refers to alien planets.

Inside refers to the entire Blue Star.

There are still more than two months to go to the moon simultaneously with the country. By then, he will build an ecological base on the moon in advance. When those gringos see the ecological base, the whole world will probably fall into madness.

In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, it is best to make the country so powerful that it is undisputed, so that other countries do not dare to have any intention of coveting it.

This space carrier is indeed suitable.

Then, Lin Yang once again fell into a situation where the value of the national treasure was insufficient.

But the system's words excited him again.

"Host, you don't need to worry about these national treasures. You are now the most wanted international criminal. If you do anything beneficial to your country in other countries, you will get double the rewards, including providing technology to go back!"

"Does this count?"

Lin Yang was stunned for a moment.

"Of course, during the period when the title of Most Wanted International Criminal exists, anything you do in other countries that is beneficial to the country will be rewarded with double the value of the national treasure!"

"..." Lin Yang was shocked!

Before, he thought that only doing substantive things like taking national treasures and cultural relics back would be considered beneficial to the country, but he didn't expect that providing technology back would be included.

This is very...exciting!

"You didn't tell me earlier!"

Lin Yang felt that this broken system was not very reliable.

Don't tell me such an important thing in advance.

If he had said it earlier, he could have stopped tit-for-tat with the officials.

You can first exchange the national treasure value for technology, and then wait for the double reward to be exchanged for more miniature robots, which can be placed throughout the beautiful territory.

Then at the same moment, the cultural relics in Bubei were stolen at the same time, giving Bubei a complete blow.

Yes, although the behavior just now was very satisfying, Lin Yang felt that the intensity was still a bit lacking.

However, it’s not too late to know now.

Almost without hesitation, he immediately packaged and uploaded all three related technologies of mobile phones, aircraft carriers, and space carriers to the dedicated network disk of the Academy of Sciences.

Then, he dialed the number of the National Academy of Sciences.

It could be said that the connection there was instantaneous. Lin Yang was a little surprised when he heard the familiar voice: "Wang Guang? Your boy works night shift every day?"

That's right, this time it was Wang Guang who answered his call instantly.

You know, not beautiful is exactly the opposite of the domestic time difference.

Isn't it beautiful now? It's daytime here, but it's late at night in China, and this guy is actually working the night shift again!

In recent times, every time I send emails or make phone calls late at night in China, Wang Guang answers them all. Is this kid staying up late every day working late at night? Is he going to die?

"Ahem, big brother, we are so familiar, so I won't hide it from you. This phone is a dedicated line now. It was originally manned by a dedicated person, but I think there are a lot of things happening to you abroad during this period. You may call me at any time. There is a possibility of calling back.”

"So, I'm not willing to let anyone else be on duty, for fear of missing your call."

Lin Yang: "..."


What Wang Guang said was strange.

What can two grown men be reluctant to part with?

He is not a beautiful woman, so is this the case?

Is the power of idols so powerful?

"Boss, is there anything new that needs instructions? I'm going to call my teacher now. He is sleeping next door. Please wait a moment."

Wang Guang did not notice Lin Yang's unusual silence, but said excitedly.

After all, Zhao Zizhen is old and cannot stay up until early morning every day.

"...Forget it, it's not a big deal. I just uploaded a few pieces of technology and it was uploaded immediately. You can extract it and watch it again. If there is no problem, start a live broadcast or make an announcement to announce it to domestic netizens. one time!"

For the sake of reputation, he made a point of announcing it.

"Okay, boss!"

Wang Guang responded immediately.

Just as he finished speaking, the technology that Lin Yang had uploaded appeared in the network disk.

When he saw the three technical names, Wang Guang's mouth instantly opened wide.

"Big, boss... Am I right? Aircraft carrier upgrading and transformation technology, as well as space... space carrier technology??"

Wang Guangren was dumbfounded!

Forget about the mobile phone, it is still within the acceptable range.

Even aircraft carrier modifications are acceptable.

But the space carrier...

Isn't this a bit exaggerated?

This thing can actually be made?

At the same moment, in addition to Wang Guang, there were also three people who were shocked at the same time: Ye Guhong, Tang Wensheng, and Han Zhaoyu who were awakened late at night by the technicians who were specially on duty for this network disk!

There are orders from Ye Guhong himself in the Alien Management Bureau.

Once any technology appears in the network disk, no matter when or where, the three of them must be notified immediately!

So even though it was early in the morning, the staff informed them immediately.

Therefore, when they saw the information on the space carrier manufacturing technology, the sleepy Ye Guhong and the other two people instantly trembled and looked at each other.

Space carrier?


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