A technologically powerful nation: The national treasure is actually myself

Chapter 104 Our mothership will fly over the entire Blue Star!

Even though it's late in the morning.

But the number of night owl netizens is beyond imagination.

As soon as Wang Guang started the live broadcast, a large number of netizens flooded into the live broadcast room.

"Hey, what's going on? There wasn't even a notification in the middle of the night, so why did the official live broadcast suddenly start?"

"Is it possible that something happened to the classmate's boss?"


The official live broadcast in the early morning and late at night was caught off guard, making netizens suddenly worried.

In response, Wang Guang immediately appeared in front of the camera and explained with a smile:

"Dear netizens, don't worry. There are no surprises from the classmates. The reason why the live broadcast was suddenly started late at night is precisely because the classmates just passed on some new things to us. We can't wait to share it with you all. share!"

"Huh? It's not like the big classmate gets into trouble!"

After hearing this, netizens were all relieved for a moment, and then became curious again.

"What new thing did the classmate boss just deliver? The official can't wait to announce it so fast? Can't even wait for dawn!?"

"Researcher Wang, stop being so secretive and tell us quickly!"

Wang Guang smiled and started to play the relevant display information of the mobile phone on the big screen behind him, and said at the same time:

"Didn't everyone expect the classmate boss to get a mobile phone? The classmate boss saw everyone's discussion!"

"So the first news tonight is that the classmate has developed an epoch-making new mobile phone for everyone!"

"For specific information, please see the display on the screen behind me."

After the words fell, a display video of the mobile phone Lin Yang redeemed appeared on the big screen.

The ahead of the times styling, the thin real machine, the real-time spatial projection with exclusive encryption function, etc. These information and functions attracted the attention of all netizens in an instant.

"Damn it, this phone..."

"It completely matches my imagination of future sci-fi mobile phones!"

"Strong! Invincible! Not to mention anything else, just this appearance, I will definitely win!"

"My mom, you are worthy of being a classmate. If you don't take action, forget it. Once you do, it will be such a sci-fi product that is beyond the times!"

"As soon as this mobile phone is released, all mobile phone manufacturers around the world can declare bankruptcy directly!"

"Hahaha, that's right. Are those mobile phone manufacturers going to compete with this phone from my classmate?"

"Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo useful thing for me when paired with an intelligent artificial assistant..."

"Coward, I dare to think!"


Looking at the physical display of the mobile phone played in the video, netizens became more and more excited!

No one can resist the temptation of mobile phones in science fiction blockbusters appearing in the real world!

"Researcher Wang, when will this mobile phone be launched? Isn't it just a concept machine?"

Then, some netizens who were a little calmer asked the most critical question.

This question immediately made netizens nervous. If it was just a concept machine, it would be too frustrating.

"Haha, don't worry, everyone. We have just studied the technical difficulty of this phone. We have some big classmates to provide technical support. It won't be long before mass production is launched. It will definitely not be just a concept machine!"

Wang Guang explained immediately.

The nervous hearts of netizens were instantly relaxed, and then someone asked again:

"How long will it take?"

"Well... within half a month at the latest!"

This question made Wang Guang glance at Zhao Zizhen.

After being given clear instructions, a time limit was quoted.

"I'll go, is it so powerful?"

"Isn't that awesome? Mass production within half a month?!"

"My dear, I'm totally in love!!"

After hearing the time announced by Wang Guang, netizens were excited again.

Wang Guang smiled as he looked at the screen in the live broadcast room.

This is a mobile phone given by a classmate. Of course, all domestic mobile phone manufacturers have pooled their efforts to promote it directly on the market!

As a big country with infrastructure construction industry, efficiency is no joke.

When you decide to promote something, half a month is already considered too slow!

"Oh, by the way, I would like to thank all netizens for their continued support of our official account of the National Academy of Science and Technology, as well as their support of our fellow classmates!"

"We will randomly select a few lucky viewers to receive free mobile phone gift packages, and Huyue Group will deliver them to everyone as soon as the mobile phones are launched!"

Wang Guang spoke again.

At this moment, the entire live broadcast room went completely crazy.

Comments seeking winning prizes flooded the screen at a rate of thousands per second.

Finally, the lottery results are displayed.

"Congratulations to netizens Andy, netizen Ling'er, netizen Wuming, netizen loopy, netizen Shang Xue Li Ren Tears, netizen Fusang. and netizen Xi Huan, and other netizens for winning this lucky gift package!"

"Thank you for your continued support to our classmates and us. Please continue to support Huyue Group. Congratulations again!"

"Of course, netizens who didn't win don't have to be discouraged. We will also launch many other activities in the future to try our best to let everyone get some prizes!"

As the results were shown, although the netizens who did not win were very sorry, Wang Guang's last words still made everyone happy again.

As long as there are activities like this later!

Immediately, some attentive netizens asked questions again.

"Researcher Wang, you just said that the mobile phone is the first message tonight, so what are the rest of the messages?"

Following this netizen's question, other netizens also remembered that just now Wang Guang said that the mobile phone message was just the first message tonight!

This made Rang Jia curious again.

Wang Guang didn't show off, he just smiled and said:

"I am honored and proud to tell you that with the help of our classmates, our aircraft carrier technology has been upgraded!"

"At the same time, the classmate boss provided us with technical support for the future-class combat weapon aerospace carrier."

"In the near future, our Shang Xia space carrier will be flying over the entire Blue Star!"

"Please stay tuned for that moment!"


As these two pieces of news were announced one after another, the live broadcast room exploded again.

"Holy shit, shit, what? A space carrier? Did I hear that right?"

"I can understand the upgrade of the aircraft carrier. After all, the big classmate can even research technologies like nuclear fusion. It is normal to upgrade the aircraft carrier, but the space carrier, are you sure you are not joking?"

"I'm crazy, I'm really going crazy, the Sky Carrier, that's the Sky Carrier!"

"Oh my god, just thinking about the scene of our space carrier appearing in the skies of other countries, my nails are trembling with excitement!"

"My motherland, my man, is this too powerful?"

"Family members, do you dare to imagine the scene of our space carrier crossing the void and suppressing Blue Star?"

"...I am a coward, I dare to think!"

"Fuck, I can't help it anymore, I suddenly feel the blood all over my body is boiling!"

"My mother, let's turn the current aircraft carriers into flying ones. If we build a few more, where will the entire Blue Star go?"

"How many ships? Dozens of them. Then dozens of space carriers will crush them. Who in the entire Blue Star would dare to say no?"

"My classmates are awesome (broken voice)!!"

Netizens are so excited.

However, this was not over yet. Wang Guang seemed to have received some temporary instructions. He suddenly cleared his throat and reported another shocking news!

Thank you to all the big brothers and sisters for reading and supporting... Please take care of your health!

Please vote!

ps: The netizen who won the prize in the book is the ID of the big brother of the readers. Xiaohu borrowed it without your permission. He won't come to beat me, right?

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