"What the hell, building a space elevator? Isn't that true?"

“Is this thing really possible to build now??”

"What do you mean by that? Don't you still have faith in the skills of your classmates?"

"Ahem, that's not the case, it's just too shocking."

"Hehe, I'm just saying, there hasn't been much movement since the big classmate returned to China. It turns out he was holding back his ultimate move."

"Strong, too strong. If we build a space elevator, will we all be able to travel in space?"

"Those who are traveling should be put aside in advance. Those guys from the West won't make trouble for such a big thing, right?"

"Yes, if a space elevator can be built, it would be of great strategic significance. Those guys in the West shouldn't be willing to give in easily, right?"

"It would be too dangerous if they just use their hands and feet to destroy the space elevator."

"What are you afraid of? Since the official announcement has been made, we must be fully prepared, and we are not afraid of them making trouble at all!"


"Everyone should still look forward to what the space elevator will look like after it is built."

"Should I say it or not, the classmate's boss is awesome. The first thing he did after returning to China was so awesome. With this thing, we will have a huge advantage in the space field!"

"This is in line with my stereotype of my classmates' bosses. If they don't take action, they will be shocked!"


Domestic netizens are extremely excited.

When science fiction comes true, no one can stay calm.

In particular, once the space elevator is built, everyone will at least have an opportunity to travel to space.

This is the fundamental point of excitement among netizens.

But people in Western countries are not so happy.

During this period, the country has developed so fast!

It's like a plug-in is turned on.

Now even the space elevator is being built, which makes them angry!

"Damn it, if we exchange for a technology upgrade module for a spaceship, it will cost ten times the resources. Technology and materials like the space elevator can't be exchanged even if the national treasury is empty. How dare Shang Xia!"

The teeth of the senior executives who are not beautiful will be broken.

They are not very willing to believe that the technology of the space elevator also comes from that mysterious classmate.

They are more willing to believe that this was exchanged by aliens at home and on the moon.

After all, for things like space elevators, technology is really not a big problem, the difficulty lies in materials!

Even if that mysterious classmate has skills, there are currently no materials on Blue Star that meet the requirements.

Therefore, they prefer that the materials needed for the space elevator are those on the moon!

And this is where they are most angry.

The price of exchanging materials with Tiangong Base is too expensive. They can't figure out how there are so many resources in the country to exchange for the required materials!

"Perhaps, the exchange price given to us by the commander of the moon base is different from the price with Shang Xia. We have to pay three times the resources in exchange for materials. Maybe it is a one-to-one exchange with Shang Xia."

Kodaka-chan's eyes flashed with a ghostly light.

In fact, they have already made speculations about this.

After all, no matter how you look at that base, it is a bit too biased towards Shang-Xia culture.

It’s normal to give some discounts.

"If the exchange price given to them is lower than ours, then why should we compare with Shang Xia?" The unhappy senior executive was furious.

"So, we must get rid of our dependence on the Tiangong base as soon as possible, exchange for spaceship-related resources as soon as possible, and go to other planets to obtain supplies." Kotaka-chan's person said.

"What do you mean, increase the exchange amount?" The unattractive person was a little unhappy.

"Yes, at this time, we can no longer worry about resources. If we don't go to other planets to obtain resources as soon as possible, we may not even have a chance." Kodaka-chan said in a serious tone.

"Then we will let them build the space elevator safely?" A cold look flashed in the eyes of the unattractive person.

"Haha, how can a space elevator with a height of tens of thousands of kilometers be built so easily?"

Kotaka-chan smiled lightly: "It's normal for accidents to happen during this process, right?"

"What do you mean..." The unattractive person's eyes lit up.

Then, both parties showed a treacherous smile in tacit understanding.

However, before the smiles spread on their faces.

A piece of news from China hit the hot search again, instantly extinguishing the thoughts that had just arisen in the minds of Bu Mei and Xiaoying Jiang.

"Dear netizens, I am happy to inform you that we have obtained the materials needed to build the space carrier. We will start building the space carrier with all our strength from now on, and it is expected to be completed within a few months."

"At that time, everyone can see our space carrier flying above the Blue Star. Please look forward to that day with us!"

The announcement that followed directly caused the country to boil.

"Zhou Cao just announced that he would build a space elevator, and now he's saying that he's going to start building a space carrier??"

"Hahaha, let me just say that when we just announced the construction of a space elevator, we must have made all-round preparations. Anyone who dares to do damage must think about whether they can withstand our counterattack after the space carrier is successfully built. !”

"It's so exciting. I've been looking forward to it since the last announcement that my classmate provided the construction technology for the space carrier. Unfortunately, the relevant resources were blocked by Western countries. Now it's great. We can finally start building it. Ha ha."

"Our mothership will surely conquer the entire blue sky!"

"Presumably some people in the West must be a little sweaty at this time, right?"


Domestic netizens went into a carnival.

Before the video conference between Bu Mei and Kodaka-chan ended, they were caught off guard by the news.

After a long silence, the unattractive senior manager smashed the water glass at hand and roared angrily:

"It must be resources exchanged from the moon!"

"That damn alien commander, the exchange price they gave Shang Xia is definitely lower than us!"

Kodaka-chan's people continued to be silent.

Just now they suspected that the exchange price of materials provided by Tiangong Base to the country was much lower than what was given to them.

And now this domestic announcement allows them to directly confirm this.

This is very bad news for them!

Then, Kodaka-chan's man said with a gloomy face: "Now that the matter is over, our plan must be advanced. Before the aliens on the moon have the ability to attack us, we can rob the resources of the alien planet, and then..."

Hearing this, a murderous look flashed in the eyes of the unattractive senior executive, and he nodded with a cold face.

At the same time, Lin Yang suddenly received news from Butler No. 1.

"Mr. Commander, Bumei and Kodaka-chan have increased the amount of exchange resources. They want to exchange what they need at once. Please give your instructions whether to exchange with them."

"Oh? You want to replace everything you need at once? Don't they care about resources anymore?" Lin Yang was a little surprised.

After the exchange price was discussed last time, the two countries only offered part of their resources in exchange, which is enough to show that they are very distressed about those resources.

Now the limit is suddenly increased and all of it is required to be exchanged. This is a bit sudden.

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