A technologically powerful nation: The national treasure is actually myself

Chapter 209 Directional feedback radio wave, plan successful?

"What? System, what did you say?"

Lin Yang was extremely shocked.

"Mysterious radio waves from the depths of the universe fell into Bu Mei and Kodaka-chan's joint office building??"

Did he hear it correctly?

"Yes, host, it is indeed detected that the radio waves in the universe fall into their Union Building area."

The system gave an affirmative answer.

"Is your...is that mysterious radio wave a signal from an alien civilization?" Lin Yang's heart sank.

Could it be that other technological civilizations in the depths of the universe really received the cosmic signals sent out by Bumei and Kodaka-chan some time ago?

"Most likely yes."

The system gave an affirmative answer again.

"High probability? Even you can't be sure?" Lin Yang frowned instantly.

"Answer the host, that mysterious radio wave uses a relatively advanced encryption method. If you want to know the specific content, you need to crack the encryption. If you crack the encryption, you will be noticed by the sender of the radio wave, so this system does not act rashly. "

"...If you say this, doesn't it mean that the mysterious radio wave was indeed sent by an alien civilization?" Lin Yang sighed.

If it were natural radio waves in the universe, how could there be a specialized and advanced encryption method?

"You can understand it that way."

"Then why don't you intercept it?" Lin Yang said quietly.

"If it is intercepted, it will also be noticed by the sender of the radio wave. That radio wave is a directional feedback wave. If it is intercepted or destroyed midway, it will be noticed."

"Directional feedback wave? What do you mean?" Lin Yang didn't quite understand.

"Answer the host, to put it simply, it is this radio wave. The sender of the radio wave received the cosmic signals that Bu Mei and Kodaka-chan emitted some time ago. Based on the frequency band and even the transmitting instrument of Bu Mei's cosmic signals, they made a decision. specific feedback response to the airwaves.”

"Unless the instrument that receives the feedback radio wave is completely on the same frequency, if any accident occurs, the radio wave content will self-destruct and be noticed by the sender. This is a relatively advanced technology."

"Oh...then the sender of this cosmic radio wave has indeed received their cosmic signal, and has used advanced technology to give them a specific response to ensure that they can receive the content of this radio wave signal. "Lin Yang's eyes flashed.

"Yes, host, so this system did not actively intercept and decipher, so as not to alert the snake."

"How do you say this to scare the snake away?" Lin Yang was a little confused.

"The feedback technology level of this specific radio wave is relatively high. If this system deciphers or intercepts it, it will make the sender of the radio wave think that there is a technological civilization with similar technology to him on Blue Star."

"If the sender of the radio wave is behind a huge technological civilization empire, then when the other party realizes that there may be another technological civilization similar to theirs, they will either give up the exploration of Blue Star, or they will give up everything they have. All forces are mobilized to invade."

"But obviously, host, Blue Star currently does not have the strength to start a direct war with such an advanced civilization, so it is best to let this cosmic radio wave fall safely into their building, so that they cannot judge whether Blue Star There are advanced civilizations, so even if they come, they are less likely to move in full force, giving you a chance to fight back."



Lin Yang felt numb.

From a systematic perspective, this technological civilization that emits cosmic radio waves seems to be quite powerful.

So, here comes the problem.

"System, I have a question." Lin Yang said.

"According to what you said, the reason for not intercepting the cosmic radio waves is not to expose the current situation of Blue Star, so the cosmic radio waves are allowed to fall into the joint office building of Bu Mei and Kodaka-chan."

"Isn't it beautiful that when they respond, won't they still tell us about the situation here?"

"Answer the host, you don't have to worry about this question. The civilization that emits mysterious cosmic radio waves has relatively advanced technology, but the technology of Bumei and Kodaka-chan is too backward. In terms of their response signals, this system can adjust the content to a certain extent. changes to ensure Blue Star’s current status is not revealed.”

"Uh... okay." Lin Yang was stunned for a moment.

You can still play like this!

Very good, excellent!

Then, Lin Yang seemed to think of something and couldn't help but said: "Then if we still have to let Bumei and the others respond to the cosmic radio waves, wouldn't the previous signal jammer be a waste?"

It cost him a lot of money to exchange for a national treasure!

"Answering the host is not a waste. At least it can intercept other cosmic signals they emit and minimize the probability of the Blue Star being discovered by more technological civilizations."

"Yes, then what I should do most now is to build protective measures to deal with the arrival of alien civilization." Lin Yang muttered.

"Yes, host, you need to improve your technological strength as soon as possible to deal with potential dangers."

"System, there is no way to determine what level of technological civilization the sender of the cosmic radio wave is at?" Lin Yang asked again.

"Answer the host, it is at least a second-level civilization, there is a certain probability of being a third-level civilization, and there is a very low probability of exceeding the third-level civilization."

"Oh, why?"

"Answer the host, the strength of technological civilizations above level three has reached another level, and they will hardly respond to such ordinary cosmic signals, because ordinary civilizations are not worth their time and energy on expeditions."

"In the eyes of any advanced technological civilization, the cosmic signals emitted by Bumei and Xiaoyingjiang can be seen as relatively backward cosmic signals. This also means that the source of the signal is not in a technological civilization with the same strength. It’s not considered strong, in the eyes of a truly powerful technological civilization, it would disdain such low-level cosmic signals.”

"Because for a truly powerful advanced civilization, the gains from an expedition against a low-level civilization are not as good as the cost of the expedition!"

"...Okay, if you say that, I will feel more relieved. If it is only a third-level civilization at most, I can get more national treasures to prevent it." Lin Yang was inexplicably relieved.

The ecological base of the moon is the product of Level 3 civilization. As long as there is sufficient energy, it will hardly be easily breached by attacks from the same Level 3 civilization. This alone can greatly improve security.

With an ecological base as a backing, at least you don’t have to be so anxious.

What's more, he also has hundreds of gift bags that can draw products of the highest level three civilizations.

As long as you are not too unlucky, there should be no problem facing the forward invasion team of an ordinary third-level civilization.

"The host does not need to be impatient for now. After waiting for Bu Mei's response, this system can steal the content of their response and determine what kind of existence the other party is from the content of their response."

"Is this still possible?" Lin Yang's expression perked up.

"Yes, host, you can rest assured for now."

"Okay, system, I take back some of my previous prejudices against you. You are still very useful at critical moments!" Lin Yang said seriously.

"Thank you to the host for your trust. This system will continue to work hard to provide better services to the host."


At the same time, Bu Mei and Kodaka-chan's joint office building.

The faces of everyone in the two countries were all red at the moment!

Everyone was extremely excited.

Because, their Plan Y really succeeded!

They actually received responses from other alien civilizations in the universe!

Thanks to ◆Brother Bai Zhenlove for the two rewards of 1,666 coins. He spent a lot of money. I wish him good luck and prosperity, and good luck. I bow to him and wish him a happy new year!

I wish all readers, brothers and sisters, great fortune and a happy new year. I bow to you all!

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