It’s not a difficult task!

When Zhao Zizhen heard these words, he couldn't help but hold Lin Yang's hand and said excitedly: "Classmate Lin, you are really our lucky star. If you can turn deep-sea salvage into an ordinary maritime operation from now on, I don’t know how many people will benefit from this, especially the people who rely on the sea for food, I’m afraid they can support you!”

"..." Lin Yang was speechless.

Offer it up?

He feels dizzy when he hears these words!

When will we be able to get rid of the shadow of these words!

"Dean Zhao, you don't need to get too excited. I have only preliminary ideas now. The specific technical implementation needs to be studied carefully."

Lin Yang calmly withdrew the hand held by Zhao Zizhen, and then walked towards the laboratory.

Upon seeing this, Zhao Zizhen immediately informed Ye Guhong of the matter. At the same time, he contacted the Ocean Management Bureau and was ready to cooperate with Lin Yang's deep-sea salvage work at any time!

Two days later.

In the laboratory, Lin Yang solved all the problems of deep-sea salvage and upgraded the salvage tools.

This speed can be said to be scary.

But Zhao Zizhen and others are obviously somewhat accustomed to Lin Yang's various abnormal abilities.

After being shocked for a short while, he started sending people to prepare for the relevant work.

"System, lock the location of the deep-sea cultural relics and get ready to go!" Lin Yang was also impatient.

The number of cultural relics lost under the sea is absolutely huge.

Although it may be like what Zhao Zizhen said, many cultural relics break when touched because they have been soaked for too long.

Don’t overdo it!

There are always some porcelain, gold, silver and jewelry that can be salvaged completely!

One piece is worth at least 100,000 national treasures!

Even if only a few hundred or thousands of pieces can be salvaged in the end, they are still worth tens of millions or hundreds of millions of national treasures!

It is enough to rearm and strengthen the Tiangong base and domestic forces.

As the salvage work began, the Internet became lively.

"Let me tell you, the classmate's efficiency is too high, so he brought back cultural relics from other countries. Now he has developed a new deep-sea salvage tool to salvage lost cultural relics in the deep sea. This is to take the entire Get us all the lost cultural relics on the planet!"

"It's too strong. It's really too strong. I don't know how to describe how I feel now. My family is from a coastal area. In recent years, the pollution of the marine environment has had a huge impact. I have to pay twice as much as before. The cost is so that we can barely make ends meet!”

"However, now a classmate has developed a deep-sea salvage tool that can be easily operated. This is good news for people in our entire coastal area!"

"I have decided that in addition to worshiping Mazu, my family will also worship big classmates!"

"No one knows what it will mean for people in our coastal areas after deep-sea salvage operations become easier!"

Many people in coastal areas who live close to the sea suddenly burst into tears.

"Hey, brothers in the coastal areas, don't rush to be moved. There will be many days when you can be moved!"

"That's right, now my classmates are studying deep-sea salvage. I can't even imagine what an exciting scene it would be like to salvage the cultural relics that have been left on the seabed for hundreds or thousands of years and let them see the light of day again!"

"There are other works of art, salvage them all, this time we are going to make a fortune!"

“I can’t imagine how many good things have been lying dormant at the bottom of the sea for hundreds or thousands of years!”

"We are going to witness history again!"

Netizens are very excited.

Because of this deep-sea salvage operation, the official did not hide it, and there was even a special live broadcast room to broadcast it live.

Of course, this kind of good thing that benefits the country, people and the environment needs to be publicized.

If it were before, this kind of behavior would definitely arouse the envy and jealousy of the Western countries headed by Bu Mei and Kodaka-chan.

But now they are busy responding to the mysterious radio waves in the universe, but they haven't jumped out to do anything.

As the deep-sea salvage work officially begins, ancient cultural relics have been brought to light one by one. Watching those exquisite porcelain cultural relics being salvaged ashore, many people can't help but feel a little teary-eyed.

The cultural relics that have been dormant at the bottom of the sea for thousands of years are finally home!

Especially as more and more underwater cultural relics are salvaged, people are increasingly seeing the brilliance of our ancient culture!

They all have a new understanding of the prosperity of the Age of Discovery.

A strong sense of national pride also emerges in everyone's heart!

"Congratulations to the host, you have salvaged an ancient cultural relic left on the seabed, and you have been rewarded with a corresponding national treasure value..."


System prompts continued to ring in Lin Yang's ears as the cultural relics were salvaged.

"System, can you block this prompt? I can't stand it."

Cultural relics are salvaged piece by piece, and the system will prompt you once for each piece salvaged.

Sometimes dozens of pieces can be salvaged at one time, and the same repetitive reminders keep ringing in my ears, which is really uncomfortable.

"Okay, host, the relevant prompts have been blocked for you. You can check the number of newly acquired national treasure values ​​at any time in the national treasure value column."

This time, the system was very user-friendly and directly blocked such repeated prompts for Lin Yang.

Without the frequent prompts from the system, Lin Yang took a deep breath.

It’s quite quiet!

However, before it was quiet for half a minute, the system sound sounded again:

"Host, please be aware that this system has once again detected directional feedback waves from the depths of the universe, falling into the joint office building of Bumei and Kodaka-chan."

"Huh? That alien civilization once again responded to them?"

Lin Yang was shocked for a moment, that alien civilization responded so quickly to the fact that they were not beautiful?

"Looks like it, host."

"Okay, keep monitoring. If they reply if it's not pretty, remember to tell me the content of their reply as soon as possible." Lin Yang warned.

"Okay, host."

"I wonder how that alien civilization responded to their last request to teach them technology, and whether it actually passed on the technology they wanted." Lin Yang couldn't help but be curious.

"Host, please be patient and wait until they respond. If this system intercepts their response signals, we will know whether the alien civilization has passed on their technology!"

"Yeah." Lin Yang responded and continued to focus on the salvage work.

But the next moment, Butler No. 1 also suddenly received a call request.

Lin Yang answered the call smoothly.

"Hello, Mr. Commander, the mining robot teams transported by the Apocalypse spacecraft have entered formal mining work. Based on the mining progress in the past few days, I have made a corresponding analysis report. Do you want to see it?"

Butler No. 1 said while calling out the dense report contents.

Lin Yang glanced at it and felt dazzled, and couldn't help but say:

"Just tell me the final calculation result. If all the mining resources are converted into energy and used to replenish the energy of Tiangong Base, how long will it take to replenish the energy of Tiangong Base?"

On New Year's Eve, Xiaohu wishes everyone good health, family happiness, and wealth in the new year!

Happy New Year to everyone!

For the sake of constant updates during the Chinese New Year, please vote~

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