"Answer the host, Not Beautiful, they revealed some basic information about Blue Star. As for Tiangong Base, Not Beautiful, they didn't mention it this time."

"Oh..." Lin Yang's eyes flashed.

To be honest, he couldn't figure out what Bu Mei's plan was.

There was no mention of Tiangong Base.

Logically speaking, if they are not beautiful, they should hate themselves to death.

Now that they have finally contacted another alien civilization, they should be eager to let the other party come to deal with them, and then they can express their anger.

But now I didn’t mention it.

This is a bit unexpected.

"Is it possible that they are worried that the alien civilization is relatively weak, and that if they mention Tiangong Base, they will scare the other party away from coming? Now they still want to test the other party's strength?"

Lin Yang thought about it and felt that this was the most likely possibility.

"Answer the host, this possibility cannot be ruled out."

The system also made such an analysis answer.

"It's really treacherous!" Lin Yang couldn't help but sneered.

"Answer the host, this system does not think it is necessary to modify the basic situation of Blue Star they revealed this time. They did not say how powerful Blue Star and Tiangong Base are. Such information may make that mysterious alien civilization take it lightly. If If the other party really crosses the star sea to invade, it may be easier to deal with it."

"Okay, then pass it on intact. Before you are sure of the true purpose of that alien civilization, the more you show weakness to the enemy, the safer it will be." Lin Yang nodded, "It's a pity that I don't know what the other party is teaching this time. What kind of technology are you giving them?"

Not pretty didn't mention it in their response signal, but if they were able to express gratitude excitedly, the skills conveyed shouldn't be too bad.

After that, Lin Yang didn't pay much attention.

No matter what techniques the other party teaches Bu Mei, they will always have to apply them in the end, and they will naturally know it when they apply them.

What's more, as long as he controls the resources in the planets of the solar system, no matter how advanced their technology is, they can't even think of taking a step outside Blue Star without resources, and he is not afraid of anything they might do.

This is also true.

Inside the joint office building.

Not beautiful, they got a response from the other party, and the other party taught them the skills they wanted, and everyone was extremely happy.

But after the initial excitement, they also discovered this problem!

Even if you have technology but no resources, you still can’t do anything!

"Farke, Farke!"

"It's all that damn alien commander's fault. All our resources have been squeezed by him! Now that we have technology, we can't break through the limits of the planet!"

The one who is not pretty and responsible for the popularity just throws the cup.

There is nothing more infuriating than seeing advanced technology in front of you, but not being able to do it.

"No! We have to tell this alien civilization that there are other aliens on the moon, and tell him to come as soon as possible, otherwise we won't be able to use them no matter how much technology they teach us!"

After getting angry, the person in charge changed his mind.

Previously, they wanted to test this extraterrestrial civilization again, and were worried that if they directly told them that there were other aliens on the moon, they would scare away this extraterrestrial civilization.

But at this moment, he changed his mind.

The alien commanders on the moon have squeezed a lot of their resources, and there is no telling when the ability to cross the planet will be restored.

It will be easy to invade Blue Star when the time comes.

If all the materials of other planets in the solar system are mined, then even if they have powerful technology, they will still be unable to turn around!

So at this moment, the person in charge who is not beautiful feels that it is very necessary to inform the mysterious alien civilization that there are other aliens on the moon!

The person in charge of Kodaka-chan frowned: "Is it too hasty to tell you now? Although the skills he taught us are very powerful, it is better to test the opponent's strength again to be safer, right?"

"No!" The person in charge of Not Beautiful shook his head directly, "There is no time. We have to lure this alien civilization over. Even if he is weaker than the alien commander on the moon, we have to trick him over and let them It’s a lose-lose situation, otherwise we’ll never get ahead!”

The person in charge of Kotaka-chan suddenly fell silent: "What if the other party comes and finds out that we are coaxing and vents their anger on us?"

"Haha, haven't we already prepared for the worst? If this alien civilization is strong, we won't be coaxing it, but we will give him a wave of benefits. If his strength is not strong, then When he and that damn alien commander are both in trouble, it’s also our chance!”

The unattractive person in charge had a cold look in his eyes.

Hearing this, everyone in Kotaka-chan discussed and finally agreed to the proposal!

Because now, they really have no better choice!

Thus, the cosmic signal was sent again.

At the same time, Lin Yang also received a prompt from the system again.

"Please note to the host, this system has detected another cosmic signal emitted by Not Beautiful. In this cosmic signal, they took the initiative to mention some situations about the Tiangong Base, but it seems that they also concealed some of the powerful Tiangong Bases. Case."

The sudden words from the system made Lin Yang stunned for a moment: "The signal is sent again. Didn't they just respond?"

"Yes, host. After testing, this system feels that there is no need to block this signal and has released it."

Lin Yang curled his lips immediately and said, "You've already made your decision, so what else can you say to me?"

"Answer the host, of course this system is obliged to inform you and needs you to take precautions. Because it doesn't look pretty, they seem to want this alien civilization to come to the Blue Star as soon as possible!"

"Haha, it seems that they also know that they can't do it without technology and resources, so they want that alien civilization to come over and die with me, so that they can reap the benefits."

Now Lin Yang can guess some of Bu Mei's thoughts.

Either they think that the alien civilization is more powerful than themselves, and come directly to destroy themselves. While venting their anger, they can defect to that powerful alien civilization, thus changing the current situation of being oppressed.

Or simply let the alien civilization perish with them, and they take advantage.

That's why we can't wait to send another signal, asking the alien civilization to come over as soon as possible.

Thinking of this, Lin Yang's eyes flashed: "System, speed up the salvage process, I need more national treasures, just in case!"

It's not beautiful that they are so eager to request the other party to come, and if the alien civilization is really powerful, it may indeed come in advance.

He has to be ready!

Happy New Year to everyone.

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