A technologically powerful nation: The national treasure is actually myself

Chapter 232 Let’s go! Interstellar voyage! (Third update)

"System, can my current energy span such a long distance?"

Despite the excitement, Lin Yang thought of a more realistic problem.

"Don't worry, host, your current energy reserves are sufficient. Don't forget that the energy on board the eight large transport spacecrafts is fully loaded and can be removed for use!"

"Oh, I almost forgot!" Lin Yang slapped his forehead.

He was a little excited by the system's words, and subconsciously ignored the fact that he had just harvested a large amount of loot.

Then, Lin Yang said impatiently: "Then when will we set off for the Scarlet Thunder Empire?"

"Answer the host, of course, the sooner the better. After all, Zoro's brother may arrive at any time. As long as you are ready, you can set off at any time!"

"Preparation? I have nothing to prepare, right?" Lin Yang muttered.

"Answer the host, if you feel you are ready, you can leave for the Red Thunder Empire immediately."

"Then let's go, go early and come back early!" Lin Yang said.

"Okay, host, the interstellar navigation route has been loaded for you. Please enter the Apocalypse spacecraft."

Upon hearing this, Lin Yang immediately summoned the Apocalypse spacecraft.

But the moment before takeoff, he thought of an important question: "Wait a minute, system, how long will it take for us to go there this time?"

"Answer the host, if you do not calculate the energy consumption, you can turn on the super star patrol mode of the Apocalypse spacecraft. The round trip will take about one and a half months."

"A month and a half? Such a long distance is only a month and a half? It took Solo and the others more than two months to arrive. Doesn't that mean they were not within the Milky Way at that time?" Lin Yang couldn't help but be startled.

He felt that it was a bit contradictory to combine the front and back of the system.

The system previously said that the reason why Solo and the others were able to receive and intercept the signals sent by Not Beautiful was because they were within the Milky Way.

But now, judging from the speed and distance, something seems not quite right.

"Host, that's not the case. The Apocalypse spacecraft is a very high-end comprehensive spacecraft that ordinary third-level civilizations cannot have. After turning on the super star patrol mode, the speed will be much faster than the fastest warship in Solo's fleet. It is wrong for you to judge purely based on time.”

"Uh... Okay, let's forget about it and let's go." Lin Yang waved his hand and didn't think about it anymore.

"Okay, host, the target interstellar coordinates have been locked, the interstellar route has been planned, and the Apocalypse spacecraft is launching the star patrol mode. Please sit still and hold on, and fasten your seat belt."

Lin Yang: "..."

Very meow.

Has this dog become a flight attendant?

Seeing the Apocalypse spacecraft take off, Lin Yang suddenly shouted: "Wait a minute! This time I have to go for a month and a half. I have to say hello to my mother in China, otherwise I will disappear for more than a month and they will not be able to contact me. , I will definitely be anxious!"

I was just so happy that I almost forgot the most important thing!

"Okay, host, the star patrol mode has been terminated. You can communicate with Blue Star."

"..." Lin Yang directly dialed Zhao Zizhen's personal phone number.

The call was connected instantly, and before Zhao Zizhen could speak, Lin Yang said quickly:

"Dean Zhao, I have to tell you something. I have an urgent matter and I have to travel far away. It will probably take more than a month. During this process, you may not be able to contact me, but don't worry, I won't Any questions."

On the other end of the phone, Zhao Zizhen suddenly heard such news. He was stunned for a moment and said subconsciously: "Lin, classmate Lin, why do you have to travel far away for something? It will take so long, and you can't even be contacted yet?"

"This... will be kept secret for now." Lin Yang used his usual words again.

"Okay, okay, I won't ask anymore, but is it safe for you to travel far this time? Do you need us to send someone to protect you?" Zhao Zizhen came back to his senses and said with concern.

"No need." Lin Yang shook his head and said, "Dean Zhao, if I call home, just say that I am conducting an in-depth research and will not be able to contact the outside world for more than a month, so let them not worry."

He called Zhao Zizhen first just to communicate with Zhao Zizhen first.

Otherwise, my mother would be worried if she couldn't contact him for more than a month.

"Uh...Okay!" This time it was Zhao Zizhen's turn to be stunned, but he quickly agreed.

"Okay, I'll excuse you."

Lin Yang thanked him and hung up the phone.

He followed him and dialed his mother's phone number, but he stopped pressing the number halfway. After thinking about it, he changed it to a message and sent a voice message, telling his mother that he was going to conduct research on the project. It would take more than a month. She can't contact him, so don't worry.

After sending the message, he turned off his phone directly.

If we make a phone call, my mother will inevitably nag for a while.

Then he followed him and told Butler No. 1 to monitor the situation of Blue Star at all times and help if there were any problems in the country.

After everything was arranged, Lin Yang spoke again: "System, let's go!"

"Okay, host, the star patrol mode is restarting."

The system responded, and then after a few seconds of acceleration, the Apocalypse spacecraft turned into a stream of light and rushed out of the solar system.

Looking at the increasingly smaller blue stars and the sun emitting blazing light, Lin Yang felt very spectacular.

This was the first time he had seen Blue Star and the solar system from such an angle.

"By the way, host, this system also needs to remind you of one thing. This system has detected that Bu Mei and Kodaka-chan took the remains of the two exploration ships of the Solo team that you destroyed as their own. They are very capable. We may obtain new advanced technologies and resources from it, please be informed.”

"...Grandma, you are a bitch. The two countries are really good at seizing opportunities, and they are very courageous. I shot this down. Strictly speaking, it is my trophy. How dare they take it directly?"

Lin Yang couldn't help but cursed, and then said speechlessly: "Why didn't you tell me earlier? If you had told me earlier, I would have gone to the two countries before setting off and brought over the wreckage of the exploration ship. We can't give them any advantage!"

Although the wreckage of the two exploration ships was of little use value to him, it was a very precious thing to Bu Mei and the others.

Of course, even if they took it, they wouldn't be able to make a difference, but the feeling of having their trophies taken away by them still made Lin Yang quite unhappy.

"Sorry, host, this system will record this mistake and will be more careful to provide better services to the host in the future!"

"..." Lin Yang rolled his eyes.

He always felt that this dog system seemed to be intentional.

But before he had time to think about it, he heard the system say again:

"Host, please note that this system is about to start issuing rewards for killing Solo's fleet. Please pay attention to check them."

These sudden words made Lin Yang startled again: "Is there any reward for killing Solo?"

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