A technologically powerful nation: The national treasure is actually myself

Chapter 236: Your Excellency, I am not qualified to provide services to you!

However, out of curiosity, Lin Yang did not dare to directly ask the robot butler.

The system told him to pretend to have some background, so he definitely couldn't ask such low-level questions.

He could only write down this question first, and then go back and slowly inquire about it indirectly.

Then, Lin Yang said to the robot butler: "Take me to the arms trading market."

"Okay, Your Excellency, this is it. Please follow me."

The robot butler bowed slightly and led Lin Yang to the elevator inside the building, and entered the building from the parking area on the roof.

"Sir, may I ask what level of arms and weapons you want to buy? I can take you to the corresponding floor sales area." The robot butler asked again.

"I need... your empire's pinnacle technological weapons!" Lin Yang looked directly into the mechanical eyes of the robot butler No. 10086.

The robot was obviously stunned for a brief moment, and then bowed and said: "Sir, are you sure you want to purchase the pinnacle technological weapon of this empire?"

"OK!" Lin Yang nodded without hesitation.

"Okay, Your Excellency, if you are sure, then please come with me."

The robot housekeeper pressed a new floor and pressed a button on the robot arm.

Soon, the elevator arrived.

As the elevator door opened, a middle-aged man wearing something similar to Blue Star's formal attire was already waiting. When he saw Lin Yang, he bowed and said:

"Hello, distinguished interstellar traveler, welcome to your arrival. I am Mo Sang, the first-level director of this arms market. I will succeed the robot butler No. 10086 and become your personal butler in the future. It is my honor to serve you. .”

Lin Yang was a little surprised, the housekeeper was changed again?

Seeming to see his doubts, Mo Sang took the initiative and said: "Your Excellency, I heard that you want to purchase the pinnacle technological weapons of this empire. Ordinary robot butlers do not have the authority to trade weapons of this level. Please feel free to do so." I’ll go to the VIP room to discuss it in detail.”

"Oh..." Lin Yang followed Mo Sang's guidance and walked to the VIP room.

Mo Sang personally made a cup of tea-like drink for Lin Yang and said with a smile: "I wonder what kind of peak technological weapons you want to buy?"

"No, take a look for yourself." Lin Yang did not answer directly, but directly took out a list.

The list above is what the system listed for him to buy this time.

In addition to some peak technological weapons, there are also some resources.

After Mo Sang took over the list, his face became more and more solemn as he continued to watch. By the time he finished reading the entire list, his expression had become extremely serious, and his voice became a little unnatural, extremely solemn and careful. asked:

"Your Excellency, are you sure you want to purchase so many peak technology weapons and resources at once?"

"Is there any problem?" Lin Yang asked without answering.

"No, no, it's just that the large pinnacle ship destroyer gun you need and several other pinnacle technology weapons are SS-level products. I am not qualified to conduct direct transactions with you. If you are sure that you need it, I need to report it to my superiors. .”

Mo Sang bowed directly at 90 degrees to express his apology.

"It's really troublesome. It's just such a small thing, and it's so troublesome." Lin Yang suddenly pretended to be impatient and frowned.

Before Mo Sang could stand upright, his body instantly bent further, and he apologized: "I'm sorry, Your Excellency, I have brought you a very bad shopping experience. Please forgive me!"

"Forget it, report quickly. I'm in a hurry. Can you sell me a sure letter?" Lin Yang waved his hand.

"Okay, please wait a moment. I'll come as soon as I can!" Mo Sang bowed and exited the VIP room.

After Mo Sang left, Lin Yang silently communicated with the system: "How is it? Is my pretending okay?"

"It's quite satisfactory, but for your first time as a host entering other advanced technological civilization empires, it's already great!"

The system was very flattering.

Lin Yang couldn't help but said: "By the way, I want to buy so many arms, but from the beginning to the end, neither that robot nor this Mo Sang asked to check my assets. When I said I wanted to buy, they seemed to believe it. I have the capital to buy, so aren’t they afraid that I’m here to cause trouble?”

He was a little confused, let alone purchasing so many arms.

Even if you buy a house worth tens of millions on Blue Star, you will need to verify the capital.

But there is no capital verification here?

"Host, you forgot, this system said that you don't need to say anything, the Apocalypse spacecraft will speak for you!"

"...Is the Apocalypse spaceship so powerful?" Lin Yang expressed doubts.

But the system did not provide any further explanation.

At the same time, on the other side, after Mo Sang exited the VIP room, he immediately ran to another office, pressed a button, then bowed his head to the rising screen and said respectfully:

"Manager Ste, first-level supervisor Mo Sang has something urgent to report to you and asks for your permission to call."

Then, he kept this posture and waited.

Until more than ten seconds later, a deep voice came out: "First-level supervisor Mo Sang, you have used your monthly cross-level reporting authority. If the things you report next are found to be non-compliant, you will be punished accordingly. , now, please tell me what you want to report urgently."

At the same time, a middle-aged man dressed in black appeared on the screen in front of Mo Sang, staring at Mo Sang through the screen.

"Manager Ste, I received a special VIP guest. He wants to purchase the country's peak technological weapons, which includes multiple SS-level peak technological weapons and some controlled scarce resources. The value exceeds my highest authority and exceeds the limit." The most senior executive has the highest trading authority, so I will report to you at a higher level!"

Mo Sang lowered his head and reported in a very fast tone.

After he finished speaking, Manager Ste was obviously silent for a moment, and then continued: "Oh? Want to purchase multiple SS-level peak technology weapons and controlled scarce resources from the empire?"

"Yes! This is the list of items the other party needs! Please take a look!" Mo Sang directly uploaded the list Lin Yang had just given him.

"Have you checked the assets? Have you checked the origin of the other party? Does the other party have the ability to buy?" Stet glanced at the list, narrowed his eyes slightly, and issued three consecutive questions.

Hearing this, Mo Sang suddenly trembled, and a layer of dense sweat appeared on his forehead.

Seeing this, Ste's eyes became obviously cold and stern: "Mosang, you didn't even check the other party's assets and just came to report it, right?"

"I...Manager Ste will atone for my sins!"

Mo Sang instantly knelt on the ground and said quickly:

"Mosang admitted his crime and did not strictly follow the procedures. The other party came from the high-end spaceship parking area. According to the registration information of the robot steward No. 10086 in the high-end spaceship parking area, the spacecraft the other party took was an extremely precious comprehensive spaceship, and it was The extremely rare Apocalypse full-scale spaceship!”

At this point, Mo Sang gritted his teeth and continued to explain: "After entering the VIP room, the other party directly gave me the list and said that he was in a hurry, so... so I didn't dare to directly ask to check the other party's specific identity information. "

After saying that, Mo Sang knelt down on his knees and said again: "It was Mo Sang's omission. Please forgive me, Manager Ste!"

"Huh? Is it the full-scale spaceship Apocalypse?"

There was a hint of surprise in the deep voice of Manager Ste, and he immediately called up the service information of Robot Butler No. 10086.

After seeing the scene of Lin Yang walking out of the Apocalypse spacecraft, the coldness in his eyes instantly dissipated and turned into a smile:

"Very good, Mo Sang, you did a good job. It is very impolite to directly ask to check the asset information of such a high-ranking guest!"

"Next, I will personally provide services to this distinguished guest. I will arrive in five minutes. You must serve your distinguished guest well!"

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