A technologically powerful nation: The national treasure is actually myself

Chapter 240 Do you want to use star crystals to settle? !

Ste and Mo Sang were both stunned.

You know, even the royal family of their Red Thunder Empire cannot just tip people with star crystals.

But the distinguished guest in front of him didn't blink and directly gave him a star crystal.

This made Mosang and Stet look at each other in confusion and wonder!

Feel free to use star crystals as tips!

This made them all think of an extremely terrifying possibility!

The next moment, Mo Sang's body shook suddenly again, his body bent even lower, and he said to Lin Yang in great awe:

"Dear Sir, the tip you gave is too much. Mo Sang cannot bear it. Please take it back."

He actually didn't dare to accept this star crystal directly!

And even the title was changed from VIP to adult.

Lin Yang glanced at him silently and said leisurely: "I am very satisfied with your service. You deserve it."

Mo Sang's heart trembled and he continued: "Dear Sir, just give me a little change. This is too expensive..."

Lin Yang interrupted him before he could finish his words and said calmly: "I never carry any change with me."

Mo Sang was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at Ste.

Ste also reacted at this time. When he saw this, he first took a deep look at Lin Yang, and then said slowly to Mo Sang: "Since it is a reward from the distinguished guest, you can accept it with peace of mind."

"Yes." Mo Sang breathed a sigh of relief, then knelt down on one knee directly to Lin Yang and said gratefully: "Thank you, Sir, for the reward. Mo Sang will always remember your kindness!"

After saying that, he bowed to Lin Yang several times before leaving.

Looking at Mo Sang's back, a trace of envy appeared in Ste's eyes, and then he said to Lin Yang in awe: "Dear guest, thank you for your generosity. The supplies and weapons you need have been prepared for you. You can come at any time." Goods can be inspected.”

His tone and attitude were much more respectful than before, and his title was also changed to "sir."

This made Lin Yang sigh secretly, and at the same time he silently asked the system: "The system is just a star crystal. Are they so exaggerated?"

In fact, he didn't want to be so high-profile or so generous!

Instead, the system showed him some precautions before entering Guiyun Star, which indicated that he should tip the service staff here.

This is the habit of powerful people in advanced civilizations in the universe.

And here he needs to pretend to be a person with a background, so naturally he also needs to tip to match his disguised identity.

And in order to maintain his disguised mysterious noble identity, the system also suggested that he tip directly with star crystals.

Only in this way can people be more confused about his origins and become more fearful of him.

Obviously, taking out a star crystal as a tip is undoubtedly a success.

Even managers like Ste were shocked.

It's just that Lin Yang is still a little confused. It's just a star crystal. Isn't this a bit too exaggerated?

The system said: "Host, according to the official exchange ratio of the Red Thunder Empire, one star crystal can be exchanged for one hundred thousand Red Thunder coins, but in fact, if you want to use Red Thunder coins to exchange for star crystals, it may cost one million Red Thunder coins. You may not be able to exchange it for a star crystal."

"This is the value of star crystal!"

"And this is because the Red Thunder Empire is already a peak level three civilization and is only one step away from reaching a level four civilization."

"In an ordinary third-level civilization, one star crystal can be exchanged for millions or even tens of millions of local currencies!"

"If it were a weaker civilization, it would be no joke to exchange one star crystal for hundreds of millions of local currencies."

"Then this is too exaggerated, isn't it? I think even Manager Ste has become a little more in awe of me because of this." Lin Yang muttered.

"Host, star crystal is a special product. It is difficult for ordinary interstellar civilizations and ordinary people to obtain it!"

The system explains again:

"The most important thing is that, to a certain extent, using star crystals is a symbol of status. Even if ordinary people have the opportunity to obtain star crystals, they will never use them as tips."

"The change in Stett's attitude towards you is not only because of the value of the star crystals, but also because you use the star crystals as tips. This means that your background is either rich or noble. What he respects is your identity!"

"Okay." Lin Yang sighed.

The system gave the final answer on this matter:

"Host, a supervisor like Mo Sang's annual salary is only about 100,000 red thunder coins. You are equivalent to throwing away millions of tips from him. He can exchange it for more on the black market. A star crystal top He has been working for more than ten years, so his performance just now is not an exaggeration at all."

"Even Ste, his salary is only about five times higher than Mo Sang. The value of a star crystal is something that neither of them can refuse."

"I know." Lin Yang sighed again.

Although it's cool to pretend to be cool now, but again, the more special the star crystal's value and meaning, the greater the trouble.

Solo's transport spaceship carries tens of billions of star crystals. It's hard to imagine who his brother is!

"System, Solo's brother, is he from a fourth-level civilization?" Lin Yang couldn't help but asked secretly.

The Red Thunder Empire is already a level three peak civilization, and the value of star crystals is still so great. So, someone who can give Solo tens of billions of star crystals may not have to surpass the level three civilization in his own existence.

There is a threshold for a third-level civilization to reach a fourth-level civilization!

The fourth-level civilization can already be said to be an intermediate technological civilization.

But the third-level civilization, even the third-level peak civilization, can only be regarded as a primary civilization.

Even if it's just a short shot, the gap is huge.

Even an ordinary fourth-level civilization can easily destroy a powerful peak third-level civilization!

Lin Yang is really worried that Solo's brother is from a fourth-level civilization.

"Host, don't be too nervous. Level 4 civilization is a medium civilization in the universe. It has reached another level. There are not many such technological civilizations."

The system comforted him.

"If Solo's brother is really a fourth-level civilization, then Solo's team strength cannot be only a second-level peak civilization. Therefore, this system analysis believes that Solo's brother's civilization is at most a third-level peak civilization. This tens of billions The star crystal may have been obtained for some special reason.”

"I hope so." Lin Yang sighed again, and then asked: "So, what's going on at the zoo? Why did Mo Sang and Stern get involved in some royal family when they heard that I wanted to buy animals?"

"To answer this question, host, you can ask Ste directly. Each civilization has its own unique style of doing things. Ste's explanation will be more practical."

"Oh..." Lin Yang stopped talking to the system, but looked at Ste: "Manager Ste, let's go settle first."

"Okay, please come with me." Ste was extremely respectful, slightly bowing his body to lead the way, and at the same time said: "Dignified guest, all the resources and weapons you need add up to a total of 560 trillion red. Thundercoin, would you like to pay by credit card?"

"Settlement with star crystals." Lin Yang said lightly.


When Ste heard this, he felt as if he was struck by lightning. His pupils dilated directly, as if he couldn't believe what he heard. His whole person froze in place and said in great shock:

"Sir... Sir, I'm sorry, what did you say? Do you want to use star crystals to settle everything?"

"Yes, Xingjing!" Lin Yang replied in the affirmative.


Ste was stunned.

I was immediately stunned!

My head was buzzing instantly!

Although Lin Yang used star crystals as tips just now, it was shocking, but for some big shots, it is easy to understand not to carry change with them.

However, this is goods worth more than five million trillion red thunder coins. When converted into star crystals, it is more than five billion!

Directly carry more than 5 billion star crystals for settlement? ?

Ste was really frightened!

Happy Lantern Festival to everyone!

The update has been a little late these two days, I'm sorry to everyone, Xiaohu will try to resume updates as soon as possible!

It's the end of the month, please vote for me, brothers and sisters, please!

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