"Host, what you need to know is that if a war starts on the moon, this system can invade the intelligent system of the opponent's expedition fleet to ensure that they cannot send information back."

"But once a war breaks out in the universe, there will be a great possibility that other civilizations will secretly watch the battle. At that time, although Blue Star will not be exposed, your personal identity, image and other information may be exposed from now on, and this system will not be able to At the same time, invade the intelligent systems of those civilizations that are secretly watching the war."

The system solemnly informed Lin Yang of this matter.

Lin Yang waved his hand and said nonchalantly: "As long as Blue Star is not exposed, it doesn't matter whether my personal identity information is exposed or not."

Anyway, in the universe, no one knows anyone. If personal information is exposed, it will be exposed. It doesn't matter at all.

"Host, there is one more thing you need to pay special attention to. When fighting in the universe, you must ensure that you have enough backup power to protect yourself or escape after the battle, so as to prevent other civilizations secretly watching the battle from taking advantage of you!"

"Should our current strength and energy be enough?" Lin Yang asked.

"Answering the host is theoretically enough, but if you want to take the initiative to intercept and kill, you may be chased by other civilizations or forces afterwards. You will need to spend additional resources that are currently unpredictable to escape. In the universe The cost of fighting is extremely high."

"Oh..." Lin Yang's eyes flickered slightly.

The meaning of the system is obvious. Even if you win in other star fields, if you also suffer heavy losses, others will take advantage of you.

Even if you still have some remaining strength, other civilized forces may take action because they want to seize resources.

After all, a guy who has a lot of supplies and has just experienced a big war is a perfect target to be plundered.

If you want to escape from the battlefield safely and smoothly, you have to deal with these pursuers.

There will indeed be a lot of unnecessary extra consumption, and the consumption will obviously be huge.


"As long as it can reduce Blue Star's exposure probability, it's worth the extra expenditure!" Lin Yang said in a sonorous tone.

He is short of time now.

Lack of time for stable development!

If there is enough time for him to complete the system's tasks, let alone one Soman and a third-level peak civilization, even a hundred Somans and a hundred peak third-level civilizations or even higher-level civilizations will come. I'm not worried at all.

Therefore, as long as it can buy Blue Star more time to slow down Blue Star's exposure, any consumption now will be worthwhile.

"Okay, host, if you have decided to take the initiative to intercept the expedition sent by Soman, then this system recommends that you set out now. You can intercept them directly outside the galaxy and lead them to other places."

"Are you leaving now?" Lin Yang was startled.

"Yes, host, even if you want to take the initiative to intercept and kill, you must choose a suitable planet in advance as the main battlefield and arrange it to minimize losses and annihilate the opponent. In terms of time, it is already a bit rushed to set off immediately. That’s it.”

"Okay, then let's go directly and choose a suitable planet for combat."

Hearing this, Lin Yang said no more, but had a headache as to how to explain this matter to his mother.

I lost contact for nearly two months under the guise of a research project, and now I have to continue losing contact just after I came back. It’s very difficult!

After all, if you go out this time, you may not even be able to come back in time for the Chinese New Year.

Even if Zhao Zizhen is asked to help cover it up, if he can't be contacted during the Chinese New Year, the secret will eventually be exposed.

"Host, you don't actually need to worry about this problem. You seem to have forgotten that you can exchange it for an advanced planetary communicator to solve the communication problem. Five million national treasures are not something you can't afford to redeem now."

After Lin Yang told the system what he wanted, the system's words made Lin Yang slap his forehead instantly.

"Yes, it can be exchanged for a planetary communicator. I would have forgotten it if you didn't tell me!"

When he went to the moon for the first time, in order to ensure communication with Blue Star, he exchanged it for a rudimentary planetary communicator.

At that time, high-end communication devices were too expensive for him, so he subconsciously ignored it.

But now, an advanced planetary communicator only requires five million national treasure values. Although it cannot be said to be a drop in the bucket, it can be exchanged without any distress.

However, some people think that this thing has to be exchanged for two every time in order to complete the directional communication.

Over and over again, the value of the national treasure of 10 million is gone.

"Hey, it's a bit expensive, but compared to the convenience of being able to communicate at any time, it's worth it."

After Lin Yang exchanged the advanced planetary communicator, he installed one directly in the apartment of the National Academy of Sciences.

Nothing is safer than here.

No one can easily enter his residence.

Then, Lin Yang and Zhao Zizhen said hello and set off.

This time there is a planetary communicator that can communicate instantly, so there is no need for Zhao Zizhen to help cover it up.

Lin Yang directly called for the Apocalypse spaceship and entered the Tiangong base. At the same time, he contacted Butler No. 1 and gave instructions:

"Butler No. 1, don't install the weapons and equipment that you haven't had time to install. For those that have been installed, except for the protective force around the base, dismantle them all. I need to take them away."

"Okay, Mr. Commander."

Regarding Lin Yang's order, Butler No. 1 started executing it without asking any questions.

"Mr. Commander, don't you need to deal with that enemy?"

When Lin Yang arrived at the Tiangong base, Cang Miao came up to him and asked with some confusion.

Lin Yang had told him before that these weapons were to deal with Suoman's expeditionary fleet, but now they were actually dismantled, which made Cang Miao very curious.

"No, I decided to take the initiative to intercept and kill the expeditionary fleet before they come." Lin Yang explained briefly.

Cang Miao said instantly: "Mr. Commander, please let Cang Miao go with us."

"You want to go too?" Lin Yang looked at him, hesitant.

He wanted Cang Miao to stay in the Tiangong base and concentrate on training.

"Mr. Commander, Cang Miao won't feel at ease if you fight alone. Please bring Cang Miao with you. Cang Miao can drive the pinnacle combat mecha and battleship you purchased. It is much more flexible than the mecha's independent combat and can provide assistance. you."

Cang Miao asked again.

"Huh? You can drive mechas and battleships?" Lin Yang was a little surprised.

"Yes, when I was in the clan, the elders taught me."

Cang Miao didn't hide anything and told Lin Yang that in fact, every Wucang clan member will be taught various knowledge and combat skills from an early age.

Obviously, the clan is also preparing for them to become super soldiers.


Hearing this, Lin Yang pondered for a moment, looked at Cang Miao's expectant eyes, and nodded immediately:

"Okay, you will become a super soldier in the future. A qualified warrior does need to accumulate some combat experience, so you can go with me."

"Thank you, Commander!" Cang Miao was pleasantly surprised.

"Set off!"

The next moment, Lin Yang waved his hand, and the Apocalypse spacecraft started instantly, entered super star patrol mode, and left the solar system at an extremely fast speed.

In the main ship cabin, besides Lin Yang and Cang Miao, there was another person.

To be precise, another mechanical android.

It's Lin Mu!

Lin Mu was prepared by Lin Yang when he returned to China to prevent accidents in the country.

But everything went smoothly after returning to China, so Lin Yang never let Lin Mu show up.

But after going to Guiyunxing last time, Lin Yang realized that it was necessary to have a personal guard when going out.

Lin Mu happens to be good at this type of robot, and the system has been able to upgrade it. Now Lin Mu can be used as another deputy.

This time, taking the initiative to intercept and kill the expeditionary fleet sent by Soman, more people will equal more strength.

"Mr. Commander, your escort robot looks very powerful!"

After Cang Miao saw the forest trees, she circled them twice, with a bit of surprise in her eyes.

"How to say it?" Lin Yang didn't quite understand what Cang Miao meant.

Thanks to Brother Silent Lion L for the 500-coin reward. Thanks to Brother Huanhai for the reward. The two brothers have spent a lot of money. I wish the two brothers all the best and make a fortune. I bow to the two brothers!

Thank you to all the brothers and sisters, and bow to you all!

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