"Hello host, it is my pleasure to serve you again."

Hearing the long-lost voice of the system, Lin Yang took a deep breath, suppressed the excitement in his heart, and asked slowly: "System, are you sleeping during this time?"

"Yes, host."

"Is it because of the forced jump last time that you were affected?" Lin Yang asked again.

"Answer the host, forcibly opening the jump channel has indeed affected this system to some extent, but you don't have to worry, this system has been fully restored."


Lin Yang sighed in his heart. The system's hibernation during this period was indeed, as he had guessed before, caused by the forced opening of the jump channel.


Afterwards, Lin Yang thanked the system seriously.

If the system hadn't gone into hibernation to forcefully open the jump channel, I'm afraid it would have been killed by those guys from the fourth-level civilization.

"The host does not need to be polite. Providing services to you is what this system should do."

"Thank you anyway." Lin Yang said again.

The system fell into dormancy for such a long time in order to start the jump. It is conceivable that the impact will not be small.

The system deserves this thank you!

"It is an honor for this system to be recognized by the host." The system said.

Lin Yang couldn't help but smile. Seeing that there was indeed no problem with the system, he immediately asked: "System, the jump you forced to start last time should be the shortest jump, right?"

"Yes, host, the forcibly opened jump channel is the minimum standard distance for jump."

Hearing this, Lin Yang sighed softly. He had guessed like this before, and now that it was confirmed, he immediately said: "Then let's check the situation of the star field we are in now. We seem to have jumped to an extremely distant place."

With that said, Lin Yang briefly explained the situation during this period to the system.

The system immediately fell silent, and after a few minutes it said: "Host, after detection by this system, an uncontrollable accident occurred during the jump, causing the normal jump to fail."

"Then where are we now? There is no news about the Milky Way here." Lin Yang was most concerned about this issue.

"Answer the host, based on what you said and the failure of the Apocalypse spacecraft to jump, after analysis by this system, we believe that you should be in another parallel universe now."

"In another parallel universe?" Lin Yang's eyes narrowed, "What does this mean?"

"Answer the host, because your technological civilization level is insufficient, you do not have permission to know the advanced secrets of the universe. However, this system has detected that the host is currently in a special environment and meets certain conditions, so it has opened up some universe-related knowledge to the host in advance."

The system spoke. When he heard the first half of the sentence, Lin Yang was a little disappointed, but when he heard the second half, he instantly became energetic again.

"The secret of the universe? What secret?" Lin Yang became curious.

"Answer the host, the universe does not actually exist as a single entity. In fact, there are multiple different parallel universes."

Lin Yang was a little surprised by System's words: "Parallel universe? Is it the theory of parallel worlds like those on Blue Star?"

"Answer the host, yes, but not entirely. The theory of parallel worlds among Blue Stars is relatively weak. They believe that parallel worlds are another replica of this world. But in fact, the universe is infinite, and there are no two identical people in the world. Even a leaf, there is no identical universe in the universe, even if it is similar, there will be subtle differences."

"Oh..." Lin Yang's eyes flickered slightly, and he continued: "So, this is another universe, not an experimental site isolated by a super civilization?"

Although it is incredible to jump to another parallel universe, compared to the speculation of the experimental field, it is obvious that the result of the parallel universe will be better.

The previously confusing and strange issues such as the star crystal being called a star diamond and the Tianji Federation Empire not recognizing the Apocalypse spacecraft were all explained at this moment.

Lin Yang was inexplicably relieved.

"Answer the host, there is no more evidence yet, and this system cannot make a very accurate judgment. The only thing that can be confirmed at the moment is that you are indeed in another parallel universe."

"Okay, how do we get home?" Lin Yang asked the most important thing.

"Answer the host, if you want to travel through the parallel universe, you need to calculate the location of the space barrier and then travel. However, the space barrier is not always fixed at a certain place. The space barrier will flow. Calculating the location of the space barrier is a troublesome problem. .”

"Space barrier?"

"Yes, host, the space barrier is the boundary between parallel universes. It is used to isolate two parallel universes and prevent chaos in the parallel universes."

"Isn't this thing like a wall fixed in a certain place?" Lin Yang thought of the descriptions in some novels and was a little curious.

"No, host, the space barrier is not something like a wall, but a flowing medium. It will flow in the universe, and it will also repair the weak points of the parallel universe and avoid the occurrence of parallel universes. Alternation and chaos.”

"So, when the spacecraft was jumping, it should have hit the flowing space barrier and then shuttled into this universe?" Lin Yang said slowly.

"Yes, host, I can only say that you are very lucky."

"What do you mean?"

"Answer the host, under normal circumstances, the probability of hitting the space barrier is less than one in a trillion. And even if you happen to hit the space barrier, you usually cannot cross the barrier of the space barrier and enter the parallel universe."

"Because the space barrier is a very advanced material that cannot be easily broken through, and you not only hit it, but also inexplicably traveled through the space barrier to the parallel universe. This kind of luck is unique!"


Lin Yang was speechless for a moment.

He didn't even know whether the system was praising him or hurting him.

Then, Lin Yang curled his lips and asked directly: "Then you should be able to calculate the location of the spatial barrier, right?"

"Answer the host, this system can calculate the location of the spatial barrier, but it will take a lot of time."

"A lot of time? How much?"

"It can range from a few months to a few years!"

"It takes that long?" Lin Yang was surprised.

"Yes, host, the existence of the space barrier is extremely special, and non-super civilizations cannot spy on it, so it will take a little longer to calculate."

"Oh... Just a little longer, as long as I can go back." Lin Yang didn't say anything more.

I'd be lucky to go back!

"Host, there is actually a simpler way that can save a lot of time.

"any solution?"

"Host, the flow of space barriers usually does not flow too fast. We can go back to the space position where you appeared in this universe for calculation. Do you still remember the position information you entered into this parallel universe after the jump?"

Lin Yang nodded immediately: "Remember, the Apocalypse spacecraft appeared outside the resource planet of Lizu at that time, and the Apocalypse spacecraft is still on that planet now."

"That's great, host, you can go back to that planet first, and then the system will make preliminary calculations. Once the location of the space barrier is determined, we can then find a way to shuttle!"

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