
The ice that occupied a large area on the sea exploded!

A soul-stirring roar came from some ancient beast, and then snowflakes began to float in the sea!

A huge monster appeared on the sea, and ice appeared under its feet. The terrifying pressure swept across the eight directions!

Han Tianming leaned forward quietly, trying to see the beast shrouded in the huge ice storm.

However, at this time, Zuo Qushuai had already made a move!

The blood light condensed into a long sword, which chopped down from the sky!

This sword seemed to condense all the blood and evil spirits in this world, exuding a violent breath, and slashed towards the ice storm!


However, the ice storm was even more powerful, turning into a thousand-foot tornado, connecting the sky, gathering the surrounding clouds, and connecting to the sea, and taking the sea water mixed with ice cubes into it!

The storm swept in, and the mighty sword light slashed into it, but it was like a drop in the ocean!

After the sword light was dissipated, in the ice and snow storm, a pair of huge wings that seemed to be carved out of ice crystals suddenly stretched out!


The sound shook all directions!

The breath from the fourth-level middle-grade sea beast was even more oppressive than Zuo Qushuai, who was in the late Nascent Soul stage!


The next moment, the ice and snow storm exploded! It turned into a blizzard, and heavy rain mixed with hail fell from the sky!

In the wind and snow, a huge monster finally revealed its true appearance!

"Ice Mysterious Spirit Dragon!"

Han Tianming only saw its appearance then. Such a sea beast is a well-known existence even in remote places!

It was a creature that combined beauty and majesty, with a slender body, showing the grace of a dragon.

It was winding and long, like a miniature ice mountain range on the sea with solid ice!

The body is covered with ice armor, crystal clear, dazzling and luxurious!

The dragon's mouth is ferocious, like a crack in an iceberg, swallowing up the wind and snow, and a pair of huge and indifferent eyes, like a cold pond for thousands of years!

It emits a faint blue light, staring at the blood-red wolf smoke suspended in the sky without any emotion!

The wings flap casually, and a snowstorm is summoned!

"It is worthy of being a fourth-level sea beast..."

Even Han Tianming was shocked by such a giant beast, which is worthy of the reputation of a fourth-level sea beast!

Zuo Qushuai in the sky also looked very solemn. Although he could hold back the Ice Mysterious Spirit Dragon, he would not be his opponent if he kept fighting.

Therefore, at this moment, he was not in a hurry to take action, but deliberately guided the Ice Mysterious Spirit Dragon away from here.

But the matter was caused by him, and the Ice Mysterious Spirit Dragon was full of anger. How could he do as he wished?

The Ice Mysterious Spiritual Dragon roared like an iceberg collapsing, opened its mouth, and a terrifying icy torrent roared out of its mouth like a rushing glacier!

It swept towards the bloody smoke above the sky!

It had to put out this arrogant arrogance!


The white and blue mixed icy torrent was like a glacier flowing upstream across the sky, rushing up into the sky with a terrifying cold air!

It was so severe that even Han Tianming, who was farther away, felt a little cold.

I don't know how Zuo Qushuai, who was facing the cold current, felt!


A cold snort came from the bloody smoke, and then one hundred and seven deep red knife lights flew out!

Each knife light was three or four feet long, carrying a monstrous murderous aura, reflecting the gathered wind and clouds red!

With a whistle, it actually rushed towards the icy torrent!

Soon, the oncoming icy torrent was reduced to a point where it had no power!

In the end, there was only a wisp of cold wind left, which blew into the bloody smoke and was completely eliminated!

"I'm afraid Zuo Qushuai is not feeling well..."

Han Tianming sat on the mountain and watched the fight, and commented leisurely.

The 107 sword lights were indeed powerful, and each sword was enough to kill a Jindan Daquan, and it did achieve excellent results.

Zuo Qushuai did not suffer any damage, but the evil energy consumed in it was absolutely huge!

Even a great cultivator in the Nascent Soul stage could not withstand such consumption several times!

With just this one move, the winner was immediately determined!

Qushuai, a predator in the late Nascent Soul stage, still could not change the nature of the emptiness of the spiritual energy in his body.

In a long-term battle, he was no match for the fourth-level middle-grade Xuanbing Lingjiao.

"No wonder the Yuan family's third master, who is in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul, dares to chase Zuo Qushuai and fight..."

If the Yuan family's third master in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul and Zuo Qushuai in the late stage are evenly matched, it is difficult to tell who will win.

Then it is only a matter of time for the Ice Mysterious Spirit Dragon to defeat Zuo Qushuai.


At this time, the giant beast moved again.

Seeing that the icy torrent could not achieve success, the huge wings stretched out, covering a large area of ​​the sea, and then countless ice condensed in the air!

It turned into dense icy spears, and with the flap of the wings, it shot into the sky!

"Dark Star Domain!"

In the bloody wolf smoke, thousands of red lights were scattered, and the red light became deeper and deeper, and gradually revealed black light!

It seemed to turn into a dark red light wheel, protecting Zuo Qushuai in it!

The icy spears flew over, but were pushed away by the light wheel, and could not get into it at all!

"Evil beast, follow me!"

After taking two moves passively, Zuo Qushuai was no match for him.

He then offered a dark red leather drum!

The drum was only about a foot in size, and the drum surface was dark gray. Han Tianming could not see it clearly from a distance, but he could only see a strange and ferocious insect beast painted in blood on the dark gray drum surface.


The leather drum was struck, making a strange sound, and Han Tianming was distracted for a moment!

In his mind, a mirage roared, but it was the mirage mirror that woke him up.

It is absolutely impossible to underestimate a great cultivator in the Nascent Soul stage!

The drum sound was accompanied by a kind of insect chirping, which was breathtaking.

In the huge dark blue eyes of the Ice Mystic Spirit Flood Dragon, a dim red light was emitted at this moment, and it was led to another place with the drum sound...

At this time, Duan Qushuai, who was watching from afar, moved, turned into a stream of light, and rushed into the seabed!

Not long after, Han Tianming noticed that the purple light spot in his mind had shifted.

When Duan Qushuai came out of the water, the purple light spot really came to the surface of the water, and all kinds of instructions pointed to the blue-green scroll in Duan Qushuai's hand.

The green jade was the axis and the blue brocade was the scroll.

Duan Qushuai showed joy on his face, and couldn't wait to open it, but he was stunned in an instant.

"Brother Zuo! This is not the Book of the Earth!"

His call was nothing, but it made Zuo Qushuai's mind shaken, and the drum beats suddenly became chaotic.

The Ice Mystic Spiritual Dragon instantly broke free from the soul-stirring state, turned around and saw Duan Qushuai and the thing in his hand, and was immediately furious!

Turn around to fight!

Duan Qushuai also came back to his senses, and endless black air surged out of his body, covering all the light.

At a certain moment, a dog barked in the black air!

A black sky dog ​​actually rushed out of the black air and was about to rush towards the Ice Mystic Spiritual Dragon!

Although the Ice Dragon turned around in a hurry, Duan Qushuai was not in a good situation!

The sky dog ​​hit the Ice Dragon's forehead, offsetting the sharpness of countless ice torrents, broke several layers of ice armor, blocked the Ice Mystic Spiritual Dragon's forward momentum, but also exploded into a puff of black smoke!

It turned out that the black dog was not a physical entity!

At this time, the ice dragon was less than a hundred feet away from Duan Qushuai. A piece of ice scale on its forehead was broken, and it was bleeding!

But it greatly stimulated its ferocity!

Seeing it open its mouth wide, it was about to spit out another torrent of ice!

Duan Qushuai was so frightened that his eyes widened. If he was hit by this, how could he survive?

But there was no way to avoid it!

He immediately sacrificed a dark cloak and wrapped him in it!

Just as he covered his body, the torrent of ice had already killed him!


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