Han Tianming slowly opened his eyes, with divine light flowing in his eyes.

"After cultivating to the Nascent Soul stage, it is indeed difficult to make progress."

After refining the four yellow pears, although his cultivation has improved, he has not been able to enter the middle stage of the Nascent Soul stage.

It can only be said that there has been some improvement.

He sensed it slightly and realized that the Yin God and the three elders were discussing something, and then just smiled and nodded.

The Yin God is Han Tianming. The two are from the same source, so their thoughts are naturally the same.

There is no difference in their style of doing things, their mentality and thinking.

What the Yin God thinks is what the original thinks, and what Han Tianming thinks is also the same as the Yin God.

"Where did the tiger dragon go again?"

Han Tianming's spiritual consciousness covered the entire Qingling Island, and he had a panoramic view of the entire island.

The closest place to Lingquan Valley is naturally the South China Sea.

But the tiger dragon, who usually lives in the South China Sea, is not here at the moment, but Han Tianming only asked this question, and he was not actually worried.

A level 4 sea beast can basically move freely within the four rings of the Qingling Island without encountering any danger.

Then there is the Han family's spiritual field. Although it is already night, there are still people busy.

That is the remaining 200 people that Han Tianming brought back from the Great Demon Sect.

Their body tempering skills are not high, but only the Tongmai Realm.

At this moment, they have been used by the Han family to do labor, just like the Han family members on Yuehen Island.

Although they also work day and night, at least they can eat enough.

In this regard, the Han family has already treated them very well.

They haven't whipped them all day long.

Seeing this scene, Han Tianming slowly retracted his gaze, and then he reached out and took out a beast skin scroll from the mirage mirror.

This is a scroll of scriptures made of the skin of an unknown beast.

It was obtained after the destruction of the Great Demon Sect that day.

Han Tianming slowly opened it, and saw that the animal skin scroll was full of bloody words, which were also written by the blood of some unknown beast.

It revealed a wild atmosphere.

Fortunately, the words written on it, although ancient, can still be understood.

It is not like Han Tianming who was completely clueless when he first read the ancient divine text.

"Blood Demon Immortal Body!"

It turned out that this was the body refining technique passed down by the Great Demon Sect.

Han Tianming looked through it carefully, but found that this was only a fragment. After the Refining Fu Realm, there was no detailed record of the content of the Yuanwu Realm.

Only the general outline of the fourth level was left.

Han Tianming immediately felt regretful.

"This volume of Blood Demon Immortal Body is really rare..."

Han Tianming muttered to himself.

The most valuable thing about this body tempering technique is not because it is only a fragment, but there is no idea how much content is left.

Mainly its first three levels, the concept is quite similar to the Ten Thousand Beasts Blood Transformation Skill currently practiced by the Han family.

It's just that the inheritance of the Blood Demon Immortal Body is more complete, and it seems more exquisite than the Ten Thousand Beasts Blood Transformation Skill.

The method of practicing the Ten Thousand Beasts Blood Transformation Skill with the blood of sea beasts is too rough, especially when the blood is first introduced into the body, this operation is very simple and crude.

The Blood Demon Immortal Body is not like this. They do not rely only on a rune to guide, but have a perfect special medicine.

There is also a record on this scroll, called Hemolytic Powder, which only needs to be added to the blood of the beast, and it will automatically guide the blood into the body.

The subsequent transportation method is also more sophisticated.

However, the two are basically the same. The perfection of the Ten Thousand Beasts Blood Transformation Skill can almost be regarded as a continuation of the same lineage.

"Even at this moment, I directly practice the fourth level of the Blood Demon Immortal Body, I am afraid there will be no disharmony."

Thinking of this, Han Tianming felt even more regretful.

This fourth level only has the general outline. If you want to deduce the fourth level of skills based on the general outline, it may not be a matter of a day or a night.

Han Tianming thought about it and began to look for the remains of the Great Demon Sect in the Mirage Mirror.

Finally, he found a leather bag from it, which was the relic of the leader of the Great Demon Sect.

This leather bag should not be underestimated. It is made from the stomach of a special monster, the Swallowing Cloud Leopard. The stomach of this beast is similar to the stomach of the White Jade Toad.

They all have the same function as storage bags.

And it does not need to be sacrificed with spiritual energy. You only need to kill the Swallowing Cloud Leopard, then you can cut open the abdomen and take out the stomach and use it directly.

However, this leopard skin bag has one thing that is better than the stomach of the White Jade Toad.

If it can be filled with flesh and blood, the flesh and blood will be directly absorbed by the leopard skin bag. If the flesh and blood are swallowed enough, the space in the leopard skin bag will also increase accordingly.

This is also its disadvantage, it cannot be filled with living things.

If you pretend, you will die and be eaten alive.

Han Tianming probed into the leopard skin bag with his spiritual consciousness, and found that the space inside was very wide, not less than a small courtyard.

Every time the space of the leopard skin bag expanded, it needed to devour a large amount of flesh and blood.

It can be seen how much flesh and blood the leader of the Great Demon Sect had used to feed the leopard skin bag in his hand.

There are many items in this bag, and the most of them are various ores.

Some of them are owned by Qingling Island, and some are not currently on Qingling Island.

There are even some that Han Tianming has never seen.

There is a first-level middle-grade cold moon gold on Yuehen Island. The people of the Great Demon Sect forced the Han family to go down to the mine to dig for this kind of spiritual ore.

"People from the Great Demon Sect, what do you want these spiritual ores for?"

Han Tianming couldn't help but have this question. It was not suspicious that they wanted spiritual ores.

Even if it was to temper the body, it was also necessary to have a handy weapon. This was normal.

The most important thing is that some of these spiritual ores are very ductile and not hard, which is really not suitable for the body tempering monks to use as weapons.

Even those in the Tongmai realm would probably dislike it.

They are not as strong as their own flesh, so how can they deal damage?

Thinking of this, Han Tianming couldn't help but feel puzzled and continued to search in this leopard skin bag.

"Sunset copper, flowing light iron..."

Han Tianming was overwhelmed, there were too many spiritual ores in it.

But many of them were not usable by people at the level of the Great Demon Sect Master. With the flesh of the Refining Fu Realm, most of the spiritual ores here could be rolled or flattened at will.

Finally, Han Tianming found a scroll of notes in a pile of spiritual ores.

"Sure enough, there is something."

Since the Great Demon Sect Master has reached the Great Perfection of the Refining Fu Realm, it is impossible for him to be satisfied with this and he will definitely try to move forward.

Han Tianming didn't believe that he would be able to resist not studying the fourth-level general outline.

As Han Tianming searched, he found several more scrolls of notes.

When he took it out, it turned out to be the research experience of the successive masters of the Great Demon Sect on the general outline of the fourth level of the Blood Demon Immortal Sutra.

After Han Tianming finished reading these volumes of notes, a glimmer of excitement flashed in his eyes.

It turned out that the successive masters had roughly paved a path, but it was not perfect enough, but it could save Han Tianming a lot of time.

"This is the opportunity."

"This fourth volume of the Blood Demon Immortal Sutra should be completed by me!"

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