The General Affairs Office is where many affairs within the Nebula Sect are handled.

There are eighty-one counters in total, arranged in nine directions.

Not far from the entrance, there was where Han Tianming and his two men were visiting.

There were nine counters in a circle, and there was a sign on the counter opposite the door that said Internal Affairs Department.

Han Tianming was greatly surprised and looked around, only to find that there were counters in eight directions around him.

Together with the central counter, they are called:

Law Enforcement Division, Contribution Division, Ceremony Division, Foreign Affairs Division, Internal Affairs Division, Reward Division, War Division, Lien Li Division, and Deacon Division.

It seems that each place is responsible for different events.

"I've met the elder!"

The sword puppet behind the counter of the Internal Affairs Department saluted immediately when he saw the elder's token on Han Tianming's waist.

"I will bring the newly promoted inner disciples here to collect their tokens and uniforms. I also want nine outer disciple tokens. It would be better if the outer disciples also have uniforms."

Anyway, it’s cheap because people can take advantage of it.

Han Tianming waved his hand casually, indicating that they did not need to be so restrained.

Then he named Han Tiangui and the rest of the people one by one.

"Elder, please wait a moment."

The sword puppet behind the counter said respectfully.

No one has come here for many years, so these sword puppets all have curious eyes.

Moreover, Han Tianming wanted ten portions at one time, so they also needed some time to prepare.

Han Tianming also discovered that the sword puppet here didn't seem that smart.

Perhaps it should be said that they operate according to a strict system, and even if they have extremely high intelligence, they are limited within those frameworks.

He can handle things flexibly, but he is not as capable of carrying personal emotions as Zhang Qinruo and Shen Suqing.

However, Han Tianming can understand very well that these sword puppets are responsible for various affairs in the sect and naturally cannot carry personal emotions.

It is most reasonable to do business in an official manner.

Behind the counter, although the nine sword puppets had just saluted Han Tianming, only the sword puppet at the counter where Han Tianming was was busy at the moment.

I think that when the Nebula Sect was still there, this general affairs office was probably overcrowded.

Therefore, nine counters are designed to facilitate distribution.

While the sword puppet was busy, Han Tianming wandered around the hall.

This hall covers a large area, and the distance between each of the nine locations is no less than a hundred feet.

Therefore, the other sword puppets behind the counter just now could not clearly understand Han Tianming's identity.

Therefore, wherever Han Tianming went, he heard the sound of salutes.

After turning around, Han Tianming roughly had a complete understanding of the respective functions of these nine places.

Among them, the Internal Affairs Office at the entrance is responsible for some daily chores in the sect, such as disciples handling tokens, receiving uniforms, and monthly quotas.

To the southwest is the Law Enforcement Department, whose role is to manage the disciples within the sect and has its own law enforcement team. In the past, it was selected from among the disciples of the sect, but now only sword puppets are left.

The west is the war department, but it organizes external wars. If sect disciples encounter injustice outside the sect, they can come here to state the situation, and the senior sect will make a decision.

To the northwest is the Bounty Hall, but this place is also somewhat interesting.

Han Tianming saw a reward list standing behind the counter here, with many portraits painted on it.

There is a ferocious beast, the painting is ferocious, and the place where it lives is recorded below.

"The four-winged demon wolf lives in the shadow of the Demon Cloud Mountain, cannibalizing countless people and devouring more than a dozen mortal villages..."

Han Tianming looked at the description below and described the details of this evil beast in great detail.

Then I knew that this must have been discovered by someone in the Nebula Sect first, and it was left here to train the disciples.

Han Tianming thinks it's very good, maybe the Han family will need to do the same in the future.

There are many portraits beside the demon wolf, including all kinds of creatures.

There are evil cultivators who are full of evil, villains who do anything to harm nature, and there are also some demons and monsters.

"These names on the list are probably no longer in the world now..."

After reading it, Han Tianming was very sad. The Nebula Sect has been gone for countless years, not to mention these villains who are not very powerful and have a reward for them?

The sun and the moon rotate, the sea changes, even the mountains and rivers have already changed.

He asked the sword puppet with a smile:

"Where is Moyun Mountain?"

He originally meant it as a joke, but he saw that the sword puppet had a serious face as he walked to the list.

"Elder, please look!"

Then he took down the portrait and brought it to the counter.

Only then did Han Tianming realize that there was a seemingly inconspicuous astrolabe on the counter.

He could conclude that the astrolabe did not exist when he first came here, and it should have appeared quietly after asking about it just now.

I saw the sword puppet placing the portrait on the astrolabe, and suddenly a bright starlight flew out.

Starlight intertwined in mid-air, and finally turned into a map projection.

The mountains, rivers, and terrain on it are extremely clear, and there are countless light spots of different colors dotted all over the map.

At this moment, Han Tianming couldn't help but widen his eyes.

He couldn't be more familiar with this map! It is astonishingly the same as the treasure map in my mind!

It's just that the content of the paintings on them is different, but Han Tianming has seen those white, green, blue and purple paintings countless times...


He was stunned for a moment, opening his mouth but unable to speak.

I thought of many things in an instant, including the Nebula Sect, the Origin Clan, Qingling Island, the treasure map, and even the innate sword body in my body...

At this time, the astrolabe suddenly shook, and the stars on it dimmed one by one.

The map projection in mid-air also dissipated instantly.

Behind the counter, the sword puppet also froze on the spot in astonishment. After a moment, he murmured to himself:

"Moyun Mountain... is no longer in this world..."

Han Tianming slowly came back to his senses and wanted to ask him to activate the astrolabe again, but found that the astrolabe had been broken into many pieces and scattered on the counter.

He couldn't help but feel lost, his curiosity became more and more intense, and the answer to the mystery became more and more complicated.

He continued to walk to other directions, maybe this place may not be the only place with an astrolabe.

Directly north is the Deacon's Office, which manages the sect's deacons, promotions and transfers, and affairs disputes.

The northeast is the Foreign Affairs Office, but it is used to communicate with other sect forces.

Directly in the east is the Office of Ceremonies, which is in charge of the sect's etiquette and responsible for many major events, such as various rituals and various grand events in the sect.

To the southeast is the Lianli Office.

As the saying goes, in heaven I wish to be a winged bird, and on earth I wish to be a twig. As the name suggests, when disciples of the sect want to become Taoist couples, they come here to do it.

After visiting all directions, Han Tianming couldn't help but sigh, it is worthy of being a powerful sect in ancient times, and the facilities and systems are very complete.

There are many things that the Han family can learn from.

Then Han Tianming turned his eyes to the center.

That was the place he was most interested in before seeing the astrolabe map projection.

Contribution office.

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