Above the vast sea, where there were originally no clouds, there was an auspicious cloud floating at this moment.

Above the auspicious clouds, Han Tianming looked at the two people in front of him with a smile.

These two people are a man and a woman, each of whom is extraordinary.

The man had blond hair and golden eyes, a clear and handsome face, and there were light golden tiger stripes between his eyebrows.

He looks like he is only eighteen or nineteen years old, but he has a youthful and heroic spirit.

The woman next to him had long ice-blue hair, but otherwise looked like an ordinary person.

She has a beautiful face and exudes a mature charm.

There is something wrong with Han Tianming's eyes when he looks at the tiger dragon. After a long time, you boy likes this one...

When both of them were still dragons, although they knew that the Ice Mysterious Spirit Dragon was much bigger than the Tiger Dragon, they didn't expect it to be so much bigger.

Now that he has turned into a human form, the contrast has become extremely strong.

This is clearly a mature style...

Han Jiao felt a little embarrassed by him and could only scratch his head.

Fortunately, Han Tianming didn't say anything more. They had a long life and the days to come were still very long. They couldn't just compare with the current situation.

As long as we stay together until we grow old, everything will be fine.

"Now that you have transformed into gods, it's time for you to choose a Taoist name for yourselves."

Han Tianming said with a smile.

Their current names were chosen for them by Han Tianming long ago.

Ever since he had the experience of the earth-centered fire dragon lizard transforming, Han Tianming knew it well.

However, the name is easy to choose, but the Taoist number is difficult to decide.

Originally the two dragons were the base legs of a sea beast, so they shouldn't have turned into human form at the fifth level.

Because the sea beast has cultivated the Yin and Cold Qi for a long time, it will cause certain damage to the spiritual intelligence.

Therefore, the wisdom is slow and the soul is deficient.

Even though these two dragons were born as dragons, they were still affected by it. Han Tianming originally expected that they would not be able to turn into humans until the middle of the fifth level.

But they also got the dragon egg by chance.

The dragon blood in their bodies was further purified, and they were able to transform into human forms at this time.

Therefore, Han Tianming, whose name is Dao, is really not ready, and he also wants to hear their own opinions.

The two of them looked at each other and then fell down on the cloud head again.

"Master, please give me a Taoist title!"

Okay! This is not something I plan to worry about at all!

Han Tianming was also extremely convinced. He held his forehead helplessly. After thinking for a moment, he slowly said:

"Han Bing's Taoist name is easy to choose. She only took two characters from the four characters of her own clan's Ice Mysterious Spirit Jiao, so the Taoist name will be called Bing Ling!"

"As for Han Jiao..."

"There is a book written by the ancient sages: Don't use the Hidden Dragon or leap into the abyss. Instead, just call it Abyss Jiao!"

Both of them's eyes lit up.

The ice spirit is appropriate, and it also takes into account the beauty of women, so it is just right.

The Yuan Jiao has a very good meaning, and the next twist is that it is a flying dragon in the sky.

Although the dragon is in the abyss, it is not depressed and frustrated. Instead, it is constantly accumulating strength and will eventually reach the sky.

"Thank you, Master, for the number!"

The two of them hurriedly bowed down again, and Han Tianming accepted it with a clear face, and then slowly helped the two of them up.

Being given a name and a Taoist title is, in a sense, like a new life.

Since they have Han as their surname, they are members of the Han family.

Han Tianming was not only the head of the family, but also their own master, so he felt no shame in receiving such respectful worship from them.

"You still need to practice hard in the future. Although you have made progress, you cannot be complacent. Your pursuit of the truth must be sincere and diligent!"

Han Tianming said with a smile, and then took the two of them back to Qingling.

Now the Han family has six gods-level combat power.

If this amount were known to outsiders, they would probably be surprised.

These days were quite busy for Han Tianming.

Simply today, everything becomes easier again.

With the return of the two dragons, there are more things that can be taken care of for him.

Although the golden body is no longer in Qingling, although he can still supervise remotely, there are still many things that Han Tianming needs to do.

This time the golden body is in retreat, and the treasure hunting mission needs to be released by Han Tianming himself.

Therefore, after returning to Qingling this time, Han Tianming was not in a hurry to enter the Nebula Secret Realm, but went straight to Lingquan Valley.

"This lotus platform level is no longer big enough..."

Sitting cross-legged on the ice lotus platform, stroking the lotus platform under him, he couldn't help but sigh.

Nowadays, the level of spiritual veins is constantly improving, and the level of the spiritual spring in the valley is also rising with the tide.

As of today, it is already the top level four.

In addition, there is a spirit gathering formation here, so the spiritual energy is extremely rich.

As a result, many living beings in this treasure land have benefited.

The long-standing spirits in the lake include the black-feathered murrelet, the glazed sturgeon, the silver-threaded spirit loach, and a group of hibiscus koi.

After all, Kuroba Zeru had been poisoned by Jin Er, and he was taken away in a state of disarray.

He obviously belongs to the duck family, and he wants to fly to the sky all day long.

The glazed sturgeons can’t be saved, they are extremely stubborn. Fortunately, there are many people who can teach them a lesson now.

Even being beaten three times a day was of no use, Han Tianming gave up because he refused to change his stubbornness.

The one with the greatest potential here is the Silver Thread Spirit Loach.

One of them has transformed into silver and has become extraordinary.

The beard became flowing and flexible, almost like a small dragon if it were not for the lack of limbs and horns.

The size has also grown a lot, now over a foot long, and it no longer stays in the dirt all day.

He is not afraid of people either, he just lives in this spiritual lake.

When he swam, he felt like a dragon in a trance.

As for the Hibiscus Koi, there’s not much to say.

It's base is too poor, and it can only be regarded as a kind of spiritual fish. It is more ornamental than practical.

Fortunately, the reproduction speed is fast enough, and now it has basically become the food of the black-feathered grebe.

The only permanent residents by the lake are the white jade toad and the one-horned black turtle.

After all, these two are spiritual beasts, not those raised for eating and viewing.

The growth is very slow and the growth cycle is too long.

Because the spiritual energy of the place where they live is too strong, their level is much higher than that of their peers of the same species at the same time.

The one-horned black turtle is now a first-class spiritual beast, the same state that it took his mother a lifetime to reach.

And it is still far, far away from true adulthood.

We still don’t know where we can go in the future.

However, its own bloodline will eventually become a shackles, limiting its future.

The Golden-Eyed Sword-Feathered Eagle is like this.

Under the moonlit night, above the valley to the east of Lingquan Valley, a strange bird was on alert.

Its body was huge, and its feathers shone brightly under the snow-white moonlight.

Different from Jiaolong and Qiankun Yiqihe, each has considerable bloodline potential.

If there are no adventures, this golden-eyed sword-feathered eagle can only reach the highest level four.

However, the upper limits of Jin Er and Yin Da are higher.

Especially Jin Er, whose bloodline has returned to his ancestors. Although Han Tianming doesn't know what ancestor he is, the potential of his bloodline is high enough anyway.

He slowly withdrew his gaze and waited quietly.

The moon reaches its zenith and falls just above Linghu Lake.

A sense of coolness surged from the depths of his consciousness.

Han Tianming looked at the treasure map and saw a purple light spot appearing in the seventh sea area in the northwest...

Han Tianming had not hunted for treasure for a long time, and now he couldn't help but feel restless and thoughtful.

But on the treasure map, purple light spots were dotted in the middle of the seventh sea area in the northwest.

This position made Han Tianming relieved.

"This place is not afraid of alerting others."

Han Tianming thought to himself.

Now Qingling Island is in the south and Cangyuanzhou is in the north.

Although the treasure map of the distribution of forces in the southwest has not been fully revealed, it is already under Han Tianming's control.

Beyond the seventh sea area in the north, thousands of miles away, is the Black Feather Water Village, which is the stronghold of the predators.

However, based on the current situation, the water village has already been crowded out, and only three or two big cats and kittens are left to guard the house.

But even though he knew the emptiness inside, Han Tianming didn't have any special thoughts.

The war has not yet completely started, and the opponent can return reinforcements at any time while still free.

Therefore, although you know that the other person is extremely rich, you cannot be greedy.

The so-called not not to retaliate, but the time has not come yet.

Jie Tian Dao has done many evil things, and if given the opportunity, Han Tianming would definitely not take action without any psychological burden.

At that moment, he determined the direction, then rose into the sky from the Ice Lotus Platform, turned into a ray of light, and headed towards the northwest.

Different from being cautious at the beginning, Han Tianming flew quickly and wantonly this time.

The night breeze was slightly cool, and it was already an hour later when we arrived at the seventh sea area in the northwest.

After reaching the stage of spiritual transformation, Han Tianming's flight speed further accelerated, and he even had the Escape Magic Power Flowing Seal, so his escape speed was unusual.

The northwest is not very lonely.

It is also remote and has thin spiritual energy, and it is close to the predator water village. Naturally, no force will choose to settle here.

Therefore, Han Tianming was not afraid of disturbing anyone at this moment.

The closer you get to the west, the more Gengjin energy flourishes.

The sea water below was surging inexplicably. Han Tianming was about to enter the sea to take a look when he suddenly heard a machine sound.


A heavy mechanical sound came from the deep sea, like the low roar of some strange beast.

Han Tianming's spiritual consciousness surged out, and his jasper-colored and bright-yellow consciousness, invisible to the naked eye, was fearless of all the forces under the sea.

Divine consciousness is transformed by spiritual consciousness, just like air or water, it has no permanent shape and is unpredictable.

It's like a continuous wave, like the palm of your hand touching something silently.

At this time, it seemed to have transformed into an invisible tentacle, reaching into the deep sea below.

If you look carefully, you can still see that there are circles of colorful light outside the tentacles.

That is the power of the Seven-Colored Soul Purifying Lotus.

This treasure that protects the soul has been with Han Tianming for a long time. Now the power in it has blended with Han Tianming's soul and is inseparable from each other.

When the spiritual consciousness is being explored, it can also protect the spiritual consciousness that is pouring out to prevent it from being backlashed when it comes into contact with something evil.

This sea water is always thousands of feet deep, in which the Jin Geng Qi and the Yin evil Qi are entangled and disordered.

In the past, Han Tianming would never have dared to explore with his spiritual vision, but things are different now.

His consciousness was extremely fast, and soon the scene under the sea was displayed in front of Han Tianming.

In the silent and dark seabed, huge vertical ravines appeared at this moment. Where the gullies intersected, they bulged upward.

It's like a big mountain is about to rise from the ground.

This area covers a large area, and in Han Tianming's opinion, it is comparable to a small island.

The bottom of the sea keeps shaking, like an earth dragon turning over.

Han Tianming did not act rashly, but observed carefully and waited quietly.

When the eastern sky dawned and the purple energy came from the east, the ground full of ravines burst open.

The sea water surged wildly, sweeping away countless silt.

The sea suddenly became turbid.

A stream of ancient gas that has been dormant for a long time surges out like a dragon's breath!

The sound of the machine is no longer noisy, but has become regular and orderly, but the sound is getting louder and louder.

The turbulent seawater formed countless waves. In Han Tianming's surprised eyes, an island with countless ruins slowly rose from the sea!

Han Tianming could clearly see that although many buildings on this island had been destroyed.

But the arrangement was very regular, and the seawater on the island flowed in all directions along the long-designed water diversion channel.

When such an island completely surfaced, there was no more extra water on the island.

It was like a new life!


He was silent for a while, and after a long time, he sighed:

"If this really relies on the art of machinery to make such an island periodically and irregularly surface, it is really a means of ingenuity!"

He couldn't help but sigh, after all, this is an island.

Even if it is just a small island, it is not possible to rise to the surface of the sea from such a deep sea by ordinary manpower.

After confirming that the guidance on the treasure map is on this island, Han Tianming slowly landed.

When his footsteps landed on the island, he actually felt that the land was a little soft.

The stale smell and the fishy smell of the sea in the air hit him in the face. The walls of the buildings were covered with barnacles, shellfish, and many aquatic plants.

Everything showed that the island had been sealed under the sea for countless years.

In the outer circle of the island, Han Tianming saw traces of the formation that had been arranged.

This may be the protective formation of the island, but after a long period of sea erosion, it has been broken.

Even if it is buried underground, it is not covered by mud and sand at the beginning.

Perhaps at the beginning, under the protection of the formation, everything on the island was still intact.

Later, the formation failed, and the buildings on the island were naturally not spared.

After that, many underwater creatures settled here, and the ocean currents brought mud and sand, gradually covering the island.

"In this way, it can be seen that the power of the mechanism is even more powerful..."

Han Tianming was even more emotional. Even the protective formation was eroded and failed, and the mechanism under the island could still be activated.

Although it can be seen that there are signs of damage.

Otherwise, it probably wouldn't have lasted so long.

Especially the initial sound of the mechanism, like a giant beast roaring in a low voice after being injured, it can be seen that it is not running smoothly.

After all, it has been in disrepair for a long time.

He walked slowly into the island, passing countless broken walls and ruins.

There may have been words in many places, but now they are blurred and invisible.

Some buildings can still show their original grandeur through the area they occupy.

Although this is just a small island, it must have been very extraordinary.

After all, Han Tianming has seen that many major forces do not actually need large islands as their bases.

He has seen thousands of attics and prosperous cities built directly on the sea.

The methods of the immortal cultivators are dazzling, and it is even impossible to imagine what changes there will be.

Finally, in front of a damaged hall, Han Tianming stopped.

"It seems to be here..."

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