On Yuquan Mountain, a group of young men and women slowly returned.

In the five-day competition, they witnessed the strength of the younger generation of the Han family.

Many people were yearning, but they couldn't help but feel a little discouraged.

There was only one young man with a surging fighting spirit in his eyes and a special ambition.

When climbing the mountain, he seemed to have an ambition in his eyes.

This was Wu Muchen. Although he did not win the top ten in this competition, he also won three games.

Among the clansmen sent by the four major families, this was already the best result.

He was confident that as long as he was given a certain amount of time, he would be able to get the top ten results in the future competitions.

As for the first place, he did not expect it.

This competition finally let him see the strength of the younger generation of the Han family.

Some of them were far more talented than him.

Take this battle for example, he was finally defeated by a young man with spiritual bones.

The other party's spiritual root talent was not better than his, but fighting was not just about spiritual roots.

The cultivation and combat power can be improved, but how can one's own bones and blood be replaced?

This is not discouragement, but a kind of assessment of the situation.

In addition, he is not prepared to wait all the time to participate in this competition.

The reward is indeed attractive, but Wu Muchen has his own bottom line.

If he relies on waiting year after year, and finally participates in the competition at an advanced age and is stuck in the Great Perfection of Qi Refining, he will only feel ashamed and unjust.

This time, they won three games, although they were foreigners and did not receive any contribution points.

But they were also given nine Qi Condensation Pills.

This kind of pill with mild medicinal power is of great help to Qi Refining cultivators, which is exactly what he lacks now.

This makes him very grateful to the Han family.

Which family in the world would be willing to give resources to others?

Besides, the treatment of the Han family on weekdays is also very good.

They can also receive monthly allowances on a monthly basis, which includes some spirit stones, some pills and other relatively basic cultivation resources.

Basically, in terms of quantity, it corresponds to their respective cultivation.

"With these nine Qi-Gathering Pills, I will definitely be able to reach the next level!"

He was already a little impatient.

It was only a little over two months since he came to the Han family.

He had already gone from the original Qi-Refining Level 4 to the Qi-Refining Level 5.

Now he will soon be able to reach the Qi-Refining Level 6, how could he not be excited?

There were many members of the Han family who had the same idea as him, and such a big competition was a happy occasion for everyone.

Han Tianming was also satisfied. After the big competition, a lot of resources were handed over naturally.

The clan members would not think that they had gained something for nothing.

It is conceivable that their strength could be improved, which was a happy occasion for everyone.

For Han Tianming himself, such an activity was also a relaxation after his high-intensity practice.

After five days of rest, he was able to maintain a better spirit and devote himself to the next practice.

He did not return to Lingquan Valley, nor did he go to the Nebula Secret Realm.

Instead, he changed his appearance and walked around.

This is to comprehend the principles of Taoism and cultivate spiritual energy, no longer relying on meditation alone.

His footsteps are not limited to Qingling Island, and he even walks within the scope of the four affiliated islands.

The more you see, the more you can comprehend. Anyway, the concentration of spiritual energy in these places is not very bad now.

It will not affect his practice.

This is a very rare moment of peace, which is very different from the past.

There is no crisis inside or outside Qingling Island, and the affairs of Cangyuanzhou have come to an end for the time being.

The golden body is working hard to refine the power of faith.

As for the Northern Expedition to Dajin, it has not yet reached the state of direct military action.

Instead, missionaries will be sent to the border areas of Dajin to influence the people first and win the hearts of the people.

Only in this way can we win the battle when the war starts.

In addition, the preparation of mobilizing troops also takes a certain amount of time, and it cannot be completed in a short time.

Therefore, there is peace during this period.

The little emperor is eager to carry out drastic reforms in the territory of Dawei, but he is stopped by Han Tianming.

There is nothing wrong with doing this. The reforms he wants to carry out are also planned by Han Tianming and others.

But don't be too hasty. In Han Tianming's opinion, the court is relatively stable now, and the rule of pacifying the country before fighting against foreign enemies is no longer needed.

The existence of aristocratic families is indeed a drawback, but they still have some strength.

If you want to weaken the aristocratic families at this time, it will inevitably arouse resistance, which will always be more loss than gain.

It is better to take the opportunity to attack the Northern Jin Dynasty and use the opportunity to consume the power of the aristocratic families.

Anyway, since the last time, the little emperor used the Shinto system to notify the people of the world to avoid the flood according to Han Tianming's intention.

These aristocratic families have already had a sense of crisis.

In the past, the emperor used aristocratic families, mainly relying on the power of aristocratic families to manage the people.

The aristocratic families monopolized the communication channels between the court and the people.

They are all local snakes, and the emperor's decrees must be implemented by the aristocratic families.

This made these aristocratic families realize that they may be replaced, and they immediately felt a sense of crisis.

Now in the court, everyone is very active.

They want to show themselves and regain the right to speak.

According to Han Tianming's idea, let these noble families contribute to the Northern Expedition, so that they will feel that the emperor still relies on them.

It is not only to give them a reassurance, but also to use the war to wear down their foundation.

When the world is settled, these noble families will naturally not be able to make any waves.

At that time, they can naturally control them at will.

Han Tianming has transformed countless times and mastered too many methods of emperors to rule their subjects.

He has rich experience in how to establish a strong regime and how to more reasonably control his subjects.

In his opinion, the original rule of the Wei Kingdom, which shared the world with the noble families.

It was actually quite primitive and backward, almost just a variant of the feudal system.

But it is also completely understandable that in this world with such magical means as moving mountains and filling the sea, calling the wind and rain.

It is easy for rulers to focus on pursuing their own strength.

This powerful force can make them subconsciously ignore the importance of various means of rule.

Because in the eyes of normal people, as long as they have absolute power, those so-called noble families can only bow their heads.

There is nothing wrong with this idea, but it is only suitable for peaceful times.

The emperor holds the imperial dragon energy of a country, so he can naturally suppress all the noble families with his own power.

But once an accident occurs, an ambitious person with special means like Lord Bei Canglong appears.

It is not very difficult to overthrow such a relatively ancient rule.

If the aristocratic family becomes bigger, the imperial power will fall into the hands of others.

The Great Wei Kingdom is very lucky. After so many years of inheritance, no one with great luck has appeared in those great aristocratic families.

If it happens to be a chaotic time, some of the great aristocratic families will have a man of destiny who can attract the dragon spirit to submit.

The consequences will be unimaginable!

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