The yellow paper burned, and the secret power entered the sky, just like burning incense and offering sacrifices.

Han Tianming was stunned, a little uncomfortable with such a change.

Then he saw something that made him feel even more incredible.

In the shrine, a stack of yellow paper flew over his head without wind.

It was like a moth to a flame.

Han Tianming quickly immersed his consciousness in the space where the treasure map was.

I saw strands of secret power pouring into the treasure map from all over the dark void.

On the treasure map, circles of spiritual light ripples were rippling, as if washing the mountains and rivers.

Some islands that Han Tianming had explored and could only see shadows originally became colorful at this moment.

Just like the real world.

His mind moved, and the Qingling Island on the treasure map suddenly enlarged.

Everything on the island was clearly revealed in front of him.

Mountains, rivers, trees, flowers, everything.

He saw that the great elder was in seclusion in a cave, trying to reach the Nascent Soul stage.

He saw that Han Tianshi was teaching several apprentices in refining equipment, hammering a silver-shining mineral in front of a hot furnace.

That was Crescent Silver.

Han Tianming could even see the unique patterns on it and distinguish the type of mineral.

In a quiet room, Han Shangqian was tempering his body, soaking in the blood of sea beasts, with frost on his eyebrows.

Han Tianming was shocked. The treasure map in the past was indeed magical, but it was far from this level.

This feeling reminded him of the star map he had seen at the beginning.

Although it was damaged, it seemed that the sword puppet could accurately lock the location pointed to by the bounty order.

It seemed to have the same function as the treasure map now.

Han Tianming's mind moved, and Qingling Island shrank rapidly.

Then Siguai Island continued to enlarge in his eyes, and the spirit beasts in it ran and flew.

He even saw that Yuan Hong was riding on a large water and fire crane...

Han Tianming quickly changed his vision.

The fifth sea area, the sixth sea area, the Shenshui Pavilion, the Bi Cang Mountain...

Han Tianming found out the changes.

The scope of the treasure map has not been improved this time, and it is still the scope of the seventh sea area.

What has been improved is the details. All the places Han Tianming has been to can be seen in detail.

However, the places he has never been to are still in a fog.

For example, the Bi Cang Mountain.

Now most of the scope is very clear and transparent, but the main body of the Daqing Mountain is shrouded in fog.

This is because Han Tianming has never really set foot on that mountain.

He originally thought that it might be because of the sect protection formation.

But this was confirmed when he turned his vision to Cang Yuanzhou.

The entire Cang Yuanzhou, the golden body has set foot on it.

At first, he traveled around the five domains to eradicate the evil god's obscene worship, and later measured the nine domains with Lu Chunyang.

He has set foot everywhere.

On the treasure map, Han Tianming could see even the Imperial Capital.

He could also explore the Imperial Master's Mansion.

Even the newly built Cangyuan Academy was the same.

Where in these places does not have a powerful protective formation?

It can be seen that Han Tianming's previous guess was not correct.

Whether it was covered by fog or not depended entirely on whether he set foot in it.

"This feeling..."

Han Tianming's consciousness slowly withdrew from the treasure map.

He felt that the treasure map seemed to have a little more spirituality.

It may not be the birth of spiritual intelligence, but it seemed to be more flexible than before, and there were more places that could be operated.

The previous treasure map was more like a dead object that would only be opened at a fixed time, and the feedback was not strong.

In short, this change is good.

It is more comprehensive than before. Some treasures that appear in places that you have explored can be directly seen with the help of the treasure map.

Decide whether to collect it based on the situation of the treasure.


Han Tianming took a deep breath and took the second shrine.

The two shrines are exactly the same. It is conceivable that the yellow paper enshrined in them must be the same.

He began to look forward to what changes will happen after the treasure map absorbs this stack of yellow paper!

Then Han Tianming slowly opened the shrine.

There was indeed another stack of yellow paper, but the number seemed to be less than that in the first shrine.

It seems that for the plunderers, such yellow paper is also a consumable.

"Maybe, there is a chance to find a plunderer to ask what this yellow paper is..."

Han Tianming said so.

At this time, the yellow paper flew out of the shrine in a line and came to Han Tianming's head.

One piece after another burned.

A wisp of special secret power merged into the treasure map, and the spiritual light rippled. Han Tianming looked at it expectantly, but in the end he never saw any special changes.

The change just now was very prominent compared to the past.

It was like a map that was originally flat and monotonous, suddenly becoming three-dimensional and dazzling.

Such a change was so great that Han Tianming naturally knew how to explore.

But now, there was no such change.

His consciousness slowly withdrew and stopped struggling.

Perhaps the amount of yellow paper was not enough to make the treasure map change drastically.

However, just as Han Tianming closed the shrine again, a very cool force, like running water, poured into Han Tianming's Niwan Palace and into his limbs.

He felt that his whole body had reached a state of harmony with heaven and earth.

His mind was clear and free of distractions.

His body was unobstructed, close to the Tao!

Only the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and the spiritual energy in the Tianqing Yunbao Gourd flowed into his body like a trickle of water...

Han Tianming could no longer suppress his state and entered the great perfection of the transformation of the spirit!

His consciousness was pulled into the space of the treasure map.

The spiritual light on it, like ripples on the water, gradually subsided.

Then a brand flew out of the map, like a meteor falling, and landed in Han Tianming's Niwan Palace.

At the same time, a piece of information was also learned by Han Tianming.


He said to himself, with a little surprise.

It turned out that the brand was a little "authority" from the treasure map.

Han Tianming can give it to others or take it away from others.

Those who get the "authority" can get information about new treasures on the treasure map.

This means that people who are given the "authority" by Han Tianming no longer need Han Tianming to remind them to assign treasure hunting tasks.

In this way, as long as this "authority" is given to a completely trustworthy person, Han Tianming and the golden body can basically liberate themselves completely.

There is no need to pay attention to the treasure map every day, and there is no need to personally assign treasure hunting tasks.

Han Tianming's surprise is self-evident.

This means that in the future, you can completely and immersively practice in seclusion or do other things.

For Han Tianming, who is getting higher and higher in realm, the value is self-evident!

He looked at the golden body and saw the smile that could not be concealed.

"Give it to Tiangui!"

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