In the middle of Zhaoling Domain, there is a continent named Guiyuan.

It is 30,000 miles in radius, larger than Cangyuan Continent, and is the center of Zhaoling Domain.

The Daqing Sword Sect, which is famous in Zhaoling, is located here.

Under this vast land, there is a sixth-level middle-grade spiritual vein, which extends to several fifth-level spiritual veins and many low-level branches.

Like the roots of an ancient tree, it spreads from the southeast of the continent to all parts of the earth.

This makes this continent full of spiritual energy and prosperous Taoism!

And on that main vein, there are thousands of green mountains, staggered and majestic, looking from afar, like a forest of peaks!

Between each peak, clouds and mists are curling, and various colors of divine light are flickering and changing in it. Immortal cranes and auspicious beasts are galloping and appearing, and high-level cultivators come and go from time to time. It can be called a holy place!

The main peak is like a sword, standing among thousands of mountains, overlooking the peaks, with amazing momentum!

"Is this the Daqing Sword Sect?"

On the main peak, a pillar of light dissipated, and dozens of figures walked out of it.

"Senior Han, welcome to the Daqing Sword Sect!"

Next to the Divine Light Platform, the laughter of Master Qingmu rang out.

At this moment, it was Han Tianming and his party who were teleported through the Divine Light Platform.

Behind him were the Han family members wearing the robes of the Tianshi Sect, and Lin Shiqing.

This time, the Hundred Sects Competition was different from the last trial.

The Secret Realm Trial was mainly based on exploration, so giving more places would get more rewards.

And in this kind of competition format, more places would not get more rewards.

And because the organizer was the Daqing Sword Sect, the number of sects participating in it was much greater than the last secret realm trial of Qinghe Water House.

There will be people coming from the sects under the Shanhai League in several surrounding large domains. There are many disciples participating in the competition, so each sect is uniformly limited to ten places.

Such activities, apart from getting some rewards for excellent rankings in the competition, have no other benefits.

Therefore, there is no need to compete for more places.

Han Tianming, who owns the Shenguang Platform, is almost the first one to come.

In addition to several sects around Qianchong Qingshan who arrived early to help set up the venue, the Tianshi Sect came the earliest.

On the main peak of Qianchong Qingshan, Wenjian Peak, there is a very large square.

At this moment, sixty-four arenas have been built, showing the innate hexagram numbers. I think the competition will be held in these arenas.

Outside the arena, there are several high platforms reserved for the Taoist masters who come.

On such a high platform, everything that happens on the sixty-four arenas can be seen at a glance.

Then there are the layers of stands, which are lower than the high platform, but you can also see the situation in the arena clearly.

And around the square, there are countless attics, surrounding the entire square.

On weekdays, these attics can be temporarily rented as shops when the sect disciples hold gatherings.

There are many disciples in Qianchong Qingshan, and there are always some who can get some resources that they can't use, so they can sell them to other disciples at the gathering.

Moreover, among these many disciples, there are also disciples who practice alchemy and refining.

Such gatherings can strengthen the circulation of resources in the sect, which is what every large sect has.

Even smaller sects have their own market, which is the norm in the world of immortal cultivation.

However, at this moment, these attics have been emptied and rearranged.

As a temporary residence for guests from various sects who came to this competition.

Some of these pavilions are tall enough, and even the arena in the square can be seen from the top floor.

Those are reserved for distinguished guests, such as the group of Tianshi Sect led by Han Tianming, who stayed in the most luxurious attic.

Perhaps it is not accurate enough to call it a attic.

Such a building is very magnificent and tall, almost comparable to a palace!

The exterior is shrouded by a spiritual array that flashes with spiritual light, ensuring that everything that happens in the attic is not known to outsiders.

In such a grand attic, it is even more magnificent, with spiritual mist floating on the ground, just like walking in a fairyland.

There is actually a small mouth of spiritual spring in each independent room, which can be used by guests living in it at any time.

It can be extracted to make tea, and it can also be used for bathing and washing, which is extremely luxurious.

There is also a special spiritual array in the room, which can lead the spiritual energy of the main vein under the Qianchong Qingshan Mountain after it is opened.

It can allow distinguished guests to enjoy the most concentrated spiritual energy and facilitate cultivation.

It can be imagined that such a residence will never be open to sect disciples on weekdays, and it will only be opened when extremely distinguished guests arrive.

However, everything inside is clean and perfect, without dust.

Under the leadership of Master Qingmu, everyone visited this attic.

Everyone in the Han family has already been amazed by this, but they have never shown it.

Don't show your fear in such an occasion.

They thought in their hearts that every member of the Han family must enjoy such treatment in the future!

Han Tianming sensed their thoughts through the feedback of the power of faith, and just smiled faintly.

It is a great thing to have a goal and take action. As expected, we should take them out to see the world more. The more they see in the future, the greater the motivation to develop the family will be.

Han Tianming asked everyone to choose their own rooms, and then walked out of this attic with Master Qingmu.

"The one from the Ten Thousand Demons Palace and the newcomer from the Yin Yang Holy Sect are coming this time too?"

When the two walked to the square, Han Tianming asked.

The so-called competition was originally just an exchange event organized internally by members of the Shanhai Alliance.

However, this time there was something different.

"Yes, he said that he was new to Zhaoling Realm and wanted to meet with my Sword Sect. Otherwise, why would he be in such a hurry?"

Aoki shook his head, a little helpless.

Originally, this hundred-sect competition was not going to be held this year.

It is precisely because the two new Dao Lords are coming to Zhaoling Domain that the event has been advanced.

It was also a good opportunity to bring together some of the more important sect leaders of the Shanhai Alliance around the Zhaoling Domain.

It would be a good idea to spend some time with the two new Dao Lords to see what kind of medicine they are selling in their gourds.

"Yin Yang Holy Cult, Ten Thousand Demons Palace..."

"Are they going to have juniors join in the competition this time?"

Han Tianming asked.


Aoki nodded and immediately said:

"The Yin-Yang Holy Sect is not something to worry about. No matter how they train their descendants, they will not break away from the human race."

"The main thing is that the Ten Thousand Demons Palace and the descendants of the demon clan are strong or not, not just by practicing hard."

"A descendant of a great demon with strong bloodline is likely to be a second- or third-level demon beast when he is born..."

The opponent is ahead at the starting line, how can the younger generations of the human race compete?

Han Tianming nodded after hearing this, but he didn't feel too worried.

Just as he was about to say a few words of comfort to Aoki, he suddenly sensed a strange movement on the Shenguang Platform.

Then I saw a bright beam of light falling from the sky and landing in the most magnificent hall on the main peak!

Qingmu looked sideways and quickly called Han Tianming to go to the main hall, saying:

"It should be Holy Lord Taihua who is here!"

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