The third match, because of the sharp decline in the number of people, only lasted for two days and then it was completely over.

After a day of rest, the second match began.

At this point, there were only more than 600 people left.

Each of them could be called a true dragon and phoenix among men, a young genius.

At this point, there were almost no cultivators in the middle and late stages of foundation building, only a few.

Some of them were lucky and had never encountered a real strong man along the way, or they encountered opponents who had paid a price in the previous match and had not yet recovered.

Some were born extraordinary and had an inexplicable trump card in their hands, which allowed them to fight against opponents of higher levels.

It was enough for Lin Shiqing to get to this point.

This competition was different from the previous ones, with a larger scale, and there were also opponents from the demon clan and the Yin-Yang Holy Church.

The battle would only become more and more intense.

Han Tianming had also seen the results. On the day of rest, many high-level people from the sect had asked to see him.

He wanted to send his descendants to the Tianshi Sect to become the registered disciples of the Divine Sun Taoist Lord.

I don't want to be like Lin Shiqing, who ascended from an ordinary person to a cultivator in one step, and achieved such an achievement within three years.

Because the Bi Cang Mountain is dead, the Bi Cang Jianmu no longer exists.

Although Han Tianming took out a piece of Bi Cang leaf that day, everyone thought it was left by him in the past.

Because such a treasure can change the life of an ordinary person, Bi Cang Mountain once dared not to occupy it alone.

Every year, a part of it will flow to the outside world and be obtained by some big forces.

Although the Tianshi Sect appeared late, no one would think that Shenri Daojun is very young.

Therefore, the world would not think that there is a Bi Cang Jianmu in the Han family!

They sent their juniors to the Tianshi Sect mainly because they saw Shenri Daojun's strengths and background in training disciples.

Although it is not as valuable as Lin Shiqing, the first registered disciple, it is good to be able to get on this line.

Maybe after sending their own talented juniors there, they will be noticed and accepted as personal disciples one day?

The potential in this is endless.

Even if they had nothing to achieve after three years, being able to make a name for themselves in front of such a powerful Taoist master would be of great benefit to the development of their own power in the future.

They were so enthusiastic that on the day of rest, the attic where the Tianshi Sect lived was crowded with people.

However, although there were many people seeking such an opportunity, Han Tianming had to pretend to be in a difficult situation.

In the end, it was decided to accept only three in the first batch, and told them that they would be sent back to the family after three years of training.

Only three were accepted because things are rare and valuable. If too many were accepted at one time, they would be worthless.

As for only training for three years, it was because the teachings of the Tianshi Sect should be mature after three years of teaching.

Han Tianming accepted these registered disciples not just for good deeds.

It was nothing more than using these younger generations of the sect to subtly change the beliefs of the entire sect.

Coupled with his frequent attendance at grand events to show his power, there was no reason for these sects not to be convinced.

Han Tianming accepted Lin Shiqing for three points as compensation for the losses caused by the Han family in the secret realm.

Three points were because Han Tianming wanted to spread his faith, and the other three points were because Lin Shiqing had extraordinary luck.

As for the last point, it can only be attributed to the mysterious fate.

When it comes to the second time to accept a disciple, it is really just a business.

The square was crowded with people.

Although after three rounds of competition, there were fewer and fewer participants left, but everyone knew that the next competition would be the most exciting and fierce.

Therefore, the atmosphere in this scene was not dull at all, but even more enthusiastic.

This time Lin Shiqing no longer had such good luck.

There were not many people left, and it was difficult to meet a match of equal strength.

On a Kun-shaped arena, Lin Shiqing saw the opponent he would face this time.

The man was burly and strong, probably seven or eight feet tall, with his upper body exposed, and his flesh was strong and amazing.

The most important thing was that this man had a pair of horns on his head.

This is actually a demon clan, with extraordinary ferocity, reaching the third-level lower grade, and the dark demonic aura emanates from the body without any concealment.

This makes the arena seem a little dim.


This golden-eyed bull did not do anything fancy, and immediately used his innate magical power, the bull roar!

A formation pattern suddenly rose above the arena, isolating the sound waves and preventing it from interfering with other arenas around!

Lin Shiqing, who was facing the sound waves, was shocked almost instantly!

When he came to his senses, a huge copper hammer had appeared not far from his head!

Even his eyes were full of shadows!

The referee elder in the corner of the arena had a solemn look and a tense body, ready to rescue Lin Shiqing at any time!

However, a stream of light flashed in the field, and Lin Shiqing's figure instantly disappeared from the spot.

The giant hammer fell, only smashing a residual image.

It turned out to be one of the trump cards Han Tianming left for him. Through the method of initiation, he taught Lin Shiqing the magical power of escape, the Flowing Light Seal.

The reason why the Flowing Light Seal is called the Flowing Light Seal is mainly because as a small magical power, as long as you have a sense of the light principle.

And understand the running route of this escape method, you only need to pinch the seal formula, and you can immediately use the power of the light principle to greatly increase the speed.

It is fundamentally different from the general magic that uses a specific pace to coordinate the spiritual energy to increase the speed.

Although Lin Shiqing himself did not comprehend the law of light, Han Tianming also transferred some of his insights into his mind when he was initiating.

To ensure that he can use the Flowing Light Seal and save his life at a specific time.

Even if this will greatly reduce the effectiveness of the user, it is still enough to face this kind of opponent who is not particularly advanced.

"Sea Dividing Fist!"

Just after landing, Lin Shiqing noticed that the bull monster was heavy, and he attacked without stopping!

The dark blue spiritual energy gathered into a huge fist like a drum of injustice, and fell on the back of the bull monster!


A muffled sound came out, and the dark blue giant fist fell on the bull monster, and instantly exploded into a ball of light!

A layer of gray light flashed on his yellow-brown skin, but he was not hurt at all!

The demon race's body, especially the bull monster, is so strong that it is like a piece of divine iron and cannot be hit!

This punch not only did not hurt him, but also encouraged his ferocity!


He let out a war cry, swung the giant hammer in his hand vigorously, and rushed forward again!

Although Lin Shiqing barely avoided it with the help of the Flowing Light Seal, it was not a good idea after all.

First of all, the spiritual energy consumption was too great. The technique he practiced was the inherited technique of Qinghe Water House, which Han Tianming did not provide.

Naturally, it was far inferior to the Jade Purity Creation Technique.

Moreover, with his realm, he could not use the Flowing Light Seal, and there was no possibility of learning it. Although he could use it now, he needed to use multiple spiritual energy.

Comparing consumption with a third-level low-grade monster is itself an extremely unwise thing.


Sure enough, not long after, he inevitably collided with the bull monster!

The giant hammer smashed the sword in his hand and made it whine, almost shattering!

Lin Shiqing also spit out a mouthful of reverse blood and rolled in the corner of the ring!

"What a pity, I'm going to lose this round!"

"It's already pretty good to be able to fight for so long with an opponent who is so much higher than me!"

"Yes, with a difference of two realms, especially the difference between foundation building and golden elixir, there won't be any miracles!"

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