There is a time for gathering and separation, and the feast is over!

Such a great event of cultivation finally came to an end.

The heroes gathered and then dispersed.

Only the Han family market was more prosperous than before, attracting a wider range of customers.

Time flies, and another three years have passed.

In the main hall of the market, Han Tianming was accompanying Cheng Lingsu to deal with some affairs, which included not only the market part, but also the affairs of the Han family.

Cheng Lingsu occasionally tilted her head and looked back, with affection.

Han Tianming has always been like this in the past three years.

He gave her enough company and made her feel relaxed.

Such days occasionally make Cheng Lingsu a little dazed, as if she was in a dream.

At this moment, a document was placed in front of her.

It was a document about officially promoting Yuan Qianqian to his deputy.

The name was not written at the end.

The beautiful person was a little melancholy at this moment, and her jade hand supported her fragrant cheek, and she was inevitably a little hesitant.

Han Tianming has taken good care of her in the past few years. Her thin figure has gradually become plumper.

Her cheeks have a little more tender flesh.

What she hesitated about at the moment was that as long as she signed this document, she would have more time.

People can relax a lot, at least they don't have to worry too much about the market.

This also means that days like today will be less in the future.

She is free and not tired, so Han Tianming naturally has no reason to help her.

But she can't not sign.

These trivial matters have greatly delayed her progress in cultivation, and she has only reached the great perfection of the golden elixir so far.

If she wants to stay with Han Tianming for a longer time, she has to break through to a higher realm.

"I really don't want to..."

She murmured in a low voice.

Now such a day has made her feel very happy.

Fulfilled and accompanied by her lover.

Without further hesitation, Cheng Lingsu slowly put down her pen.

Being in the same room, her actions just now naturally could not be hidden from Han Tianming.

But he did not intervene.

Life is good now, and it will be the same in the future.

Even if Cheng Lingsu delays, it will not hinder anything.

Even if she does not want to practice, Han Tianming is just helping her to prolong her life.

But Cheng Lingsu will never do that.

Han Tianming knows very well what choice his considerate lover will make.

He gently flipped the account book in his hand.

These are some resources consumed by the family in recent days. Some need to be replenished, and some are surplus.

They are sent to connect with the market.

In this way, we know what can be sold and what should be imported.

The resources of the Han family are always used by the family first, and then sent to the market for business.

His shoulders sank slightly, and Han Tianming tilted his head, feeling that his cheek was as if it was pressed against a piece of warm and tender tofu.

It turned out that Cheng Lingsu was too close, and when he tilted his head, their faces were squeezed together.

"It's a little bit of flesh..."

He chuckled and stretched out a hand to pinch the flesh on the other cheek.

Cheng Lingsu closed her eyes at the moment, a little bit greedy for the present time.

With a slight tilt of her head, her soft face was pressed against Han Tianming's palm.

She rubbed it unconsciously, and reluctantly handed the document in her hand to Han Tianming.

Han Tianming only glanced at it, stretched out his hand and held the girl in his arms.

Cheng Lingsu opened her eyes, but soon closed them tightly again.

Because some people had come close.

Her rosy lips were soon bitten, and the big bad wolf greedily enjoyed the sweet fragrance.

The cheeks of the beauty in his arms gradually became rosy, but not because of holding her breath.

She gradually relaxed the city defense, allowing the bad guys to succeed.

Han Tianming conquered the city all the way and gradually killed into the core area.

A tender little tongue attacked him unexpectedly, which surprised him a little.

Cheng Lingsu responded a little clumsily, but she was indeed responding to him.

After a long time, Han Tianming let go of the beauty in his arms until her body gradually became weak and soft like a pool of water.

Her originally cold face was now somewhat unnaturally ruddy, just like peach blossoms in the rain, so beautiful that it was breathtaking.

Cheng Lingsu seemed to feel a burning gaze even with her eyes closed.

She immediately turned her head and dived into Han Tianming's arms like a frightened little rabbit.

Han Tianming gently stroked the beauty's hair, with a malicious smile on his lips.

"I heard that there is a kind of bird that buries its head in the sand when it is frightened..."

"You are making fun of me."

The lover in his arms grumbled.

He felt a tender hand quietly come to his waist.

"It doesn't hurt."

He smiled, and another hum was drawn.

If it really hurts, Cheng Lingsu should feel distressed.

"Let's find a time to get married later?"

Han Tianming asked.

It has been a long time since we got engaged.

The beauty finally raised her head from his arms, her eyes a little dull.

She was surprised by his seemingly casual words.

"Don't want to?"

"Don't want to marry me!"

Han Tianming said deliberately.


"I do!"

Cheng Lingsu was anxious and said hurriedly.

But soon she saw his teasing eyes again, and immediately knew that he was making fun of her again.

So she was angry and gave him a punch.

The two quarreled for a while, and finally Han Tianming suppressed his lover, blocked her mouth and used his hands all over.

Cheng Lingsu had no power to resist.

A month later, Yuan Qianqian officially became the general manager of Hanjiafang City.

The reason why it was a month later was that there were some things to be handed over, and she had to be familiar with the place, so it naturally took more time.

In addition, Han Tianming and Cheng Lingsu took a vacation together and visited Cangyuanzhou, Qianchongqingshan and other places.

After coming back, Cheng Lingsu went into seclusion.

She was about to break through the Nascent Soul.

After coming out of seclusion, she would discuss marriage.

Otherwise, once married, it would probably take some time to practice.

And it would probably not be short.

Han Tianming entered the Nebula Secret Realm and began to practice the Body Tempering Technique.

The Body Tempering Realm did not keep up, but was only in the late stage of divine power, and was still far from breaking the void.

However, compared with the spiritual practitioners of the same realm, the physical body was still several levels stronger.

On Hanqing Peak, Feng Qianqian felt a bit hopeless.

Two years ago, she had successfully broken through to level five and transformed into a human form.

Perhaps because of the blood connection, her height and appearance are quite similar to the little girl, and they look like twin sisters.

However, Feng Qianqian has the same fiery red hair as Feng Lingyin, which makes it easier to tell them apart.

At this moment, she stared at the woman in front of her who was about the same height as her and looked very young.

Ever since the first time they met, Guan Xiaoxiao had to pester her and wanted to take her as his apprentice.

Guan Xiaoxiao smiled with curved eyebrows.

"I didn't expect to meet a real phoenix after going out!"

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