A treasure map every day, I dig for treasure and revitalize my family

Chapter 6 The first appearance of the green treasure land

Putting away the horn, Han Tianming hesitated for a while, but still walked to the spiritual spring, took out a jade bottle, and took a bottle of spiritual spring water away.

The birth of the spiritual spring is not dependent on the spiritual vein, but mostly due to the special geographical environment.

This depression, connected to the sun and the moon above and the earth's air below, is shaped like a treasure, and has the prerequisites for the birth of the spiritual spring.

Han Tianming made up his mind to save this mouthful of spiritual spring for later use.

Back in the small courtyard, he took out the spiritual spring water and sprinkled a few drops on the soil of the jade fruit tree's roots.

Although it can only maintain the vitality of the fruit tree for a short time, it is the limit of what Han Tianming can do. It is absolutely impossible to spend a lot of resources to plant it at present.

Then he sat at the stone table in the courtyard, took out paper and pen, and listed his concerns one by one.

The best result is naturally to wait for the traveling merchants before the spiritual vein is completely exhausted, and the resources in hand are enough to buy treasures to replenish the spiritual vein.

In that case, the Han family can still thrive on this Qingling Island.

The worst result is that the resources on hand are not enough to buy treasures, but there is definitely enough money to buy a sea chart.

With the help of the roads explored by their predecessors, the cultivators of the Han family found a new habitat.

As for what kind of forces there are in the new habitat and whether the Han family has a foothold, it is all a matter of the future and cannot be considered now.

The worse result is that no merchants can come, and all treasures and sea charts will become a bubble.

The Han family has only one way left, to go out to sea.

The sea is boundless, and blindly going far away is the worst way to die.

As for Qingling Island without cultivators, many ordinary Han family members on the island will eventually be slaughtered by sea beasts.

"Now that there is that spiritual spring, the situation may be better."

Han Tianming pondered.

Although the spiritual spring is small in scale, it can only provide three or four low-level Qi-refining cultivators for practice.

But going out to sea can leave a few cultivators to serve as the fire for the survival of the Han family.

The morning breeze blew, and Han Tianming actually felt a little cool. He looked back at the sky, and the horizon was already white.

It was daybreak.

"Maybe I should explore other Jedi places."

Putting away the paper and pen, Han Tianming said to himself. Although he knew there was no hope, he still didn't want to give up.

There are five Jedi places marked by the ancestors of the Han family, and only the Black Turtle Sink is because of monsters.

When the ancestors first landed on Qingling Island, there were not many monsters on this island, and the local monsters were basically killed.

Only the black turtle, because of its strong strength and lack of aggressiveness, has been at peace.

As for other Jedi places, in fact, most of them are difficult to explore because of the terrain.

You know, even Qi Refining cultivators still cannot fly with swords.

Although they can rely on spiritual energy to borrow power in a short distance, they can't last long.

Those special terrains are naturally impossible for the ancestors to explore.

Han Tianming is already the most talented and the most cultivated person since the establishment of the Han family.

He did not invite anyone to explore the Jedi.

He himself was the best candidate. As for the other people in the family, the three elders had a lot of daily trivial matters and needed to deal with the affairs of the family.

As for the others, they all performed their duties. On the contrary, Han Tianming, the head of the family, was relatively free.

Only some major decisions required him to grasp the general direction.

But even after some preparation, Han Tianming only explored three places in a day.

As for the remaining Jedi, it was on a cliff in the north of Qingling Island.

The mountain was so steep that even Han Tianming could only sigh in despair.

What's more, after exploring the three Jedi, nothing was found.

Those places were difficult for even humans to enter, let alone other creatures?

It was not a place with beautiful scenery, and no natural treasures could be produced.

As for the remaining one, Han Tianming did not think there would be any treasures hidden.

Although it was a natural stone cave on the cliff, it was not a treasure land that gathered the essence of the sun and the moon.

"Immortal fate, how can it be so easy to come by?"

Han Tianming laughed and shook his head.

If it was really so easy to come by, the ancestors would have risen long ago, and it would not be the turn of a latecomer like him.

As for the fact that he had a series of adventures in the past three days, it was all due to the treasure map in his mind.

Three... two... one!

He counted silently, and when he counted to one, a treasure map slowly emerged in his mind.

"Here it comes!"

However, after reading it, he couldn't help but look at Beishan with a strange expression.

There are really treasures on Beishan?


A green light spot was suddenly located at the Beishan position of Qingling Island!

This was the first time Han Tianming had seen it. Han Tianming had not figured out the connection between red, white, and green.

But he was not in a hurry. The days when the treasure map appeared in his mind were still very short. It was only the fifth day today.

In the future, he would slowly explore and he would always be able to understand the secret of the treasure map.

In the north of Qingling Island, there is a big mountain that blocks the cold wind from the north, which is why the four seasons in other parts of Qingling Island are like spring.

The mountain is steep, with a thousand-foot-high wall, and the mountain is flat, standing there like a natural screen.

The natural stone cave is in the middle of the cliff, dark and dark, like the mouth of a wild beast!

"It's not easy to enter this cave without building a foundation and flying with a sword."

Han Tianming couldn't help but sigh.

This mountain is too steep, difficult to climb on all sides, and there is no grass growing. The rocks are hard and it is difficult for ordinary objects to break the rocks.

"It was also a coincidence that I got this horn first..."

Touching the solid mountain, Han Tianming took out the horn of the horn turtle and stabbed it into the mountain!

The horn immediately inserted into the mountain, leaving only Han Tianming's handle outside!


He couldn't help but take a breath of cold air. This horn was really sharp!

He then looked at the screen mountain and made a plan in his mind!

Han Tianming took out a rope specially prepared for exploring the secret place and tied it to the handle of the horn.

After making sure it was tied tightly, he stepped back two steps, used his spiritual energy, and shouted:

"Get up!"

The horn automatically flew up and floated in front of Han Tianming!

Although he couldn't fly, he could control objects in the Qi Refining Stage. Then Han Tianming stretched out his hand and pointed!


The unicorn whistled and dragged a long rope to shoot out!

Under Han Tianming's control, it was nailed directly into the mountain above the cave!

A rope fell down and just passed the cave entrance.

Han Tianming stretched out his hand and pulled it. After feeling that it could bear his weight, he grabbed the rope and began to climb!

With the support of the rope, he frequently borrowed power from the mountain and climbed up at an extremely fast speed!

Not long after, he arrived at the cave entrance.

After standing firmly on his feet, Han Tianming grabbed the rope and pulled it hard. The unicorn was pulled out of the mountain, drew a beautiful arc in the air, and fell into Han Tianming's palm.

"There is light ahead..."

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