Han Tianming could not imagine that there were still good things surviving on the island after being occupied by the looters.

Perhaps it was because the looters were injured, so they could not search carefully.

As for the looters who stayed behind, they seemed reluctant to do anything, or perhaps they did not think about it at all.

Han Tianming followed the guidance of the treasure map and whistled out the Morning Light Sword. Soon, he opened a passage on the half-broken mountain. The further he went to the treasure place, the more he felt a strong cold air.

Soon, a passage was dug in front of him. He found that the passage he dug was connected to a built corridor.

"It seems that it was built by the family on this island."

Han Tianming walked to the end of the passage and saw a heavy stone door blocking the front. The stone door was extremely heavy and seemed to completely cut off the passage, but there was still cold air emanating from it, which could not be blocked at all.


The morning light burst out with brilliant light, and the sword smashed the stone door into pieces!

Suddenly a cold current burst out from it, blowing Han Tianming's clothes and condensing wisps of white frost on his hair.

The morning light flew back, and a layer of white mist appeared on the sword, and a piercing coldness came out of it.

The stone door was broken to reveal the scene inside, which turned out to be an ice cellar.

This is absolutely impossible. Did a family take the trouble to build such an underground building just to store ice? Moreover, such meaning is not something that ordinary ice can emit.

The clear light of the mirage mirror enveloped Han Tianming. After taking protective measures, he walked forward to check the ice.

But he saw a black shadow faintly in the center of this strange ice. The black shadow was in human form, but not tall, but a little short, just like a three or four-year-old child.

"Is a child sealed?"

Han Tianming was puzzled. He used the Morning Light Sword to chop at the ice, but found that he could not pierce it.

The broken ice flew, but only a sword mark of an inch appeared. The ice was too big and hard.

He thought about it and sat down in front of the ice.

The whole body emitted a blood-red light like fire. It was the power of Qi and blood that was in operation. The cold air on the ice was sucked into his body along his guidance. It was through this that he practiced the Ten Thousand Beasts Blood Transformation Technique.

The cold air on the ice was absorbed by him like white mist. The outer layer of ice gradually began to melt and turned into a stream. It was blocked by the layer of clear light and flowed out of the passage in the direction where Han Tianming was sitting.

When the sun was high in the sky, the ice in the cellar finally melted completely.

"I'm only a little bit away from breaking through to the middle stage of the internal organs!"

Han Tianming slowly opened his eyes and marveled at the power of the ice. The ice in the cellar was even more powerful than the three lotus seeds on the ice lotus platform!

At this time, the small figure trapped in the ice could no longer stand and fell to the ground.

Han Tianming flashed and stepped forward to hold its shoulders. At this moment, he felt an astonishing evil spirit pouring into his limbs from his palm!

Layers of white frost quickly appeared on his eyebrows, hair, and clothes!


At this moment, the Ten Thousand Beasts Blood Transformation Technique was running on its own, and the blood and qi were surging in the body, and it actually roared like a beast!

The endless evil spirit was gradually offset, and the blood and qi in the body were also stimulated in the process of continuous confrontation, and their potential became stronger and stronger!

These new blood and qi, after flowing through the meridians of the whole body, penetrated into the bone marrow, and then entered the internal organs.


A thunderous sound exploded in Han Tianming's body, and the invisible bottleneck that prevented him from breaking through to the middle stage of the internal organs was easily broken.

"Tianyin Juemai!"

Han Tianming opened his eyes and looked at the small figure he was holding in disbelief.

This was a little girl who was only three or four years old. She was born petite and cute, with skin like jade, and there was no trace of blood. Her whole body was extremely cold, as if she had been frozen for thousands of years.

Even though she was still in a coma, her brows were slightly frowned, which made people feel distressed.

"Such a young child, but she actually has Tianyin Juemai..."

Han Tianming couldn't help but feel a little sorry, thinking that the little girl was quite pitiful.

Tianyin Juemai is also a rare physique in the world, but it is not a good thing.

People with Tianyin Juemai are constantly being tortured by Yinsha Qi. This spiritual root, which is derived from the superb ice spiritual root, not only cannot help them embark on the path of cultivation, but will torture them for life.

Under normal circumstances, people with Tianyin Juemai often do not live past adulthood.

"Poor, poor."

Han Tianming could not help shaking his head when he thought of such a little girl who had to endure such pain every day, and was even trapped in the ice just now.

But Han Tianming suddenly thought, why would the treasure map identify it as one of the treasures?

Because it can help me refine my body?

Han Tianming suddenly thought that it seemed to be true. If he used the body tempering method to absorb the Yinsha Qi in the other person's body, he could not only improve his body refinement, but also alleviate the pain of this little girl.

It seems that it is a win-win situation...

At this moment, the little girl woke up.

She blinked her big eyes, looking a little confused, looking at the surrounding environment, and then looking at the owner of the hand floating on her shoulder.

He reacted immediately and quickly took out a jade talisman from his sleeve.

"Are you a good person?"

The soft voice of a little girl sounded, and Han Tianming lowered his head to find that the little girl was staring at him seriously, with a stern face and a serious expression.

He couldn't help but laugh.

"Of course."

He said while the little girl was still trying to analyze the authenticity of his words, and took the jade talisman from her hand.

It seems that this thing hurt the general in the Jindan period.

The jade talisman was only three inches long, and there was a judge's pen carved on it, and there were many symbols.

Han Tianming could feel that it contained a great power, and the way to activate it was slightly different from the Han family's broken spirit bead. The broken spirit bead only needed to be infused with spiritual energy, while this jade talisman needed to be smeared with blood.

At this time, the little girl reacted, but found that the jade talisman was no longer in her hand.

After all, she was still too young, so she could only look up at Han Tianming eagerly.

"Little girl, what's your name?"

"Ye... Ye Qingling..."

Han Tianming nodded. It seems that the original people living on this island were the Ye family.

"Qingling, what's hidden in your sleeve?"

Han Tianming looked like a beggar who kept seducing the little girl, but there was no bad idea in his eyes, but he showed a bit of heartache.

The little girl turned around and protected the sleeve in her arms.

"My father asked me to keep this, I can't show it to you..."

She suddenly stopped talking. Through the cellar door and the corridor, she saw the hell on earth outside...

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