A trip to the second dimension

Chapter 126: First meeting with Ancient One

"Is this Kamar-Taj?"

Standing in a spacious courtyard, Hope looked around and finally set his eyes on the fat Chinese man next to him.

"Yes, please follow me, Master Gu Yi is waiting for you inside."

Wang was very respectful to Hope, but from his occasional glances at Hope, it can be seen that the young wizard has a strong curiosity about Hope.

"Okay, but who is the Master Gu Yi you are talking about? I don't seem to know you, right?"

Not only is Wang curious about Hope, but Hope is also curious about this group of wizards.

The most important thing is that Hope is very jealous of Wang's ability to wave his hand to open a space door and freely travel between two distant places.

If there is such a means of movement, it will be much more convenient to do anything in the future, and it can also save a lot of time.

And I heard that this ability seems to be learnable?

If the soldiers in his world can learn this ability, they will be able to march or retreat as they please, and they will no longer have to consider breaking through after being surrounded by monsters.

Some elite teams can even use this ability to quickly cross several battlefields, and the survivability of all soldiers will be greatly increased.

In any case, since this master Gu Yi, who has never met before, wants to see me, then let's meet him.

Fatty Wang walked in front and stretched out his hand to push the wooden door open with a "creak". It can be seen that this is a very simple and elegant room.

Most of the things in the room are made of wood, and the light shining through the screen window seems very close to nature.

Just in front of Hope, there is a stacked mat with an incense burner and a low table on it. There is a pot of tea and two cups on the table, and white smoke is still coming out of the teapot.

There is a person kneeling behind the table, a woman, bald, with a kind smile, and a restrained temperament, which blends into all the surrounding scenery.

"She is Master Gu Yi, you guys chat, I'll go out first."

Wang stood behind Hope, and said so after he entered the room, and then stepped out and closed the door.

With a bang, the wooden door closed, and the empty room suddenly fell into silence again.

After Hope stood up and Gu Yi knelt on the table, the two looked at each other for dozens of seconds, and finally Hope couldn't help but speak first.

"I heard that you have something to do with me?"

Hope asked doubtfully.

Gu Yi nodded, but did not rush to speak, nor did he answer Hope's question. Instead, he pointed to his table and motioned Hope to come and sit down.

Seeing this, Hope did not refuse, and stepped directly on the mat, walked to Gu Yi and sat down like her.

After sitting for a while, it seemed that she felt a little uncomfortable again, so she changed her sitting posture to cross-legged.

"I know this, I saw it in the movie two days ago. This is a tatami, right? And you are sitting on your knees like this, are you Japanese?"

Hope patted the mat she was sitting on, making small talk.

"This is called a stacked mat, which is older than the Japanese tatami. In addition, I am actually a native Chinese." Gu Yi smiled, and then suddenly waved his hand lightly. Hope was surprised to find that he was sitting on a chair quietly. The low table in front of him suddenly changed into a four-immortal table, and the stacked mat under his feet became a wooden floor.

"But I see that you don't seem to be very used to it, so let's sit down and talk."

Gu Yi completely ignored Hope's astonished expression, still smiling, raised his hand to pick up the teapot, and poured a cup of tea into Hope's cup.

"Try it, this tea is grown by us in Kamar-Taj, and then I fried it myself, so the craftsmanship should be acceptable."

After Gu Yi poured a cup of tea for Hope, he poured another cup for himself.

"I'm curious, how did you do that just now? With just a slight wave of your hand, why did all the furniture in this room change?"

Not paying attention to the fragrant tea in front of him, Hope was more curious about Ancient One's magic. He was swaying from side to side on the stool, looking very restless.

Seeing Hope's reaction, Ancient One smiled and said, "It's just a little insignificant magic. In comparison, the ability you have mastered is even more amazing."


Hope raised his hand and pointed at himself.

"Yes, it's you. I've lived for so many years, but this is the first time I've seen such a special existence like you." Ancient One raised his teacup and took a sip of tea, then smiled again, "You don't belong to this world, right?"

"Yeah, what's wrong with that?"

Hope blinked his eyes, and didn't think it was wrong for Ancient One to reveal his identity as a time traveler.

After all, since he came to this world, he has never concealed his identity, and he has never felt that there is anything to hide about the identity of a time traveler.

Although this nonchalant attitude made the War Espionage Department very busy.

"Two days ago, we discovered the fluctuation of the law in the temple in Hong Kong. We originally thought it was the work of a cosmic gem. After tracing the source, we found you. At the same time, I also learned that you are not a native of our universe. However, as the guardian of the Earth in the multiverse, I did not find out that you entered our world at the first time. This makes me have to sigh at your ability."

"In the entire multiverse, there are definitely not many people who can hide from my eyes and enter and exit this world at will. Now you are one of them. After two days of investigation, I found that you have no ill will towards the earth. I was originally prepared to let it go. But I found that although you have mastered many powerful abilities, you don’t know how to better control them. This is very dangerous and wasteful."

"So, today I sent Wang to invite you over. The method is a bit rough, please don’t mind it, I apologize to you first."

As he spoke, Gu Yi bowed slightly to Hope with a very upright attitude.

"Ah, is that so?"

Hope raised his hand and scratched his head, then sat up straight, bowed to Ancient One with a serious expression, and after standing up, he said seriously: "Although I don't know what happened when I fell to the ground, I heard from the king that you are a very great wizard, proficient in many magics and knowledge. Since you have told me about my abilities, then Master Ancient One, please teach me how to better control my own power."

Seeing Hope's look, Ancient One still kept a smile, nodded, and said: "Of course, this is one of the purposes of inviting you here. In addition, I would like to ask you to do me a favor, which can be regarded as mutual encouragement. However, this favor may not be something you can do for the time being."

"What exactly is the favor you are talking about?"

Hope was a little curious.

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