A trip to the second dimension

Chapter 166 A life of hard work

"Is there really someone? Who is that guy?"

Izumi Shinichi was attracted by the sudden appearance of hope.

But soon, he reacted and yelled at Hope on the other side of the alley: "Hey! Run! It's a monster! It can kill people!"

Hope heard Izumi Shinichi's cry, and immediately turned his head to bypass the male parasitic beast blocking them, and looked at Izumi Shinichi on the other side who wanted to run but couldn't.

This person is Hope's dimensional partner in this world, and it is precisely because of this that Hope found himself here.

The power of dimension was concentrated on Hope's eyes. Through the thought of hope, the power of dimension began to independently discover the law protection hidden in Izumi Shinichi that he could copy. This ability, Hope named it Dimensional Eyes.

The power of the dimension began to operate independently, hoping that he no longer needed to focus on Izumi Shinichi, and then looked at the male parasitic beast in front of him.

The parasitic beasts can sense each other's existence. It is precisely because of this that the parasitic beast in Izumi Shinichi's hand can accurately find this place.

The parasitic beast that was hunting was naturally able to sense the existence of the parasitic beast on Izumi Shinichi's right hand. In this case, it naturally ignored the existence of Izumi Shinichi and focused all its malice on the hope. on humans.


The two tentacles whose ends turned into sharp blades suddenly thrust forward, stabbing towards Nozomi at a speed that was almost difficult to catch with the naked eye. The speed was so fast that Izumi Shinichi behind him had no time to react.

When he came back to his senses and subconsciously exclaimed, the hope on the other side had already turned sideways, not only allowing the two blade tentacles to pass by him, but in the process, he also directly raised his body. He raised his hands and grabbed the two tentacles beside him!


The male parasitic beast and the parasitic beast on Izumi Shinichi's right hand behind were both shocked. They were already moving very fast, but they didn't expect Hope's speed to be so fast!

"It's pretty fast, but unfortunately I'm not slow either."

Hope smiled, grabbed the tentacles on both sides with both hands, spun around and jumped!

A sideways triple somersault, a rapid burst of rotation force, immediately pulled the male parasitic beast more than ten meters away directly in front of Hope, and fell into a trap.

After landing lightly, I hope without any hesitation, I directly raised my foot and stepped hard on the head of the parasitic beast at my feet!


A crisp explosion!

The head of this parasitic beast was immediately trampled to pieces by hope.

The male's body trembled slightly, and finally stopped moving.

Leaving his feet, Hope looked at the body of the parasitic beast at his feet, only to find that it had begun to dry up and shrink rapidly after death, as if it had detached from the male's body as if all the water vapor had evaporated.

"It seems like the monster's body is just this head?"

Hope picked up the corpse of the parasitic beast at his feet with some interest, but suddenly heard some movement from the alley opposite.

Looking up, he saw Izumi Shinichi being pulled away quickly by the parasitic beast in his right hand.

It looked like he was running for his life.

"Are you afraid that I will attack them too? It seems that the first contact was not that smooth, but it doesn't matter."

Anyway, in the time just now, I hope I have roughly obtained the list of law protections that Izumi Shinichi can obtain. The next step is to conquer the progress bar of the discovery progress of those law protections according to my own needs.

According to the list, I hope that Izumi Shinichi, or the parasitic beast on Izumi Shinichi's right hand, can be protected by the two laws of [Transformation and Tempering] and [Quick Learning].

Among them, the ability to learn quickly and the ability to learn skills that you hope to have at this time are repeated, but they are still slightly different from each other.

The parasitic beast's rapid learning ability is mostly based on theoretical knowledge, while most of Hope's skill learning is based on practical use.

Therefore, the rapid learning ability of the parasitic beast cannot be missed. When the time comes, it will be integrated with your own skill learning ability, and you will be able to gain more powerful learning ability.

When your learning ability is strong, no matter what you do, it will be beneficial.

However, compared to studying, I hope I am more interested in the ability to deform and temper.

Judging from the performance of the parasitic beast just now, it seems that it can deform its body at will and temper part of its body.

If it is really feasible, it seems that he can really turn his body into a steam engine directly through his deformation ability, and then use the power of steam as an energy driver. The improvement of strength will definitely be stronger than through external objects.

Thinking about that scene, Hope felt very excited.

He does not deny the practicality of the equipment, otherwise, he would not use those weapons and equipment. But personally, he still prefers to fight purely with his own strength.

"Okay, we've already met. Rushing up now will probably backfire on them. It's better to wait until tomorrow to have further contact with them." Hope also saw that Izumi Shinichi seemed to It doesn't get along well with its right hand. It's really not suitable for contact when the opponent is already nervous.

Although I hope to obtain the deformation and tempering ability as soon as possible, I can't bear it for a few days.

With this thought, Hope looked at the corpse of the parasitic beast at his feet, then looked at the other two corpses next to him, shook his head, and turned away.

Hope had seen many monsters and many dead people, so he didn't take these things seriously.

But Hope didn't take it seriously, but other people in this world took it much more seriously.

The next morning, when the sky was just getting light, Tosaki Yu, who was still resting at home, was dispelled from all sleepiness by a phone call.

The work of the Supernatural Investigation and Defense Agency is to be responsible for all supernatural events in the world, and its main responsibilities are to investigate, defend and attack and eliminate them.

As the world's largest legal armed organization, due to the harsh conditions in all aspects, manpower has always been relatively scarce.

Just like a small island country like Neon, the Supernatural Investigation and Defense Agency has only arranged a management team here, and the team leader who is mainly stationed in Tokyo is Tosaki Yu.

It seems to have great power, but the Supernatural Investigation and Defense Agency has not yet reached the level of being able to walk sideways all over the world and have the final say. And because of the different systems of each country, the way of handling things on their land is also different.

Generally speaking, in most cases, they are still subject to some control by the local government, and Japan is one of them.

Therefore, as the management team leader of the Supernatural Investigation and Defense Agency of Japan, Tosaki Yu must not only handle his own work well, but also have to get along well with the officials here, especially the minister who is nominally above him now.

Dealing with officials is not an easy thing.

Yesterday, I was busy for a long time because of the battle of the group of black-clothed people in Nerima District. I just lay down for a few hours, but I received a call from a subordinate team member. Tosaki Yu, who got up and put on his glasses, looked even uglier.

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