A trip to the second dimension

Chapter 435 The Universe is coming!!!


A series of bubbles floated to the sea surface, which were a lot of gravel and cars affected by the battle.

In the dark blue sea, Hope kicked Qin Shengzhu all the way down!

While raising a large number of rising bubbles, because of the rotation of the Rasengan, a vortex visible to the naked eye gradually formed directly on the seabed.

The depth of the Kinmen Strait is no more than 115 meters. In a short time, Hope kicked Qin Shengzhu to the bottom of the sea, and his back hit the seabed heavily.

As soon as Qin Shengzhu's back touched the seabed, the huge force brought by the Knight's Kick continued to act on it through Qin Shengzhu. A circle of spiral pattern collapsed inward instantly. Under the pressure of destroying the seabed, Hope continued to step on Qin Shengzhu to go deeper into the seabed.

In addition to the most basic physical force, the power of the Knight's Kick also has a large amount of energy damage.

It is not just a simple data of several hundred tons.

It was like hoping that the Rasengan Knight kick would only do 300 tons of physical damage, but with the powerful tearing force of the Rasengan formed by the chakra energy, the power would be even more incomparable.

With this kick, the deepest depth of the seabed in the Golden Gate Strait has reached at least 200 meters.

A large amount of mud and rocks lifted from the seabed attached to the surface and were sucked into the huge vortex. Everyone watching this scene on the helicopter in the sky was a little speechless.

"Is this... really something that can be caused by human power?"

Looking at the Golden Gate Bridge that had collapsed into two parts and the huge vortex with a large amount of mud formed on the Golden Gate Strait, even the journalists who were used to seeing big scenes were a little lost.

"No, or, the guy who fought with the dragon that destroyed the city can't be considered a human, right?"

Just as the reporter was sighing, the sea surface below shook!

Amid the turbulent waves, a figure holding another green figure suddenly rushed into the sky, flying higher and higher, and faster and faster!

"Look! They're coming out! Infinity Man rushed out with the evil dragon, and they're rushing to the sky!"

The female reporter screamed, and while shouting, she quickly slapped the pilot in front of her: "Hurry up! Catch up!"

The pilot looked up and saw only a small shadow in the sky, and shook his head helplessly: "No, we are just an ordinary helicopter, they are too fast, definitely exceeding the speed of sound, we can't catch up."

"What's the situation now? Why are they flying in the sky?"

The female reporter was facing the camera just now, so she didn't see it very clearly.

As for the other staff on the helicopter, they also shook their heads at each other.

That kind of inhuman-level battle, they were completely confused about the situation.

As for why Xiwang kicked Qin Shengzhu to the bottom of the sea and then took him to the sky, in fact, he wanted to fight quickly.

In the fight just now, Xiwang had already used all his strength.

But unfortunately, although Qin Shengzhu looked quite embarrassed, the half-blood bar on the other side's head clearly told Xiwang that this battle still had to be fought.

During the battle with Hope, Qin Shengzhu knew how powerful Hope was. He had already activated his ability and started to communicate with the fire dragon armies in the other three battlefields to fly back for support.

The number of the 10,000 fire dragon armies was too large, and they were highly mobile. They could almost run and fight whenever they wanted.

When they wanted to leave, it was difficult for Captain America to stop them.

And they couldn't come to the San Francisco battlefield immediately.

Because even if some of the fire dragons left, if the remaining part was not dealt with, it would definitely cause great damage to the city and casualties of innocent citizens.

Therefore, Hope had decided to use his ultimate move.

He wanted to use this to quickly deal with the key to this battle, and then come back to deal with these fire-breathing lizards with all his strength.

"Oh~ young people are really fighting hard. It looks like they want to use that move?"

On the street next to the Golden Gate Bridge, Kazushi Kadoya stood there with a look of nothing happening, and looked up at the sky. Although he had transformed, he had no intention of taking action at all.

Obviously, his TV plot is over, and Kazushi Kazushi has entered the state of slacking off. Anyway, it is not his own theater version, so he just follows the "plot".

If he works too hard, how can he live up to the name of "freeloader"?

But at this moment, Kazushi Kazushi suddenly felt his whole body tense, turned his head and looked behind, and happened to see Nozomi hiding behind a building, half of her body exposed and looking at him.

This scene made Kazushi Kazushi have a very strong feeling, and he blurted out subconsciously: "Why are you just watching there!"

After saying that, Kazushi Kazushi reacted, and then changed his words and said: "No! Why are you here? Didn't you fly into the sky with the big lizard?"

Nozomi pouted and said: "I am just a clone. The task given to me by the original body is to stare at you and analyze it!"


Kazushi Kazushi took a breath of cold air. He has always been freeloading on other people's cards, and now he is being stared at by Nozomi so closely, and he feels very awkward.

Although the two had agreed to get what they wanted from each other for free, they didn't expect it to happen so soon.

Just now, I was secretly proud of myself while watching the battle, and I was going to get a new Kamen Rider card.

But now it seems that the other party has deliberately left a clone to watch me, and they are also in the same boat.

"My body is very fragile now, and I can't fight, so when the fire dragon comes later, you have to work harder, Brother Xiaoming." The clone of Hope said, and moved his body behind the wall again, trying to show his weakness.

But the eyes that stared at Kamen Shishi made Kamen Shishi feel nothing about this.

In the sky, Hope, who was holding Qin Shengzhu and flying to an altitude of 3,000 meters, had directly turned on the super acceleration mode. After a certain acceleration distance, he pulled Shengzhu out of the atmosphere in one fell swoop.

Under the feet of Hope and the others, there was the earth reflecting beautiful light, and as Hope and them moved away, the earth became smaller and smaller, and the whole picture was clearly visible.

At this time, rushing directly into space, Hope and Shengzhu had to endure extremely severe tests.

The average temperature was minus 270 degrees Celsius, and a layer of frost quickly formed on Hope and the Holy Lord after they flew a distance. The cosmic rays formed by the electromagnetic waves radiated outward by various celestial bodies were also constantly eroding Hope's bodies.

Fortunately, Hope was in his current transformed state, and the Holy Lord was already thick-skinned, so in a short period of time, these harsh environments in the universe could not cause serious damage to them.

But next, Hope's target was - the sun!

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